To create a version of minesweeper that is less frustrating
Update 2014-February-2
Completed the basic 'solvability' mechanic. The game is fully playable now, open the .jar file in the 'bin' folder.
Update 2014-January-2
Added a playable binary to the project.
Update 2013-December-12
Project is still active, however because of computers crashing and switching IDEs from Eclipse to Netbeans and viceversa its been difficult moving things around. Possible cause is bad initial commit decision. Might have required a better set up of things from the get go.
Added JPanel layout and icons for Flag and Question mark
Next on list:
Add Right-click mechanic. Add mine/number layout and button deletion logic. Add mine detection logic and consequently end game (give a popup to start a new game).
Add a menu to customize new game (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert and Custom (width, height and number of mines)). Add a way of tracking scores including developing a database for storing and retriving such.
Create logic for the game to solve itself