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Ape Pens

This is my final project for Consensys' Blockchain Developer Bootcamp.

The app is live here:

My Loom recording is live here:

My public ETH address (rafi-fyi.eth): 0x51d3657c2ec2dEc47A01F8a82c07e7a3085D591f


This project was created with Brownie and is running on the Ropsten testnet.

Local ENV Variables

Be sure to initialize a PRIVATE_KEY, a WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID, and an ETHERSCAN_TOKEN in a .env file.

See this tutorial on how to setup Etherscan's API and receive a free API token and this tutorial on how to setup Infura to receive a Infura Project ID.


Run pip install eth-brownie If you don't have Brownie already. See this quickstart guide if you're unfamiliar with it.

Run npm install -g ganache-cli If you don't have ganache for migration and running tests.


You can compile with brownie compile, run with brownie run --network ropsten


run tests with brownie test. Brownie handles local testnet ports through ganache-cli nice and neatly, so no other configuration should be needed for the 5 unit tests to run and pass.

Ape Pen Ideas

Ape Pens is a collection of 5000 collectible NFT "pens" that allow an owner access into a haven for ape pen holders. Only 5000 pens can ever be minted.

Once you own a pen, you will be able to access a Shamir's Secret Sharing encrypted, IPFS decentralized personal writing space with your own private ape notes. Each ape can mint anonymous "ape note" NFTs in their writing space and release them to the public, where they will be displayed on the Ape Pen writer's wall. Ape Notes are prohibitively expensive to mint, but an ape pen holder can mint as many notes as they choose.

Apen could eventually consist of:

  1. Writer's Wall - a collection of every minted "ape note" for viewing
  2. Minting - purchase an ape pen (what exists currently)
  3. Personal Wall - a wall with private ape notes that have been taken with this pen

External Resources

This project was somewhat inspired by Sojourn, an old Consensys devkit:

Some of the frontend code was based off of this Alchemy tutorial:

The Brownie code was based off of Patrick Collins' Brownie/NFT tutorial:


My final project for Consensys' Blockchain Developer Bootcamp.






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