Microsoft.DwayneNeed is used to resolve WPF's Airspace issues. It is helpful, it used originally in .NetFramework in past. But now, it suppport .net core.
Currently, This version is based on the .net6 version.
Below projects have be migrated to .net core. Enjoy it!
- Microsoft.DwayneNeed
- Microsoft.DwayneNeed.Win32
- CustomBitmapDemo
- DemoApp
- GlobeDemo
- HierarchicalDataDemo
- MultiThreadDataGridDemo
- TestCmd
- VisualTargetDemo
- WeakEventDemo
- WindowsFormsControls
- Microsoft.DwayneNeed.Reactive
- Microsoft.DwayneNeed.Reactive.Contract
- Microsoft.DwayneNeed.Reactive.UnitTests
MediaPlayer control in WindowsFormsControls project was empty, it was blocked temporarily. Because have't the corresponding player control of WinForms in .Net6.
Samples and reusable code for accomplishing interesting scenarios in WPF (incl. Dwayne Need's WPF AirspaceDecorator).