Welcome to the Online Store Application! This C++ program is designed to simulate an online store system, allowing you to manage customers, products, and their relationships dynamically. It combines practical programming with real-world data management to enhance your learning experience. 🚀
Add, update, or delete customer data using linked list operations.
Manage product catalogs with seamless insertion, deletion, and search functionalities.
Create dynamic relationships between users and products to simulate purchases and interactions.
Generate valuable insights such as:
- Number of products purchased by a user.
- Users associated with a specific product.
Utilizes multi-linked lists for effective data management:
- Single Linked List for users.
- Double Linked List for products.
- Relation List for connections between users and products.
- C++: The primary language used for implementation.
- Multi-Linked Lists: For dynamic relationship and data management.
- Text Files: For persistent data storage.
- Terminal-based Interface: Simple yet functional for user interaction.
git clone https://github.com/Arfarzll/Online-Store-And-Customers.git
cd Online-Store-And-Customers
Compile using a C++ compiler such as GCC:
g++ -o OnlineStore main.cpp SourceFile.cpp
Follow the interactive prompts to manage customers, products, and their relationships dynamically.
├── .vscode/ # VSCode configurations
├── .gitignore # Excluded files for version control
├── Header.h # Data structures and function prototypes
├── LICENSE # License for the repository
├── Online Store & Customers.cbp # Code::Blocks project file
├── Online Store & Customers.depend # Project dependencies
├── README.md # Project documentation
├── SourceFile.cpp # Implements core functionality
├── User & Barang.txt # Persistent user and product data
├── main.cpp # Program entry point and menu logic
The application offers the following features:
- Add User Data
- Add Product Data
- Display User List
- Display Product List
- Delete User Data
- Delete Product Data
- Add Product to User’s Purchases
- Display Users and Their Purchases
- Delete Connections Between Users and Products
- Check User-Product Relationships
- Display Users Who Have Purchased Items
- Display Items Purchased by Users
- Count Users for a Specific Product
- Count Products Purchased by a User
- List Products Not Purchased
- List Users Who Have Not Made Purchases
- Update Product for a User
- Update User for a Product
- Display Users Linked to a Product
- Display Products Linked to a User
- Exit
infotypeUser newUser = {1, "Alice", "Jakarta"};
address_User user = createElmUser(newUser);
insertFirstUser(userList, user);
infotypeBarang newProduct = {101, "Laptop", "Electronics"};
address_Barang product = createElmBarang(newProduct);
insertLastBarang(productList, product);
address_User user = findUser(userList, 1);
address_Barang product = findBarang(productList, 101);
address_Relasi relation = createElmRelasi();
connect(relationList, user, product, relation);
showInfoRelation(userList, productList, relationList);
Below is the initial menu displayed when the program starts:
| 1. Tambah Data User |
| 2. Tambah Data Barang |
| ... |
| 20. Tampilkan Barang Tertentu |
| 21. Exit |
>> Pilih Nomor Menu:
- Database Integration: Transition from text files to databases for scalability.
- GUI Implementation: Enhance user experience with a graphical interface.
- Advanced Analytics: Incorporate data visualization and deeper insights.
Special thanks to my pathner who provided guidance throughout the development of this application. 🎉
🌟 Feel Free to reach me!