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Bachelor-Thesis: Transformer based Information extraction and summarization of medical documents

Welcome to the official repository for the bachelor's thesis titled "Fine-tuning of Large Language Models for the Analysis of Medical Texts" conducted at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.


This project is part of a bachelor thesis and is not meant to be used in a production environment. The code is not optimized for performance and is not guaranteed to work in all environments. We won't provide any support for this and won't be responsible for any damage caused by the usage of this project.


In modern medicine, medical documentation is essential yet challenging due to the largely unstructured nature of medical data—approximately 80% by current estimates. This unstructured data complicates the analysis and extraction of actionable insights, contributing significantly to the administrative burden and stress experienced by healthcare providers.

To address these challenges, we explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence, particularly through the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), to support the management and analysis of medical texts. Our research focuses on the adaptability and effectiveness of open-source LLMs, specifically tuned to process and analyze medical documentation efficiently while ensuring data privacy and security within medical institutions. The main focus of this project is to develop models that can be used for german clinical texts, but the models we used are mainly developed for german context and documents.


  • Data Extraction: Accurately extracting relevant information from German medical texts.
  • Entity Normalization: Standardizing extracted entities with medical terminologies.
  • Attribute Identification: Detecting attributes of the entities within the medical texts, such as the position of a diagnosis on the body or the level of truth.
  • Text Summarization: Generating summaries of clinical documents.

Data used

  • Annotated Medical Gold-Standard Datasets: Specifically BRONCO150 and Cardio:DE.
  • Synthetic Data: Around 200 synthetic summaries to enhance model training. One part was created by our own using GPT-4, the other is from the Dev4Med/Notfallberichte-German-100 dataset
  • Medical Coding Systems: Data from ICD10GM, ATC, and OPS coding systems.



All necessary data acquisition scripts and additional resources are available on our GitHub Repository. Access to certain datasets is restricted and requires formal requests to the respective institutions.

For detailed information on each model's performance and guidelines on usage, please refer to the individual model repositories linked within our GitHub.



This project is part of a bachelor thesis and is not meant to be used in a production environment. The code is not optimized for performance and is not guaranteed to work in all environments. We won't provide any support for this and won't be responsible for any damage caused by the usage of this project.


This and all the other README files are part of the documentation of the project. They are meant to give an overview of the project and its structure. Additionally, the code is well documented with python docstrings and comments.

Folder Structure

The project is split up into multiple folders, with each folder having a specific purpose for the project. In each subfolder is another README that describes the details of the folder and its contents. The following is a brief description of each folder:

  • datacorpus: A part of this corpus was the creation of an extensive dataset for the training of a large language model (LLM). This datacorpus consists of multiple medical sources. All the data is stored in a MongoDB database. The datacorpus folder contains the scripts to parse the data, store it in the databse and aggregate it into a format suitable for training a model.
  • demo: Small VueJS Demo-Application and FastAPI Backend
  • shared: In here are mostly helper functions that encapsulate functionality that is used in multiple parts of the project. This is to avoid code duplication and to make the code more readable.
  • training: This folder contains the scripts to train a large language model (LLM) on the datacorpus. The training is done with the Huggingface Transformers library. The training is done on a GPU, so make sure to have a compatible GPU available. There are scripts available to train e causal language modeling (clm) LLM and multiple BERT variants for token classification (NER) and classification.
  • evaluation: This folder contains the scripts to validate the trained model. This includes the evaluation of the model on a test set with metrics such as Precision, Recall and the F1-Score.



For this project a couple of dependencies are required. There won't be a guide on how to install these dependencies, as they are well documented on their respective websites. The following dependencies are required:

  • Python: Most of the project is written in Python, so make sure to have Python installed on your machine. We personally recommend at least Python Version 3.11 as we tested the functionality of the project with this version. But generally any version of Python 3.8 or newer should work.
  • GPU Environment: Even tho the training, validation and inference of the models in this project can be done on a CPU, it is highly recommended to use a GPU which will significantly speed up the process. For this project we recommend the usage of a NVIDIA GPU with CUDA version 12.4 installed. Theoretically other GPUs should work as well, but we didn't test this and cant guarantee that it will work. The CUDA installation guide provides all the information you need to install CUDA on your machine.
  • NodeJS: For the demo-application you will need to have nodeJS installed on your machine. You can download the installers from the official website.

Python installation

All python packages that are required for this project are documented in the requirements.txt file. To install them simply run the following command in the root directory of the project:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After this you should be able to execute the individual files in the project without any issues.

.env file setup

For some parts of the project, environment variables are required. These are stored in file called .env file in the root directory. The following environment variables are required:

  • MONGO_URL: The connection string to the MongoDB database. Several functionalities of the project require a connection to a MongoDB database to store and retrieve data. This string should be in the following format: mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>. Replace the placeholders with the actual values. For further information you can check the MongoDB documentation.
  • OPENAI_KEY: For synthetic data generation, the OpenAI API is used. To use this API, you need an API key. For further information you can check the OpenAI documentation.

Tip for typical python error

If you encounter an error that looks similar to this while trying to run one of the python scripts:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shared'

You can fix this by adding the root directory of the project to the PYTHONPATH. This can be done with the following command. Make sure to replace the path within the angle brackets with the actual path to the root directory of the project:

export PYTHONPATH=<path/to/root/directory>:$PYTHONPATH

Demo-Application usage

To use the demo application, several steps need to be performed. It is important that the instructions from the previous chapters have also been followed. The MongoDB database is optional, however. The following steps are required:

Start FastAPI Backend

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder demo/backend. Then execute the following command in the terminal:
    • fastapi run
  2. Now, the model should automatically download. Once the download is complete, the following message should appear in the console. If this is the case, the backend has started successfully. Do not close the window!
    • INFO: Application startup complete.

Start Web Application

  1. Open a new terminal
  2. Navigate to the folder demo/frontend
  3. If you are opening the application for the first time, you need to install the node-packages. Execute the following command to load all packages, which may take a while:
    • npm install
  4. Then you can start the application by executing the following command:
    • npm run dev
  5. If everything has worked, the web application should be available at the following URL:
    • http://localhost:5173/