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2020-11-10 Trending Weekly

All Languages

Repo star language fork intro
edex-ui 22,624 JavaScript 1,261 A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
pifuhd 4,559 Python 516 High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization from A Single Image.
youtube-dl 2,662 Python 1,550 A fork of youtube-dl, for archival purposes.
tinygrad 718 Python 81 You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️
bevy 4,966 Rust 362 A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
hello-algorithm 20,647 Java 3,909 🌍 东半球最酷的学习项目
workflow 2,757 C++ 558 C++ Programming Paradigm with Asynchronous Networking
cp-ddd-framework 388 Java 74 A lightweight flexible development framework for complex business architecture with full ecosystem!轻量级业务中台开发框架,中台架构的顶层设计和完整解决方案!
chatwoot 5,496 Ruby 539 Open-source live chat software, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. 🔥💬
Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF 7,558 Python 1,919 Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and ...
routersploit 8,625 Python 1,904 Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices
googletest 18,634 C++ 6,777 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
attestation-deplacement-derogatoire-q4-2020 322 JavaScript 281 attestation-deplacement-derogatoire-q4-2020 public
Qv2ray 6,812 C++ 1,114 ⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端
spring-boot-demo 18,940 Java 6,486 spring boot demo 是一个用来深度学习并实战 spring boot 的项目,目前总共包含 65 个集成demo,已经完成 53 个。 该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Be...
InfoSpider 3,409 Python 669 INFO-SPIDER 是一个集众多数据源于一身的爬虫工具箱🧰,旨在安全快捷的帮助用户拿回自己的数据,工具代码开源,流程透明。支持数据源包括GitHub、QQ邮箱、网易邮箱、阿里邮箱、新浪邮箱、Hotmail邮箱、Outlook邮箱、京东、淘宝、支付宝、中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、知乎、哔哩哔哩、网易云音乐、QQ好友、QQ群、生成朋友圈相册、浏览器浏览历史、12306、博客园、CSDN博客、开...
COVID-19 3,638 2,044 COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione
vscode-stories 1,608 TypeScript 80 Stories for VSCode
chinese-poetry 30,270 JavaScript 6,209 The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 阿里招 Python P6/P7 上海张江, [email protected]
td 3,034 C++ 616 Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
bypass-paywalls-chrome 10,761 JavaScript 746 Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox.
wechat-app-mall 13,459 JavaScript 4,837 微信小程序商城,微信小程序微店
imgui 24,766 C++ 4,130 Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
arrow 6,445 C++ 1,639 Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. It specifies a standardized language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficien...
avatarify 9,334 Python 1,280 Avatars for Zoom, Skype and other video-conferencing apps.


Repo star language fork intro
Sandboxie 1,868 C 235 Sandboxie - Open Source
OpenCorePkg 5,142 C 877 OpenCore bootloader
zstd 13,080 C 1,229 Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
lede 13,083 C 11,887 Lean's OpenWrt source
nginx 12,924 C 4,794 An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to ngi...
arduino-esp32 5,583 C 3,445 Arduino core for the ESP32
Tasmota 12,962 C 2,922 Alternative firmware for ESP8266 with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full docum...
darknet 19,180 C 14,857 Convolutional Neural Networks
jemalloc 5,408 C 997
lvgl 4,603 C 1,026 Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash).
systemd 7,366 C 2,365 The systemd System and Service Manager
mbed-os 3,531 C 2,484 Arm Mbed OS is a platform operating system designed for the internet of things
grbl 2,394 C 1,007 An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
scrcpy 39,848 C 4,054 Display and control your Android device
littlefs 1,975 C 349 A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers
spdk 1,496 C 576 Storage Performance Development Kit
esp8266_deauther 7,342 C 1,740 Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning
incubator-nuttx 389 C 204 Apache NuttX is a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)
GmSSL 2,075 C 898 支持国密SM2/SM3/SM4/SM9/ZUC/SSL的OpenSSL分支
tor 1,994 C 616 unofficial git repo -- report bugs/issues/pull requests on --
linux 7,359 C 3,530 Kernel source tree for Raspberry Pi Foundation-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at
kcp 8,904 C 1,789 KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol (快速可靠传输协议)
ExpressLRS 164 C 41 STM32/ESP32/ESP8285 based High Performance Radio Link for Quads
freebsd 5,411 C 2,063 FreeBSD src tree (read-only mirror)
openwrt 6,899 C 4,958 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...


Repo star language fork intro
workflow 2,757 C++ 558 C++ Programming Paradigm with Asynchronous Networking
googletest 18,634 C++ 6,777 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
Qv2ray 6,812 C++ 1,114 ⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端
td 3,034 C++ 616 Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
imgui 24,766 C++ 4,130 Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
arrow 6,445 C++ 1,639 Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. It specifies a standardized language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficien...
onnxruntime 3,596 C++ 816 ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
yuzu 12,468 C++ 1,031 Nintendo Switch Emulator
PowerToys 42,076 C++ 2,286 Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
CPlusPlusThings 7,850 C++ 1,802 C++那些事
vcpkg 10,893 C++ 2,996 C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
incubator-brpc 10,777 C++ 2,660 Industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services. "brpc" means "better RPC".
mediapipe 9,608 C++ 1,797 MediaPipe is the simplest way for researchers and developers to build world-class ML solutions and applications for mobile, edge, cloud and the web.
ClickHouse 12,836 C++ 2,567 ClickHouse is a free analytics DBMS for big data
protobuf 44,677 C++ 11,999 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
typesense 3,484 C++ 77 Fast, typo tolerant search engine for building delightful search experiences.
PX4-Autopilot 3,946 C++ 10,560 PX4 Autopilot Software
carla 5,170 C++ 1,513 Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
WLED 3,431 C++ 584 Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
Marlin 8,804 C++ 12,224 Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform.
pytorch 43,740 C++ 11,512 Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
faiss 11,473 C++ 2,011 A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
tdesktop 13,530 C++ 3,033 Telegram Desktop messaging app
ZLMediaKit 2,070 C++ 730 A lightweight RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181 server and client framework based on C++11
DeepSpeech 15,685 C++ 2,916 DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.


Repo star language fork intro
react-projects 148 CSS 118
3d-card-effect 125 CSS 85
cloudflare-docs 53 CSS 106 Cloudflare’s developer docs.
vscode-docs 3,338 CSS 2,756 Public documentation for Visual Studio Code
hugo-theme-terminal 695 CSS 276 A simple, retro theme for Hugo
YouTube 793 CSS 181 🔴YouTube Extension📌80 Features📌Tidy📌Longest standing(2012)(300000 active users)⭐Please document, code or donate⋮⚙️⏯️🎬🎞️🔊⋮☕🎨🧩🧪📈⋮
document-library 2,396 CSS 393 jsliang 的文档库. 里面包含了个人撰写的所有前端文章,例如 Vue、React,、ECharts、微信小程序、算法、数据结构等……
tabler-react 1,505 CSS 369 React components and demo for the Tabler UI theme.
normalize.css 41,275 CSS 9,118 A modern alternative to CSS resets
2048 10,642 CSS 15,709 A small clone of 1024 (
spicetify-themes 1,120 CSS 408 A community-driven collection of themes for Spicetify ( 25 CSS 19 Adapted from, translated by /u/gbdematos
Responsive-Login-Form 201 CSS 234
primeng 6,329 CSS 3,174 The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
jekyll-now 7,012 CSS 29,597 Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
seeker 1,354 CSS 557 Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
Natural-Nerd 441 CSS 381
gridea 6,556 CSS 546 ✍️A static blog writing client (一个静态博客写作客户端)
hangzhou_house_knowledge 24,551 CSS 5,194 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I ...
simplefolio 5,640 CSS 2,103 ⚡️ A minimal portfolio template for Developers
rofi-themes 461 CSS 156 Themes for Rofi
hands-on-ml-zh 3,432 CSS 1,458 📖 [译] Sklearn 与 TensorFlow 机器学习实用指南【版权问题,网站已下线!!】
SocialFish 1,886 CSS 748 Automated Phishing Tool & Information Collector
hyde 2,963 CSS 3,130 A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
typora-theme-gallery 480 CSS 313 Website for Typora themes


Repo star language fork intro
zju-icicles 19,479 HTML 5,927 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划
blackeye 197 HTML 178 The ultimate phishing tool with 38 websites available!
REKCARC-TSC-UHT 15,508 HTML 4,469 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
eks-charts 289 HTML 149 Amazon EKS Helm chart repository
v2-ui 2,623 HTML 1,008 支持多协议多用户的 v2ray 面板,Support multi-protocol multi-user v2ray panel
ttv-ublock 192 JavaScript 33 Blocking ads on that certain streaming website
helm-charts 442 HTML 284 Prometheus community Helm charts
ai-edu 8,392 HTML 2,031 AI education materials for Chinese students, teachers and IT professionals.
blog 1,586 HTML 303 大前端技术为主,读书笔记、随笔、理财为辅,做个终身学习者。
DetectionLab 2,448 HTML 499 Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
us-potus-model 1,139 HTML 154 Code for a dynamic multilevel Bayesian model to predict US presidential elections. Written in R and Stan.
awesome-piracy 11,542 HTML 1,138 A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
glTF 4,291 HTML 779 glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
styleguide 25,800 HTML 9,722 Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects
beautiful-jekyll 2,975 HTML 9,424 ✨ Build a beautiful and simple website in literally minutes. Demo at
website 2,239 HTML 8,439 Kubernetes website and documentation repo:
tidytuesday 2,894 HTML 1,099 Official repo for the #tidytuesday project
Java-Interview-Advanced 2,623 HTML 1,181 中华石杉--互联网Java进阶面试训练营
charts 2,104 HTML 2,039 Helm Charts
ESPEasy 2,290 HTML 1,703 Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266
blackeye 40 HTML 34 This is the updated version of blackeye with ngrok
JavaScript30 13,952 HTML 16,649 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
fastText 21,850 HTML 4,242 Library for fast text representation and classification.
hugo-geekdoc 30 HTML 21 Hugo theme made for documentation
ansible-os-hardening 1,810 HTML 354 This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.


