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2020-12-01 Trending Daily

All Languages

Repo star language fork intro
inventory-hunter 206 Python 35 ⚡️ Get notified as soon as your next CPU/GPU is in stock
x 802 JavaScript 33 Desktop environment in the browser.
docker-pi-hole 3,065 Shell 610 Pi-hole in a docker container
lede 13,480 C 12,157 Lean's OpenWrt source
drogon 4,235 C++ 339 Drogon: A C++14/17 based HTTP web application framework running on Linux/macOS/Unix/Windows
pi-hole 26,710 Shell 1,812 A black hole for Internet advertisements
python-telegram-bot 12,680 Python 2,694 We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
Neurax 294 Go 20 A library for constructing self-spreading binaries
Tasmota 13,751 C 3,007 Alternative firmware for ESP8266 with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full docum...
reveal.js 54,501 JavaScript 15,196 The HTML Presentation Framework
modern-cpp-tutorial 9,921 C++ 1,293 📚 Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly
twin.macro 1,616 JavaScript 52 🦹‍♂️ Twin blends the magic of Tailwind with the flexibility of css-in-js (emotion, styled-components and goober) at build time.
flutter 107,976 Dart 15,128 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
openwrt-passwall 1,423 HTML 1,111
ABigSurvey 857 112 A collection of 400+ survey papers on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML)
MangoHud 1,820 C++ 80 A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. Discord:
awesome-osint 5,534 1,283 😱 A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
edex-ui 23,969 JavaScript 1,340 A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
obs-studio 23,642 C 4,387 OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
JavaScript 99 JavaScript 73 本人quantumult x,优先适配quantumult x, surge loon应该也能用
k6 10,156 Go 493 A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript -
datasets 5,153 Python 399 🤗 Fast, efficient, open-access datasets and evaluation metrics in PyTorch, TensorFlow, NumPy and Pandas
Active-Directory-Exploitation-Cheat-Sheet 1,058 262 A cheat sheet that contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory.
CrewLink 363 TypeScript 26 Free, open, Among Us Proximity Chat
Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp 13,374 Jupyter Notebook 47,834 Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy


Repo star language fork intro
lede 13,480 C 12,157 Lean's OpenWrt source
Tasmota 13,751 C 3,007 Alternative firmware for ESP8266 with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full docum...
obs-studio 23,642 C 4,387 OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
openwrt 7,032 C 5,029 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...
qmk_firmware 8,084 C 16,367 Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
esp-idf 5,676 C 3,586 Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for ESP32.
ATC_MiThermometer 507 C 75 Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometer LYWSD03MMC and Telink Flasher via USB to Serial converter
ish 8,495 C 452 Linux shell for iOS
arduino-esp32 5,696 C 3,527 Arduino core for the ESP32
Ventoy 11,768 C 900 A new bootable USB solution.
picom 1,532 C 143 A lightweight compositor for X11
hekate 2,148 C 289 hekate - A GUI based Nintendo Switch Bootloader
glfw 6,954 C 2,542 A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
FlashFloppy 608 C 90 Floppy drive emulator for Gotek hardware
mpc-hc 3,091 C 1,094 MPC-HC's main repository. For support use our Trac:
TFT_eSPI 1,027 C 311 Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
thc-hydra 4,328 C 1,152 hydra
openwrt 1,352 C 1,183 Lienol's Modified OpenWrt source
stb 14,225 C 4,758 stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
openssl 14,251 C 6,362 TLS/SSL and crypto library
scrcpy 40,754 C 4,149 Display and control your Android device
sqlite 697 C 135 Official Git mirror of the SQLite source tree
L-ink_Card 4,309 C 969 Smart NFC & ink-Display Card
Il2CppInspector 652 C 100 The premiere tool for reverse engineering Unity IL2CPP binaries
FTL 641 C 114 The Pi-hole FTL engine


Repo star language fork intro
drogon 4,235 C++ 339 Drogon: A C++14/17 based HTTP web application framework running on Linux/macOS/Unix/Windows
modern-cpp-tutorial 9,922 C++ 1,293 📚 Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly
MangoHud 1,820 C++ 80 A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. Discord:
LightGBM 11,865 C++ 3,130 A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tas...
Cataclysm-DDA 4,692 C++ 2,588 Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
Marlin 8,961 C++ 12,432 Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform.
folly 15,945 C++ 3,756 An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
MultiMC5 1,744 C++ 363 A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once
dxvk 5,757 C++ 286 Vulkan-based implementation of D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 for Linux / Wine
dolphin 6,851 C++ 1,608 Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
360Controller 6,039 C++ 402 TattieBogle Xbox 360 Driver (with improvements)
entt 4,329 C++ 391 Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more
rc-switch 1,339 C++ 503 Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.
shotcut 3,541 C++ 458 cross-platform (Qt), open-source (GPLv3) video editor
WLED 3,734 C++ 655 Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
yosys 1,499 C++ 451 Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
multipass 2,352 C++ 198 Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
lmms 4,474 C++ 682 Cross-platform music production software
godot 34,964 C++ 6,600 Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
re3 446 C++ 90 GTA III
warzone2100 1,477 C++ 361 Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has been nearly destroyed by nuclear missiles. A 100% free and open source real-time strategy game for Windows, macOS, ...
aseprite 10,812 C++ 1,043 Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
deconz-rest-plugin 1,122 C++ 232 deCONZ REST-API plugin to control ZigBee devices
bitcoin 46,275 C++ 26,713 Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
JUCE 2,475 C++ 879 JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, RTAS and AAX audio plug-ins.


Repo star language fork intro
source-code-pro 16,814 CSS 1,501 Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
advanced-css-course 2,552 CSS 3,079 Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Advanced CSS course
transmission-web-control 2,695 CSS 550 一个 Transmission 浏览器管理界面。Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI.
dotfiles 614 CSS 73 🏡 My house is now your home. OpenboxWM Custom Environment.
javascript-homework 30 CSS 384
nerd-fonts 24,936 CSS 1,804 Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
SimplerentFox 322 CSS 27 🦊 A userstyle theme for Firefox minimalist, transparent and Keyboard centered
portfolio-responsive-complete 99 CSS 123
hexo-theme-next 6,272 CSS 1,877 Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo.
gradio 1,784 CSS 116 Create UIs for prototyping your machine learning model in 3 minutes
v2ray-examples 571 CSS 294 v2ray-core 的模板们
weather-icons 5,740 CSS 736 215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS
SocialFish 1,934 CSS 756 Automated Phishing Tool & Information Collector
javascript-basic-projects 566 CSS 575
seeker 1,398 CSS 577 Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
hyde 2,987 CSS 3,148 A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
nord 4,026 CSS 130 An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
hugo-theme-learn 1,083 CSS 966 Porting Grav Learn theme to Hugo
toha 171 CSS 156 A Hugo theme for personal portfolio
online-cv 1,484 CSS 2,935 A minimal Jekyll Theme to host your resume (CV)
spicetify-themes 1,211 CSS 432 A community-driven collection of themes for Spicetify (
paperless 7,220 CSS 508 Scan, index, and archive all of your paper documents
Blooger_Website 141 CSS 315 This is the complete blooger website create using html and css
Pathfinding-Visualizer 857 CSS 274 A visualization tool for various pathfinding algorithms.
Open-Source-Programs 2,223 CSS 577 A list of open source programs.


Repo star language fork intro
openwrt-passwall 1,424 HTML 1,111
JavaScript30 14,115 HTML 16,912 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge 1,617 HTML 4,756 📘 Home Assistant User documentation
chatcord 477 HTML 418 Realtime chat app with rooms
shellphish 235 HTML 747 Phishing Tool for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Github
zju-icicles 19,807 HTML 6,024 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划
docker-development-youtube-series 462 HTML 438
openwrt-packages 907 HTML 979 openwet常用软件包
Actions-OpenWrt 417 Shell 307 Automatic unattended weekly builds of the current OpenWrt development master branch
zenbot 6,935 HTML 1,791 Zenbot is a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.
roll20-character-sheets 859 HTML 3,208 Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Contact [email protected] if critical hotfixes need to be requested.
Spoon-Knife 10,341 HTML 114,612 This repo is for demonstration purposes only.
web-api-auth-examples 1,191 HTML 954 Basic examples to authenticate and fetch data using the Spotify Web API
datasciencecoursera 1,580 HTML 1,652 Data Science Repo and blog for John Hopkins Coursera Courses. Please let me know if you have any questions.
hyperblog 3,172 HTML 4,722 Un blog increíble para el curso de Git y Github de Platzi
webtransport 269 HTML 19 WebTransport is a web API for flexible data transport
Guide2EconRA 44 HTML 20
OpenClash 2,363 HTML 618 A Clash Client For OpenWrt
TinDog-Start 440 HTML 480
emacs-application-framework 1,284 HTML 101 Emacs application framework
ai-edu 8,526 HTML 2,069 AI education materials for Chinese students, teachers and IT professionals.
hugo-coder 1,229 HTML 577 A minimalist blog theme for hugo. 2,006 HTML 588 Современный учебник JavaScript
blackeye 243 HTML 202 The ultimate phishing tool with 38 websites available!
222-responsive-icon-nav-css 400 HTML 246 A Simple Responsive Animated CSS Icon Navbar


