** work in progress **
Digitization code in C++
- ROOT [compiled with the C++17 or C++20 standard]
- ROOTANA [https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/rootana/src/master/]
- OPENCV [https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html]
- oneAPI TBB [https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB] (tested with release 2021.12.0 linux)
Before compiling, set the variables ROOTANASYS and OPENCVSYS in your environment:
export ROOTANASYS="/path/to/rootana/installation/"
export OPENCVSYS="/path/to/opencv/installation/"
In the file you use to call the source of thisroot.sh (your setup file or .bashrc), add after the source of the thisroot.sh the line:
One can install following the procedure explained in here.
Alternatively, one can download the release desired (tested with 2021.12.0, but 2021.13.0 now available):
wget https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/releases/download/v2021.12.0/oneapi-tbb-2021.12.0-lin.tgz
or by directly downloading the precompiled oneapi-tbb version from Release.
Then untar:
tar zxf oneapi-tbb-2021.12.0-lin.tgz
It is highly recommended to add to the environment the following variable:
export TBBROOT="<path_to_tbb_folder>"
In order to enable oneapi TBB the user needs to source it:
source ${TBBROOT}/env/vars.sh
Be careful that this last line can mess the path of the C++ compiler and require TBB to be always present even when not required. Thus, it is strongly suggested not to add it to bashrc, but to use it only when tbb will be used.
git clone https://github.com/CYGNUS-RD/digitizationpp.git
cd digitizationpp
export CXX="/path/to/your/c++17or20/compiler"
mkdir build-dir && cd build-dir
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Generate documentation inside the doc/html
doxygen doc/doxygen.cfg
Documentation should be then available at doc/html/index.html
Put all the MC .root
files you want to digitize in an input folder (<input_folder>)
Move to a desired folder where to launch the code
./<path_to_build-dir>/digitizationpp <path_to_digitizationpp-dir>/config/ConfigFile_new.txt -I <path_to_input_folder> -O <path_to_output_folder>
If not existing, the Outdir will be created. The -I and -O options can be droppped and the code will search inputfiles in
and the outdir will be created in
Depending on the system, the outdir folder creation may fail. In that case create the output directory.
From <path_to_digitizationpp-dir>
cd build-dir
./digitizationpp ../config/ConfigFile_new.txt