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A Mindustry RabbitMQ library. Send Mindustry-like events across servers! Achieve peak integration.

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Argon is a Mindustry RabbitMQ client that sends events across servers through the use of Mindustry-like events.


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package example;

import Argon.Argon;
import Argon.RegisterArgonEvents;
import arc.Events;
import arc.util.Log;
import mindustry.Vars;
import mindustry.mod.Plugin;

public class Example extends Plugin {
    public void init() {
        Events.on(EventType.PlayerBanEvent.class, event -> {
            Log.debug("Firing ban event across servers");
   PlayerKick(event.uuid, event.player.con.address));
        Events.on(RegisterArgonEvents.class, ignored -> {
            //Argon events listeners go here
            Argon.on(PlayerKick.class, event -> {
                Log.debug("Received ban event");

    private record PlayerKick(String uuid, String ip) {}


Rabbit MQ Server

Google how to install a RabbitMQ server, or chatGPT it. The following is a basic, not all-encompassing guide for linux.

  1. Install Rabbit MQ on your server.
    sudo apt install rabbitmq-server
  2. Create a RabbitMQ User
    sudo rabbitmqctl add_user username password
  3. Grant the user external access (so it can talk outside localhost)
    sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / username ".*" ".*" ".*"
  4. Restart RabbitMQ
    sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

Game Server

  1. Go to Relases, download Argon.jar, and place it inside your mindustry server's mods folder.
  2. Find ./config/mods/Argon/config.json and set the proper RabbitMQ url, port, username and password.


In order to use this plugin with your custom plugin, you will need to add Argon as dependency.

In gradle, add the following:

repositories {
  //other repositories like maven central
  maven{ url '' }
dependencies {
  //other dependencies
  compileOnly "com.github.Atomic-Laboratory:Argon:1.1.3"

In your plugins.json, append the following:

  "dependencies": [

Building a Jar

gradlew jar / ./gradlew jar

Output jar should be in build/libs.