Repo star language fork intro
inventory-hunter 209 Python 36 ⚡️ Get notified as soon as your next CPU/GPU is in stock
python-telegram-bot 12,682 Python 2,694 We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
datasets 5,154 Python 401 🤗 Fast, efficient, open-access datasets and evaluation metrics in PyTorch, TensorFlow, NumPy and Pandas
stylized-neural-painting 299 Python 43 Official Pytorch implementation of the preprint paper "Stylized Neural Painting", in arXiv:2011.08114.
PayloadsAllTheThings 19,346 Python 5,838 A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
Instagram- 1,399 Python 936 Bruteforce attack for Instagram
gallery-dl 2,283 Python 203 Command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites
imgclsmob 1,845 Python 379 Sandbox for training convolutional networks for computer vision
core 37,635 Python 12,363 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning 21,621 Python 4,136 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
bips 4,464 Python 2,837 Bitcoin Improvement Proposals
TBomb 991 Python 697 This is a SMS And Call Bomber For Linux And Termux
legendary 1,095 Python 36 Legendary - A free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher
hackingtool 5,215 Python 579 ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
twisted 4,093 Python 995 Event-driven networking engine written in Python. 7,314 Python 4,831 Open Machine Learning Course
modern-apis-with-fastapi 43 Python 17 Course demos and handouts for our Modern APIs with FastAPI course.
public-apis 101,854 Python 12,418 A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
MalwareDatabase 369 Python 109 This repository is one of a few malware collections on the GitHub.
kivy 12,188 Python 2,565 Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
Cura 2,478 Python 1,135 3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
electrum 4,264 Python 2,208 Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
DeepFaceLab 21,537 Python 5,038 DeepFaceLab is the leading software for creating deepfakes.
spleeter 14,812 Python 1,487 Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
machine_learning_examples 5,657 Python 5,059 A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.


Repo star language fork intro
CrewLink 366 TypeScript 26 Free, open, Among Us Proximity Chat
react-icons 5,449 TypeScript 355 svg react icons of popular icon packs
CrewLink-server 40 TypeScript 15 Voice Relay server for CrewLink.
streetmerchant 1,584 TypeScript 499 🤖 Autonomous robot for all your electronic needs
frontend 1,180 TypeScript 1,069 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant
lireddit 762 TypeScript 182
kutt 4,402 TypeScript 451 Free Modern URL Shortener.
angular 68,325 TypeScript 18,069 One framework. Mobile & desktop.
super-productivity 2,608 TypeScript 244 To-do list & time tracker for programmers and other digital workers with Jira, Github, and Gitlab integration
tinyhttp 724 TypeScript 38 ⚡ 0-legacy, tiny & fast web framework as a replacement of Express
apollo-server 10,631 TypeScript 1,563 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
pokemon-showdown 2,888 TypeScript 1,826 Pokémon battle simulator.
urql 5,259 TypeScript 219 The highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client with which you add on features like normalized caching as you grow.
webamp 7,549 TypeScript 523 Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser
components 20,672 TypeScript 5,536 Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
tiktok-scraper 894 TypeScript 198 TikTok Scraper. Download video posts, collect user/trend/hashtag/music feed metadata, sign URL and etc.
foam 7,752 TypeScript 286 A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
Tech-Interview-Cheat-Sheet 1,267 TypeScript 315 Studying for a tech interview sucks. Here's an open source cheat sheet to help
appsmith 1,108 TypeScript 195 A web framework to build admin panels and internal tools.
homebridge 16,158 TypeScript 1,724 HomeKit support for the impatient
homebridge-config-ui-x 1,395 TypeScript 192 The Homebridge UI. Monitor, configure and backup Homebridge from a browser.
headlamp 428 TypeScript 13 An easy-to-use and versatile dashboard for Kubernetes brought to you by Kinvolk.
DefinitelyTyped 31,004 TypeScript 23,317 The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
solid 4,512 TypeScript 125 A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
react-redux-typescript-guide 10,227 TypeScript 716 The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript


Repo star language fork intro
ABigSurvey 859 112 A collection of 400+ survey papers on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML)
awesome-osint 5,536 1,283 😱 A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
Active-Directory-Exploitation-Cheat-Sheet 1,059 262 A cheat sheet that contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory.
InfoSec-Black-Friday 447 61 All the deals for InfoSec related software/tools this Black Friday
PENTESTING-BIBLE 7,171 1,462 Learn ethical hacking.Learn about reconnaissance,windows/linux hacking,attacking web technologies,and pen testing wireless networks.Resources for learning malware analysis and reverse engineering.
hosts 20,074 10,251 镜像: /
MODNet 291 12 A Trimap-Free Solution for Portrait Matting in Real Time
developer-roadmap 137,713 20,670 Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2020
javascript-questions 25,815 3,333 A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
the-art-of-command-line 81,526 9,299 Master the command line, in one page
HDMI-PI 1,419 157 我设计的一个HDMI转MIPI模块,可以用于驱动各种手机屏幕当显示器用。
ACL4SSR 5,720 1,280 SSR 去广告ACL规则/SS完整GFWList规则/Clash规则碎片,Telegram频道订阅地址
awesome 147,404 19,298 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
collection 143 10 Collection of Hyperdimensional Computing Projects
Flutter-Course-Resources 6,177 1,895 Learn to Code While Building Apps - The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp
clash_for_windows_pkg 11,993 2,009 A Windows/macOS GUI based on Clash
COVID-19 24,896 15,906 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
awesome-design-patterns 11,358 899 A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
Coding-Interview-101 324 41 Coding interview tips
new-pac 26,784 5,724 科学上网/自由上网/翻墙/软件/方法,一键翻墙浏览器,免费shadowsocks/ss/ssr/v2ray/goflyway账号/节点分享,vps一键搭建脚本/教程
Countries 159 165 Free legally receivable IPTV channels as .m3u for Kodi. :-)
youtube-videos 70 22 Documentation for Techno Tim YouTube Videos
binance-official-api-docs 3,126 1,953 Official Documentation for the Binance APIs and Streams
Rules 5,679 1,461
AMD_Vanilla 1,928 545 Native AMD macOS via Clover & OpenCore


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AQLite 48 ActionScript 15 A Client for AQWorlds


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Repo star language fork intro
bl602-re 31 Assembly 14 Reverse engineering of BL602 blobs
N7DDC-ATU-100-mini-and-extended-boards 86 Assembly 53
BLHeli 1,018 Assembly 773 BLHeli for brushless ESC firmware
pokecrystal 1,387 Assembly 390 Disassembly of Pokémon Crystal
smashremix 180 Assembly 7
BLAKE3 2,079 Assembly 97 the official Rust and C implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function
oot 403 Assembly 108 Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


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Repo star language fork intro
bug.n 2,431 AutoHotkey 173 Tiling Window Manager for Windows
EDHM 23 AutoHotkey 2 Elite Dangerous HUD Mod
HWIDGEN 76 AutoHotkey 23 HWIDGEN


Repo star language fork intro
UniExtract2 1,241 AutoIt 155 Universal Extractor 2 is a tool to extract files from any type of archive or installer.
Dark-Souls-III-Cheat-Engine-Guide 189 AutoIt 83 Latest CE table and guide for Dark Souls 3


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Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro
KMS_VL_ALL 1,497 Batchfile 256 🔑KMS_VL_ALL - Smart Activation Script
java-interview 1,104 Batchfile 520 Вопросы и ответы к интервью Java разработчика


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Repo star language fork intro


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Repo star language fork intro
livewire 8,027 Blade 533 A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.


