This repository acts as the primary location for storing information about employing a template on READTHEDOCS without the need for configuration. It's essential to note that this is a simple template intended to facilitate the documentation process.
To start, you'll need to install Sphinx:
pip install -U sphinx
Next, install the theme:
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
generate a PDF file
pip install rst2pdf
Create a directory and navigate into it. I suggest utilizing Git Bash on Windows and the terminal on Linux:
It is suggested to open the terminal in Windows using Git Bash, and in Linux, use the terminal.
mkdir src && cd src && sphinx-quickstart
After creating the project, find the
file, open it, and add the theme:
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon', 'rst2pdf.pdfbuilder']
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
pdf_documents = [('index', u'rst2pdf', u'Sample rst2pdf doc', u'Your Name'),]
Create a file named Makefile, and copy & paste the following:
# File Names
file = src
# Symbolic Targets
@echo "Use the following commands:"
@echo "make all create files and build the project"
@echo "make pdfr create the project environment"
@echo "make clean remove all files"
all: build
@rm -rf docs && mkdir docs
@cd src && ./make.bat clean && ./make.bat html
@cp -R src/build/html/* docs && touch docs/.nojekyll
@echo "Documentation built and copied to docs"
@rm -rf pdf && mkdir pdf
@cd src && ./make.bat clean && sphinx-build -M latexpdf source ../pdf
@echo "PDF built and copied to docs"
@make build
@rm -rf pdf && mkdir pdf
@cd src && ./make.bat clean && sphinx-build -b pdf source build
@cp src/build/*.pdf pdf && cd src && ./make.bat clean
@echo "PDF built and copied to docs"
@make build
@rm -rf docs
@rm -rf pdf
@rm -rf src
@echo "All files removed"
Once you've edited the files in the source
directory, you can build the project using the following command:
For Windows:
./make.bat html
For Linux:
make html
Create a directory named docs
mkdir docs
Copy the html
directory to docs
cp -R src/build/html/* docs/
Within the docs
directory, create a file:
touch .nojekyll