Repo star language fork intro
pifuhd 4,559 Python 516 High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization from A Single Image.
youtube-dl 2,662 Python 1,550 A fork of youtube-dl, for archival purposes.
tinygrad 718 Python 81 You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️
Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF 7,558 Python 1,919 Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and ...
routersploit 8,625 Python 1,904 Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices
InfoSpider 3,409 Python 669 INFO-SPIDER 是一个集众多数据源于一身的爬虫工具箱🧰,旨在安全快捷的帮助用户拿回自己的数据,工具代码开源,流程透明。支持数据源包括GitHub、QQ邮箱、网易邮箱、阿里邮箱、新浪邮箱、Hotmail邮箱、Outlook邮箱、京东、淘宝、支付宝、中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、知乎、哔哩哔哩、网易云音乐、QQ好友、QQ群、生成朋友圈相册、浏览器浏览历史、12306、博客园、CSDN博客、开...
avatarify 9,334 Python 1,280 Avatars for Zoom, Skype and other video-conferencing apps.
incubator-superset 31,148 Python 6,379 Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
jd-assistant 2,271 Python 705 京东抢购助手:包含登录,查询商品库存/价格,添加/清空购物车,抢购商品(下单),查询订单等功能
python-cheatsheet 16,682 Python 3,159 Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
trape 5,985 Python 1,021 People tracker on the Internet: OSINT analysis and research tool by Jose Pino 21,542 Python 1,059 the only cheat sheet you need
microsoft-teams-class-attender 220 Python 111 A bot to attend classes on microsoft teams
zipline 12,673 Python 3,603 Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library
EssayKiller_V2 1,489 Python 259 基于开源GPT2.0的初代创作型人工智能
netbox 7,164 Python 1,358 IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap 28,676 Python 6,317 Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
detectron2 13,431 Python 3,291 Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation platform for object detection and segmentation.
you-get 36,793 Python 7,532 ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
algorithms 18,185 Python 3,723 Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python
awesome-python 88,578 Python 17,430 A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
OnlyFans 455 Python 106 Scrape all the media from a OnlyFans account
youtube-dl-gui 6,135 Python 1,172 A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
scapy 5,721 Python 1,319 Scapy: the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library. Supports Python 2 & Python 3.
bpytop 4,013 Python 148 Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor


Repo star language fork intro
vscode-stories 1,608 TypeScript 80 Stories for VSCode
ant-design 64,605 TypeScript 24,996 🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library
h5-Dooring 1,404 TypeScript 248 (H5编辑器)H5-Dooring是一款功能强大,开源免费的H5可视化页面配置解决方案,致力于提供一套简单方便、专业可靠、无限可能的H5落地页最佳实践。技术栈以react为主, 后台采用nodejs开发.
admin-bro 2,785 TypeScript 218 AdminBro is an admin panel for apps written in node.js
davinci 2,858 TypeScript 1,159 Davinci is a DVsaaS (Data Visualization as a Service) Platform
G2 10,222 TypeScript 996 📊 A highly interactive data-driven visualization grammar for statistical charts.
GitCracken 792 TypeScript 222 Crack GitKraken
deno 68,875 TypeScript 3,591 A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime
etcher 19,025 TypeScript 1,272 Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
typeorm 21,693 TypeScript 3,626 ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron...
grafana 38,038 TypeScript 7,737 The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
pro-components 495 TypeScript 148 🏆 Use Ant Design like a Pro!
components 20,579 TypeScript 5,521 Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
amis 4,805 TypeScript 605 前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种后台页面。
swr 14,083 TypeScript 464 React Hooks library for remote data fetching
snyk 2,318 TypeScript 251 CLI and build-time tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies
commerce 2,157 TypeScript 295 Next.js Commerce
TypeScript 65,551 TypeScript 8,774 TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
Serverless-Devs 263 TypeScript 26 🔥🔥🔥 Serverless Devs 开发者工具
vscode-stories-api 188 TypeScript 20 api for vscode stories
puppeteer 66,423 TypeScript 6,863 Headless Chrome Node.js API
nest 31,619 TypeScript 2,851 A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀
dosvpn 265 TypeScript 85 🚀 极速、简单、开源的VPN访问外网学习先进科学技术的必备工具
ant-design-pro 27,013 TypeScript 6,237 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 Use Ant Design like a Pro!
streetmerchant 980 TypeScript 326 🤖 Autonomous robot for all your electronic needs


Repo star language fork intro
COVID-19 3,638 2,044 COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione
architect-awesome 48,344 15,211 后端架构师技术图谱
design-resources-for-developers 22,366 5,402 Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
xiazai 579 108 小手电官方版本下载 小手电 翻墙 代理 科学上网 外网 加速器 梯子 路由 Xiaoshoudian proxy vpn censorship-circumvention censorship gfw accelerator
app-ideas 33,833 4,688 A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
JavaBooks 541 187 Java 程序员常读书单整理,附下载地址,助力构建最强知识体系。但不限于 Java,包括设计模式、计算机网络、操作系统、数据库、数据结构与算法、大数据、架构、面试等等。
web-development-resources 536 91 Awesome Web Development Resources.
abap-platform-rap-opensap 108 47 Samples for the openSAP course "Building Apps with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming model (RAP)."
download 370 82 佛跳墙下载页
Script 2,270 1,671 This project is based on the scripting capabilities of two excellent iOS proxy tools, Quantumult X or Surge.
build-your-own-x 87,000 7,537 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
awesome-spider 14,156 3,766 爬虫集合
awesome-android-security 414 56 A curated list of Android Security materials and resources For Pentesters and Bug Hunters
every-programmer-should-know 43,009 4,204 A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
Awesome-Hacking 41,349 6,667 A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
you-dont-know-js-ru 4,025 1,538 📚 Russian translation of "You Don't Know JS" book series
datasharing 5,513 229,656 The Leek group guide to data sharing
IT_book 1,690 471 本项目收藏这些年来看过或者听过的一些不错的常用的上千本书籍,没准你想找的书就在这里呢,包含了互联网行业大多数书籍和面试经验题目等等。有人工智能系列(常用深度学习框架TensorFlow、pytorch、keras。NLP、机器学习,深度学习等等),大数据系列(Spark,Hadoop,Scala,kafka等),程序员必修系列(C、C++、java、数据结构、linux,设计模式、数据库等等)
hosts 19,974 10,200 镜像: /
rfcs 2,873 277 RFCs for substantial changes / feature additions to Vue core
awesome-pentest 13,035 3,373 A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
deep-learning-drizzle 8,780 2,270 Drench yourself in Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and NLP by learning from these exciting lectures!!
EffectiveModernCppChinese 1,427 205 《Effective Modern C++》翻译 - 2020更新中
1024app-android 4,056 860 草榴官方客户端,小草客户端,Android
QuantumultX 1,726 953 QuantumultX


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MicrositePreloader 1 ActionScript 0


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compiler-explorer 7,752 Assembly 899 Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
MS-DOS 15,528 Assembly 2,368 The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0, for reference purposes
blst 85 Assembly 20 BLS12-381 signature library


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bug.n 2,401 AutoHotkey 173 Tiling Window Manager for Windows


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python-guide 21,870 Batchfile 5,486 Python best practices guidebook, written for humans.
Microsoft-Activation-Scripts 1,764 Batchfile 297 A collection of scripts for activating Microsoft products using HWID / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods with a focus on open-source code, less antivirus detection and user-friendliness.
java-interview 1,047 Batchfile 499 Вопросы и ответы к интервью Java разработчика
tron 2,428 Batchfile 200 Tron
LTSC-Add-MicrosoftStore 835 Batchfile 138 Add Windows Store for LTSC


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livewire 7,524 Blade 507 A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.


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BUAA_Course_Sharing 125 Bluespec 33 北京航空航天大学(北航)课程作业资料共享计划


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Sandboxie 1,868 C 235 Sandboxie - Open Source
OpenCorePkg 5,142 C 877 OpenCore bootloader
zstd 13,080 C 1,229 Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
lede 13,083 C 11,887 Lean's OpenWrt source
nginx 12,924 C 4,794 An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to ngi...
arduino-esp32 5,583 C 3,445 Arduino core for the ESP32
Tasmota 12,962 C 2,922 Alternative firmware for ESP8266 with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full docum...
darknet 19,180 C 14,857 Convolutional Neural Networks
jemalloc 5,408 C 997
lvgl 4,603 C 1,026 Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash).
systemd 7,366 C 2,365 The systemd System and Service Manager
mbed-os 3,531 C 2,484 Arm Mbed OS is a platform operating system designed for the internet of things
grbl 2,394 C 1,007 An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
scrcpy 39,848 C 4,054 Display and control your Android device
littlefs 1,975 C 349 A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers
spdk 1,496 C 576 Storage Performance Development Kit
esp8266_deauther 7,342 C 1,740 Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning
incubator-nuttx 389 C 204 Apache NuttX is a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)
GmSSL 2,075 C 898 支持国密SM2/SM3/SM4/SM9/ZUC/SSL的OpenSSL分支
tor 1,994 C 616 unofficial git repo -- report bugs/issues/pull requests on --
linux 7,359 C 3,530 Kernel source tree for Raspberry Pi Foundation-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at
kcp 8,904 C 1,789 KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol (快速可靠传输协议)
ExpressLRS 164 C 41 STM32/ESP32/ESP8285 based High Performance Radio Link for Quads
freebsd 5,411 C 2,063 FreeBSD src tree (read-only mirror)
openwrt 6,899 C 4,958 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...


