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Worcester Bus Plan

This is our project for the November 2018 Rocket Hackathon at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). This project was the 2nd place winner, with a cash reward.

Problem and Solution Summary

In this hackathon, the mayor of Worcester approached WPI & Rocket Software to fix problems in Worcester. We were given three problems:

  1. Improving traffic patterns at Kelly Square - particularly in advance of the new ballpark
  2. The commuter rail is great, but there's a dearth of cost-effective, efficient and timely transportation to travelers workplaces or campuses.
  3. How can Worcester attract more students to the downtown area?

We decided that we wanted to tackle problems 2 & 3. We realized that the main reason why we, as WPI students, don't go downtown is because we didn't have a cost-effective way to visit the city. Using Uber (which is really the only option), it costs $10 to commute both back and from downtown. That means a trip downtown is a minimum of $20 ($25 - 30, assuming some food costs).

We thought a good solution for this would be if Worcester had better public transportation. This would offer a cost-effective way to enjoy all of the different parts of Worcester. This solution also hits problem 2, so that's always a win!

Our idea was to optimize the bus routes in Worcester. We came up with a list of attractions that we (as college students) would visit, as well as the colleges in Worcester.

Execution Direction


All of the analysis for this project is run in a Docker instance. To run the web app, you will need a python environment with Flask installed. TODO: Create a Docker environment for the webapp as well.


To run the jupyter notebook which has all of our analysis for the project, simply execute ./ This will then open up a jupyter notebook instance at http://localhost:8900. Open the address in a browser and you should be greeted with a screen asking for a password. To get the password, run docker logs woobusplan, and copy the token. Once you are in the notebook, you can simply run Optimla Routes.ipynb

Web App

To run the web app, go into the webapp folder, and run python

Techniques / Technologies Used

Google Distance Matrix API

We used Google's Distance Matrix API to get the amount of time that it takes to travel from one location to anther. This was integral to creating the adjacency matrix when trying to find the optimal path.

A problem that we had with this API is the number of elements that we were pushing to it. As we didn't pay for this API, we had to actually implement a way to page the API so that we can still get all of the data, but without doing one large request.

Prim's Algorithm

There are two ways to treat this problem. Either we convert this to a Traveling Salesmen Problem or we create a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). We thought the MST would be a better idea because it would reduce the time inter-stop, especially for different bus lines, which will be discussed a bit later.

The following is the tree that Prim's generates. One thing to note is that the headers didn't fit, so just imagine that the row headers were transposed onto the columns.


k-Means Clustering

Prim's is great an all, but it will only create a MST. While that is what we are looking for, that is really only optimized under the assumption that one bus will be running. It doesn't take into account the fact that downtown will need a lot more buses than, say, the hospital.

We used k-Means to determine the best clusters for different bus routes. Because we were dealing with non-standard dissimilarity values, we had to implement k-Means from scratch.

We initialized k-Means with the furthest stops in the North, South, East, and West directions and let the algorithm do the rest. We made sure to include Union Station in every route.

The following are the results of the clustering. The points correlate to their relative positions.

k-means clustering

Google Directions Services

We used the Google Directions Services to visualize the optimal routes. As both we and the services use the Google Distance Matrix API, the paths that we use and the paths that we map are the same.


The following are the generated routes. This didn't take into account the clustering.

Non-k-means routes

The following are the generated routes with clustering:


Next Steps

As you can probably see, the clustered routes ended up looking a little funky. We believe this is an issue with the fact that we aren't paying for Google Direction Services, and that is causing rendering issues.

We have outlined more things that we would like to do with more time and resources in the presentation.


The slidedeck that we presented in the hackathon can be found at WooBus.pdf


Our plan for a bus route in Worcester MA






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