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Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro
SILENTTRINITY 1,461 Boo 305 An asynchronous, collaborative post-exploitation agent powered by Python and .NET's DLR


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Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro
lede 13,484 C 12,157 Lean's OpenWrt source
Tasmota 13,759 C 3,007 Alternative firmware for ESP8266 with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full docum...
obs-studio 23,648 C 4,387 OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
openwrt 7,032 C 5,029 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...
qmk_firmware 8,087 C 16,368 Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
esp-idf 5,676 C 3,586 Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for ESP32.
ATC_MiThermometer 507 C 75 Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometer LYWSD03MMC and Telink Flasher via USB to Serial converter
ish 8,494 C 452 Linux shell for iOS
arduino-esp32 5,696 C 3,527 Arduino core for the ESP32
Ventoy 11,768 C 900 A new bootable USB solution.
picom 1,532 C 143 A lightweight compositor for X11
hekate 2,148 C 289 hekate - A GUI based Nintendo Switch Bootloader
glfw 6,953 C 2,542 A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
FlashFloppy 608 C 90 Floppy drive emulator for Gotek hardware
mpc-hc 3,090 C 1,094 MPC-HC's main repository. For support use our Trac:
TFT_eSPI 1,027 C 311 Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
thc-hydra 4,328 C 1,152 hydra
openwrt 1,352 C 1,183 Lienol's Modified OpenWrt source
stb 14,225 C 4,758 stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
openssl 14,251 C 6,362 TLS/SSL and crypto library
scrcpy 40,755 C 4,149 Display and control your Android device
sqlite 697 C 135 Official Git mirror of the SQLite source tree
L-ink_Card 4,309 C 969 Smart NFC & ink-Display Card
Il2CppInspector 652 C 100 The premiere tool for reverse engineering Unity IL2CPP binaries
FTL 641 C 114 The Pi-hole FTL engine


Repo star language fork intro
Radarr 4,690 C# 604 A fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato.
privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite 3,487 C# 810 PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
DS4Windows 2,515 C# 822 Like those other ds4tools, but sexier
Jackett 5,011 C# 718 API Support for your favorite torrent trackers
ProxySU 1,656 C# 605 Xray,V2ray,Trojan,NaiveProxy, Trojan-Go, ShadowsocksR(SSR),Shadowsocks-libev及相关插件,MTProto+TLS 一键安装工具,windows下用(一键科学上网)
Files 3,153 C# 248 A modern file explorer that pushes the boundaries of the platform.
YoutubeDownloader 1,244 C# 292 Downloads videos and playlists from YouTube
openbullet 621 C# 395 The OpenBullet web testing application.
v2rayN 16,082 C# 3,595
Sonarr 5,900 C# 860 Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users.
FModel 241 C# 56 File explorer for UE4 games and with cosmetics icon creation support for Fortnite, Valorant, Battle Breakers, and Spellbreak
grandnode 1,444 C# 644 Free and Open Source Ecommerce Shopping Cart solution based on ASP.NET CORE and MongoDB
BBDInstaller 131 C# 48 Installer for the BetterDiscord fork BandagedBD
x360ce 1,780 C# 400 Primary repository for the x360ce library, front-end and tools.
Lean 4,152 C# 1,961 Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (C#, Python, F#)
ArchiSteamFarm 5,978 C# 733 C# application with primary purpose of idling Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
CleanArchitecture 3,288 C# 777 Clean Architecture Solution Template for Angular 10 and .NET 5
ml-agents 9,831 C# 2,683 Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit
qmk_toolbox 720 C# 249 A Toolbox companion for QMK Firmware
MultiplayerExtensions 142 C# 34 A Beat Saber mod that expands multiplayer functionality.
Quasar 3,789 C# 1,544 Remote Administration Tool for Windows
BetterJoy 1,116 C# 128 Allows the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, Joycons and SNES controller to be used with CEMU, Citra, Dolphin, Yuzu and as generic XInput
MemTestHelper 497 C# 54 C# WPF to automate HCI MemTest
nopCommerce 5,529 C# 3,295 The most popular open-source eCommerce shopping cart solution based on ASP.NET Core
Lidarr 1,750 C# 144 Looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music.


Repo star language fork intro
drogon 4,237 C++ 339 Drogon: A C++14/17 based HTTP web application framework running on Linux/macOS/Unix/Windows
modern-cpp-tutorial 9,931 C++ 1,293 📚 Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly
MangoHud 1,821 C++ 80 A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. Discord:
LightGBM 11,865 C++ 3,130 A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tas...
Cataclysm-DDA 4,692 C++ 2,588 Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
Marlin 8,961 C++ 12,432 Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform.
folly 15,945 C++ 3,756 An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
MultiMC5 1,745 C++ 364 A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once
dxvk 5,756 C++ 286 Vulkan-based implementation of D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 for Linux / Wine
dolphin 6,851 C++ 1,608 Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
360Controller 6,040 C++ 402 TattieBogle Xbox 360 Driver (with improvements)
entt 4,329 C++ 391 Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more
rc-switch 1,339 C++ 503 Arduino lib to operate 433/315Mhz devices like power outlet sockets.
shotcut 3,541 C++ 458 cross-platform (Qt), open-source (GPLv3) video editor
WLED 3,734 C++ 655 Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
yosys 1,499 C++ 451 Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
multipass 2,351 C++ 198 Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
lmms 4,474 C++ 682 Cross-platform music production software
godot 34,964 C++ 6,600 Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
re3 447 C++ 90 GTA III
warzone2100 1,476 C++ 361 Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has been nearly destroyed by nuclear missiles. A 100% free and open source real-time strategy game for Windows, macOS, ...
aseprite 10,813 C++ 1,043 Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
deconz-rest-plugin 1,122 C++ 232 deCONZ REST-API plugin to control ZigBee devices
bitcoin 46,275 C++ 26,713 Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
JUCE 2,474 C++ 879 JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, RTAS and AAX audio plug-ins.


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babashka 1,597 Clojure 92 A Clojure babushka for the grey areas of Bash (native fast-starting Clojure scripting environment)
reagent 4,031 Clojure 363 A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
FiraCode 52,292 Clojure 2,177 Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
awesome-clojure 2,029 Clojure 168 A curated list of awesome Clojure libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-... stuff


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kicad-footprints 495 CMake 724 Official KiCad Footprint Libraries for Kicad version 5
ModernCppStarter 1,554 CMake 113 🚀 Kick-start your C++! A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management and much more.
cotire 1,204 CMake 134 CMake module to speed up builds.
learning-cmake 2,121 CMake 603 learning cmake


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cobol-programming-course 1,742 COBOL 358 Training materials and labs for a "Getting Started" level course on COBOL


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zxcvbn 11,647 CoffeeScript 787 Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation


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lisp-koans 2,725 Common Lisp 511 Common Lisp Koans is a language learning exercise in the same vein as the ruby koans, python koans and others. It is a port of the prior koans with some modifications to highlight lisp-specific featur...
paip-lisp 5,364 Common Lisp 546 Lisp code for the textbook "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming"


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invidious 4,256 Crystal 323 Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
crystal 15,330 Crystal 1,201 The Crystal Programming Language


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source-code-pro 16,814 CSS 1,501 Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
advanced-css-course 2,552 CSS 3,080 Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Advanced CSS course
transmission-web-control 2,695 CSS 550 一个 Transmission 浏览器管理界面。Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI.
dotfiles 617 CSS 73 🏡 My house is now your home. OpenboxWM Custom Environment.
javascript-homework 30 CSS 384
nerd-fonts 24,936 CSS 1,804 Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
SimplerentFox 322 CSS 27 🦊 A userstyle theme for Firefox minimalist, transparent and Keyboard centered
portfolio-responsive-complete 99 CSS 123
hexo-theme-next 6,273 CSS 1,877 Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo.
gradio 1,784 CSS 116 Create UIs for prototyping your machine learning model in 3 minutes
v2ray-examples 572 CSS 294 v2ray-core 的模板们
weather-icons 5,740 CSS 736 215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS
SocialFish 1,934 CSS 756 Automated Phishing Tool & Information Collector
javascript-basic-projects 566 CSS 575
seeker 1,398 CSS 577 Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
hyde 2,987 CSS 3,148 A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
nord 4,026 CSS 130 An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
hugo-theme-learn 1,083 CSS 966 Porting Grav Learn theme to Hugo
toha 171 CSS 156 A Hugo theme for personal portfolio
online-cv 1,484 CSS 2,935 A minimal Jekyll Theme to host your resume (CV)
spicetify-themes 1,210 CSS 432 A community-driven collection of themes for Spicetify (
paperless 7,220 CSS 508 Scan, index, and archive all of your paper documents
Blooger_Website 141 CSS 314 This is the complete blooger website create using html and css
Pathfinding-Visualizer 857 CSS 273 A visualization tool for various pathfinding algorithms.
Open-Source-Programs 2,223 CSS 577 A list of open source programs.