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XamarinCommunityToolkit 813 C# 149 The Xamarin Community Toolkit is a collection of Animations, Behaviors, Converters, and Effects for mobile development with Xamarin.Forms. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks buildin...
Files 2,924 C# 228 A modern file explorer that pushes the boundaries of the platform.
MultiplayerExtensions 87 C# 17 A Beat Saber mod that expands multiplayer functionality.
hotchocolate 1,633 C# 224 Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Banana Cake Pop the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE.
runner 1,248 C# 187 The Runner for GitHub Actions 🚀
uno 4,019 C# 361 Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. Today. Open source and professionally supported.
ShareX 14,269 C# 1,988 ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of file...
abp 4,930 C# 1,550 Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET Core
Ryujinx 2,624 C# 426 Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C#
microsoft-ui-xaml 3,205 C# 313 Windows UI Library: the latest Windows 10 native controls and Fluent styles for your applications
microservices-demo 8,976 C# 2,051 Sample cloud-native application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, gRPC and OpenCensus.
ContextMenuManager 641 C# 42 Windows右键菜单管理程序
samples 1,355 C# 2,529 Sample code referenced by the .NET documentation
iot 1,118 C# 280 This repo includes .NET Core implementations for various IoT boards, chips, displays and PCBs.
Xamarin.Forms 4,943 C# 1,835 Xamarin.Forms Official Home
tye 2,379 C# 208 Tye is a tool that makes developing, testing, and deploying microservices and distributed applications easier. Project Tye includes a local orchestrator to make developing microservices easier and the...
modular-monolith-with-ddd 3,866 C# 502 Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
shadowsocks-windows 50,826 C# 15,877 If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.
AspNetCore.Docs 8,076 C# 20,275 Documentation for ASP.NET Core
FreeRedis 165 C# 25 🦄 FreeRedis is .NET40+ redis client. supports redis cluster, redis sentinel, redis master-slave, redis pipeline, redis transaction, and redis pool.
confluent-kafka-dotnet 1,749 C# 529 Confluent's Apache Kafka .NET client
maui 5,052 C# 204 .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Captura 5,115 C# 830 Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
N_m3u8DL-CLI 2,909 C# 521 [.NET] m3u8 downloader 开源的命令行m3u8/HLS下载器,支持普通AES-128-CBC解密,多线程,自定义请求头等. 支持简体中文,繁体中文和英文.
osu 5,674 C# 1,057 rhythm is just a click away!


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workflow 2,757 C++ 558 C++ Programming Paradigm with Asynchronous Networking
googletest 18,634 C++ 6,777 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
Qv2ray 6,812 C++ 1,114 ⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端
td 3,034 C++ 616 Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
imgui 24,766 C++ 4,130 Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
arrow 6,445 C++ 1,639 Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data. It specifies a standardized language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficien...
onnxruntime 3,596 C++ 816 ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
yuzu 12,468 C++ 1,031 Nintendo Switch Emulator
PowerToys 42,077 C++ 2,286 Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
CPlusPlusThings 7,850 C++ 1,802 C++那些事
vcpkg 10,893 C++ 2,996 C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
incubator-brpc 10,777 C++ 2,660 Industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services. "brpc" means "better RPC".
mediapipe 9,608 C++ 1,797 MediaPipe is the simplest way for researchers and developers to build world-class ML solutions and applications for mobile, edge, cloud and the web.
ClickHouse 12,836 C++ 2,567 ClickHouse is a free analytics DBMS for big data
protobuf 44,677 C++ 11,999 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
typesense 3,484 C++ 77 Fast, typo tolerant search engine for building delightful search experiences.
PX4-Autopilot 3,946 C++ 10,559 PX4 Autopilot Software
carla 5,170 C++ 1,513 Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
WLED 3,431 C++ 584 Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
Marlin 8,804 C++ 12,224 Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform.
pytorch 43,740 C++ 11,512 Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
faiss 11,473 C++ 2,011 A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
tdesktop 13,530 C++ 3,033 Telegram Desktop messaging app
ZLMediaKit 2,070 C++ 730 A lightweight RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181 server and client framework based on C++11
DeepSpeech 15,685 C++ 2,916 DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.


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FiraCode 51,735 Clojure 2,151 Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
leiningen 6,880 Clojure 1,583 Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire.
conjure 427 Clojure 28 Interactive evaluation for Neovim (Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Racket)
metabase 22,640 Clojure 3,038 The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋


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cpp_starter_project 809 CMake 230 A template CMake project to get you started with C++ and tooling
cmake-examples 3,614 CMake 790 Useful CMake Examples
foonathan_memory_vendor 8 CMake 14


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SwitchyOmega 15,993 CoffeeScript 2,616 Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.
chinese-copywriting-guidelines 8,571 CoffeeScript 1,319 Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北
codecombat 7,232 CoffeeScript 3,816 Game for learning how to code.
trix 15,611 CoffeeScript 827 A rich text editor for everyday writing


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nyxt 4,892 Common Lisp 216 Nyxt - Be productive.


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invidious 4,090 Crystal 310 Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
crystal 15,275 Crystal 1,194 The Crystal Programming Language


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react-projects 148 CSS 118
3d-card-effect 125 CSS 85
cloudflare-docs 53 CSS 106 Cloudflare’s developer docs.
vscode-docs 3,338 CSS 2,756 Public documentation for Visual Studio Code
hugo-theme-terminal 695 CSS 276 A simple, retro theme for Hugo
YouTube 793 CSS 181 🔴YouTube Extension📌80 Features📌Tidy📌Longest standing(2012)(300000 active users)⭐Please document, code or donate⋮⚙️⏯️🎬🎞️🔊⋮☕🎨🧩🧪📈⋮
document-library 2,396 CSS 393 jsliang 的文档库. 里面包含了个人撰写的所有前端文章,例如 Vue、React,、ECharts、微信小程序、算法、数据结构等……
tabler-react 1,505 CSS 369 React components and demo for the Tabler UI theme.
normalize.css 41,275 CSS 9,118 A modern alternative to CSS resets
2048 10,642 CSS 15,709 A small clone of 1024 (
spicetify-themes 1,120 CSS 408 A community-driven collection of themes for Spicetify ( 25 CSS 19 Adapted from, translated by /u/gbdematos
Responsive-Login-Form 201 CSS 234
primeng 6,329 CSS 3,174 The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
jekyll-now 7,012 CSS 29,597 Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
seeker 1,354 CSS 557 Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
Natural-Nerd 441 CSS 381
gridea 6,556 CSS 546 ✍️A static blog writing client (一个静态博客写作客户端)
hangzhou_house_knowledge 24,551 CSS 5,194 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I ...
simplefolio 5,640 CSS 2,103 ⚡️ A minimal portfolio template for Developers
rofi-themes 461 CSS 156 Themes for Rofi
hands-on-ml-zh 3,432 CSS 1,458 📖 [译] Sklearn 与 TensorFlow 机器学习实用指南【版权问题,网站已下线!!】
SocialFish 1,886 CSS 748 Automated Phishing Tool & Information Collector
hyde 2,963 CSS 3,130 A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
typora-theme-gallery 480 CSS 313 Website for Typora themes


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cuml 1,753 Cuda 283 cuML - RAPIDS Machine Learning Library
deep-high-resolution-net.pytorch 2,848 Cuda 673 The project is an official implementation of our CVPR2019 paper "Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation"


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engine 4,633 Dart 3,102 The Flutter engine
fluentui-system-icons 2,396 Dart 117 Fluent System Icons are a collection of familiar, friendly and modern icons from Microsoft.
flutter 106,312 Dart 14,822 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
flutter_easyrefresh 2,400 Dart 397 A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load.
plugins 12,457 Dart 6,026 Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
bloc 5,855 Dart 1,459 A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern
qr_code_scanner 344 Dart 219 QR Code Scanner for Flutter
flutter_ui_challenges 2,436 Dart 904 100+ Professional UI implementations with Code in Flutter. Available in Android, iOS, Linux and Web
flutter-widgets 55 Dart 20 Syncfusion Flutter widgets libraries include high quality UI widgets and file-format packages to help you create rich, high-quality applications for iOS, Android, and web from a single code base.
getx 1,464 Dart 202 Open screens/snackbars/dialogs/bottomSheets without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with Get.
flutterfire 3,084 Dart 1,510 🔥 A collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps.
flutter_blue 1,469 Dart 652 Bluetooth plugin for Flutter
flutter_simple_shop 66 Dart 21 典典的小卖部,淘宝客商城系统,flutter编写,flutter入门学习项目,
awesome-flutter 31,888 Dart 4,651 An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
Flutter-Movies4U 60 Dart 21
DockerRegisterCloud 326 Dart 104 基于 Docker 仓库协议的网盘客户端,可以将目前众多的免费容器仓库服务用于网盘。
FlutterExampleApps 12,481 Dart 2,525 [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs.
dio 8,666 Dart 900 A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, FormData, Request Cancellation, File Downloading, Timeout etc.
flutter-tdd-clean-architecture-course 605 Dart 191
river_pod 839 Dart 89 A simple way to access state while robust and testable.
flutter_local_notifications 1,263 Dart 541 A Flutter plugin for displaying local notifications on Android, iOS and macOS
flutter_cached_network_image 1,487 Dart 339 Download, cache and show images in a flutter app
flutter_deer 4,145 Dart 905 🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project. Includes a complete UI design and exercises that are closer to real projects.
flutter_staggered_grid_view 1,751 Dart 298 A Flutter staggered grid view
flutter-go 22,162 Dart 3,441 flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档


