Gets a random avatar URL from a collection of different avatar generation services.
Library can either be directly downloaded from, OR installed via the NuGet Package Manager UI or via the Package Manager Console if you're using Visual Studio.
Command to install Give Me an Avatar NuGet via the Package Manager Console UI in Visual Studio shown below.
PM> Install-Package GiveMeAnAvatar
Go ahead and consume it directly.
var avatarURL = GiveMeAnAvatar.GetAvatarURL();
Or supply optional settings to get a slightly customized avatar URL.
var settings = new AvatarSettings() { Name = "John Smith", Size = 124 };
var avatarURL = GiveMeAnAvatar.GetAvatarURL(settings);
- I'm not using avataaars separately since includes avataaars.
- Placekitten image might appear broken at times in the table above, however, the image service itself runs fine.
- All the avatar services used in this NuGet package are outlined in the table above.
- Package logo created using AutoDraw.
- This NuGet package is developed by Clyde D'Souza.