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cuml 1,798 Cuda 293 cuML - RAPIDS Machine Learning Library


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onedrive 3,026 D 363 OneDrive Client for Linux


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flutter 107,987 Dart 15,128 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
awesome-flutter 32,539 Dart 4,714 An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
getx 1,630 Dart 230 Open screens/snackbars/dialogs/bottomSheets without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with Get.
FlutterChatAppTutorial 249 Dart 190 Fully Functioning Chat App with Flutter & Firebase
flutterfire 3,227 Dart 1,588 🔥 A collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps.
flame 3,634 Dart 298 A minimalist Flutter game engine
E-commerce-Complete-Flutter-UI 748 Dart 279
flutter_ecommerce_template 411 Dart 235 This is an eCommerce minimalist template with a clean and beautiful design for Flutter.
river_pod 896 Dart 97 A simple way to access state while robust and testable.
graphql-flutter 2,318 Dart 320 A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package.
bitsdojo_window 32 Dart 2
ReflectlyUI 24 Dart 2
Clima-Flutter 84 Dart 406 Starter code for the Clima Project from the Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp
flutter_ecommerce_app 1,060 Dart 450 E-Commerce App built in flutter
InstaDart-Flutter-Instagram-Clone 19 Dart 5 Instagram Clone App Using - Dart, Flutter, Firebase
samples 8,625 Dart 3,124 A collection of Flutter examples and demos.
E-commerce-App-UI-Flutter 788 Dart 350 Nice and clean Online Shop app UI by using #Flutter.
Welcome-Login-Signup-Page-Flutter 342 Dart 256 Mobile app onboarding, Login, Signup page with #flutter.
bloc 5,978 Dart 1,499 A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern
flutter_form_builder 603 Dart 229 Simple form maker for Flutter Framework
audioplayers 954 Dart 373 A Flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously (Android/iOS)
pixez-flutter 1,010 Dart 80 一个支持免代理直连及查看动图的第三方Pixiv flutter客户端
flutter_login 568 Dart 261 Provides login screen with login/signup functionalities to help speed up development
FlutterExampleApps 12,677 Dart 2,575 [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs.
yun_dao 53 Dart 9 flutter的 ORM数据库框架


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goonstation 93 DM 302 Repository for the Goonstation branch of SS13
tgstation 1,074 DM 2,958 The /tg/station branch of SS13
Paradise 234 DM 689 Paradise Station's GitHub main repository.
TerraGov-Marine-Corps 48 DM 290 TGMC: TerraGov Marine Corps, a SS13 mod
BeeStation-Hornet 71 DM 284 99.97% station. 0.03% bees


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keras 50,245 Dockerfile 18,664 Deep Learning for humans
docker-plex 516 Dockerfile 144
php 2,712 Dockerfile 1,688 Docker Official Image packaging for PHP
docker-swag 162 Dockerfile 23 Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in Certbot (Let's Encrypt) client. It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.
docs-toolbelt 0 Dockerfile 0 Useful tools for managing Gardener documentation
cf-cli-release 2 Dockerfile 2 BOSH release of Cloud Foundry CLI
cflinuxfs3 9 Dockerfile 12
dockerfiles 2 Dockerfile 2 Dockerfiles repository
docker-compose-lamp 1,149 Dockerfile 634 A basic LAMP stack environment built using Docker Compose.
docker-compose-laravel 945 Dockerfile 479 A docker-compose workflow for local Laravel development
docker_images 210 Dockerfile 104 A repository to hold definitions of docker images maintained by OSRF


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teex 194 Elixir 5 Use Elixir like a scripting language, across your system
phoenix 15,916 Elixir 2,113 Peace of mind from prototype to production
tune 129 Elixir 8 A streamlined Spotify client and browser with a focus on performance and integrations.
elixir 17,797 Elixir 2,576 Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
teslamate 1,003 Elixir 181 A self-hosted data logger for your Tesla 🚘


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doom-emacs 8,911 Emacs Lisp 1,550 An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
nano-emacs 71 Emacs Lisp 5 GNU Emacs / N Λ N O - Emacs made simple
lsp-mode 2,987 Emacs Lisp 453 Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol
org-roam 2,595 Emacs Lisp 212 Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode
spacemacs 20,856 Emacs Lisp 4,878 A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim!
helm 2,926 Emacs Lisp 379 Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework
.emacs.d 1,167 Emacs Lisp 180 Centaur Emacs - A Fancy and Fast Emacs Configuration
emacs 2,712 Emacs Lisp 788 Mirror of GNU Emacs
prelude 4,515 Emacs Lisp 1,726 Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 25.1+ distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
projectile 3,165 Emacs Lisp 503 Project Interaction Library for Emacs
smartparens 1,375 Emacs Lisp 145 Minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it.
treemacs 1,169 Emacs Lisp 90
emacs-doom-themes 1,353 Emacs Lisp 215 An opinionated pack of modern color-themes
cider 3,028 Emacs Lisp 571 The Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs
use-package 3,348 Emacs Lisp 211 A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs
mu4e-dashboard 174 Emacs Lisp 12
consult 24 Emacs Lisp 1 consult.el - Consulting completing-read
plantuml-mode 320 Emacs Lisp 56 A major mode for editing PlantUML sources in Emacs
alert 337 Emacs Lisp 50 A Growl-like alerts notifier for Emacs
log4e 43 Emacs Lisp 11 Provide a logging framework for elisp
gntp.el 25 Emacs Lisp 2 GNTP implementation for Emacs
web-mode 1,419 Emacs Lisp 226 web template editing mode for emacs
a.el 56 Emacs Lisp 6 Emacs Lisp functions for dealing with association lists and hash tables. Inspired by Clojure.
parseedn 30 Emacs Lisp 8 EDN parser for Emacs Lisp
parseclj 33 Emacs Lisp 9 Clojure Parser for Emacs Lisp


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otp 8,771 Erlang 2,400 Erlang/OTP
ej 175 Erlang 46 Helper module for working with Erlang terms representing JSON
hackney 1,100 Erlang 376 simple HTTP client in Erlang
erlydtl 471 Erlang 187 Django templates for Erlang
mochiweb 1,764 Erlang 475 MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.


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Falco 168 F# 7 A functional-first toolkit for building brilliant ASP.NET Core applications using F#.
Dapper.FSharp 126 F# 5 Lightweight F# extension for StackOverflow Dapper with support for MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL


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OpenBLAS 3,640 Fortran 998 OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.


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VoronUsers 140 GAP 188 Voron Community mods, slicer profiles and firmware configurations.


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godot-demo-projects 1,580 GDScript 805 Demonstration and Template Projects


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higan 371 GLSL 37 higan is a multi-system emulator focused on accuracy, preservation, and configurability.
SPIRV-Cross 1,088 GLSL 268 SPIRV-Cross is a practical tool and library for performing reflection on SPIR-V and disassembling SPIR-V back to high level languages.
thebookofshaders 3,245 GLSL 423 Step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.
Project_Brutality 451 GLSL 204 This is the primary repository for collaborative efforts between Doom developers on Project Brutality. This is the bleeding-edge version that is constantly being developed on, and not meant in any way...


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Neurax 303 Go 21 A library for constructing self-spreading binaries
k6 10,181 Go 493 A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript -
cloudquery 236 Go 7 cloudquery transforms your cloud infrastructure into queryable SQL tables for easy monitoring, governance and security.
privacy 631 Go 248 个人数据泄漏检测网站,适用于 QQ / 京东 / 顺丰 / 微博。
pbgopy 254 Go 12 Copy and paste between devices
Xray-core 796 Go 82 Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
machinery 4,730 Go 601 Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
fiber 10,308 Go 451 ⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
lazydocker 16,760 Go 623 The lazier way to manage everything docker
cli 20,182 Go 1,589 GitHub’s official command line tool
automuteus 654 Go 177 Discord Bot to automute Among Us players at round transitions, in conjunction with
chat 4,964 Go 809 Instant messaging platform. Backend in Go. Clients: Swift iOS, Java Android, JS webapp, scriptable command line; chatbots
hugo 48,472 Go 5,484 The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
Cloudreve 6,772 Go 1,268 🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (A project helps you build your own cloud in minutes)
httpx 870 Go 125 httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit allow to run multiple probers using retryablehttp library, it is designed to maintain the result reliability with increased threads.
k3s 15,035 Go 1,201 Lightweight Kubernetes
please 1,321 Go 122 High-performance extensible build system for reproducible multi-language builds.
crowdsec 2,065 Go 83 Crowdsec - An open-source, lightweight agent to detect and respond to bad behaviours. It also automatically benefits from our global community-wide IP reputation database.
croc 10,954 Go 407 Easily and securely send things from one computer to another 🐊 📦
kit 18,732 Go 1,940 A standard library for microservices.
go 79,331 Go 11,484 The Go programming language
oauth2 3,387 Go 701 Go OAuth2
quic-go 4,663 Go 579 A QUIC implementation in pure go
v2ray-core 35,853 Go 7,980 A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
errors 6,256 Go 478 Simple error handling primitives


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SmartThingsPublic 1,806 Groovy 77,650 SmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
gradle 11,206 Groovy 3,228 Adaptable, fast automation for all
shadow 2,276 Groovy 256 Gradle plugin to create fat/uber JARs, apply file transforms, and relocate packages for applications and libraries. Gradle version of Maven's Shade plugin.