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tgstation 1,068 DM 2,926 The /tg/station branch of SS13
goonstation 88 DM 284 Repository for the Goonstation branch of SS13


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vulhub 6,804 Dockerfile 2,360 Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
keras 50,148 Dockerfile 18,684 Deep Learning for humans
laradock 10,049 Dockerfile 3,596 Full PHP development environment for Docker.
docker 475 Dockerfile 210 Official Docker project for Matomo Analytics
Free-VPN-for-Coursera 2,109 Dockerfile 750 🔑 🔓免费开源的科学上网工具
ssh-action 789 Dockerfile 95 GitHub Actions for executing remote ssh commands.
Simple-DevOps-Project 167 Dockerfile 4,299
php 2,666 Dockerfile 1,676 Docker Official Image packaging for PHP
docker-spark 1,263 Dockerfile 437 Apache Spark docker image
nocode 44,163 Dockerfile 3,995 The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Docker-OSX 7,807 Dockerfile 354 Mac in Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding!
docker-compose-laravel 894 Dockerfile 448 A docker-compose workflow for local Laravel development
docker-node 6,002 Dockerfile 1,392 Official Docker Image for Node.js 🐳 🐢 🚀
environment-blockci-sifive 2 Dockerfile 1 Docker image and Wake environment for hardware development


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phoenix_live_view 3,497 Elixir 392 Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
elixir 17,627 Elixir 2,569 Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
phoenix 15,837 Elixir 2,100 Peace of mind from prototype to production
papercups 2,191 Elixir 149 Open-source live customer chat
teslamate 961 Elixir 179 A self-hosted data logger for your Tesla 🚘


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doom-emacs 8,655 Emacs Lisp 1,510 An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
emacs 2,680 Emacs Lisp 783 Mirror of GNU Emacs
org-transclusion 97 Emacs Lisp 4 (alpha) Emacs package to enable transclusion with Org Mode
emacs-from-scratch 60 Emacs Lisp 12 An example of a fully custom Emacs configuration developed live on YouTube!
emacs.d 5,674 Emacs Lisp 1,880 An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included
spacemacs 20,791 Emacs Lisp 4,873 A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim!


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rabbitmq-server 7,752 Erlang 2,912 Open source multi-protocol messaging broker
otp 8,747 Erlang 2,395 Erlang/OTP
ejabberd 4,682 Erlang 1,382 Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server)
cowboy 6,092 Erlang 1,069 Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.


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fsharp 2,483 F# 570 The F# compiler, F# core library, F# language service, and F# tooling integration for Visual Studio


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OpenBLAS 3,603 Fortran 985 OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.


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VoronUsers 128 GAP 180 Voron Community mods, slicer profiles and firmware configurations.


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HackBrowserData 1,095 Go 218 Decrypt passwords/cookies/history/bookmarks from the browser. 一款可全平台运行的浏览器数据导出解密工具。
nitro 14,724 Go 1,537 Nitro (formerly known as Go Micro) is a blazingly fast framework for distributed app development.
fyne 11,157 Go 536 Cross platform GUI in Go based on Material Design
go-echarts 2,868 Go 249 🎨 The adorable charts library for Golang
loki 11,446 Go 1,231 Like Prometheus, but for logs.
k3s 14,762 Go 1,163 Lightweight Kubernetes
argo-cd 4,278 Go 913 Declarative continuous deployment for Kubernetes.
awesome-go 58,900 Go 7,812 A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
micro 8,718 Go 767 Micro is a platform for cloud native application development
lantern 5,842 Go 10,927 Lantern官方版本下载 蓝灯 翻墙 代理 科学上网 外网 加速器 梯子 路由 lantern proxy vpn censorship-circumvention censorship gfw accelerator
ingress-nginx 8,901 Go 4,326 NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
hugo 48,068 Go 5,436 The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
frp 40,463 Go 7,678 A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
badger 8,342 Go 687 Fast key-value DB in Go.
gorm 21,512 Go 2,436 The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
minio 24,558 Go 2,623 High Performance, Kubernetes Native Object Storage
moby 58,832 Go 16,939 Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
logrus 16,412 Go 1,806 Structured, pluggable logging for Go.
etcd 33,452 Go 7,079 Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
gin 43,074 Go 4,947 Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
livego 4,140 Go 1,087 live video streaming server in golang
istio 24,962 Go 4,832 Connect, secure, control, and observe services.
kind 6,601 Go 733 Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
LeetCode-Go 8,698 Go 1,346 ✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
fasthttp 13,794 Go 1,144 Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http


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gradle-versions-plugin 2,551 Groovy 141 Gradle plugin to discover dependency updates


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wstunnel 732 Haskell 78 Tunneling over websocket protocol - Static binary available
semantic 7,808 Haskell 428 Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
graphql-engine 19,282 Haskell 1,694 Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on Postgres with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.


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ldtk 921 Haxe 37 Modern, lightweight and efficient 2D level editor


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peladonerd 572 HCL 291 Repo con los archivos que uso para mi videos en youtube
terraform-aws-eks 1,512 HCL 1,201 Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS
terraform-google-kubernetes-engine 408 HCL 344 A Terraform module for configuring GKE clusters.
cloudblock 151 HCL 12
terraform-google-network 113 HCL 227 A Terraform module that makes it easy to set up a new VPC Network in GCP.
terraform-aws-iam 270 HCL 267 Terraform module which creates IAM resources on AWS
terraform-aws-lambda 100 HCL 56 Terraform module, which takes care of a lot of AWS Lambda/serverless tasks (build dependencies, packages, updates, deployments) in countless combinations
terraform-google-project-factory 354 HCL 252 Opinionated Google Cloud Platform project creation and configuration with Shared VPC, IAM, APIs, etc.
terraform-aws-s3-bucket 103 HCL 257 Terraform module which creates S3 bucket resources on AWS
okd 538 HCL 95 The self-managing, auto-upgrading, Kubernetes distribution for everyone
terraform-aws-vpc 1,497 HCL 1,950 Terraform module which creates VPC resources on AWS
terraform-beginner-to-advanced-resource 200 HCL 573
package-terraform-utilities 50 HCL 24 A collection of useful Terraform utilities
terraform-aws-security-group 298 HCL 413 Terraform module which creates EC2-VPC security groups on AWS
terraform-null-label 287 HCL 186 Terraform Module to define a consistent naming convention by (namespace, stage, name, [attributes])


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UnityURPToonLitShaderExample 1,040 HLSL 137 A very simple toon lit shader example, for you to learn writing custom lit shader in Unity URP
msfs_tbm930_project 165 HLSL 6 Improvement project for the MSFS default TBM930.


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source-han-sans 8,510 HolyC 897 Source Han Sans


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zju-icicles 19,479 HTML 5,927 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划
blackeye 197 HTML 178 The ultimate phishing tool with 38 websites available!
REKCARC-TSC-UHT 15,508 HTML 4,469 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
eks-charts 289 HTML 149 Amazon EKS Helm chart repository
v2-ui 2,623 HTML 1,008 支持多协议多用户的 v2ray 面板,Support multi-protocol multi-user v2ray panel
ttv-ublock 192 JavaScript 33 Blocking ads on that certain streaming website
helm-charts 442 HTML 284 Prometheus community Helm charts
ai-edu 8,392 HTML 2,031 AI education materials for Chinese students, teachers and IT professionals.
blog 1,586 HTML 303 大前端技术为主,读书笔记、随笔、理财为辅,做个终身学习者。
DetectionLab 2,448 HTML 499 Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
us-potus-model 1,139 HTML 154 Code for a dynamic multilevel Bayesian model to predict US presidential elections. Written in R and Stan.
awesome-piracy 11,542 HTML 1,138 A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
glTF 4,291 HTML 779 glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
styleguide 25,800 HTML 9,722 Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects
beautiful-jekyll 2,975 HTML 9,424 ✨ Build a beautiful and simple website in literally minutes. Demo at
website 2,239 HTML 8,439 Kubernetes website and documentation repo:
tidytuesday 2,894 HTML 1,099 Official repo for the #tidytuesday project
Java-Interview-Advanced 2,623 HTML 1,181 中华石杉--互联网Java进阶面试训练营
charts 2,104 HTML 2,039 Helm Charts
ESPEasy 2,290 HTML 1,703 Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266
blackeye 40 HTML 34 This is the updated version of blackeye with ngrok
JavaScript30 13,952 HTML 16,649 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
fastText 21,850 HTML 4,242 Library for fast text representation and classification.
hugo-geekdoc 30 HTML 21 Hugo theme made for documentation
ansible-os-hardening 1,810 HTML 354 This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.


