Apple was kind enough to give us a way to quickly access our most used emoji's right at the front of the emoji keyboard. But what happens when that's not enough? A random, one-off emoji can end up booting your favorite emoji off the Frequently Used section, or maybe you just frequently use more than 30 emojis.
Without quick access, you either have to memorize the emoji name/keyword and search it, which can take on average a costly 6 keystrokes and 5 seconds per emoji, or try and scroll to the emoji you want and hope you remember wherever it is in Apple's dynamic, constantly updating emoji library.
It'd be nice if I could just pin the emojis I know I can never find or my most popular ones for a constant, easy emoji insertion. But you can't. So here's the next best thing.
EmojiPinner offers an iMessage extension app to live right there, next to all your favorite iMessage apps like GamePigeon. Once an emoji is pinned, it will always take a maximum of 3 keystrokes or 1 second to insert in whatever pinned emoji into your text field, regardless of updates to the emoji library, what emojis you have been frequenting recently, and the number of pinned emojis you want.
With EmojiPinner:
Adding and deleting pinned emojis:
Built using Swift, Objective-C, and UIKit.