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File metadata and controls

115 lines (100 loc) · 4.77 KB

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to...


  • install Rstudio and other data science packages (e-setup00-install)
  • load packages to access useful functions (e-setup01-packages)
  • access documentation to use R functions (e-setup02-functions)
  • access vignettes to learn new functions (e-setup03-docs)
  • use Rstudio shortcuts to improve productivity (e-setup04-rstudio-shortcuts)


  • Isolate
    • data using filter (e-data01-isolate)
    • variables using select (e-data01-isolate)
  • Recognize
    • basic data objects: vectors, types (e-setup05-vectors, e-setup06-types)
  • Derive
    • new variables with mutate (e-data02-derive)
    • summaries with group_by and summarize (e-data02-derive)
    • string matches with regular expressions (e-data06-strings)
    • positional and ranking relations with window functions (e-data08-window)
  • Tidy
    • by reshaping with pivot_longer and pivot_wider (e-data03-pivot)
    • by separate and unite of columns (e-data04-separate-unite)
    • by join of multiple tables (e-data05-join)
  • Load
    • data from a flat file, e.g. a comma-separated value (csv) file (e-data00-basics)
    • data from an Excel sheet (e-data09-readxl)
    • data from googlesheets (e-data12-simple-pipeline)
  • Wrangle
    • data from a messy source (e-data09-readxl, e-data13-cleaning)
    • strings with stringr (e-data06-strings)
    • complex code into readable, functional pipelines (e-data07-placeholders)
    • loops into functional calls using purrr (e-data10-map)
    • factors with forcats (e-data11-factors)
  • Liberate
    • data from images with WebPlotDigitizer (e-data14-webplotdigitizer)
    • data from printed tables with Tabula (e-data15-tabula)


  • State and use the basic components of the grammar of graphics:
    • geometry (many!)
    • aesthetics (e-vis00-basics)
    • theme (e-vis06-themes)
    • layers (e-vis04-scatterplot)
  • Create
    • bar charts (e-vis01-bar-charts)
    • histograms (e-vis02-histograms)
    • boxplots (e-vis03-boxplots)
    • scatterplots (e-vis04-scatterplot)
    • line plots (e-vis05-lines)
    • small multiple plots (e-vis06-multiples)
    • tweaks to visual aesthetics (e-vis06-themes)
  • Design
    • EDA-quality graphics (many!)
    • presentation-ready graphics (e-vis06-themes, e-comm01-story-basics)
    • comparisons using small multiples (e-vis08-multiples)
    • improved visuals through an iterative approach (e-vis09-improve)
  • Criticize
    • data visualizations based on the visual hierarchy (e-vis07-perception)

Statistical Literacy

  • Distinguish
    • between error and uncertainty (c02-michelson, e-stat07-error-bias)
    • between populations and samples (e-stat04-population)
  • Describe
    • a random quantity with a distribution (e-stat01-distributions)
    • a dataset with descriptive statistics (e-stat03-descriptive, e-stat05-moment)
    • a future outcome using a fitted model (e-stat11-ci-pi)
    • the benefits of randomization for data collection (e-stat12-randomization)
  • Apply
    • the principles of curiosity and skepticism to perform EDA (e-stat00-eda-basics)
  • Quantify
    • an approximate probability with Monte Carlo (e-stat02-probability)
    • the degree of uncertainty in an estimate (e-stat06-clt, e-stat09-bootstrap)
    • the degree of uncertainty in a prediction (e-stat11-ci-pi)
  • Fit
    • a distribution (e-stat08-fit-dist)
  • Question
    • whether observed variability is real or induced (e-model00-source)
    • whether a given degree of certainty is sufficient to make a decision (e-stat10-hyp-intro)
    • whether a model is overfit to a given dataset (e-model02-train-validate)
    • whether a model interpretation is real or spurious (e-model03-interp-warnings)

Statistical Modeling

  • Fit
    • a linear model (e-model01-intro)
    • a logistic regression classifier (e-model04-logistic)
  • Assess
    • whether a model is flexible enough to fit a given dataset (e-model02-train-validate)
    • a linear model for interpretability (e-model03-interp-warnings)
    • the accuracy of a classifier (e-model05-roc)
  • Select
    • features based on an appropriate error estimate (e-stat02-model-train-validate)
    • hyperparameters based on an appropriate error estimate (e-stat02-model-train-validate)


  • write easily-readable code by following a styleguide (e-comm00-style)
  • use active and constructive responding to encourage cordial discussion (e-comm01-responding)
  • tell a story using the ABT framework (e-comm02-story-basics)


  • use Git for basic version control (e-rep01-intro-git, e-rep03-track)
  • create a GitHub repository (e-rep02-create)
  • structure a project directory (e-rep04-directories)