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This repository contains an analysis code for the CYGNO-MC output.

Create CYGNOTree Class

The CYGNO-MC output file can have different formats, depending if some branches have been saved or not (hits, particle flux). Therefore, prior to compile the code, you may have to run MakeClass to save the data format in the CYGNOTree class, from which the CYGNOAnalysis class inherits.

root -l your-rootfile.root
mv CYGNOTree.C src/
mv CYGNOTree.h include/

Open include/CYGNOTree.h, add the line using namespace std; and comment the lines inside the constructor and the destructor of CYGNOTree.

CYGNOTree::CYGNOTree(TTree *tree) : fChain(0)
// comment all

// comment all


Compile the code with

cd src;
make all;
cd -


The code expects a config file with different structure, depending if you want to analyze external or internal background:

  • example for external backgrounds config/cygnoconf
  • example for internal backgrounds config/cygnoconf_40K

Submit jobs in batch system

The script to run the analysis in the PBS batch system is scripts/ Options:

  • -i [config_file]
  • --tag [tag]
  • --list [subdirectory where to find the input list inside lists/]
  • --split [maximum_files_per_job] (ony for external backgrounds)
  • --external (use this option if analyzing external backgrounds)
  • --retry (use this option if you want to relaunch only failed jobs)
  • --lime (use this option if you are analyzing lime simulations)

Create lists, config files and scripts for submission on batch queues of internal bkg analysis

Create one list for each isotope that you have simulated. You can do it running a command line:

mkdir -p lists
find /FULL-PATH-TO-SIMULATIONS/ -name "*.root" > lists/list_ISOTOPE_RadioactiveDecayFromVOLUMENAME.list

Once you have all the lists you can create the cygnoconfig files with the script scripts/ You need to write a txt file similar to config/inputconfCrystalPMTBody with this structure

## Volume_name    Isotope                        Activity[Bq/kg]    Smearing[0 or 1]     T1/2[days]
VOLUMENAME        ISOTOPE                            0.01078            1                -999       ##if you don't need to set half life time, just put -999   

where the VOLUMENAME and ISOTOPE are the same strings in the list name.

Note: Isotopes (even if they are in the same decay chain and in equilibrium) have to be treated individually in order to sum up the contributes.

Then check if the volume mass is listed in scripts/ around line 60. If not add it to the dictionary.

Now you can run from CYGNO-MC-Analysis/ directory

python scripts/ -i config/inputconfVOLUMENAME --workdir YOUR-FULLPATH-TO-CYGNO-MC-Analysis --tag ANYUSEFULTAG

and you will get the submission scripts in submit/ directory. Check if you also have the config files for CYGNOAnalysis you need in config/ directory (similar to cygnoconf)


Analysis code for the output of CYGNO-MC






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