A simple plugin for iConomy that pays and fines players for killing mobs.
- Individual mob rewards/fines.
- Multi-world support allowing for different rewards/fine depending on the world.
- Multiply the rewards/fine depending on the Time, Environment, and/or world.
- Admin commands to change any setting in game.
- MobBounty.mb -- (Allows for /mb command and collect of rewards and fines.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbg -- (Allows for /mbg command.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbr -- (Allows for /mbr command.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbwr -- (Allows for /mbwr command.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbem -- (Allows for /mbem command.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbtm -- (Allows for /mbtm command.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbwm -- (Allows for /mbwm command.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbs -- (Allows for /mbs command.)
- MobBounty.Admin.mbl -- (Allows for /mbl command.)
- /mb -- (View rewards and fines.)
- /mbg -- (Modify the general settings.)
- /mbr -- (Modify the default rewards and fines of a mob.)
- /mbwr -- (Modify rewards and fines of a mob in a world.)
- /mbem -- (Modify multiplier per environment.)
- /mbtm -- (Modify multiplier per time.)
- /mbwm -- (Modify multiplier per world.)
- /mbs -- (Save the config files.)
- /mbl -- (Load the config files.)