A Step by Step guide to create CRUD Restful APIs using Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA with H2 in-memory database
We will be implementing the below CRUD Restful APIs
to manage items for a Catalogue Management System.
HTTP Method |
API Name | Path | Response Status Code |
POST | Create Catalogue Item | / | 201 (Created) |
GET | Get Catalogue Items | / | 200 (Ok) |
GET | Get Catalogue Item | /{sku} | 200 (Ok) |
PUT | Update Catalogue Item | /{sku} | 200 (Ok) |
DELETE | Delete Catalogue Item | /{sku} | 204 (No Content) |
POST | Upload Catalog Item Picture | /{sku}/image | 201 (Created) |
- Redhat OpenJDK 8
- Spring Boot v2.2.4
- Spring Framework v5.2.3.RELEASE
- Hibernate v5.4.11.Final
- JPA v2.0
- Maven v3.6.3
- Gradle v6.1.1
- IntelliJ Idea v2019.3.2
There are couple of ways to run a Spring Boot Application. During development, the ideal one would be to run the main class which is annotated with SpringBootApplication
i.e, CrudCatalogueApplication.java in this project. And the other ways are running through maven or gradle.
Use the below command to run the Spring Boot application using Maven
~:\> mvn clean spring-boot:run
Use the below command to run the Spring Boot application using Gradle
~:\> gradle clean bootRun
To run the application using java -jar
command, we need to generate the package. Below are the maven and gradle command to generate the jar
for the spring boot application.
~:\> mvn clean package
~:\> java -jar target/catalogue-crud-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
~:\> gradle clean build
~:\> java -jar build/libs/catalogue-crud-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar