Welcome to the CSS Mastery Syllabus! This repository contains a comprehensive syllabus covering everything you need to become proficient in CSS. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your skills, this guide is tailored for you. π
π Introduction to CSS
- What is CSS?
- How CSS Works with HTML
- CSS Syntax
- Including CSS in HTML: Inline, Internal, and External Stylesheets
π― Selectors
- Basic Selectors: Element, Class, ID
- Attribute Selectors
- Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
π¨ Colors
- Color Names, Hex Codes, RGB, HEXA, HSL
- Applying Colors to Elements
π¦ Div Element
- Using the Div Element
- Grouping HTML Elements with Div
π Dimensions and Units
- Width, Height, Max-width, Min-width
- Units: px, %, em, rem, vw, vh
π οΈ Debugging with CSS
- Common Debugging Techniques
- Developer Tools
π Restricting Height and Width
- Min-height, Max-height, Min-width, Max-width
π Margin
- Understanding Margins
- Setting Margin Values
π Padding
- Understanding Padding
- Setting Padding Values
βοΈ Text Formatting
- Font Properties: Font-family, Font-size, Font-weight, etc.
- Text Properties: Text-align, Text-decoration, Text-transform, etc.
π² Borders
- Border Properties: Border-width, Border-style, Border-color, etc.
- Rounded Borders: Border-radius
πΌοΈ Backgrounds
- Background Properties: Background-color, Background-image, Background-size, etc.
- Applying Gradients
πΊ Display
- Display Types: none, block, inline, inline-block, etc.
- Visibility Property
π¦ Box Model
- Understanding the Box Model
- Content, Padding, Border, and Margin
π Position
- Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, and Sticky Positioning
- Z-index and Stacking Context
π Flexbox
- Flex Container and Flex Items
- Flexbox Properties: justify-content, align-items, flex-wrap, etc.
- Building Responsive Layouts with Flexbox
π«οΈ Opacity
- Opacity Property
- RGBA and HSLA for Transparency
πΆοΈ Box Shadow
- Adding Shadows to Elements
- Box-shadow Property
π§Ή CSS Reset
- Importance of CSS Reset
- Popular CSS Reset Libraries
π Styling Links
- Link States: Normal, Hover, Active, and Visited
- Styling Techniques for Links
π Styling Lists
- Unordered and Ordered Lists
- Customizing List Styles
π Styling Forms
- Input Fields, Textareas, Buttons, and More
- Form Layout and Design
- Descendant, Child, Sibling, and General Sibling Combinators
π Pseudo-classes
- Common Pseudo-classes: :hover, :focus, :nth-child, etc.
π¨ Pseudo-elements
- Common Pseudo-elements: ::before, ::after, ::first-letter, etc.
ποΈ Cascade and Specificity
- Understanding CSS Cascade
- Calculating Specificity
π οΈ Variables
- Defining and Using CSS Variables
- Scoped and Global Variables
ποΈ Nesting
- Nested Rules in CSS
- Benefits and Best Practices
π₯οΈ Web Page Layouts
- Creating Layouts with CSS
- Common Layout Patterns
π± Responsive Web Design
- Media Queries
- Responsive Units: %, em, rem, vw, vh
- Mobile-First Design
π Grid
- Grid Container and Grid Items
- Grid Template Areas, Rows, and Columns
- Grid Gap and Alignment
π οΈ Default Values
- Default Property Values
- Overriding Defaults
π« Resolving Errors
- Common CSS Errors
- Troubleshooting Techniques
π Styling Tables
- Table Elements: Table, Tr, Th, Td
- Table Design and Layout
π Float
- Floating Elements
- Clearing Floats
- Float-based Layouts
To get started with the CSS Mastery Syllabus, clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Akshen22/Beginner-to-Advance-CSS-Notes.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Beginner-to-Advance-CSS-Notes
Open the https://bigbinary-academy.neetocode.com/
site in your browser to start coding!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Happy Coding! π