A half-baked open-source Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletions.
Introduction · Setting Up Locally · Tech Stack · Contributing
UnNovel is a half-baked open-source Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletions. If you're looking for a 3/4th-baked version, check out Novel.
To set up Novel locally, you'll need to clone the repository and set up the following environment variables:
VITE_PALM_API_KEY_PUBLIC=<your palm api key>
Note: You can get one from here
To run the app locally, you can run the following commands:
yarn install
yarn dev
UnNovel removed all the garbage from Novel and is now built with the following tech stack:
- Vite - A fast build tool for Vue.js
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- TypeScript - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript
- SCSS - A CSS extension language
- TipTap - A renderless rich-text editor
- Google Gemini - A machine learning model that powers the autocomplete feature