This project demonstrates creation of three tier architecutre on AWS Cloud. It has following architecture :
- Application Tier - This tier consists of the application code. It is built using ExpressJS framework and it serves API endpoints.
- Presentation Tier - This tier consists of the web application code. It is built using ExpressJS framework and it serves the web pages and allows CRUD operations on the data.
- Database Tier - This tier consists of the database. It is built using MySQL database running on RDS.
Following AWS services are used in this project:
- 1 VPC
- 2 Public subnets - For presentation tier
- 2 Private subnets - For application tier
- 2 Autoscaling groups - 1 for application tier, 1 for presentation tier
- 5 Security Groups
- 2 Load Balancers, (one private, one public)
- 2 Private EC2 instances (representing application tier)
- 2 Public EC2 instances (representing presentation tier)
- 2 Nat Gateways (to allow private instances to connect to the internet)
- 2 Elastic IP addresses, one for each Nat gateway
- 1 rds instance - For database tier
- 1 secret manager to store the database credentials
Here is the high level architecture diagram of the project:
The Azure DevOps pipeline is used to deploy the infrastructure and the application. The pipeline is defined in cicd folder. Written in YAML format, it is a declarative pipeline that defines the steps to be executed. azure-cicd-pipline.yml
This pipeline has 2 major steps
Here are the steps in the pipeline:
- First stage builds the application and creates the docker images in AWS ECR when there is any change in the application code. The trigger for this pipeline is when there is any change in the following folders:
- application-tier/**
- presentation-tier/**
# Smmary of steps in stage 1 steps: - Install AWS CLI & jq - Login to AWS ECR - Build and push the docker images to ECR
- If the build was successful, the pipeline deploys the infrastructure and the application in 2nd stage.
# Smmary of steps in stage 2 steps: - Install Terraform - Terraform init - Fail next steps if init fails - Terraform validate - Fail next steps if validation fails - Terraform plan - Plan the infrastructure and store plan in a human readable file under artifacts - Terraform apply is commented as the infra gets deployed and charges money , uncomment the line to deploy the infra - Terraform destroy in case the terraform apply fails, this is also commented
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Push the code to any of SCM , I used Github and created a repo in Github.
Create a new project in Azure DevOps and authenticate Github and connect it to the repository. Refer to Github connector for authenticating Github this , Reference
Create a new pipeline in Azure DevOps and select the repository and the branch to be used. Refer screenshot below:
Set Variables in Azure DevOps for the following:
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Secret variable - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Secret variable - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - Can be plaintext variable
Manually Run the pipeline by choosing the branch, but by default it will run the pipeline on the main branch when there is a push to the main branch.
Monitor the pipeline in Azure DevOps and wait for it to complete.
Successful run of pipeline will look like this:
Stage 1 - Build and push the docker images to ECR - Successful run of pipeline
Stage 2 - Deplpy the infrastructure and application - Successful run of pipeline
You can see the successful run of the pipeline generates the artifacts in the artifacts folder , Terraform plan in plain text.
Note : I am not deploying the infrastructure here purposly as it will cost money , I have already tested it and the results are attached as well , refer section for results - Running manually on your local machine.
Install the following tools:
Setup the envirnonment variables (I created a User in AWS and created a access key and secret key for that user and assigned appropriate permissions so it can create the infrastructure.): Warning: Do not commit the access key and secret key to the repository. Do not use the root user's access key and secret key.
For Linux/Mac:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY-ID>' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY-SECRET>' export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-east-1' # Replace with your desired region
For Windows in Powershell:
Create docker images for both web and app tiers and push them to AWS ECR
chmod +x ./ ./
Deploy the Terraform infrastructure
cd terraform/ terraform init # Initialize the Terraform backend terraform plan # Plan the infrastructure terraform apply # Apply the infrastructure
Access the application on web browser using ALB DNS name
Accessing the presentation layer - This demonstrate the application is working and web is serving the pages.
To view the application, open the following URL in your browser: http://front-end-lb-***
Accessing the application & database - This demonstrate the database is working and the data is being stored in the database.
Initialize Database using API in application tier and see the output in the presentation layer.
To initialize the database, open the following URL in your browser: http://front-end-lb-*** -
Reading the data from the database - This demonstrate the data is being stored in the database Get intialized data from database using API in application tier and see the output in the presentation layer. To view the users, open the following URL in your browser: http://front-end-lb-***
Destroy the Terraform infrastructure
cd terraform/ terraform destroy # Destroy the infrastructure
Delete the ECR images
chmod +x ./