Peer-Peer networking classes written (mostly) in Swift. (Socket is Objective-C class GCDAsyncSocket)
See the Shopping project for an example of using this class to sync between instances of an app.
This class uses Swift 5
** To Do:
- Add Unit Testing
- Add secure connections
Peer to Peer classes for communicating between nearby devices over wifi or bluetooth.
- Developed and tested with Xcode 10.2 using Swift 5
A client and server are initialized with a name and unique identifier for each. The server publishes itself on Bonjour so the client can see it.
When the client requests a connection with the server, a delegate call is made passing the name and unique identifier of the client so a determination can be made if a connection should be allowed through code or user interaction.
Once a connection is made, all communication is made through the ALBPeerCommunication class.
Initialize an instance of the server.
let netNode = ALBPeer(name: "Server device", peerID: "uniquedeviceid")
let netServer = ALBPeerServer(serviceType:"_albsync._tcp.", serverNode:netNode, serverDelegate:nil)
netServer.delegate = self
Start the server, allowing it to be seen and connected to.
if !netServer.startPublishing() {
// handle error
Stop the server, removing it from view on the network and disallowing new connections.
Required delegate calls.
func serverPublishingError(errorDict: [NSObject : AnyObject]) {
println("publishing error: \(errorDict)")
func allowConnectionRequest(remoteNode:ALBPeer, requestResponse:(allow:Bool)->()) {
// do work to determine if this device should be allowed to connect
// this can involve user interface calls etc.
// requestResponse can be saved and called elsewhere
requestResponse(allow: true)
func clientDidConnect(connection:ALBPeerConnection) {
// connection delegate must be assigned immediately
connection.delegate = self
// strong reference must be kept of the connection
initialize an instance of the client.
let netNode = ALBPeer(name: "Client device", peerID: "uniquedeviceid")
let netClient = ALBPeerClient(serviceType:"_albsync._tcp.", clientNode:netNode, clientDelegate:nil)
netClient.delegate = self
Browse for servers. Any servers found or lost will invoke delegate calls.
Stop browsing.
Request a connection to a server.
Required delegate calls.
func clientBrowsingError(errorDict:[NSObject: AnyObject]) {
println("browsing error: \(errorDict)")
func serverFound(server:ALBPeer) {
// a server has been found
func serverLost(server:ALBPeer) {
// a server is no longer seen
func unableToConnect(server:ALBPeer) {
// was unable to connect
func connectionDenied(server:ALBPeer) {
// connection was denied
func connected(connection:ALBPeerConnection) {
// connection delegate must be assigned immediately
connection.delegate = self
// strong reference must be kept of the connection
_netConnection = connection
Close the connection.
Send text, data, and local resources to the remote connection
connection.sendText("sample text string")
let progressTracker = connection.sendResourceAtURL(localURL, name:"fileName", resourceID:"unique identifier", onCompletion: { (sent) -> () in
// do some cleanup, etc.
Required delegate calls.
func disconnected(connection:ALBPeerConnection, byRequest:Bool) {
// connection closed
func textReceived(connection: ALBPeerConnection, text: String) {
// text received
func dataReceived(connection:ALBPeerConnection, data:Data) {
// data received
func startedReceivingResource(connection:ALBPeerConnection, atURL:URL, name:String, resourceID:String, progress:Progress) {
// resource transfer started
func resourceReceived(connection:ALBPeerConnection, atURL:URL, name:String, resourceID:String) {
// resource transfer complete