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Anywhere Fitness Backend


  • Verification token is now needed to register new user with instructor role. The API for that is below
Method Endpoint Description Auth Required Is Instructor
GET / Base endpoint [ ] [ ]
GET /api/client/profile Get client profile [x] [ ]
GET /api/client/reservations Get client reservations [x] [ ]
POST /api/client/reservation/:classId Add reservation [x] [ ]
DELETE /api/client/reservation/:classId Delete reservation [x] [ ]
GET /api/classes Get all classes [x] [ ]
GET /api/classes/:id Get classes by ID [x] [ ]
GET /api/classes/instructor/:id Get classes by instructor ID [x] [ ]
POST /api/classes Add class [x] [x]
PUT /api/classes/:id Update class [x] [x]
DELETE /api/classes/:id Delete class [x] [x]
POST /api/auth/register Register new user [ ] [ ]
POST /api/auth/login Log in user [ ] [ ]
GET /api/auth/verify/:token Verify token for Instructors [ ] [ ]
POST /api/auth/resend Resend Email with fresh token [ ] [ ]

Login needs Authorization Header

headers: {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  Authorization: token,

Mock User response

  "user": {
    "id": "5e139145cd754e0a26e963e5",
    "firstName": "Khal",
    "lastName": "Drogo",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "role": "instructor"
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjVlMTM5MTQ1Y2Q3NTRlMGEyNmU5NjNlNSIsInJvbGUiOiJpbnN0cnVjdG9yIiwiaWF0IjoxNTc4MzQyMTk1fQ.ii0YI9EYd8lS3BrcLSfyu-DJxLZZXTeGMRALw4qzRew"

Mock Class response

  "type": "Yoga",
  "days": [
  "intensityLevel": "Intermediate",
  "createdAt": "2020-01-07T07:09:59.960Z",
  "_id": "5e14306f3e7d5e15a41e448e",
  "name": "Summertime fine",
  "description": "These beaches ain't ready",
  "startTime": "5:30",
  "endTime": "6:00",
  "duration": 30,
  "requirements": "None",
  "location": "The Park",
  "size": 10,
  "price": 15,
  "arrivalDetails": "Arrive 10 minutes early for stretching",
  "shouldKnowDetails": "We go hard!",
  "instructor": "5e139145cd754e0a26e963e5",
  "__v": 0

Mock Reservation response

  "createdAt": "2020-01-08T05:27:42.798Z",
  "_id": "5e15cc7f367a182d99a9872d",
  "classId": "5e155cdd3079fa2b2d81a2ff",
  "userId": "5e14cef482211a1d3f09eb72",
  "__v": 0