In Disney's Tron: Legacy (2011), the main character, Sam, discovers his dad's computer and for a moment we, get to see the screensaver of the computer.
Inspired by said screensaver I decided to create a functioning version of it in JavaScript.
By using a HTML to wallpaper/screensaver program, it's possible to use this as your screensaver or wallpaper. I do both.
Keep in mind though, that showing this on a display for long amounts of time can cause Screen burn-in or Image persistence depending on what display you use. Ironically, screensavers were supposed to "save" screens from Screen burn-in and not cause it 😅
You can modify the style via a query string.
Name | Default Value | Units |
size | 3.25 | em |
spacing | 0.16 | em |
color | 96c6a9 | Hex Color |
bg | 111 | Hex Color |