Une programme client-serveur simple
- Démarrer le programme serveur
- Démarrer le programme client
var uqac = {
author1 : "Lijun Zheng",
author2 : "Paul Fussien"
This game is created by javafx
If your jdk version <11, you can run it directly, if not you need to download and intall JavaFX JDK. In order to install JavaFX JDK in Eclipse or other IDE, you might need some help in this documentation.
- click on the button "add a pigeon".
- click on the black screen in order to add new food for the pigeons.
- if you want to scare the pigeons, you can click on the button "scare or stop", click it again to stop this behavior.
- a new pigeon added into the game world does not know the food immediately.
- the velocity of pigeon is relatively slow.
- we don't pay attention on the collison of pigeons.
var uqac = {
author1 : "Lijun Zheng",
author2 : "Paul Fussien"