Loads content or remote page into a Bootstrap 5 modal dialog with customizable options.supports default dragging, zooming, and maximizing of the modal window.
import { load } from '@ymlluo/bs5dialog';
load('https://example.com', {
title: 'Example Modal',
type: 'primary',
size: 'md',
id: 'example-modal',
centered: true,
scrollable: true,
maximize: false,
backdrop: true,
focus: true,
keyboard: true,
draggable: true,
resizable: true,
btnOkText: 'OK',
btnCancelText: 'Cancel',
onShow: () => console.log('Modal is shown'),
onShown: () => console.log('Modal is fully shown'),
onHide: () => console.log('Modal is hiding'),
onHidden: () => console.log('Modal is fully hidden'),
isForm: true,
onSubmit: () => console.log('Modal is submitted'),
onSubmitSuccess: () => console.log('Modal is successfully submitted'),
onSubmitError: () => console.log('Modal submission error'),
onSubmitDone: () => console.log('Modal submission is done')
const { load } = require('@ymlluo/bs5dialog');
load('https://example.com', {
title: 'Example Modal',
type: 'primary',
size: 'md',
id: 'example-modal',
centered: true,
scrollable: true,
maximize: false,
backdrop: true,
focus: true,
keyboard: true,
draggable: true,
resizable: true,
btnOkText: 'OK',
btnCancelText: 'Cancel',
onShow: () => console.log('Modal is shown'),
onShown: () => console.log('Modal is fully shown'),
onHide: () => console.log('Modal is hiding'),
onHidden: () => console.log('Modal is fully hidden'),
isForm: true,
onSubmit: () => console.log('Modal is submitted'),
onSubmitSuccess: () => console.log('Modal is successfully submitted'),
onSubmitError: () => console.log('Modal submission error'),
onSubmitDone: () => console.log('Modal submission is done')
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Load Example</title>
<!-- Include Bootstrap 5 CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../bs5dialog.css">
<script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/axios/1.3.4/axios.js"></script>
<script src="../bs5dialog.js"></script> </head>
<button id="example-button">Open Modal</button>
const exampleButton = document.getElementById('example-button');
exampleButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
bs5dialog.load('./form.html', {
title: 'Example Modal',
type: 'primary',
size: 'md',
id: 'example-modal',
centered: true,
scrollable: true,
maximize: false,
backdrop: true,
focus: true,
keyboard: true,
draggable: true,
resizable: true,
btnOkText: 'OK',
btnCancelText: 'Cancel',
onShow: () => console.log('Modal is shown'),
onShown: () => console.log('Modal is fully shown'),
onHide: () => console.log('Modal is hiding'),
onHidden: () => console.log('Modal is fully hidden'),
isForm: true,
onSubmit: () => console.log('Modal is submitted'),
onSubmitSuccess: () => console.log('Modal is successfully submitted'),
onSubmitError: () => console.log('Modal submission error'),
onSubmitDone: () => console.log('Modal submission is done')
content (string): The content to be loaded into the modal dialog. Can be a URL or HTML content.
options (Object): An object containing customizable options for the modal dialog.
title (string): The title of the modal dialog.
type (string): The type of the modal dialog, which determines the color of the status bar.
size (string): The size of the modal dialog.
id (string): The ID of the modal dialog.
centered (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should be centered on the screen.
scrollable (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should be scrollable.
maximize (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should be maximize.
backdrop (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should have a backdrop.
focus (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should be focused.
keyboard (boolean): Whether the keyboard should be enabled for the modal dialog.
draggable (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should be draggable.
resizable (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should be resizable.
btnOkText (string): The text to display on the OK button.
btnCancelText (string): The text to display on the Cancel button.
onShow (function): A function to be called when the modal dialog is shown.
onShown (function): A function to be called after the modal dialog is shown.
onHide (function): A function to be called when the modal dialog is hidden.
onHidden (function): A function to be called after the modal dialog is hidden.
isForm (boolean): Whether the modal dialog should be a form.
onSubmit (function): A function to be called when the modal dialog is submitted.
onSubmitSuccess (function): A function to be called after the modal dialog is successfully submitted.
onSubmitError (function): A function to be called if there is an error submitting the modal dialog.
onSubmitDone (function): A function to be called after the modal dialog is submitted, regardless of success or failure.
If options.isForm is true, when the form is submitted
- bs5:dialog:form:submit:success
- bs5:dialog:form:submit:error
- bs5:dialog:form:submit:complete