- 🔧 I'm a Biomedical Engineering student.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on a windows app for controlling KeyTao settings through HID in-out.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning C#, Rust, and graphics programming.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Muse Dash mods or AI projects.
- 💼 I've worked on image (pattern) recognition with tensorflow and keras on python.
KeyTao is my main project, involving PCB and case design, as well as firmware coding. Current features:
- 🕰️ Usage of FreeRTOS kernel.
- ⌨️ N-Key Rollover (NKRO).
- ✨ Store macros per key (up to 4 keys).
- 🔆 6 LED lightning modes.
KeyTao | PCB |
KeyTao repos
- KeyTao case
- KeyTao schematic
- KeyTao rust firmware
- KeyTao C firmware
- KeyTao C FreeRTOS firmware ← Current active version