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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

For filtering purposes only.
flag: breaking change
flag: breaking change
Feature will break backward compatibility.
flag: build change
flag: build change
Contains a change to the build process
flag: high priority
flag: high priority
Need to focus on this issue or PR with all our effort.
flag: major change
flag: major change
Feature would need to be included in the a major version. Requires additional discussion and work.
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers and experienced contributors alike!
help wanted
help wanted
Anyone is welcome to pick up this task
scope: a11y
scope: a11y
Accessibility issue
scope: build/tests
scope: build/tests
Related to the release build process, unit tests, etc.
scope: community
scope: community
Non-technical issues, may be better for
scope: core plugins
scope: core plugins
Move core component into a core plugin
scope: i18n
scope: i18n
Related to translations and internationalization
scope: 3rd party
scope: 3rd party
Related to integration with another plugin, service, or tool
status: community reviewed
status: community reviewed
Reviewed by a community member.
status: completed
status: completed
Completed issues.
status: discussion
status: discussion
Discussion ongoing, no decision made yet.
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
status: has pr
status: has pr
This change has been started in a PR.
status: in progress
status: in progress
status: invalid
status: invalid
This doesn't seem right or not an actual issue.
status: need more info
status: need more info
Needs more information from the reporter before action can be taken
status: needs decision
status: needs decision
Awaiting a decision before we proceed
status: needs pr
status: needs pr
This issue needs an associated pull request.
status: needs refresh
status: needs refresh
Merge Conflicts detected by Github. Needs a refresh from develop.
status: needs review
status: needs review
Issue/PR needs to be reviewed twice. When first review is done, please use "task: needs 2nd review".
status: needs tests
status: needs tests
This issue or PR needs automated test cases.
status: needs triage
status: needs triage
This issue needs revision, splitting, or other "gardening" work
status: on hold
status: on hold
Issue paused until further changes addressed
status: research plugin
status: research plugin
Warrants a research plugin before being implemented in the core.