Releases: Bodmer/JPEGDecoder
Releases · Bodmer/JPEGDecoder
Update for latest ESP8266 board package
PlatformIO compatible tag
V1.8.1 Update library.json
Update for ESP8266
1.8.1 Update
Updated Adafruit_GFX examples
1.8.0 Update for Adafruit_GFX setAddrWindow() parameter change
Now works with ESP32 and SD library
Now works with ESP32 and SD library
Fixed 8x8 MCU rendering bug
Correct 8x8 MCU bug OK, got the bug nailed this time!
Added SD support for other processor architectures
Supports M0 Pro, Zero and STM32 boards.
JPEGDEcoder library with new examples
Added new examples compatible with TFT, UTFT, Adafruit_GFX and ILI9341_due libraries
First release
This is the first release of the Arduino JPEGDecoder library.
The library has been tested with a variety TFT displays in the past 12 months by a number of users.
Test boards include Arduino Mega, Arduino Due and the NodeMCU 1.0
Displays tested include HX8357 variants and ILI9341.
Any graphics library can be used with the library providing it supports setting an address window on the display and the ability to push colors to the display. See examples provided.