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hello-algorithm 20,648 Java 3,910 🌍 东半球最酷的学习项目
cp-ddd-framework 388 Java 74 A lightweight flexible development framework for complex business architecture with full ecosystem!轻量级业务中台开发框架,中台架构的顶层设计和完整解决方案!
spring-boot-demo 18,940 Java 6,486 spring boot demo 是一个用来深度学习并实战 spring boot 的项目,目前总共包含 65 个集成demo,已经完成 53 个。 该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Be...
SpringAll 17,371 Java 5,181 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
dbeaver 16,231 Java 1,482 Free universal database tool and SQL client
djl 1,451 Java 197 An Engine-Agnostic Deep Learning Framework in Java
druid 22,569 Java 7,437 阿里巴巴计算平台事业部出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池
JavaCourseCodes 97 Java 182 JavaCourse
LeetCodeAnimation 60,780 Java 11,518 Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
eladmin 11,955 Java 4,421 项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Jpa、 Spring Security、redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由
CobaltStrike 274 Java 151 CobaltStrike's source code
flink 14,579 Java 7,988 Apache Flink
vhr 19,189 Java 8,099 微人事是一个前后端分离的人力资源管理系统,项目采用SpringBoot+Vue开发。
ExoPlayer 16,701 Java 4,972 An extensible media player for Android
newbee-mall 5,220 Java 1,389 newbee-mall 项目(新蜂商城)是一套电商系统,包括 newbee-mall 商城系统及 newbee-mall-admin 商城后台管理系统,基于 Spring Boot 2.X 及相关技术栈开发。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品分类、新品上线、首页轮播、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单结算、订单流程、个人订单管理、会员中心、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含数据面板、轮播图管...
skywalking 15,109 Java 4,424 APM, Application Performance Monitoring System
android-developer-roadmap 1,597 Java 304 Android Developer Roadmap - A complete roadmap to learn Android App Development
incubator-dolphinscheduler 4,620 Java 1,557 Dolphin Scheduler is a distributed and easy-to-extend visual workflow scheduling platform, dedicated to solving the complex dependencies in data processing, making the scheduling system out of the box...
canal 16,487 Java 5,184 阿里巴巴 MySQL binlog 增量订阅&消费组件
DataX 7,576 Java 2,691
EhViewer 5,830 Java 881 [DEPRECATED] An Unofficial E-Hentai Application for Android
zuul 10,065 Java 1,946 Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
dubbo 33,971 Java 22,440 Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based, open source RPC framework.
SuperMarket 157 JavaScript 90 设计精良的网上商城系统,包括前端、后端、数据库、负载均衡、数据库缓存等,基于SpringCloud框架开发。github误标记为js项目,但其实是用java开发的。该项目可部署到服务器上,不断完善中……
elasticsearch-analysis-ik 10,897 Java 2,512 The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into elasticsearch, support customized dictionary.


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edex-ui 22,626 JavaScript 1,261 A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
attestation-deplacement-derogatoire-q4-2020 322 JavaScript 281 attestation-deplacement-derogatoire-q4-2020 public
chinese-poetry 30,271 JavaScript 6,209 The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 阿里招 Python P6/P7 上海张江, [email protected]
bypass-paywalls-chrome 10,761 JavaScript 746 Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox.
wechat-app-mall 13,459 JavaScript 4,837 微信小程序商城,微信小程序微店
AI-Expert-Roadmap 4,697 JavaScript 386 Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2020
algorithm-visualizer 32,482 JavaScript 5,398 🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code
wtfjs 19,551 JavaScript 1,269 🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples
winXP 4,174 JavaScript 226 🏁 Web based Windows XP desktop recreation.
iptv 20,412 JavaScript 84 Collection of 5000+ publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
QuantumultX 248 JavaScript 60 同步和更新大佬脚本库,更新懒人配置 51,465 JavaScript 9,308 Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
scripts 1,584 JavaScript 541
bootstrap 145,144 JavaScript 70,974 The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
rengine 1,612 JavaScript 278 reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework meant for gathering information during penetration testing of web applications. reNgine has customizable scan engines, which can be used to scan the we...
whatsapp-bot 93 JavaScript 128 WhatsApp Bot
joplin 18,711 JavaScript 1,922 Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum:
Daily-Interview-Question 20,957 JavaScript 2,600 我是木易杨,公众号「高级前端进阶」作者,每天搞定一道前端大厂面试题,祝大家天天进步,一年后会看到不一样的自己。
drawio 20,282 JavaScript 4,136 Source to
jd_sign_bot 1,367 JavaScript 2,161 京东签到机器人
whatsapp-web.js 1,181 JavaScript 348 A WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app
vue-cli 26,715 JavaScript 5,159 🛠️ Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development
sheetjs 23,367 JavaScript 6,097 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit
swiper 25,267 JavaScript 9,211 Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions


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kubeflow 9,582 Jsonnet 1,535 Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes
kube-prometheus 2,227 Jsonnet 675 Use Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes and applications running on Kubernetes
kubernetes-mixin 977 Jsonnet 285 A set of Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes.


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Pluto.jl 1,927 Julia 97 🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
julia 30,291 Julia 4,176 The Julia Programming Language


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homemade-machine-learning 15,483 Jupyter Notebook 2,922 🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained
research_public 1,298 Jupyter Notebook 740 Quantitative research and educational materials
PythonDataScienceHandbook 26,725 Jupyter Notebook 11,752 Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp 12,785 Jupyter Notebook 46,792 Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
vision 7,648 Jupyter Notebook 3,941 Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision
Pygame 83 Jupyter Notebook 59 Games that i did using pygame library
deepmind-research 3,037 Jupyter Notebook 644 This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications
Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for-Automated-Stock-Trading-Ensemble-Strategy-ICAIF-2020 192 Jupyter Notebook 92 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automated Stock Trading: An Ensemble Strategy. ICAIF 2020.
DeOldify 11,952 Jupyter Notebook 1,561 A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!)
Dive-into-DL-PyTorch 11,070 Jupyter Notebook 3,560 本项目将《动手学深度学习》(Dive into Deep Learning)原书中的MXNet实现改为PyTorch实现。
awesome-python-applications 12,070 Jupyter Notebook 2,170 💿 Free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python.
data 14,174 Jupyter Notebook 8,604 Data and code behind the articles and graphics at FiveThirtyEight
nbdev 1,937 Jupyter Notebook 206 Create delightful python projects using Jupyter Notebooks
code_snippets 6,014 Jupyter Notebook 11,841
handson-ml 21,548 Jupyter Notebook 11,599 A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
monodepth2 1,741 Jupyter Notebook 446 [ICCV 2019] Monocular depth estimation from a single image
unet 3,123 Jupyter Notebook 1,577 unet for image segmentation
lhy_DL_Hw 797 Jupyter Notebook 429
PyTorch-Tutorial 5,379 Jupyter Notebook 2,515 Build your neural network easy and fast
fastai 19,844 Jupyter Notebook 6,821 The fastai deep learning library, plus lessons and tutorials
pandas_exercises 5,495 Jupyter Notebook 4,726 Practice your pandas skills!
TensorFlow-2.x-YOLOv3 179 Jupyter Notebook 107 YOLOv3 implementation in TensorFlow 2.3.1
MachineLearningNotebooks 1,948 Jupyter Notebook 1,440 Python notebooks with ML and deep learning examples with Azure Machine Learning
MEDIUM_NoteBook 471 Jupyter Notebook 346 Repository containing notebooks of my posts on Medium
automl 3,480 Jupyter Notebook 879 Google Brain AutoML


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NotyKT 228 Kotlin 16 📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.
kotlin 33,905 Kotlin 4,230 The Kotlin Programming Language
v2rayNG 7,412 Kotlin 1,487
Simple-Gallery 1,562 Kotlin 462 Browse your memories without any interruptions with this photo and video gallery
compose-jb 917 Kotlin 22 Jetpack Compose for Desktop, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
cwa-app-android 2,088 Kotlin 442 Native Android app using the Apple/Google exposure notification API.
architecture-components-samples 18,748 Kotlin 6,504 Samples for Android Architecture Components.
compose-samples 3,906 Kotlin 613 Official Jetpack Compose samples.
shadowsocks-android 30,513 Kotlin 11,290 A shadowsocks client for Android
Cicerone 2,109 Kotlin 174 🚦 Cicerone is a lightweight library that makes the navigation in an Android app easy.
Music-Player-GO 514 Kotlin 92 🎶🎼 Very slim music player 👨‍🎤 100% made in Italy 🍕🌳🌞🍝🌄
android 710 Kotlin 192 📱 Home Assistant Companion for Android
p3c 23,707 Kotlin 6,220 Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin
material-components-android-examples 1,668 Kotlin 315 Companion example apps and code for MDC-Android.
sunflower 12,707 Kotlin 2,969 A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack.
PeopleInSpace 597 Kotlin 42 Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
XiaomiADBFastbootTools 1,752 Kotlin 199 A simple tool for managing Xiaomi devices on desktop using ADB and Fastboot
fenix 4,262 Kotlin 630 Firefox for Android
sqldelight 3,590 Kotlin 290 SQLDelight - Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL
ktor 7,485 Kotlin 621 Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
RxTool 11,084 Kotlin 2,730 Android开发人员不得不收集的工具类集合
architecture-samples 37,684 Kotlin 10,418 A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
tachiyomi 8,972 Kotlin 1,183 Free and open source manga reader for Android
Animation-Tutorials 478 Kotlin 30 🍭🚀💗 Tutorials about animations with Animators, Animated Vector Drawables, Shared Transitions, and more
camera-samples 2,280 Kotlin 1,145 Multiple samples showing the best practices in camera APIs on Android.


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weui-wxss 13,157 Less 4,751 A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules.


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FlyJB-X 50 Logos 21 You can HIDE Doing jailbreak your iDevice.


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nmap 4,539 Lua 1,491 Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
DenseNet 4,125 Lua 981 Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award).
docker-jitsi-meet 1,936 Lua 792 Jitsi Meet on Docker
helloworld 997 Lua 889
NanoPi-R2S 363 Lua 313 使用 Github Actions 在线编译内置 OpenClash 的 NanoPi-R2S 固件
waifu2x 19,735 Lua 2,227 Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
telescope.nvim 364 Lua 49 Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
apisix 3,618 Lua 717 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
DU-Orbital-Hud 102 Lua 43 Dual Universe HUD and Autopilot, with Atmospheric and Space features, and automatic interplanetary autopilot that will put you in a safe orbit for when you wake up
otservbr-global 249 Lua 262 OTServBR-Global 12x for OpenTibia community.
ntopng 3,587 Lua 457 Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
z.lua 1,794 Lua 84 ⚡ A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits (带学习功能的快速路径切换工具)
Jeva 78 Lua 508 All scripts and code used through videos/tutorials on Jeva
pix2pix 8,013 Lua 1,426 Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets


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frida 6,404 Makefile 746 Clone this repo to build Frida
project-layout 19,040 Makefile 1,964 Standard Go Project Layout
buildroot 1,206 Makefile 1,199 Buildroot, making embedded Linux easy. Note that this is not the official repository, but only a mirror. The official Git repository is at Do not open issues or fi...
packages 2,538 Makefile 2,249 Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in
traefik-helm-chart 281 Makefile 219 Traefik v2 helm chart
crkbd 1,116 Makefile 247 Corne keyboard, a split keyboard with 3x6 column staggered keys and 3 thumb keys.
spksrc 2,088 Makefile 931 Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS
opentelemetry-specification 1,212 Makefile 248 Specifications for OpenTelemetry
motioneyeos 5,715 Makefile 625 A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
docker-laravel 236 Makefile 47 🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.


