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Autogenerating Binding Redirects

Cynthia MacLeod edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 4 revisions

The template will, on compile, generate a copy of the current web.config with any required binding redirects added. This file is written to the bin folder with the name AssemblyName.dll.config where AssemblyName is the name of your assembly.

You can set the AssemblyName by adding


to your project file as normal.

If you get the error Warning MSB3276 Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly. Please set the "AutoGenerateBindingRedirects" property to true in the project file. For more information, see <project name here>, then you can manually copy the

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">

section from the generated .dll.config file to your web.config file, replacing the existing assemblyBinding node.

Alternatively, since the .dll.config file is based on your web.config file, you can just overwrite your web.config file with the .dll.config file.

If you want this to happen automatically, you can add the following to your project file.


This enables the following target in the SDK which will overwrite your web.config from the patched version if there are any changes.

  <Target Name="UpdateConfigWithBindingRedirects" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(OverwriteAppConfigWithBindingRedirects)'=='true'">
      <_DllConfig Remove="@(_DllConfig)" />
      <_AppConfig Remove="@(_AppConfig)" />
      <_ConfigFile Remove="@(_ConfigFileHash)" />
      <_DllConfig Include="$(OutDir)$(AssemblyName).dll.config" />
      <_AppConfig Include="web.config" />
    <GetFileHash Files="@(_DllConfig)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Hash" PropertyName="_DllConfigHash" />
      <Output TaskParameter="Items" ItemName="_DllConfigFileHash" />
    <GetFileHash Files="@(_AppConfig)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Hash" PropertyName="_AppConfigHash" />
      <Output TaskParameter="Items" ItemName="_AppConfigFileHash" />
      <_ConfigFileHash Include="@(_DllConfigFileHash)" />
      <_ConfigFileHash Include="@(_AppConfigFileHash)" />
    <Message Text="%(_ConfigFileHash.Identity): %(_ConfigFileHash.FileHash)" />
    <Warning Text="Replacing web.config due to changes during compile - This should clear warning MSB3276 on next compile" File="web.config" Condition="'$(_DllConfigHash)'!='$(_AppConfigHash)'" />
    <Copy SourceFiles="$(OutDir)$(AssemblyName).dll.config" DestinationFiles="web.config" Condition="'$(_DllConfigHash)'!='$(_AppConfigHash)'" />
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