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cardano-node 314 Haskell 126 The core component that is used to participate in a Cardano decentralised blockchain.
neuron 766 Haskell 92 Future-proof and simple-to-use notes system based on Zettelkasten.
pandoc 21,064 Haskell 2,552 Universal markup converter
haskell-language-server 1,124 Haskell 92 Integration point for ghcide and haskell-ide-engine. One IDE to rule them all.
ghcide 594 Haskell 100 A library for building Haskell IDE tooling
compiler 6,214 Haskell 543 Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
graphql-engine 19,511 Haskell 1,716 Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on Postgres with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.


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armorpaint 1,465 Haxe 174 3D PBR Texture Painting Software


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kubify-openstack-template 2 HCL 0 Template for Openstack Kubernetes Cluster Setup using Kubify
paving 31 HCL 20 Terraform templates for paving infrastructure to deploy the Pivotal Platform.
terraform-aws-certificate 2 HCL 2 Simple way of creating validated certs over multiple domains and zones.
terraform-aws-route53-alias 1 HCL 2 Simplest way to set up IPv4 and IPv6 aliases.
terraform-aws-elasticache-redis 57 HCL 121 Terraform module to provision an ElastiCache Redis Cluster
learn-terraform-enforce-policies 2 HCL 114
tfc-guide-example 40 HCL 1,192 Example Terraform configuration


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msfs_g36_project 187 HLSL 11 Improvement project for the MSFS default G36.
msfs_tbm930_project 202 HLSL 9 Improvement project for the MSFS default TBM930.


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openwrt-passwall 1,425 HTML 1,111
JavaScript30 14,115 HTML 16,913 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge 1,617 HTML 4,756 📘 Home Assistant User documentation
chatcord 477 HTML 418 Realtime chat app with rooms
shellphish 235 HTML 747 Phishing Tool for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Github
zju-icicles 19,808 HTML 6,024 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划
docker-development-youtube-series 462 HTML 438
openwrt-packages 908 HTML 979 openwet常用软件包
Actions-OpenWrt 417 Shell 307 Automatic unattended weekly builds of the current OpenWrt development master branch
zenbot 6,936 HTML 1,792 Zenbot is a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.
roll20-character-sheets 859 HTML 3,208 Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Contact [email protected] if critical hotfixes need to be requested.
Spoon-Knife 10,341 HTML 114,613 This repo is for demonstration purposes only.
web-api-auth-examples 1,191 HTML 954 Basic examples to authenticate and fetch data using the Spotify Web API
datasciencecoursera 1,580 HTML 1,652 Data Science Repo and blog for John Hopkins Coursera Courses. Please let me know if you have any questions.
hyperblog 3,172 HTML 4,724 Un blog increíble para el curso de Git y Github de Platzi
webtransport 270 HTML 19 WebTransport is a web API for flexible data transport
Guide2EconRA 44 HTML 21
OpenClash 2,363 HTML 618 A Clash Client For OpenWrt
TinDog-Start 440 HTML 480
emacs-application-framework 1,284 HTML 101 Emacs application framework
ai-edu 8,526 HTML 2,069 AI education materials for Chinese students, teachers and IT professionals.
hugo-coder 1,229 HTML 577 A minimalist blog theme for hugo. 2,006 HTML 588 Современный учебник JavaScript
blackeye 243 HTML 202 The ultimate phishing tool with 38 websites available!
222-responsive-icon-nav-css 400 HTML 246 A Simple Responsive Animated CSS Icon Navbar


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KK-HF_Patch 184 Inno Setup 15 Automatically translate, uncensor and update Koikatu! and Koikatsu Party!
AI-HF_Patch 58 Inno Setup 10 Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo!


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GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts 26,488 Java 3,698 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!
CtCI-6th-Edition 7,915 Java 3,365 Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Solutions
CS-Notes 115,583 Java 37,632 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计、Java、Python、C++
easy163 1,737 Java 231 安卓端一键解锁网易云音乐,无须 ROOT
java-design-patterns 62,232 Java 19,821 Design patterns implemented in Java
Arduino 10,856 Java 6,758 open-source electronics platform
Geyser 1,594 Java 245 A bridge/proxy allowing you to connect to Minecraft: Java Edition servers with Minecraft: Bedrock edition.
Ehviewer_CN_SXJ 123 Java 6 因为ehviewer近一年多没更新了,所以想copy过来试着更新下
interview 9,223 Java 4,603 Interview questions
Universal-G-Code-Sender 1,150 Java 588 A cross-platform G-Code sender for GRBL, Smoothieware, TinyG and G2core.
blynk-server 2,028 Java 760 Blynk is an Internet of Things Platform aimed to simplify building mobile and web applications for the Internet of Things. Easily connect 400+ hardware models like Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry P...
Mindustry 6,634 Java 1,181 A sandbox tower defense game
EdXposedManager 878 Java 132 Companion Android application for EdXposed
sndcpy 566 Java 50 Android audio forwarding (scrcpy, but for audio)
termux-app 6,699 Java 1,004 Android terminal and Linux environment - app repository.
Signal-Android 14,063 Java 3,558 A private messenger for Android.
AttestationDeplacement 162 Java 23 Générez votre attestation de déplacement sur votre mobile à partir du document officiel.
GmsCore 2,979 Java 389 Free implementation of Play Services
library 1,926 Java 316 A comprehensive Domain-Driven Design example with problem space strategic analysis and various tactical patterns.
tsunami-security-scanner 6,592 Java 672 Tsunami is a general purpose network security scanner with an extensible plugin system for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence.
PojavLauncher 174 Java 43 A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android based on Boardwalk. Note that v2 will not able to run Minecraft 1.12+.
EhViewer 5,956 Java 929 [DEPRECATED] An Unofficial E-Hentai Application for Android
ghidra 23,056 Java 3,140 Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
mini-spring 92 Java 8 mini-spring是简化版的spring框架,能帮助你快速熟悉spring源码和掌握spring的核心原理。抽取了spring的核心逻辑,代码极度简化,保留spring的核心功能,如IoC和AOP、资源加载器、事件监听器、类型转换、容器扩展点、bean生命周期和作用域、应用上下文等核心功能。
Algorithms 7,059 Java 1,987 A collection of algorithms and data structures


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x 824 JavaScript 33 Desktop environment in the browser.
reveal.js 54,516 JavaScript 15,196 The HTML Presentation Framework
twin.macro 1,622 JavaScript 52 🦹‍♂️ Twin blends the magic of Tailwind with the flexibility of css-in-js (emotion, styled-components and goober) at build time.
edex-ui 23,985 JavaScript 1,340 A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
JavaScript 100 JavaScript 72 本人quantumult x,优先适配quantumult x, surge loon应该也能用
awesome-cheatsheets 14,051 JavaScript 2,439 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
UnblockNeteaseMusic 12,281 JavaScript 1,831 Revive unavailable songs for Netease Cloud Music
zigbee2mqtt 4,939 JavaScript 873 Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
bitwarden_rs 5,509 JavaScript 358 Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
30-seconds-of-code 65,803 JavaScript 7,274 Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
Zettlr 4,054 JavaScript 270 A Markdown Editor for the 21st century.
Multiavatar 213 JavaScript 14 12 Billion Unique Multicultural Avatars
ccxt 15,065 JavaScript 4,244 A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 120 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
Motrix 23,736 JavaScript 2,973 A full-featured download manager.
discord-api-docs 2,379 JavaScript 607 Official Discord API Documentation
33-js-concepts 33,832 JavaScript 4,024 📜 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know.
fullstack-course4 4,350 JavaScript 7,253 Example code for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Coursera Course
bookshelf 1,604 JavaScript 353 Build a ReactJS App workshop
freeCodeCamp 317,103 JavaScript 25,104's open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code at home.
OpenCore-Install-Guide 1,642 JavaScript 241 Repo for the OpenCore Install Guide
MyActions 343 JavaScript 433
Worn-Off-Keys-Discord-Js 98 JavaScript 162
junior-recruit-scheduler 4,487 JavaScript 815 주니어 개발자 채용 정보
docs 1,636 JavaScript 5,013 The open-source repo for
Weather-Cal 353 JavaScript 265 This is a Scriptable widget that lets you display, position, and format multiple elements, including dates and events, weather information, battery level, and more. You can even create your own elemen...


