This package offers a modified three.js GLTFLoader to load glTF files in a Node.js environment. Files can be loaded from local file system or from web resources. DRACO-compressed glTF files are also supported. GLTFExporter lets you parse a three.js scene and store it as json or binary file.
In order to work in a non-browser environment, following classes had to be adopted from three.js and modified:
All are exposed and can be used independently.
Install via NPM:
npm install node-three-gltf
Use with ES modules or TypeScript:
import { DRACOLoader, GLTFExporter, GLTFLoader, loadGltf, TextureLoader } from 'node-three-gltf';
// init GLTFLoader and pass a path to a local file or a url to a web resource
const loader = new GLTFLoader();
loader.setDRACOLoader(new DRACOLoader());
loader.load('path/to/file', (gltf) => {
// there is also a small utility function that instantiates GLTFLoader and DRACOLoader
// and returns a Promise with the loaded content
const gltf = await loadGltf('path/to/file');
// use GLTFExporter to export a scene or objects as json .gltf or binary .glb file
const exporter = new GLTFExporter();
const jsonData = exporter.parseAsync(scene);
fs.writeJson('export.gltf', jsonData, { spaces: 2 });
const glbBuffer = await exporter.parseAsync(scene, { binary: true });
fs.writeFile('export.glb', glbBuffer);
// use TextureLoader, ImageLoader, or FileLoader independently
new TextureLoader().load('path/to/file', (texture) => {