Tools for handling a connection to SPEC server, implimented in asyncio. Largely borrowed from BLISS's comms.
from specc import Client
sc = Client('', 6510) #Or set server & port in, and simply execute Client()
sc.send_command("umeg; umv en 900; optimize_counts")
from ipywidgets import Text
from Ipython.display import display
txt = Text(disabled=True)
def disp_mot_position(name, value, epoch):
if isinstance(value, str):
txt.value = f"{name}: {value} @ {epoch}"
sc.register_channel("motor/en/position", callback=disp_mot_position)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
async def plotMCA(reply):
plt.plot(np.linspace(10, 2560, 256),, label=str(reply.cmd))
sc.channel_read('var/MCA1_DATA', callback=plotMCA)
arr = await sc.get_data('var/MCA2_DATA')