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项目运行一阵之后,就无法触发了,并且得等好一会才能重新连上 #2382

2 tasks done
namas0312 opened this issue Nov 14, 2024 · 4 comments
2 tasks done


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  • 我确认我运行的是最新版本的代码,并且安装了所需的依赖,在FAQS中也未找到类似问题。

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python 3.8


Latest Release


wx(个人微信, itchat)

复现步骤 🕹


问题描述 😯

症状是在通常情况下,运行python3,都能正常触发扫描,并且扫码后可以显示出user_id和nickname,之后就是Start auto replying. 正常使用

但是就会莫名其妙地类似于死机一样,终端窗口不滚动资讯,微信对话也没反应,类似于死机了,然后我的操作就是手机微信上最上方点退出电脑端,然后乌班图内这个终端窗口ctrl+c多次后终止进程,然后关了这个终端重新开一个 重复运行python3 app.py的操作,然后就会出现2个情况,一个就是扫码后可以显示出user_id和nickname,等于这个项目复活了,又可以正常使用一阵子了;但是多数情况是,扫码之后user_id和nickname是空的,尝试多次也是这样,如图,一般这种情况我就会玄学地改微信名字,改微信头像,手机微信退出登录重新登录等等的操作,反正要等好久之后 才能在乌班图扫码后,显示出user_id和nickname,然后才正常,确实不知道问题出在哪了

