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42FM is a extension that allows you to listen to music on Twitch with synchronization between users

Table of contents


  1. Download the latest build from the releases page
  2. Unzip the downloaded archive
  3. Go to extensions page
  4. Enable "Developer mode" in the top right corner
  5. Click "Load unpacked" and select the unzipped folder
  6. Done!



There's a possibility that the build might fail sometimes because it relies on the YouTube iFrame API script, which is not included in the repository and needs to be downloaded in the build process

  1. Clone repo git clone --recursive
  2. Change directory cd 42fm
  3. Make sure to use the node version inside the .nvmrc file
  4. Be sure to enable corepack with corepack enable
  5. Install dependencies yarn install
  6. Build for platform yarn build:chromium:prod or yarn build:firefox:prod
  7. The output will be in the dist/chromium or dist/firefox respectively


If you want to contribute feel free to open a pull request.