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Noel Peterson edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 25 revisions

This repository contains several Python scripts for updating and maintaining CMAP's Master Highway Network geodatabase, as well as exporting the network information into a format suitable for importing into Emme networks for travel demand modeling, which are designed to be called through tools in a custom ArcGIS Toolbox (also included in the repo). Details on getting started with using these tools can be found in the getting set up wiki entry.

The tools each have their own wiki page containing a detailed overview. They are listed here with a brief explanation of when they should be used:

Additionally, the toolbox contains some secondary tools in a toolset called "Utilities", whose functions are not directly related to the day-to-day maintenance of the network, nor the generation of Emme network files, but rather for some miscellaneous tasks that use MHN data as an input:

  • Export Future Network: to build the network to a future year's coded state (mainly for GTFS processing).
  • Export Highway Project Coding: to export data from the highway project coding table into a CSV to facilitate modification of existing coding.
  • Generate Directional Links: to create a copy of the MHN's roads where two-way roads are represented by two distinct line features, digitized in opposite directions.
  • Generate IRIS Correspondence Table: to attempt to match all MHN arterial links to an IRIS link, based on a combination of geometry and road name attributes.
  • Straighten Selected Links: to remove all non-endpoint vertices from selected links, to facilitate reshaping.
  • Update MHN Base Year: to create a copy of the MHN geodatabase with the network built to a future year (a la Export Future Network) but with all highway project coding, bus routes, etc. fully intact.

Finally, most of these scripts import the MHN module, which contains a wide variety of frequently used methods and constants.