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Abstract Test Suite for INSPIRE Metadata Technical Guidance conformance class


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Abstract Test Suite for the Metadata (implicit) Conformance Class.

Note: This ATS is in ready for review stage, none of the tests have an official INSPIRE MIG approval.

External document references

Abbreviation Document name
INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
IR MD COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata
TG MD INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119, version 1.3
ISO 19115 ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information - Metadata
ISO 19119 ISO 19119:2005 Geographic information - Services
ISO 19108 ISO 19108:2002 Geographic information -- Temporal schema
ISO 8601 ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of dates and times

TG Requirement coverage

Based on requirement numbering in TG MD.

Req# Description Covered by test(s) IR reference(s)
1 hierachyLevel mandated A.04.IR01.IR02.hierarchy IR MD, Part B 1.3, Part D 1
2 MD_ScopeCode values A.04.IR01.IR02.hierarchy IR MD, Part B 1.3, Part D 1
3 Resource Locator for data linkage A.08.IR03.ds.linkage IR MD, Part B 1.4
4 Resource Locator for service linkage A.09.IR04.srv.linkage IR MD, Part B 1.4
5 Unique Resource Identifier code is mandatory A.07.IR05.IR06.ds.identification IR MD Part B 1.5
6 Use RS_Identifier if URI codeSpace provided A.07.IR05.IR06.ds.identification IR MD Part B 1.5
7 operatesOn as a reference A.29.IR07.srv.identification IR MD Part B 1.6
8 Resource language is mandated A.10.IR08.IR09.ds.language IR MD Part B 1.7
9 ISO 19139 codes used for language A.10.IR08.IR09.ds.language IR MD Part B 1.7
10 Use MD_TopicCategoryCode values in topicCategory A.11.IR10.IR11.ds.topic IR MD Part B 2.1
11 Use language neutral name in topicCategory A.11.IR10.IR11.ds.topic IR MD Part B 2.1
12 Use language neutral name for serviceType A.12.IR12.srv.type IR MD Part B 2.2
13 Provide at least one keyword A.13.IR13.keyword IR MD Part B 3.1
14 Use theme for the only dataset keyword A.05.IR14.ds.keyword IR MD Part B 3.1
15 Use category for the inly service keyword A.06.IR15.srv.keyword IR MD Part B 1.5, Article 4, part D  
16 Use citation for other controlled keywords A.14.IR16.IR17.IR18.vocab IR MD Part B 3.2
17 Cite the originating controlled vocabulary A.14.IR16.IR17.IR18.vocab IR MD Part B 3.2
18 At least title and date for controlled vocabulary citations A.14.IR16.IR17.IR18.vocab IR MD Part B 3.2
19 Group keywords from the same controlled vocabulary A.15.IR19.kws-in-vocab IR MD Part B 3.2
20 Use the minimum geographic bounding box A.16.IR20.IR21.ds.bounds IR MD Part B. 4.1
21 At least two decimals for coordinates A.16.IR20.IR21.ds.bounds IR MD Part B. 4.1
22 Use at least one of INSPIRE temporal reference types A.17.IR22.IR23.ds.temporal IR MD Part B. 5.1
23 Use at least one ISO 19115 temporal reference types A.17.IR22.IR23.ds.temporal IR MD Part B. 5.1
24 Gregorian calendar and ISO 8601 date as defaults not testable IR MD Part B 5
25 Single creation date mandatory IR MD Part B 5.4
26 Only one dataQualityInfo A.18.IR26.lineage IR MD Part B. 2.6
27 Spatial resolution as either scale or ground sample distance A.30.IR27.ds.spatial.resolution IR MD Part B. 2.6
28 Degree of conformity mandatory A.19.IR28.ds.conformity IR MD Part B. 2.8
29 Use DQ_DomainConsistency for spec. conformity A.20.IR29.ds.specification IR MD Part B. 7.2
30 Declare both limitations on "public access" and "constraints on access and use" A.21.IR30.IR31.IR31.ds.public.access INSPIRE, Article 13
31 At least one MD_Contraints even if no limitations A.21.IR30.IR31.IR31.ds.public.access n/a
32 Expressing limitations on public access A.21.IR30.IR31.IR31.ds.public.access n/a
33 No conditions and unknown conditions A.22.IR33.IR34.ds.access  IR MD Part B. 8.2
34 Terms and conditions either embedded or linked A.22.IR33.IR34.ds.access IR MD Part B. 8.2
35 Responsible organisation name and email IR MD Part B. 3.5
36 MD_DataIdentification and SV_ServiceIdentification for responsible party info IR MD Part B. 3.5
37 Metadata point of contact organisation name and email IR MD Part B. 10.1
38 Metadata point of contact role code 'pointOfContact' n/a
39 Metadata language is mandatory A.26.IR39.language IR MD Part B. 10.3


This Conformance Class contains the following tests:

Identifier Status
A.01.validate Ready for review
A.04.IR01.IR02.hierarchy Ready for review
A.05.IR14.ds.keyword Ready for review
A.06.IR15.srv.keyword Ready for review
A.07.IR05.IR06.ds.identification Ready for review
A.08.IR03.ds.linkage Ready for review
A.09.IR04.srv.linkage Ready for review
A.10.IR08.IR09.ds.language Ready for review
A.11.IR10.ds.topic Ready for review
A.12.IR12.srv.type Ready for review
A.13.IR13.keyword Ready for review
A.14.IR16.vocab Ready for review
A.15.IR19.kws-in-vocab Ready for review
A.16.IR20.IR21.ds.bounds Ready for review
A.17.IR22.IR23.ds.temporal Ready for review
A.18.IR26.ds.lineage Ready for review
A.19.IR28.ds.conformity Ready for review
A.20.IR29.ds.specification Ready for review Ready for review
A.22.IR33.IR34.ds.access.use Ready for review Ready for review Ready for review Ready for review
A.27.IR39.language Ready for review
A.29.IR07.srv.identification Ready for review
A.30.IR27.ds.spatial.resolution Ready for review Ready for review

Some additional metadata tests are available at ats-interoperability-metadata. These tests are separated from above because they have a different timeline for implementation.


Empty characterstring: iso19139 allows (if proper namespaces are available) to express any characterstring as either gco:CharacterString, gmd:Anchor or gmd:PT_FreeText. To check an element for having an empty characterstring, each of these representations should be considered. The PT_freetext element can be used to supply multilingual values for a characterstring. If only PT_FreeText is used the validator should check if a value of the string is available in the main language of the document. gmx:Anchor is typically used to reference a URI on which additional information is available. The validator could resolve the URI in the gmx:Anchor to validate if that content is available.

Some examples for valid string content:



    <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="">Addresses</gmx:Anchor>


         <gmd:LocalisedCharacterString locale="#EN">Addresses</gmd:LocalisedCharacterString>

Resolve: Goal is to check if a URL references an existing document. First the URL can be checked on syntactical correctness. Then a http head operation can give an indication of the availability of the document without fully downloading it. The operation might fail due to a number of reasons: the service is (temporarily) unavailable, the service is protected (status 403).

Open questions

Should these be excluded or included in the ATS? Or added as requirements in the TG MD?

XML namespace prefixes

The following prefixes are used to refer to the corresponding XML namespaces in all test descriptions:

Prefix Namespace


Abstract Test Suite for INSPIRE Metadata Technical Guidance conformance class







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