Follow to install Download ISTIO Unpack downloaded file export ISTIO_HOME= Add ${ISTIO_HOME}/bin to PATH
start kubernetes and run bin/
istio-demo-auth.yaml is modified by adding port 8010 to istio-ingressgateway. Nodeport is 31381
make sure every pod is at least one service if you want it managed by istio (inject Envoy)
Run following to allow ssh port 22 for ansible. also it enforce mutual TLS which block all traffic except ssh
Deploy HPCC System cluster
Notice esp-e1 start with istio kube-inject which will create another container (envoy) in this pod get pods
verify hpcc cluster is configured
../bin/cluster-run status
To to nodeport of 8010:
```console get service -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway
It should be 31381 if istio-ingressgateway not changed
Try http://:31387 It should not work
In network/ apply -f eclwatch-gateway.yaml
This wil allow http://localhost:31381 routes to eclwatch but will get RBAC access denied
In secuity/rbac
This will allow accessing eclwath. Run playground sample to verify it works.