作者:Mendel Cooper; Email:[email protected]
This tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, yet progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction . . . all the while sneaking in little nuggets of UNIX® wisdom and lore.
本書涵蓋範圍包含shell scripting初級(無程式設計或腳本撰寫相關經驗的人皆可看懂)中級與高級知識,並從中帶領讀者淺嚐UNIX®的知識及智慧。
It serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and as a reference and source of knowledge on shell scripting techniques.
本教材可視為教科書、自學手冊或學習shell scripting技術之參考文獻。
The exercises and heavily-commented examples invite active reader participation, under the premise that the only way to really learn scripting is to write scripts.
This book is suitable for classroom use as a general introduction to programming concepts. This document is herewith granted to the Public Domain. No copyright!
Part 2. 基礎篇
Part 3. 進階篇
- 9 再論變數
- 9.1 內部變數
- 9.2 變數型態:宣告與設定
- 9.3 $RAMDOM: 產生隨機變數
- 10 操弄變數
- 10.1 操弄字串
- 11 迴圈(Loops)與分流(Branches)
- 11.1 迴圈
- 12 指令替換
- 13 算術擴展
- 14 課間休息
Part 4. 指令
- 15 Internal Commands and Builtins
- 16 External Filters, Programs and Commands
- 17 System and Administrative Commands
Part 5. 進階課題
- 18 Regular Expressions
- 19 Here Documents
- 20 I/O Redirection
- 21 Subshells
- 22 Restricted Shells
- 23 Process Substitution
- 24 Functions
- 25 Aliases
- 26 List Constructs
- 27 Arrays
- 28 Indirect References
- 29 /dev and /proc
- 30 Network Programming
- 31 Of Zeros and Nulls
- 32 Debugging
- Options
- Gotchas
- Scripting With Style
- Miscellany
- Bash, versions 2, 3, and 4
- Endnotes
- 38.1. Author's Note
- 38.2 About the Author
- 38.3 Where to Go For Help
- 38.4 Tools Used to Produce This Book
- 38.5 Credits
- 38.6 Disclaimer
source: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/