Conceal-assistant v1.0.9
What's New ?
bug correction affecting miner changing settings for xmr-stak users
CCX Assistant shortcut got even smarter and now can restart service if not already started or if no service, offers the option to open in a terminal window which allow full access (specifically when node update feature is required)
Now the deb file is included with the release:
right click and select "open with other application" "software install"
or in terminal:
sudo dpkg -i conceal-assistant_1.0.9.deb
it will install Conceal-Assistant and create a shortcut on the desktop if you are the main user (uid=1000)
- before installing, import the key:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --search-key 50DF6A8E
- verify the key:
gpg --verify conceal-assistant_1.0.9.deb.sig
known glitch during install have been dealt with on this version, nevertheless, if some still happen, refer to the cocktail of commands mentioned in previous release