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A convenient template for creating a progressive web app using Elm and Rust


Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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A convenient template for creating a progressive web app using Elm and Rust.

Set up


Follow instructions here to install the Elm toolchain.

The Rust Toolchain

You will need the standard Rust toolchain, including rustup, rustc, and cargo.

Follow these instructions to install the Rust toolchain.


wasm-pack is your one-stop shop for building, testing, and publishing Rust-generated WebAssembly.

Get wasm-pack here!


cargo-generate helps you get up and running quickly with a new Rust project by leveraging a pre-existing git repository as a template.

Install cargo-generate with this command:

cargo install cargo-generate


cargo-watch allows you to watch for code changes in Rust.

Install cargo-watch with this command:

cargo install cargo-watch


npm is a package manager for JavaScript. We will use it to install and run a JavaScript bundler and development server. At the end of the tutorial, we will publish our compiled .wasm to the npm registry.

Follow these instructions to install npm.

If you already have npm installed, make sure it is up to date with this command:

npm install npm@latest -g


Clone this template

cargo generate --git

This should prompt you for the new project's name.

Build Rust into WebAssembly

In the project root:

cargo watch -i "pkg/*" -s "wasm-pack build"

This should continuously watch for Rust code changes and compile the new version into WebAssembly.

Install web dependencies

Open another terminal and navigate to the www directory:

cd www

Then install all npm dependencies:

npm install

Serve locally for development

In the www directory.

Watch for Elm file changes:

npm run watch

Open another terminal, navigate to www

cd www

and spin up a dev server using webpack:

npm run start

Navigate your Web browser to http://localhost:8080/ and you should see the default page.

All new changes will be automatically reflected on http://localhost:8080/.

Deploy for a new release

In the root directory.

Create an optimized release build from Rust to WebAssembly.

wasm-pack build --release

In the www directory.

Bundle, optimize, and minimize all JavaScript and Elm for smaller asset size and faster speed.

npm run build

Now you should see a dist folder within www similar to this:

├── ...
├── dist
    ├── 1.bootstrap.js
    ├── 27911fde1b082c3d4.module.wasm
    ├── bootstrap.js
    ├── index.html
    ├── ...
├── ...

This template uses set all build processes to production mode so all assets including JavaScript and WebAssembly are optimized and minimized.

Publish to Github Pages

Follow all the previous steps outlined in deployment instructions. Then push the www/dist folder to the gh-pages branch on GitHub.

git subtree push --prefix www/dist origin gh-pages



This template by defaults uses the a combination of ico and png files to provide best logo resolutions for all popular platforms. Included logo files are:

  ├── android-chrome-192x192.png
  ├── android-chrome-512x512.png
  ├── apple-touch-icon.png
  ├── favicon-16x16.png
  ├── favicon-32x32.png
  ├── favicon.ico

To customize the logo used, go to and generate your own logo files from text, image, or emoji. You are also welcome to user other logo generation tools but I found easy and fast. Once you have the 6 files listed above, simply replace the originals and no further configurations are needed.

Theme color and background color

Theme color specifies the color of the browser address bar. Background colors specifies the background color of the splash screen when the browser tries to load your app. You can change both of them in www/manifest.json:

  "theme_color": "#f74c00",
  "background_color": "#ffffff"

You should also change the theme-color meta-tag in the <head> of www/index.html to match the value specified in www/manifest.json:

<meta name="theme-color" content="#f74c00">

Porting existing Elm apps

Currently there are no automated way but it's still very easy.

  1. Copy all your Elm files into the www/src directory
  2. Modify the www/index.html and www/index.js to configure ports and HTML layouts.
  3. No step 3 because you are all set now. Just follow the above steps in building and shipping your project.

Examples using elm-rust-template

Hack Assembler: An assembler for the Hack assembly language


Template and README adapted from The Rust and Wasm Book. Github Pages deployment instruction from gh-pages-deploy




A convenient template for creating a progressive web app using Elm and Rust



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

Licenses found






No releases published


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