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Releases: BabitMF/bmf


26 Jan 04:39
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add bmf cpu Dockerfile

BabitMF Release 0.0.9

15 Dec 09:26
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Fix problems:

  1. Link hmp lib error problem;
  2. Missing c_module problem in mac platform;
  3. Colab problems with v0.0.8;
  4. GPU build pipeline problems in build wheel pipeline


21 Aug 04:23
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remove redundant command

video model and other files

17 Jul 05:07
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This assets mainly used to provide videos, models and other needed files for bmf demos, examples and compile option, etc.
Please ignore the source code zip files added by default.
"files.tar.gz" includes videos material
"models.tar.gz" includes some model files using in some demos and tests
"breakpad.tar.xz" is a prebuild breakpad library for bmf enalbed BMF_ENABLE_BREAKPAD by compilation base on Linux