Create beautiful & functional color palettes that enhance the appearance of your notes.
- Supports most CSS color formats (including Hex, RGB, HSL, etc.)
- Create color palettes from popular palette websites like coolors & colorhunt.
- Style like a pro with gorgeous gradients.
- Easily copy color codes by selecting them.
Palettes can be created manually by adding a codeblock with the color codes desired.
```palette #ffffff, #000 ```
```palette rgb(125, 255, 255); rgb(255, 255, 125); ```
Palettes can also be created from links.
Only URLs from & are currently supported.
```palette ```
Optional settings can be applied to each palette within the codeblock.
```palette #fff, #000fff00 {"gradient": true, "aliases": ["white", "black"]} ```
- height (number)
- width (number)
- direction (row/column)
- gradient (true/false)
- hover (true/false)
- override (true/false)
- aliases (string array)
Caution - using width might cause palettes to display incorrectly.
Commands can be bound to a hotkey in settings.
- Create - Advanced palette editor
- Convert link - Converts a selected URL to a palette
- Convert codeblock link to hex
- Generate random palette - Creates a new random palette based on color theory combinations