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Pull requests that update a dependency file
expected: maybe someday
expected: maybe someday
expected: next release
expected: next release
expected: release after next
expected: release after next
expected: unlikely unless contributed
expected: unlikely unless contributed
This change is unlikely to be made unless someone contributes a PR for review.
good first ticket
good first ticket
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Pull requests that update Python code
size: medium
size: medium
status: backlog
status: backlog
Work is planned someday but is not the highest priority at the moment
status: blocked
status: blocked
Work is stalled because it's blocked on some other issue or architectural challenge
status: done
status: done
Work is completed and released (or scheduled to be released in the next version)
status: idea-phase
status: idea-phase
Work is tentatively approved and is being planned / laid out, but is not ready to be implemented yet
status: needs followup
status: needs followup
Work is stalled awaiting a follow-up from the original issue poster or ArchiveBox maintainers
status: wip
status: wip
Work is in-progress / has already been partially completed
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
We are not planning to make these changes at the moment (sorry)
touches: API/CLI/user interface
touches: API/CLI/user interface
touches: configuration
touches: configuration
touches: data/schema/architecture
touches: data/schema/architecture
touches: dependencies/packaging
touches: dependencies/packaging
Issues or changes that add/remove/affect dependencies
touches: docs
touches: docs
touches: js
touches: js
Pull requests that update Javascript code
type: bug report
type: bug report
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
type: refactor
type: refactor
type: support
type: support
why: functionality
why: functionality
Intended to improve ArchiveBox functionality or features