The cmapgeo package for R is a repository
of geodata files representing various geographic and administrative
boundaries in the Chicago region, maintained by the Chicago
Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP).
Data is in the sf
(simple features)
format, and includes boundaries for:
- Counties
- Municipalities
- Chicago community areas (CCAs) and wards
- Census tracts, block groups, blocks, public use microdata areas (PUMAs) and ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs)
- CMAP travel modeling zones and subzones
- CMAP subregional Councils of Mayors (COMs)
- Legislative districts (state and federal)
- IDOT districts
- Facility Planning Areas (FPAs)
Run the following to install or update cmapgeo:
## Install current version from GitHub
## Then load the package as you would any other