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swift-evolution 11,595 Markdown 1,874 This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.


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rnaseq 229 Nextflow 250 RNA sequencing analysis pipeline using STAR, RSEM, HISAT2 or Salmon with gene/isoform counts and extensive quality control.


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nitter 1,681 Nim 58 Alternative Twitter front-end
Nim 10,256 Nim 1,097 Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, an...


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home-manager 1,574 Nix 492 Manage a user environment using Nix [maintainer=@rycee]
nixpkgs 5,779 Nix 5,410 Nix Packages collection


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UTM 6,143 Objective-C 416 Virtual machines for iOS
AFNetworking 32,993 Objective-C 10,167 A delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
expo 12,199 Objective-C 1,967 An open-source platform for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
facebook-ios-sdk 6,577 Objective-C 2,721 Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
WeChatExtension-ForMac 11,290 Objective-C 1,730 Mac微信功能拓展/微信插件/微信小助手(A plugin for Mac WeChat)
react-native-image-crop-picker 4,658 Objective-C 1,122 iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, video, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
ios-app-signer 3,500 Objective-C 718 This is an app for OS X that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.
FSCalendar 9,181 Objective-C 1,655 A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
JXCategoryView 4,944 Objective-C 946 A powerful and easy to use category view (segmentedcontrol, segmentview, pagingview, pagerview, pagecontrol) (腾讯新闻、今日头条、QQ音乐、网易云音乐、京东、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、淘宝、天猫、简书、微博等所有主流APP分类切换滚动视图)
IQKeyboardManager 14,670 Objective-C 2,198 Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
CocoaAsyncSocket 11,777 Objective-C 2,849 Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
SDWebImage 23,132 Objective-C 5,633 Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
realm-cocoa 14,154 Objective-C 1,889 Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
react-native-maps 11,597 Objective-C 3,946 React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
LuLu 4,115 Objective-C 235 LuLu is the free macOS firewall
react-native-webrtc 3,105 Objective-C 776 The WebRTC module for React Native
CocoaLumberjack 12,170 Objective-C 2,103 A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
IGListKit 11,489 Objective-C 1,327 A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
Masonry 17,836 Objective-C 3,122 Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
DZNEmptyDataSet 11,906 Objective-C 1,706 A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display
appcenter-sdk-apple 347 Objective-C 162 Development repository for the App Center SDK for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
Dash-iOS 6,932 Objective-C 928 Dash gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline access to 200+ API documentation sets
ZFPlayer 6,369 Objective-C 1,552 Support customization of any player SDK and control layer(支持定制任何播放器SDK和控制层)
SVProgressHUD 12,222 Objective-C 2,440 A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
HXPhotoPicker 1,902 Objective-C 410 图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iClou...


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Texture 6,771 Objective-C++ 1,043 Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
RDM 2,513 Objective-C++ 202 Easily set Mac Retina display to higher unsupported resolutions


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dark 536 OCaml 29


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fosscad-repo 970 OpenSCAD 815 Official FOSSCAD Library Repository


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tutorials 565 P4 466 P4 language tutorials


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HeidiSQL 2,207 Pascal 248 A lightweight client for managing MariaDB, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite, written in Delphi
cheat-engine 5,066 Pascal 968 Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding
transgui 2,036 Pascal 191 🧲 A feature rich cross platform Transmission BitTorrent client. Faster and has more functionality than the built-in web GUI.


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slipstream 1,057 Perl 91 NAT Slipstreaming allows an attacker to remotely access any TCP/UDP services bound to a victim machine, bypassing the victim’s NAT/firewall, just by the victim visiting a website
the-bastion 682 Perl 21 Authentication, authorization, traceability and auditability for SSH accesses.
nikto 4,313 Perl 705 Nikto web server scanner
IV-20-21 2 Perl 58 Infraestructura Virtual, asignatura ETSIIT, UGR. Curso 2020-2021. Repositorio de trabajo e interacción con estudiantes.
hercules_controller 3 Perl 1 A simple script that controlls MPlayer with a Hercules DJ Control MP3 - a USB MIDI controller
perl5-imager-skindetector 1 Perl 0 Source repository for Perl5 Imager::SkinDetector CPAN module


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laravel-admin 9,384 PHP 2,390 Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes
Laravel-Excel 9,277 PHP 1,493 🚀 Supercharged Excel exports and imports in Laravel
alltube 1,335 PHP 307 Web GUI for youtube-dl
laravel 62,390 PHP 19,773 A PHP framework for web artisans
phpunit 16,708 PHP 1,937 The PHP Unit Testing framework. 25 PHP 21 Jednoduchý a srozumitelný web pro různé životní události nás všech v průběhu pandemie koronaviru.
kimai2 1,055 PHP 250 Kimai v2 is a web-based multiuser time-tracking application. Free for everyone: freelancers, agencies, companies, organizations - all can track their times, generate invoices and more. SaaS version av...
wordpress-develop 527 PHP 607 WordPress Develop, Git-ified. Synced from git://, including branches and tags! This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please include a link ...
Sylius 6,067 PHP 1,746 Open Source eCommerce Platform on Symfony
pikachu 1,121 PHP 307 一个好玩的Web安全-漏洞测试平台
laravel-vue-spa 2,485 PHP 819 A Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template.
SecLists 27,864 PHP 13,807 SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensi...
php-enum 1,847 PHP 101 The enum PHP is missing, inspired from SplEnum
dompdf 7,400 PHP 1,413 HTML to PDF converter for PHP
update-helper 1,302 PHP 6 Composer plugin to rise warnings on update, suggest migration processes
framework 22,533 PHP 7,709
voyager 9,972 PHP 2,394 Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin
rector 3,362 PHP 292 Instant Upgrades and Instant Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code
prophecy 7,742 PHP 210 Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+
server 12,189 PHP 2,252 ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
labs 9,453 PHP 4,631 This is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools. Contributions welcome.
librenms 2,064 PHP 1,489 Community-based GPL-licensed network monitoring system
symfony 24,153 PHP 7,883 The Symfony PHP framework
crater 2,823 PHP 587 Free & Open Source Invoice App for Freelancers & Small Businesses
composer 24,243 PHP 5,964 Dependency Manager for PHP


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blog 5,315 PLpgSQL 1,294 Everything about database,business.(Most for PostgreSQL).


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ThreatPursuit-VM 595 PowerShell 76 Threat Pursuit Virtual Machine (VM): A fully customizable, open-sourced Windows-based distribution focused on threat intelligence analysis and hunting designed for intel and malware analysts as well a...
AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator 560 PowerShell 763 AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator
azure-docs 4,610 PowerShell 11,555 Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure
flare-vm 2,426 PowerShell 415
Windows10Debloater 7,624 PowerShell 913 Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
virtual-environments 1,482 PowerShell 622 GitHub Actions virtual environments
k8s-for-docker-desktop 2,594 PowerShell 586 为Docker Desktop for Mac/Windows开启Kubernetes和Istio - Enable Kubernetes/Istio on Docker Desktop in China
sp-dev-list-formatting 506 PowerShell 368 SharePoint List Formatting Samples
commando-vm 3,889 PowerShell 839 Complete Mandiant Offensive VM (Commando VM), a fully customizable Windows-based pentesting virtual machine distribution. [email protected]
PowerShell-Red-Team 112 PowerShell 24 Collection of PowerShell functions a Red Teamer may use to collect data from a machine
discover 2,145 PowerShell 647 Custom bash scripts used to automate various penetration testing tasks including recon, scanning, parsing, and creating malicious payloads and listeners with Metasploit.
PowerSploit 7,661 PowerShell 2,961 PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework
Debloat-Windows-10 4,520 PowerShell 655 A collection of Scripts which disable / remove Windows 10 Features and Apps
Win10-Initial-Setup-Script 4,116 PowerShell 939 PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
scoop 11,873 PowerShell 983 A command-line installer for Windows.
BloodHound 4,711 PowerShell 942 Six Degrees of Domain Admin
machinelearning-samples 2,882 PowerShell 1,831 Samples for ML.NET, an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
AZ-303-Microsoft-Azure-Architect-Technologies 147 PowerShell 117
azure-quickstart-templates 8,320 PowerShell 11,682 Azure Quickstart Templates
win10script 552 PowerShell 518 This is the Ultimate Windows 10 Script from a creation from multiple debloat scripts and gists from github.
Microsoft365DSC 268 PowerShell 114 Manages, configures, extracts and monitors Microsoft 365 tenant configurations
atomic-red-team 3,947 PowerShell 1,346 Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
WSL 875 PowerShell 279 Source code behind the Windows Subsystem for Linux documentation.
PowerShell-Docs 899 PowerShell 1,048 The official PowerShell documentation sources
Azure-Security-Center 254 PowerShell 135 Welcome to the Azure Security Center community repository


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startbootstrap-sb-admin 2,621 Pug 1,806 A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap


