This repository hosts the Monte Carlo simulation for CYGNO experiment. The prerequisite to run this simulations is to have ROOT (v6.X.X), GEANT4 (v10.05.X) and CADMesh (v1.1) software installed. For more informations about the software see:
- CADMesh:
Setup all the environment variables of ROOT and GEANT4.
you can do
###for ROOT
alias cmake="/ua9/soft/cmake-3.14.4-install/bin/cmake"
source /ua9/soft/root-v6-12-06-install/bin/
## for pyROOT
## for geant4
source /ua9/soft/geant4.10.05.p01-install/bin/
alias g4cmake="cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/ua9/soft/geant4.10.05.p01-install/lib64/Geant4-10.5.1/ -Dcadmesh_DIR=/ua9/soft/CADMesh-install/lib/cmake/cadmesh-1.1.0/"
## CADMesh
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/ua9/soft/CADMesh-install/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/ua9/soft/CADMesh-install-geant10.4.2/lib
you can do
#####for ROOT
alias cmake="/storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/cmake-3.14.6-install/bin/cmake"
source /storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/root-v6-12-06-install/bin/
### for pyROOT
export PYTHONPATH=$ROOTSYS/lib:/storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/python2.7-local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/python2.7-local/python2.7-local/lib64/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
#### for geant4
source /storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/geant4-v10.5.1-install/bin/
alias g4cmake="cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/geant4-v10.5.1-install/lib64/Geant4-10.5.1/ -Dcadmesh_DIR=/storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/CADMesh-install/lib/cmake/cadmesh-1.1.0/"
#### CADMesh
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/storage/local/exp_soft/cygnorm3/CADMesh-install/lib/
In general:
source path-to-root-install/bin/
source path-to-geant-install/bin/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:path-to-CADmesh-install/lib
You can put these commands in your .bashrc
to execute them automatically every time you open a bash shell.
Download CYGNO and LIME geometry files
git clone [email protected]:CYGNUS-RD/geometry.git
Download Geant4 code
git clone [email protected]:CYGNUS-RD/CYGNO-MC.git
or, if you don't want to configure a ssh key in gitlab use https protocol
git clone
Now you have downloaded the code in CYGNO-MC/
Create a build directory
mkdir CYGNO-MC-build
and compile CYGNO-MC code
cd CYGNO-MC-build
g4cmake ../CYGNOMC
make -j`nproc`
Now you have the CYGNO executable in the build directory. You can run it in graphic mode:
or specify a macro to run instructions
./CYGNO macro.mac
Some example macros are available in the macro
A guide of CYGNO commands is in CYGNOCommandsREADME file.
A set of scripts to split the simulation in multiple jobs is provided in the folder scripts
Some command examples are provided for roma3 cluster, where PBS batch system is used.
Examples of basic commands of PBS can be found in (or simply google).
Submit job:
qsub scripts/
Check status:
qstat -u $USER
Example to split 100M events into 100 jobs:
python scripts/ -m CYGNOtest_surface_gamma --tag ext_gamma -n 100000000 -e 1000000 --builddir /storage/local/home/cygnorm3/dimperio/CYGNO/CYGNO-MC-build/
Options meaning:
name of the macro template. The script looks for the macro in the directorymacro/
(use macro name without.mac
total number of events to generate-e
events per job--tag
useful tag to identify the simulation. Output will be saved in a directory with this name--builddir
path to dir containing CYGNO executable
By default the output is saved in /storage/DATA-03/cygnorm3/CYGNO-MC-data/pbs_outputs/<tag-string>
Also other directories will be created in pbs_logs
and pbs_workdir
folders, containing respectively the logs and the copy of the macro for each job.
Example to send on batch multiple radioactive isotopes simulations:
python scripts/ -m CYGNOtest --tag PbShieldRadioactivity -f U238Activity_Shield2Pb_10Pb2Cu.txt -e 1000000 --builddir /storage/local/home/cygnorm3/dimperio/CYGNO/CYGNO-MC-build/
Options meaning:
configuration file for isotopes to be simulated. The script looks for the file in thebackground/
directory. The file contains 4 columns: Name, Z, A, NEvents- the other options are the same. Note that
option is not necessary when-f
option is used (and will be ignored), since the total number of events is in the configuration file
The simulation produces an output root file (default filename out.root), containing the following variables:
eventnumber event number
numvertex number of generated vertexes for each event
numparticles number of generated particles
neutronflag flag to identify neutrons
muonflag flag to identify muons
inelasticflag flag to identify hadrons
energyDep energy deposited in the detector (summed over hits)
xpos_vertex, ypos_vertex, zpos_vertex vertex coordinates
time_vertex vertex time (0 for now)
numparticle_vertex number of generated particles for each vertex
pdgid_particle PDG identifier for the particle
ivertex_particle vertex identifier for the particle
px_particle, py_particle, pz_particle particle momentum components
ekin_particle kinetic energy of the particle
etot_particle total energy of the particle
impact_param_particle impact parameter of the particle
direct_angle_particle direction angle of the particle
parentID_hits parentID of each hit
pdgID_hits PDG identifier of each hit
trackID_hits trackID of each hit
time_hits time of each hit
kinEne_hits kinetic energy of each hit
x_hits, y_hits, z_hits hit coordinates
x_vertex_hits, y_vertex_hits, z_vertex_hits not to be used now
energyDep_hits deposited energy of each hit