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ml-testing-accelerators 15 Jsonnet 9 Testing framework for Deep Learning models (Tensorflow and PyTorch) on Google Cloud hardware accelerators (TPU and GPU)
cluster-monitoring 386 Jsonnet 111 Cluster monitoring stack for clusters based on Prometheus Operator


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julia 30,834 Julia 4,206 The Julia Programming Language
Flux.jl 2,636 Julia 408 Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor
Pkg.jl 318 Julia 138 Pkg - Package manager for the Julia programming language
CUDA.jl 273 Julia 60 CUDA programming in Julia.
VIMKiller 849 Julia 13 Exiting VIM is hard; sometimes we need to take drastic measures
General 238 Julia 185 The official registry of general Julia packages


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Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp 13,380 Jupyter Notebook 47,844 Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
code_snippets 6,134 Jupyter Notebook 12,062
handson-ml 21,709 Jupyter Notebook 11,672 A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
pytorch-Deep-Learning 3,929 Jupyter Notebook 1,228 Deep Learning (with PyTorch)
Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers 22,169 Jupyter Notebook 6,999 aka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;)
dlaicourse 4,366 Jupyter Notebook 4,438 Notebooks for learning deep learning
exercise 2,216 Jupyter Notebook 1,032 exercise for nndl
IBMQuantumChallenge2020 124 Jupyter Notebook 79 Quantum Challenge problem sets
deep-learning-v2-pytorch 3,800 Jupyter Notebook 4,200 Projects and exercises for the latest Deep Learning ND program
ml-coursera-python-assignments 3,661 Jupyter Notebook 1,429 Python assignments for the machine learning class by andrew ng on coursera with complete submission for grading capability and re-written instructions.
nlp-in-python-tutorial 991 Jupyter Notebook 864 comparing stand up comedians using natural language processing
fastbook 10,746 Jupyter Notebook 3,198 The fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks
Machine-Learning-with-Python 2,713 Jupyter Notebook 3,444 Python code for common Machine Learning Algorithms
aima-python 5,186 Jupyter Notebook 2,509 Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Grokking-Deep-Learning 5,026 Jupyter Notebook 1,173 this repository accompanies the book "Grokking Deep Learning"
deepmind-research 3,179 Jupyter Notebook 671 This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications
t81_558_deep_learning 3,078 Jupyter Notebook 1,672 Washington University (in St. Louis) Course T81-558: Applications of Deep Neural Networks
Xtreme-Vision 40 Jupyter Notebook 9 A High Level Python Library to empower students, developers to build applications and systems enabled with computer vision capabilities.
Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-specialization-University-of-California-San-Diego 92 Jupyter Notebook 114
mathematics-for-machine-learning-cousera 151 Jupyter Notebook 215 quizzes/assignments for mathematics for machine learning specialization on coursera
coursera-deep-learning 452 Jupyter Notebook 539 Solutions to all quiz and all the programming assignments!!!
pandas_exercises 5,584 Jupyter Notebook 4,797 Practice your pandas skills!
py 1,404 Jupyter Notebook 6,008 Repository to store sample python programs for python learning
handson-ml2 11,662 Jupyter Notebook 5,494 A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
machine-learning-notes 4,282 Jupyter Notebook 1,225 My continuously updated Machine Learning, Probabilistic Models and Deep Learning notes and demos (2000+ slides) 我不间断更新的机器学习,概率模型和深度学习的讲义(2000+页)和视频链接


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v2rayNG 7,716 Kotlin 1,530
RetroMusicPlayer 1,034 Kotlin 245 Best material design music player for Android
VancedManager 1,905 Kotlin 113 Vanced Installer
tachiyomi-extensions 953 Kotlin 369
MaterialDrawer 11,250 Kotlin 2,105 The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
shadowsocks-android 30,648 Kotlin 11,316 A shadowsocks client for Android
tachiyomi 9,164 Kotlin 1,202 Free and open source manga reader for Android
ComposeCookBook 1,164 Kotlin 80 A Collection on all Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Widgets and Demo screens to see it's potential
android-kotlin-fundamentals-apps 654 Kotlin 1,054 android-kotlin-fundamentals-apps
cwa-app-android 2,124 Kotlin 449 Native Android app using the Apple/Google exposure notification API.
SpotiFlyer 60 Kotlin 8 Spotify Music Downloader For Android!
wallpanel-android 341 Kotlin 57 WallPanel is an Android application for Web Based Dashboards and Home Automation Platforms
AnimeXStream 914 Kotlin 77 An Android app to watch anime on your phone without ads.
Simple-Gallery 1,596 Kotlin 469 Browse your memories without any interruptions with this photo and video gallery
element-android 763 Kotlin 164 A glossy Matrix collaboration client for Android.
kotlinx.serialization 2,632 Kotlin 270 Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
material-components-android-examples 1,779 Kotlin 328 Companion example apps and code for MDC-Android.
Kotlin-Coroutine-Use-Cases-on-Android 1,383 Kotlin 128 🎓 Learning Kotlin Coroutines for Android by example. 🚀 Sample implementations for real-world Android use cases. 🛠 Unit tests included!
android-showcase 4,100 Kotlin 526 💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, coroutines, Clean Architecture, feature modules, tests, MVVM, static analysis...
qksms 3,036 Kotlin 889 The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android
NYTimes-App 157 Kotlin 23 🗽 A Simple Demonstration of the New York Times App 📱 using Jsoup web crawler with MVVM Architecture 🔥
flexbox-layout 16,213 Kotlin 1,699 Flexbox for Android
AppIntro 9,560 Kotlin 1,700 Make a cool intro for your Android app.
TapTap 1,523 Kotlin 122 Port of the double tap on back of device feature from Android 11 to any Android 7.0+ device
mirai 4,294 Kotlin 1,475 高效率 QQ 机器人框架 / High-performance bot framework for Tencent QQ


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luci-theme-argon 1,017 Less 311 A new Luci theme for LEDE/OpenWRT
weui 25,242 Less 6,402 A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.


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helloworld 1,030 Lua 923
BadRotations 116 Lua 155
otservbr-global 259 Lua 264 OTServBR-Global 12x for OpenTibia community.
topaz 120 Lua 199 Server emulator for FFXI
koreader 7,233 Lua 807 An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
docker-jitsi-meet 1,961 Lua 813 Jitsi Meet on Docker
FiveM-Resources 47 Lua 96 Some edits made with ❤️
nvim-lspconfig 1,131 Lua 146 Quickstart configurations for the Nvim LSP client
completion-nvim 541 Lua 46 A async completion framework aims to provide completion to neovim's built in LSP written in Lua
OwlHub 3 Lua 27 A archive of Owl Hub
eggs 359 Lua 562 Service eggs for the pterodactyl panel
awesome-wm-widgets 714 Lua 135 Widgets for Awesome Window Manager
char-rnn 10,420 Lua 2,447 Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for character-level language models in Torch
waifu2x 19,904 Lua 2,249 Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
neural-style 17,746 Lua 2,736 Torch implementation of neural style algorithm
HexFlow-Launcher 32 Lua 4 A 3d cover flow like launcher for PS Vita
FS19_AutoDrive 225 Lua 197 FS19 version of AutoDrive - Developer Version
MIDI2LR 460 Lua 69 An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller
lua-compat-5.2 42 Lua 9 Compatibility module providing Lua-5.2-style APIs for Lua 5.1
koreader-base 77 Lua 72 Base framework offering a Lua scriptable environment for creating document readers
gta-resources 81 Lua 295 All the DiscworldZA GTA Resources
WeakAuras2 658 Lua 160 World of Warcraft addon that provides a powerful framework to display customizable graphics on your screen.
es_extended 190 Lua 160 An FiveM RPG framework
DU-Orbital-Hud 111 Lua 49 Dual Universe HUD and Autopilot, with Atmospheric and Space features, and automatic interplanetary autopilot that will put you in a safe orbit for when you wake up
Divergences 62 Lua 78 Newest version of the Divergences mod for Victoria 2