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onnx 9,293 PureBasic 1,666 Open standard for machine learning interoperability


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pifuhd 4,563 Python 517 High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization from A Single Image.
youtube-dl 2,663 Python 1,550 A fork of youtube-dl, for archival purposes.
tinygrad 721 Python 81 You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️
Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF 7,558 Python 1,919 Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and ...
routersploit 8,625 Python 1,904 Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices
InfoSpider 3,409 Python 669 INFO-SPIDER 是一个集众多数据源于一身的爬虫工具箱🧰,旨在安全快捷的帮助用户拿回自己的数据,工具代码开源,流程透明。支持数据源包括GitHub、QQ邮箱、网易邮箱、阿里邮箱、新浪邮箱、Hotmail邮箱、Outlook邮箱、京东、淘宝、支付宝、中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、知乎、哔哩哔哩、网易云音乐、QQ好友、QQ群、生成朋友圈相册、浏览器浏览历史、12306、博客园、CSDN博客、开...
avatarify 9,334 Python 1,280 Avatars for Zoom, Skype and other video-conferencing apps.
incubator-superset 31,148 Python 6,379 Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
jd-assistant 2,271 Python 705 京东抢购助手:包含登录,查询商品库存/价格,添加/清空购物车,抢购商品(下单),查询订单等功能
python-cheatsheet 16,681 Python 3,159 Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
trape 5,987 Python 1,021 People tracker on the Internet: OSINT analysis and research tool by Jose Pino 21,542 Python 1,059 the only cheat sheet you need
microsoft-teams-class-attender 220 Python 111 A bot to attend classes on microsoft teams
zipline 12,673 Python 3,604 Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library
EssayKiller_V2 1,489 Python 259 基于开源GPT2.0的初代创作型人工智能
netbox 7,164 Python 1,359 IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap 28,676 Python 6,317 Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
detectron2 13,432 Python 3,291 Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation platform for object detection and segmentation.
you-get 36,793 Python 7,532 ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
algorithms 18,185 Python 3,723 Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python
awesome-python 88,578 Python 17,430 A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
OnlyFans 455 Python 106 Scrape all the media from a OnlyFans account
youtube-dl-gui 6,135 Python 1,172 A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
scapy 5,721 Python 1,319 Scapy: the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library. Supports Python 2 & Python 3.
bpytop 4,012 Python 148 Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor


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cool-retro-term 13,700 QML 603 A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...


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bookdown 2,178 R 910 Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
datasets 253 R 960 A collection of datasets of ML problem solving
seurat 921 R 496 R toolkit for single cell genomics
swirl_courses 3,513 R 6,845 🎓 A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.


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godot-docs 1,132 reStructuredText 1,440 Godot Engine official documentation


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fanqiang 19,017 Rich Text Format 4,458 翻墙-科学上网


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chatwoot 5,506 Ruby 539 Open-source live chat software, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. 🔥💬
rails 46,898 Ruby 18,839 Ruby on Rails
faker 8,980 Ruby 2,505 A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
solidus 3,346 Ruby 986 🛒Solidus, Rails eCommerce System
ruby 17,488 Ruby 4,665 The Ruby Programming Language [mirror]
graphql-ruby 4,497 Ruby 1,002 Ruby implementation of GraphQL
linguist 8,197 Ruby 2,964 Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
awesome-prometheus-alerts 1,761 Ruby 320 🚨 Collection of Prometheus alerting rules
devdocs 24,169 Ruby 1,639 API Documentation Browser
puppet 5,955 Ruby 2,171 Server automation framework and application
metasploit-framework 22,033 Ruby 10,607 Metasploit Framework
forem 15,425 Ruby 2,605 For empowering community 🌱
brew 23,582 Ruby 5,539 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
quine-relay 9,800 Ruby 457 An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages
devise 21,211 Ruby 5,104 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
mod2_pactice_camping_is_fun 123 Ruby 0
mastodon 22,214 Ruby 3,788 Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
sonic-pi 6,242 Ruby 687 Code. Music. Live.
jekyll 41,579 Ruby 9,091 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
Learning-SICP 7,647 Ruby 1,264 MIT视频公开课《计算机程序的构造和解释》中文化项目及课程学习资料搜集。
resque 8,811 Ruby 1,587 Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
elasticsearch-ruby 1,768 Ruby 514 Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch
ransack 4,707 Ruby 708 Object-based searching.
ansible-beats 91 Ruby 54 Ansible Beats Role
activeadmin 8,856 Ruby 3,152 The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.


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bevy 4,968 Rust 362 A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
librespot 1,784 Rust 238 Open Source Spotify client library
rust 49,374 Rust 7,286 Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
nom 4,497 Rust 504 Rust parser combinator framework
shadowsocks-rust 2,059 Rust 452 A Rust port of shadowsocks
ripgrep 22,329 Rust 984 ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
alacritty 26,295 Rust 1,369 A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
sqlx 2,876 Rust 221 🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MSSQL.
rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials 2,819 Rust 172 📚 Learn to write an embedded OS in Rust 🦀
parity-ethereum 6,268 Rust 1,567 The fast, light, and robust client for Ethereum-like networks.
rust-analyzer 4,703 Rust 468 An experimental Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
actix-web 9,703 Rust 1,119 Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
swc 9,621 Rust 214 swc is a super-fast compiler written in rust; producing widely-supported javascript from modern standards and typescript.
async-std 2,600 Rust 250 Async version of the Rust standard library
glommio 702 Rust 26 Glommio is a thread-per-core framework that aims to make the task of writing highly parallel asynchronous application in a thread-per-core architecture easier for rustaceans
xi-editor 18,438 Rust 666 A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.
zola 4,507 Rust 379 A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in.
RustScan 2,792 Rust 228 🤖 The Modern Port Scanner 🤖
ruffle 3,226 Rust 106 A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
wasmtime 4,107 Rust 358 Standalone JIT-style runtime for WebAssembly, using Cranelift
json 1,833 Rust 260 Strongly typed JSON library for Rust
mio 3,937 Rust 470 Metal IO library for Rust
tokenizers 3,931 Rust 280 💥Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production
examples 1,478 Rust 461 Community showcase and examples of Actix ecosystem usage.
zksync 251 Rust 50 zkSync: trustless scaling and privacy engine for Ethereum


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dotty 4,185 Scala 649 The Scala 3 compiler, also known as Dotty.
spark 27,999 Scala 22,811 Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
openwhisk 5,037 Scala 967 Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform
SZT-bigdata 560 Scala 184 深圳地铁大数据客流分析系统🚇🚄🌟
rocket-chip 1,613 Scala 659 Rocket Chip Generator
lila 7,497 Scala 1,092 ♞ the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
cats 4,101 Scala 1,020 Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
Spark-The-Definitive-Guide 1,676 Scala 1,624 Spark: The Definitive Guide's Code Repository
chisel3 1,534 Scala 308 Chisel 3: A Modern Hardware Design Language
shadowsocksr-v2ray-trojan-android 896 Scala 146 A ShadowsocksR, V2Ray and Trojan client for Android
zio 2,544 Scala 695 ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala
delta 2,864 Scala 639 An open-source storage layer that brings scalable, ACID transactions to Apache Spark™ and big data workloads.
fpinscala 4,992 Scala 2,746 Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala"
Linkis 1,616 Scala 515 Linkis helps easily connect to various back-end computation/storage engines(Spark, Python, TiDB...), exposes various interfaces(REST, JDBC, Java ...), with multi-tenancy, high performance, and resourc...
polynote 4,030 Scala 338 A better notebook for Scala (and more)
icenet 4 Scala 7 Network components (NIC, Switch) for FireBox
testchipip 28 Scala 28
soc-freedom-sifive 7 Scala 5 e300 and u500 devkits
soc-testsocket-sifive 8 Scala 7 A simple SoC for testing IP blocks
block-inclusivecache-sifive 33 Scala 16
sifive-blocks 123 Scala 66 Common RTL blocks used in SiFive's projects
fpga-shells 80 Scala 45


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slate 31,512 SCSS 19,792 Beautiful static documentation for your API
ios 245 SCSS 34 Shadowrocket 小火箭最新版在线安装, 共享Shadowrocket 小火箭账号,苹果手机SS/SSR/V2Ray客户端
css 9,732 SCSS 819 The CSS design system that powers GitHub
website 1,415 SCSS 2,036 Flutter web site
NES.css 15,351 SCSS 1,305 NES-style CSS Framework
liebling 653 SCSS 331 Beautiful and clean Ghost theme that is easy and comfortable to use. To get the latest version please head over the releases page 👉🏼
minimal-mistakes 7,213 SCSS 12,340 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
hugo-theme-even 1,248 SCSS 508 🚀 A super concise theme for Hugo


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Unity-Built-in-Shaders 287 ShaderLab 161 Unity Built in Shaders


