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CommandPost 1.4.26

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@latenitefilms latenitefilms released this 22 Jan 11:32
· 1 commit to develop since this release

Bug Fix:

  • In Final Cut Pro 10.6.6, Apple merged the Masks and Keying Effects Categories into a single Masks and Keying Effects Category, which we never accounted for. CommandPost now correctly applies the Masks and Keying effects in Final Cut Pro 10.6.6 and later. However, if you already have a shortcut key or control surface button for any of these actions (such as Draw Mask), you may have to select the Scan Motion Templates button in the Final Cut Pro panel in CommandPost Preferences to re-scan all your effects, then reapply the action to your keyboard shortcut or button. Thanks for reporting Димитър Маратилов!