终端日志 📒

~/chatgpt-on-wechat$ python3
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:38:57][] - [INIT] load config: {'channel_type': 'wx', 'model': 'gpt-4o', 'open_ai_api_key': '', 'claude_api_key': '', 'text_to_image': 'dall-e-2', 'voice_to_text': 'openai', 'text_to_voice': 'openai', 'proxy': '', 'hot_reload': True, 'single_chat_prefix': [''], 'open_ai_api_base': '', 'single_chat_reply_prefix': '[REPLY] ', 'group_chat_prefix': ['@bot'], 'group_name_white_list': ['ALL_GROUP'], 'image_create_prefix': ['画'], 'speech_recognition': True, 'group_speech_recognition': True, 'voice_reply_voice': False, 'conversation_max_tokens': 2500, 'expires_in_seconds': 3600, 'character_desc': '你是ChatGPT, 一个由OpenAI训练的大型语言模型, 你旨在回答并解决人们的任何问题,并且可以使用多种语言与人交流。', 'temperature': 0.7, 'subscribe_msg': '感谢您的关注!\n这里是AI智能助手,可以自由对话。\n支持语音对话。\n支持图片输入。\n支持图片输出,画字开头的消息将按要求创作图片。\n支持tool、角色扮演和文字冒险等丰富的插件。\n输入{trigger_prefix}#help 查看详细指令。', 'use_linkai': True, 'linkai_api_key': '******', 'linkai_app_code': ''}
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:24][] - [Config] User datas loaded.
/home/naroka/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydub/ RuntimeWarning: Couldn't find ffmpeg or avconv - defaulting to ffmpeg, but may not work
warn("Couldn't find ffmpeg or avconv - defaulting to ffmpeg, but may not work", RuntimeWarning)
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:24][] - Loading plugins config...
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:24][] - Scaning plugins ...
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:24][] - Plugin linkai_v0.1.0 registered, path=./plugins/linkai
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:24][] - Plugin BDunit_v0.1 registered, path=./plugins/bdunit
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:24][] - Plugin Apilot_v0.2 registered, path=./plugins/Apilot
chatgpt-tool-hub version: 0.5.0
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin tool_v0.5 registered, path=./plugins/tool
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin Role_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/role
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin Banwords_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/banwords
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin KFCwenan_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/KFCwenan
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin summaryV2_v0.0.2 registered, path=./plugins/plugin_summary
未安装ntchat: No module named 'channel.wechatnt'
未安装wework: No module named 'ntwork'
未安装ntchat: No module named 'channel.wechatnt'
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin timetask_v2.8 registered, path=./plugins/timetask
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin TicketQuery_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/HighSpeedTicket
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin Keyword_v0.1 registered, path=./plugins/keyword
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin Finish_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/finish
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin Godcmd_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/godcmd
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin Dungeon_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/dungeon
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin Hello_v0.1 registered, path=./plugins/hello
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - load all config from plugins/config.json: {'godcmd': {'password': '0312', 'admin_users': []}, 'banwords': {'action': 'replace', 'reply_filter': True, 'reply_action': 'ignore'}, 'tool': {'tools': ['python', 'url-get', 'terminal', 'meteo-weather'], 'kwargs': {'top_k_results': 2, 'no_default': False, 'model_name': 'gpt-3.5-turbo'}}, 'linkai': {'group_app_map': {'测试群1': 'default', '测试群2': 'Kv2fXJcH'}, 'midjourney': {'enabled': True, 'auto_translate': True, 'img_proxy': True, 'max_tasks': 3, 'max_tasks_per_user': 1, 'use_image_create_prefix': True}, 'summary': {'enabled': True, 'group_enabled': True, 'max_file_size': 5000, 'type': ['FILE', 'SHARING']}}}
[ERROR][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin sum4all not found, but found in plugins.json
[ERROR][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - Plugin summary not found, but found in plugins.json
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - [Godcmd] inited
[timetask] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - [keyword] {}
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - [keyword] inited.
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - [TicketQuery] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - [KFCwenan] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - [LinkAI] inited, config={'group_app_map': {'测试群1': 'default', '测试群2': 'Kv2fXJcH'}, 'midjourney': {'enabled': True, 'auto_translate': True, 'img_proxy': True, 'max_tasks': 3, 'max_tasks_per_user': 1, 'use_image_create_prefix': True}, 'summary': {'enabled': True, 'group_enabled': True, 'max_file_size': 5000, 'type': ['FILE', 'SHARING']}}
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:25][] - [Apilot] inited and alapi_token loaded successfully
[WARNING][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [tool] filter invalid tool: 'meteo-weather'
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [tool] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [Role] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [Dungeon] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [summary] inited, config={'rate_limit_summary': 30, 'save_time': 1440}
[ERROR][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - parameters are of unsupported type
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - Scheduler started. Cleaning old records every day at midnight.
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [Summary] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [Hello] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - [Finish] inited
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:26][] - Client no need connect, ignore
Hot reload failed, logging in normally, error={'BaseResponse': {'ErrMsg': '服务器拒绝连接', 'Ret': -1003, 'RawMsg': 'server refused, loading login status failed.'}}
ERROR:itchat:Hot reload failed, logging in normally, error={'BaseResponse': {'ErrMsg': '服务器拒绝连接', 'Ret': -1003, 'RawMsg': 'server refused, loading login status failed.'}}
Ready to login.
INFO:itchat:Ready to login.
Getting uuid of QR code.
INFO:itchat:Getting uuid of QR code.
Downloading QR code.
INFO:itchat:Downloading QR code.
You can also scan QRCode in any website below:×400&data=
█ █▀▀▀█ █ ▀██▄█▀█▄█▄█▄█ █▀▀▀█ █
█ █   █ █▄▄  ▀▄█▀▀  ▀▀█ █   █ █
█ ▀▀▀▀▀ █▀▄▀▄ ▄▀█▀▄▀█▀█ ▀▀▀▀▀ █
█▀█████▀█ ██▄█▀ ▀▀▀▄ ▄▀▀██▀▀▀██
█ ▄▀▄ █▀ ▄ █ ▄▄  ▄▀ ▄▄█▀  █▄▄██
█▀▀█▄█ ▀▄█▄▀█▀▀▄ ▄██▄ ▀ ▀█▄██▀█
█▄█▀ █ ▀██▀▀▄▄█▄▀  ▄▄ █  ▄▀▀▄▄█
█▄ █▄▀ ▀▄▄ ▄█ ▀█▀█▀█▀▄██▄▄▀ █▄█
█   ▄ █▀▀██ ▄  ▄▀▄ ▄  ▄ ▄▄▀▄▄ █
█ █  ▄ ▀▄▄ ▄▀█▀▄▀▄▀▀▀▀   ▀█▀▀▀█
█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▄▄██▄▄▀ ▀ ▄  █▀█  ▀███
█ █▀▀▀█ ██▀█▀▀▀ █▀██  ▀▀▀ ▀█▀▄█
█ █   █ ███  █ ▀▀ ▄▄▄▀ ▀▀▀  ▀▄█
█ ▀▀▀▀▀ █▀▄█▄ █▄▄█▀ ▀█▄▄▀▄▄ █▄█
timeTask文件已存在, 无需创建
Please press confirm on your phone.
INFO:itchat:Please press confirm on your phone.
Loading the contact, this may take a little while.
INFO:itchat:Loading the contact, this may take a little while.
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:33:42][] - Wechat login success, user_id: , nickname:
Start auto replying.
INFO:itchat:Start auto replying.

