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This plugin depends on curl, so make sure that it's installed and available in your PATH

It is recommended to have a vim runtime manager to make it easier to install (such as Pathogen or Vundle)

Then simply clone this repository to the bundle folder in your vim config folder (usually ~/.vim/bundle or ~/.config/nvim/bundle for neovim)


Once installed in the bundle directory, it should load automatically if you have a vim runtime manager

:AWStart - start logging if not already logging
:AWStop - stop logging if logging
:AWStatus - verify that the watcher is running

If aw-watcher-vim loses connection it will give you an error message and stop logging. You then need to either run :AWStart or restart vim to start logging again


The following global variables are available:

Variable Name Description Default Value
g:aw_apiurl_host Sets the host of the Api Url
g:aw_apiurl_port Sets the port of the Api Url 5600
g:aw_api_timeout Sets the timeout seconds of the Api request 2.0
g:aw_hostname Overides the default hostname hostname()