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cpp_initialization 37 M4 2


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tucl 229 Makefile 19 The first-ever paper on the Unix shell written by Ken Thompson in 1976, scanned, transcribed, and redistributed with permission
packages 2,562 Makefile 2,273 Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in
spksrc 2,101 Makefile 940 Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS
operating-system 1,154 Makefile 393 🔰 Home Assistant Operating System
opentelemetry-specification 1,244 Makefile 265 Specifications for OpenTelemetry
buildroot 1,224 Makefile 1,215 Buildroot, making embedded Linux easy. Note that this is not the official repository, but only a mirror. The official Git repository is at Do not open issues or fi...
wacom-driver-fix 462 Makefile 27 Fixes the Wacom Bamboo, Graphire, Intuos 1+2+3 and Cintiq 1st gen tablet drivers for macOS Catalina and Big Sur
crkbd 1,175 Makefile 260 Corne keyboard, a split keyboard with 3x6 column staggered keys and 3 thumb keys.
awesome-python-cn 20,469 Makefile 6,652 Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由伯乐在线持续更新。
Kubernetes_Security_Specialist_Study_Guide 29 Makefile 4
openwrt-v2ray 1,180 Makefile 310 V2Ray for OpenWrt
build 19 Makefile 20 Upbound build and CI scripts
motioneyeos 5,760 Makefile 635 A Video Surveillance OS For Single-board Computers
docker-laravel 269 Makefile 59 🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.
CoreELEC 610 Makefile 375 A lightweight OS for KODI
project-layout 19,508 Makefile 2,026 Standard Go Project Layout
ctr-no-timeoffset 77 Makefile 7 Sets the time offset in Config Savegame to 0


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Coursera-Machine-Learning-Stanford 702 MATLAB 596 Machine learning-Stanford University
VAR-Toolbox 18 MATLAB 6 Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi's VAR Toolbox
Stanford-CS-229-CN 2,595 MATLAB 726 A Chinese Translation of Stanford CS229 notes 斯坦福机器学习CS229课程讲义的中文翻译
introduction-to-programming-with-matlab 10 MATLAB 16 Coursera Course: Introduction to Programming 👩‍💻 with MATLAB ~by Vanderbilt University 🎓
Octave 757 MATLAB 477 my octave exercises for 2011 stanford machine learning class, posted after the due date of course


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Nim 10,432 Nim 1,109 Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, an...
nitter 1,768 Nim 62 Alternative Twitter front-end
nimbus-eth2 141 Nim 35 Nim implementation of the Ethereum 2.0 blockchain


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nixpkgs 5,884 Nix 5,497 Nix Packages collection
home-manager 1,623 Nix 504 Manage a user environment using Nix [maintainer=@rycee]


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WeChatExtension-ForMac 12,194 Objective-C 1,833 Mac微信功能拓展/微信插件/微信小助手(A plugin for Mac WeChat)
vftool 83 Objective-C 5 A simple macOS Virtualisation.framework wrapper
DevUtils-app 988 Objective-C 53 Developer Utilities for macOS
mi_card_flutter 252 Objective-C 562 Starter code for the Mi Card Project from the Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp
OpenEmu 12,080 Objective-C 1,103 🕹 Retro video game emulation for macOS
Masonry 17,859 Objective-C 3,128 Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
SVProgressHUD 12,228 Objective-C 2,447 A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
Sparkle 5,162 Objective-C 899 A software update framework for macOS
V2RayX 5,986 Objective-C 928 GUI for v2ray-core on macOS
dicee-flutter 126 Objective-C 553 Starter code for the Dicee project in the Complete Flutter Bootcamp
xylophone-flutter 63 Objective-C 526 Starter code for the Xylophone project in the Complete Flutter Bootcamp
UTM 6,322 Objective-C 423 Virtual machines for iOS
growl 50 Objective-C 1
expo 12,357 Objective-C 2,014 An open-source platform for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
qonversion-ios-sdk 145 Objective-C 2 In-app purchases and subscriptions implementation, analytics, growth.
FMPFeedbackForm 20 Objective-C 0 Feedback form for macOS products
Sequel-Ace 2,033 Objective-C 68 MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
sendbird-ios-framework 42 Objective-C 14 Sendbird iOS Framework. Please visit for any questions!
N64DeltaCore 11 Objective-C 3
AFAmazonS3Manager 363 Objective-C 145 AFNetworking Client for the Amazon S3 API
Roxas 43 Objective-C 11
microsoft-authentication-library-common-for-objc 10 Objective-C 21 Common code used by both the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) and the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)
hammerspoon 7,315 Objective-C 391 Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua
react-native-maps 11,650 Objective-C 3,978 React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
ShiftIt 5,151 Objective-C 329 Managing windows size and position in OSX


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obs-mac-virtualcam 3,975 Objective-C++ 140 Creates a virtual webcam device from the output of OBS. Especially useful for streaming smooth, composited video into Zoom, Hangouts, Jitsi etc. Like CatxFish/obs-virtualcam but for macOS.
GBCDeltaCore 14 Objective-C++ 3
SNESDeltaCore 14 Objective-C++ 4
pop 19,855 Objective-C++ 2,921 An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
textmate 13,193 Objective-C++ 1,752 TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later


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flow 21,066 OCaml 1,790 Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.
cmsc330fall20 39 OCaml 39
pyre-check 5,051 OCaml 298 Performant type-checking for python.
rescript-compiler 4,896 OCaml 364 The compiler for ReScript.


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fosscad-repo 987 OpenSCAD 840 Official FOSSCAD Library Repository
dactyl-keyboard 1,778 OpenSCAD 452 Parameterized ergonomic keyboard


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cheat-engine 5,135 Pascal 981 Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding
transgui 2,073 Pascal 198 🧲 A feature rich cross platform Transmission BitTorrent client. Faster and has more functionality than the built-in web GUI.
nodemcu-flasher 1,409 Pascal 631 A firmware Flash tool for nodemcu


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IV-20-21 3 Perl 58 Infraestructura Virtual, asignatura ETSIIT, UGR. Curso 2020-2021. Repositorio de trabajo e interacción con estudiantes.
coreruleset 312 Perl 77 OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (Official Repository)
Th3inspector 950 Perl 342 Th3Inspector 🕵️ Best Tool For Information Gathering 🔎
slimserver 593 Perl 167 Server for Logitech Squeezebox players. This server is also called Logitech Media Server
imapsync 1,827 Perl 304 Imapsync is an IMAP transfers tool. The purpose of imapsync is to migrate IMAP accounts or to backup IMAP accounts. IMAP is one of the three current standard protocols to access mailboxes, the two oth...
ope 4 Perl 5 Open Prison Education project - Code and scripts to enable offline docker services and offline laptop syncing for inmate education
trinityrnaseq 521 Perl 259 Trinity RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly


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symfony 24,253 PHP 7,919 The Symfony PHP framework
rss-bridge 2,936 PHP 533 The RSS feed for websites missing it
SecLists 28,199 PHP 14,071 SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensi...
PocketMine-MP 2,129 PHP 1,317 A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP
IP-Tracer 286 PHP 109 Track any ip address with IP-Tracer. IP-Tracer is developed for Linux and Termux. you can retrieve any ip address information using IP-Tracer.
october 10,350 PHP 2,171 Free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
CodeIgniter4 3,168 PHP 1,217 Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
php-ddd-example 1,345 PHP 437 🐘🎯 Hexagonal Architecture + DDD + CQRS in PHP using Symfony 5
laravel 62,757 PHP 19,880 A PHP framework for web artisans
Webdev2019 59 PHP 277
polyfill-intl-icu 2,053 PHP 0 This component provides a collection of functions/classes using the symfony/intl package when the Intl extension is not installed.
SensioFrameworkExtraBundle 2,855 PHP 242 An extension to Symfony FrameworkBundle that adds annotation configuration for Controller classes
DoctrineBundle 3,712 PHP 376 Symfony Bundle for Doctrine ORM and DBAL
psalm 3,620 PHP 326 A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
panel 2,084 PHP 496 Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposi...
monolog-bundle 2,252 PHP 198 Symfony Monolog Bundle
deployer 8,179 PHP 1,182 A deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks out of the box
laravel-permission 8,763 PHP 1,324 Associate users with roles and permissions
migrations 3,742 PHP 339 Doctrine Database Migrations Library
mailcow-dockerized 3,430 PHP 609 mailcow: dockerized - 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕
joomla-cms 3,643 PHP 3,091 Home of the Joomla! Content Management System
tinyfilemanager 1,890 PHP 757 The best web based PHP File Manager in single file, Manage your files efficiently and easily with tinyfilemanager
composer 24,379 PHP 5,975 Dependency Manager for PHP
ProxyManager 4,066 PHP 160 🎩✨🌈 OOP Proxy wrappers utilities - generates and manages proxies of your objects
DoctrineMigrationsBundle 3,326 PHP 186 Symfony integration for the doctrine/migrations library


