Check out the "create-a-rails-app" branch for a version of this site which has been turned into a project with detailed instructions for the user to recreate the whole site.
to get into that branch go to the terminal and use the command: git checkout create-a-rails-app
the code in your try_rails presentation directory will now, through the magic of git, be the project version. Read the readme file in that directory for instructions on how to get started on the project.
(Based on my experience getting environments up on my ubuntu box). See below for Windows setup instuctions.
Have a computer
Have ruby (I recommend installing rubies through rvm)
to get rvm use the command:
$ curl -sSL | bash -s stable
followed by
rvm install ruby 2.1.1
rvm use --default ruby 2.1.1
Install git (if you use linux type the following in the command line:)
$ sudo apt-get install git
3.a If you're a Mac user, replace all instances of the apt-get
command (which is for ubuntu / debian) with the homebrew
command. You will need to install homebrew if you dont have it and then:
$ sudo brew install git
You may also need to install ruby gems
$ sudo apt-get install rubygems
and bundler
$ sudo apt-get install bundler
in the command line:
$ git clone
$ cd try_rails_presentation
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle
$ rake db:migrate
$ rails s
If all of these have succeeded you can go to the url 'localhost:3000' (note: no www just type that exactly) in your browser and the app will be up and running
If you get failures at any point along the way, copy and paste the error messages you get into google for tips on how to resolve the issue.
This is far from an exhaustive list of steps but its aproximately what you'll need.
If you are looking for more detailed instructions the first chapter of is a fantastic and detailed resource for setting up rails environments.
Install Ruby 1.9.3 from
- Install to C:\Ruby193
- Make sure to check the box, "Add ruby executables to your path"
Install the ruby dev kit from
- Extract it to C:\RubyDev
- Open a new command prompt and run
- cd c:\RubyDev
- ruby dk.rb init
- ruby dk.rb install
Install bundler
- gem install bundler
Install git from
- Make sure to select the option, "Use git from the Windows Command Prompt" to add the binaries to your path.
Open a command prompt and run
- git clone
- cd fresh_rails_4.1.1/
- bundle
Make sure it works
- rails server
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/