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nvm 44,926 Shell 4,435 Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
jd-base 135 Shell 47 京东薅羊毛脚本 的shell套壳工具
Paper 2,633 Shell 766 High performance Spigot fork that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
nanopi-openwrt 1,514 Shell 591 Openwrt for Nanopi R1S R2S 固件编译
grokking-system-design 2,093 Shell 1,196 Grokking system design
kaldi 9,646 Shell 4,252 kaldi-asr/kaldi is the official location of the Kaldi project.
R2S-OpenWrt 276 Shell 113 OpenWrt for Nanopi R2S
zphisher 796 Shell 453 Automated Phishing Tool
better-cloudflare-ip 604 Shell 706 查找适合自己当前网络环境的优选cloudflare anycast IP
certified-kubernetes-administrator-course 1,147 Shell 547 Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course
bashtop 8,326 Shell 415 Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
setup-ipsec-vpn 14,583 Shell 4,003 Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP and Cisco IPsec on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS
macos-virtualbox 5,665 Shell 503 Push-button installer of macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra guests in Virtualbox for Windows, Linux, and macOS
awesome-streamerrc 526 Shell 190 Current .vimrc configs for various streamers on Twitch.
OpenWrt-Rpi 495 Shell 139 Raspberry Pi & NanoPi R2S & G-Dock & x86 OpenWrt Compile Project. (Based on Github Action / Daily Update)
securityonion 179 Shell 47 Security Onion 2 - Linux distro for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management
v2ray 13,093 Shell 11,889 最好用的 V2Ray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本
termux-packages 4,071 Shell 1,540 Android terminal and Linux environment - packages repository.
one-key-hidpi 3,636 Shell 478 Enable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting.
elastiflow 1,919 Shell 430 Network flow analytics (Netflow, sFlow and IPFIX) with the Elastic Stack
voidrice 2,887 Shell 940 My dotfiles (deployed by LARBS)
polybar-themes 2,373 Shell 219 A collection of polybar themes/configs with different styles, colors and variants
one_click_script 306 Shell 159 一键安装 trojan v2ray. Install v2ray (VLESS) and trojan (trojan-go) script
OpenWrt-DIY 147 Shell 78 多设备 OpenWrt Aciton 固件云编译——X86、竞斗云、极路由 B70、K2T、K2P、K3、N1、红米 AC2100、Newifi D2、树莓派、小娱 C5、R2S、小米 R3G、小米 R3P、小米 Mini、网件 R7800、NanoPI NEO2、星际宝盒 CM520、Amlogic S905X3、OrangePi Zero Plus
docker-transmission-openvpn 2,061 Shell 794 Docker container running Transmission torrent client with WebUI over an OpenVPN tunnel


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AhMyth-Android-RAT 2,391 Smali 1,140 Android Remote Administration Tool
treble_experimentations 1,480 Smali 403 Notes about tinkering with Android Project Treble


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Golang-100-Days 2,547 Smarty 888 Golang - 100天从新手到大师
helm-charts 61 Smarty 70


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Repo star language fork intro 228 Solidity 63 An incentivized keeper network for anonymous keeper and job registration
FlashMintArbitrage 20 Solidity 13 An example of a Flash Mint powered arbitrage between a flash mint DEX, Kyber and Uniswap.
uniswap-v2-periphery 155 Solidity 220 🎚 Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap V2


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clashX 9,097 Swift 1,306
AltStore 3,887 Swift 311 AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
Alamofire 34,619 Swift 6,454 Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
RxSwift 19,252 Swift 3,475 Reactive Programming in Swift
vapor 19,626 Swift 1,195 💧 A server-side Swift web framework.
awesome-swift 19,926 Swift 2,757 A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
NVActivityIndicatorView 9,522 Swift 1,024 A collection of awesome loading animations
swift-snapshot-testing 1,686 Swift 169 📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
XcodeGen 3,966 Swift 441 A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
lottie-ios 20,621 Swift 2,943 An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
SwiftyJSON 20,081 Swift 3,168 The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
script-commands 196 Swift 18 Script Commands lets you tailor Raycast to your needs. Think of them as little productivity boosts throughout your day.
Signal-iOS 5,242 Swift 1,434 A private messenger for iOS.
iOS-Weekly 3,353 Swift 289 🇨🇳 老司机 iOS 周报
swift-package-manager 8,025 Swift 1,005 The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
SQLite.swift 7,249 Swift 1,254 A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
SwiftyStoreKit 5,191 Swift 590 Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
apollo-ios 2,760 Swift 471 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
url-image 609 Swift 41 Asynchronous image loading in SwiftUI. Lightweight, pure SwiftUI Image view, that displays an image downloaded from URL, with auxiliary views and local cache.
iina 25,243 Swift 1,916 The modern video player for macOS.
ShadowsocksX-NG 28,638 Swift 7,733 Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
Bagel 3,712 Swift 247 a little native network debugging tool for iOS
MarqueeLabel 3,405 Swift 489 A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text does not fit inside the specified frame
PromiseKit 13,015 Swift 1,304 Promises for Swift & ObjC.
purchases-ios 472 Swift 67 iOS in-app purchases and subscriptions made easy.


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cva6 1,050 SystemVerilog 246 The CORE-V CVA6 is an Application class 6-stage RISC-V CPU capable of booting Linux


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probability_cheatsheet 1,926 TeX 492 A comprehensive 10-page probability cheatsheet that covers a semester's worth of introduction to probability.
awesome-deep-learning-papers 22,180 TeX 4,322 The most cited deep learning papers
ThinkPython2 1,453 TeX 997 LaTeX source and supporting code for Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen Downey.
conv_arithmetic 9,564 TeX 1,806 A technical report on convolution arithmetic in the context of deep learning
cheatsheets 2,391 TeX 808 RStudio Cheat Sheets
cwa-documentation 3,330 TeX 324 Project overview, general documentation, and white papers.
libpku 22,964 TeX 7,145 贵校课程资料民间整理


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vscode-stories 1,609 TypeScript 80 Stories for VSCode
ant-design 64,605 TypeScript 24,996 🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library
h5-Dooring 1,404 TypeScript 248 (H5编辑器)H5-Dooring是一款功能强大,开源免费的H5可视化页面配置解决方案,致力于提供一套简单方便、专业可靠、无限可能的H5落地页最佳实践。技术栈以react为主, 后台采用nodejs开发.
admin-bro 2,786 TypeScript 218 AdminBro is an admin panel for apps written in node.js
davinci 2,858 TypeScript 1,159 Davinci is a DVsaaS (Data Visualization as a Service) Platform
G2 10,222 TypeScript 996 📊 A highly interactive data-driven visualization grammar for statistical charts.
GitCracken 792 TypeScript 222 Crack GitKraken
deno 68,875 TypeScript 3,591 A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime
etcher 19,025 TypeScript 1,272 Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
typeorm 21,693 TypeScript 3,626 ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron...
grafana 38,039 TypeScript 7,737 The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
pro-components 495 TypeScript 148 🏆 Use Ant Design like a Pro!
components 20,579 TypeScript 5,521 Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
amis 4,805 TypeScript 605 前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种后台页面。
swr 14,083 TypeScript 464 React Hooks library for remote data fetching
snyk 2,318 TypeScript 251 CLI and build-time tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies
commerce 2,158 TypeScript 295 Next.js Commerce
TypeScript 65,553 TypeScript 8,774 TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
Serverless-Devs 263 TypeScript 26 🔥🔥🔥 Serverless Devs 开发者工具
vscode-stories-api 188 TypeScript 20 api for vscode stories
puppeteer 66,423 TypeScript 6,863 Headless Chrome Node.js API
nest 31,619 TypeScript 2,851 A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀
dosvpn 265 TypeScript 85 🚀 极速、简单、开源的VPN访问外网学习先进科学技术的必备工具
ant-design-pro 27,013 TypeScript 6,237 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 Use Ant Design like a Pro!
streetmerchant 981 TypeScript 326 🤖 Autonomous robot for all your electronic needs


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picorv32 1,440 Verilog 370 PicoRV32 - A Size-Optimized RISC-V CPU
hdl 644 Verilog 945 HDL libraries and projects
uhd 504 Verilog 435 The USRP™ Hardware Driver Repository


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spf13-vim 14,684 Vim script 3,742 The ultimate vim distribution
ale 10,144 Vim script 1,154 Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
DoxygenToolkit.vim 997 Vim script 941 Simplify Doxygen documentation in C, C++, Python.
nvim 1,119 Vim script 269 Truly the Ultimate Neovim Config NVCode
fzf.vim 5,850 Vim script 402 fzf ❤️ vim
vim-fugitive 13,480 Vim script 789 fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
vimplus 2,691 Vim script 906 🚀An automatic configuration program for vim
neovim 39,484 Vim script 2,962 Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
SpaceVim 15,222 Vim script 1,240 A community-driven modular vim distribution - The ultimate vim configuration
SimpylFold 4 Vim script 0 No-BS Python code folding


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element 47,931 Vue 11,709 A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
element-plus 2,294 Vue 249 🎉 A Vue.js 3.0 UI Library
vue-element-admin 61,621 Vue 21,841 🎉 A magical vue admin
vue-admin-beautiful 6,229 Vue 1,337 🚀🚀🚀vue3.0,vue3,vue3.x,vue.js,后台管理,github开源admin中最优秀的vue3.0集成框架之一,它是国内首个基于vue3.0 的开源admin项目,同时支持电脑,手机,平板,切换分支查看不同的vue版本
best-resume-ever 13,650 Vue 1,893 👔 💼 Build fast 🚀 and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
vue-typescript-admin-template 2,970 Vue 1,040 🖖 A vue-cli 3.0 + typescript minimal admin template
vant-demo 1,100 Vue 745 Collection of vant demos.
ant-design-vue-pro 6,857 Vue 2,063 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro!
hoppscotch 25,146 Vue 1,653 👽 A free, fast and beautiful API request builder used by 100k+ developers.
uView 1,904 Vue 345 uView UI,是uni-app生态最优秀的UI框架,全面的组件和便捷的工具会让您信手拈来,如鱼得水
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Repo star language fork intro
BypassAntiVirus 1,516 XSLT 492 远控免杀系列文章及配套工具,汇总测试了互联网上的几十种免杀工具、113种白名单免杀方式、8种代码编译免杀、若干免杀实战技术,并对免杀效果进行了一一测试,为远控的免杀和杀软对抗免杀提供参考。
nltk_data 588 XSLT 611 NLTK Data


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APT_CyberCriminal_Campagin_Collections 1,922 YARA 566 APT & CyberCriminal Campaign Collection


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Repo star language fork intro