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namas0312 commented Nov 14, 2024

如代码所示在中午2024-11-14 11:42:32最后一条消息刷新之后,便卡主了
2024-11-14 14:04:50是本人操作退出重启,然后就遇到了,nickname和user_id空白的问题

[INFO][2024-11-14 11:07:08][] - Wechat message 73558898243094568 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:07:08][] - Wechat message 73558898243094568 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:07:26][] - Wechat message 4711678064238843899 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:07:26][] - Wechat message 4711678064238843899 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:14:43][] - Wechat message 8880841261123993380 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:14:43][] - Wechat message 8880841261123993380 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:14:49][] - Wechat message 4292753682028950768 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:14:49][] - Wechat message 4292753682028950768 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:15:10][] - Wechat message 5326129015787240597 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:15:10][] - Wechat message 5326129015787240597 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:15:26][] - Wechat message 3036455175635855702 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:15:26][] - Wechat message 3036455175635855702 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:19:33][] - Wechat message 4922605572692656272 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:19:33][] - Wechat message 4922605572692656272 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:20:09][] - Wechat message 2446834465803913063 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:20:09][] - Wechat message 2446834465803913063 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:20:28][] - Wechat message 2570009408213946216 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:20:28][] - Wechat message 2570009408213946216 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:21:23][] - Wechat message 490859146872994487 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:21:23][] - Wechat message 490859146872994487 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:21:28][] - Wechat message 8986283253068743625 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:21:28][] - Wechat message 8986283253068743625 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:21:39][] - Wechat message 5427745035293656527 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:21:39][] - Wechat message 5427745035293656527 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:22:34][] - Wechat message 8376437148598686321 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:22:34][] - Wechat message 8376437148598686321 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:22:56][] - Wechat message 8978635026210349983 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:22:56][] - Wechat message 8978635026210349983 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:23:17][] - Wechat message 2277049366503327626 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:23:17][] - Wechat message 2277049366503327626 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:27:33][] - Wechat message 3713136596255869540 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:27:33][] - Wechat message 3713136596255869540 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:30:13][] - Wechat message 4279520231057579693 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:30:13][] - Wechat message 4279520231057579693 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:39:55][] - Wechat message 7010568019042860390 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:39:55][] - Wechat message 7010568019042860390 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:40:02][] - Wechat message 1172117913643233329 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:40:02][] - Wechat message 1172117913643233329 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:40:15][] - Wechat message 6540042721163446108 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:40:15][] - Wechat message 6540042721163446108 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:41:20][] - Wechat message 8283740554178964188 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:41:20][] - Wechat message 8283740554178964188 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:41:35][] - Wechat message 2631105567472409570 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:41:35][] - Wechat message 2631105567472409570 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:41:43][] - Wechat message 6883384668417531888 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:41:43][] - Wechat message 6883384668417531888 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:42:32][] - Wechat message 4605184902355720788 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 11:42:32][] - Wechat message 4605184902355720788 already received, ignore
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:04:50][] - signal 2 received, exiting...
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:04:50][] - [Config] User datas saved.
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:04:50][] - signal 2 received, exiting...
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:04:50][] - [Config] User datas saved.
[INFO][2024-11-14 14:04:57][] - [INIT] load config: {'channel_type': 'wx', 'model': 'gpt-4o', 'open_ai_api_key': '', 'claude_api_key': '****', 'text_to_image': 'dall-e-2', 'voice_to_text': 'openai', 'text_to_voice': 'openai', 'proxy': '', 'hot_reload': True, 'single_chat_prefix': [''], 'open_ai_api_base': '', 'single_chat_reply_prefix': '[REPLY] ', 'group_chat_prefix': ['@bot'], 'group_name_white_list': ['ALL_GROUP'], 'image_create_prefix': ['画'], 'speech_recognition': True, 'group_speech_recognition': True, 'voice_reply_voice': False, 'conversation_max_tokens': 2500, 'expires_in_seconds': 3600, 'character_desc': '你是ChatGPT, 一个由OpenAI训练的大型语言模型, 你旨在回答并解决人们的任何问题,并且可以使用多种语言与人交流。', 'temperature': 0.7, 'subscribe_msg': '感谢您的关注!\n这里是AI智能助手,可以自由对话。\n支持语音对话。\n支持图片输入。\n支持图片输出,画字开头的消息将按要求创作图片。\n支持tool、角色扮演和文字冒险等丰富的插件。\n输入{trigger_prefix}#help 查看详细指令。', 'use_linkai': True, 'linkai_api_key': '', 'linkai_app_code': '****'}

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啊 没人遇到过吗

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遇到了 但是不知道怎么解决

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Xmei1002 commented Dec 3, 2024

遇到了 但是不知道怎么解决


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