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Windows10Debloater 7,840 PowerShell 944 Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
nishang 4,570 PowerShell 1,627 Nishang - Offensive PowerShell for red team, penetration testing and offensive security.
terminal 223 PowerShell 60
win10script 642 PowerShell 585 This is the Ultimate Windows 10 Script from a creation from multiple debloat scripts and gists from github.
flare-vm 2,468 PowerShell 424
Debloat-Windows-10 4,560 PowerShell 666 A Collection of Scripts Which Disable / Remove Windows 10 Features and Apps
winget-pkgs 3,033 PowerShell 776 The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
Empire 5,708 PowerShell 2,099 Empire is a PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.
virtual-environments 1,597 PowerShell 682 GitHub Actions virtual environments
Pentest-tools 257 PowerShell 85 内网渗透工具
E2E_RestAPI 1 PowerShell 0
E2E_DocsBranch_Prod_Dynamic-v3.zh-cn 0 PowerShell 0
RepoSetting_Main_PPE 0 PowerShell 0
E2E_DocFxV3.zh-cn 0 PowerShell 0
openhab-distro 979 PowerShell 339 The binary distribution of openHAB
Vanilla-Raytraced 6 PowerShell 0 Official repository of Vanilla Raytraced resources pack.
azure-quickstart-templates 8,547 PowerShell 11,816 Azure Quickstart Templates
PoshC2 618 PowerShell 156 A proxy aware C2 framework used to aid red teamers with post-exploitation and lateral movement.
AzureAutomation-Account-Modules-Update 50 PowerShell 107 An Azure Automation runbook that updates Azure modules imported into an Azure Automation account with module versions available on the PowerShell Gallery.
RepoSetting_Main_PROD 0 PowerShell 0
RepoSetting_PROD 0 PowerShell 0
E2E_Contribution_DocfxV3_Prod.zh-cn 0 PowerShell 0
RepoSetting_PPE 0 PowerShell 0
E2E_DocsBranch_Dynamic 2 PowerShell 9 0 PowerShell 0


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quicksort17 207 Prolog 0


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inventory-hunter 220 Python 37 ⚡️ Get notified as soon as your next CPU, GPU, or game console is in stock
python-telegram-bot 12,697 Python 2,696 We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
datasets 5,168 Python 405 🤗 Fast, efficient, open-access datasets and evaluation metrics in PyTorch, TensorFlow, NumPy and Pandas
stylized-neural-painting 300 Python 43 Official Pytorch implementation of the preprint paper "Stylized Neural Painting", in arXiv:2011.08114.
PayloadsAllTheThings 19,350 Python 5,837 A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
Instagram- 1,399 Python 936 Bruteforce attack for Instagram
gallery-dl 2,295 Python 203 Command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites
imgclsmob 1,845 Python 379 Sandbox for training convolutional networks for computer vision
core 37,636 Python 12,364 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning 21,621 Python 4,136 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
bips 4,465 Python 2,837 Bitcoin Improvement Proposals
TBomb 991 Python 697 This is a SMS And Call Bomber For Linux And Termux
legendary 1,096 Python 37 Legendary - A free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher
hackingtool 5,215 Python 579 ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
twisted 4,093 Python 995 Event-driven networking engine written in Python. 7,314 Python 4,831 Open Machine Learning Course
modern-apis-with-fastapi 43 Python 17 Course demos and handouts for our Modern APIs with FastAPI course.
public-apis 101,861 Python 12,418 A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
MalwareDatabase 369 Python 109 This repository is one of a few malware collections on the GitHub.
kivy 12,187 Python 2,566 Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
Cura 2,478 Python 1,135 3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
electrum 4,264 Python 2,208 Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
DeepFaceLab 21,539 Python 5,039 DeepFaceLab is the leading software for creating deepfakes.
spleeter 14,812 Python 1,487 Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
machine_learning_examples 5,656 Python 5,059 A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.


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Candles 97 R 3 Data + code examples used here:
rmd_workshop 48 R 7 Materials for a workshop on writing reproducible research papers with R Markdown
ProgrammingAssignment2 664 R 134,756 Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera
swirl_courses 3,533 R 6,866 🎓 A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package. 383 R 213 R Weekly
rethinking 1,232 R 399 Statistical Rethinking course and book package
Introduction-Simulations-in-R 18 R 0 Introduction to Simulations in R
econocharts 105 R 15 Microeconomics/macroeconomics charts in ggplot2
covid-19-excess-deaths-tracker 398 R 91 Source code and data for The Economist's covid-19 excess deaths tracker


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hosts 16,872 Rascal 7,980 🗽最新可用的google hosts文件。国内镜像:


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findr 42 Reason 0 🔎 A simple and intuitive find & replace command-line interface.


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renpy 2,127 Ren'Py 369 The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine
MonikaModDev 752 Ren'Py 459 DDLC fan mod to extend Monika


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fanqiang 19,304 Rich Text Format 4,530 翻墙-科学上网
NiceHashMiner 1,319 Rich Text Format 722 NiceHash Miner
ckeditor4 5,241 Rich Text Format 2,302 The best enterprise-grade WYSIWYG editor. Fully customizable with countless features and plugins.
Cloud_curious 144 HTML 0
USBHelperInstaller 329 Rich Text Format 40 An installer for USBHelperLauncher.


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YousList 191 Roff 33 Block filter for advertisements, mainly on Korean sites
Coursera---Programming-for-Everybody-Getting-Started-with-Python- 20 Roff 18 this contains all the answers to the quizes and asssignments for "Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)" on Coursera by the University of Michigan.


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jekyll 41,694 Ruby 9,117 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
metasploit-framework 22,235 Ruby 10,692 Metasploit Framework
linguist 8,242 Ruby 2,979 Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
explore 1,991 Ruby 7,724 Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub
sinatra 11,133 Ruby 1,997 Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo) 2,164 Ruby 969 A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
how-to-contribute-to-open-source 4,323 Ruby 1,000 A guide to contributing to open source
sonic-pi 6,337 Ruby 692 Code. Music. Live.
rubocop 11,176 Ruby 2,543 A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.
acts_as_tenant 951 Ruby 191 Easy multi-tenancy for Rails in a shared database setup.
styles 2,102 Ruby 2,868 Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
engineering-blogs 17,571 Ruby 182 A curated list of engineering blogs
evil-winrm 1,449 Ruby 301 The ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting
mastodon 22,379 Ruby 3,810 Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
fusuma 2,236 Ruby 115 Multitouch gestures with libinput driver on Linux
sidekiq 10,690 Ruby 1,880 Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
brew 24,300 Ruby 5,617 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
huginn 30,189 Ruby 2,855 Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
xerosploit 1,245 Ruby 484 Efficient and advanced man in the middle framework
gitlabhq 22,422 Ruby 5,619 GitLab CE Mirror
json 579 Ruby 255 JSON implementation for Ruby
fluentd 9,769 Ruby 1,123 Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF)
react-native-config 3,394 Ruby 544 Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!
liquid 8,320 Ruby 1,094 Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.
rubygems 2,502 Ruby 1,273 Library packaging and distribution for Ruby.


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ruffle 4,713 Rust 157 A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
bevy 5,325 Rust 398 A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
clap 5,111 Rust 498 A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust
warp 3,594 Rust 364 A super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds.
abstreet 5,237 Rust 149 A traffic simulation game exploring how small changes to roads affect cyclists, transit users, pedestrians, and drivers.
actix-web 9,842 Rust 1,120 Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
wgpu 1,477 Rust 143 Native WebGPU implementation based on gfx-hal
cxx 2,138 Rust 87 Safe interop between Rust and C++
Rocket 11,963 Rust 800 A web framework for Rust.
tui-rs 3,849 Rust 201 Build terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust
libra 15,421 Rust 2,331 Libra’s mission is to enable a simple global payment system and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people.
rusoto 2,014 Rust 337 AWS SDK for Rust
lighthouse 758 Rust 183 Rust Ethereum 2.0 Client
tonic 2,787 Rust 236 A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support.
rust 49,866 Rust 7,335 Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
tree-sitter 3,404 Rust 224 An incremental parsing system for programming tools
hyper 7,126 Rust 921 An HTTP library for Rust
tide 2,623 Rust 250 Fast and friendly HTTP server framework for async Rust
RustScan 2,938 Rust 248 🤖 The Modern Port Scanner 🤖
book 6,089 Rust 1,645 The Rust Programming Language
bat 23,989 Rust 597 A cat(1) clone with wings.
json 1,856 Rust 265 Strongly typed JSON library for Rust
examples 1,524 Rust 470 Community showcase and examples of Actix ecosystem usage.
linfa 510 Rust 35 A Rust machine learning framework.
wgpu-rs 1,228 Rust 160 Rust bindings to wgpu native library


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app-privacy-policy-generator 1,457 Sass 207 A simple web app to generate a generic privacy policy for your Android/iOS apps


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dotty 4,214 Scala 659 The Scala 3 compiler, also known as Dotty.
lila 7,648 Scala 1,119 ♞ the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
spark 28,156 Scala 22,947 Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
sbt 4,220 Scala 816 sbt, the interactive build tool
circe 2,051 Scala 440 Yet another JSON library for Scala
incubator-livy 570 Scala 376 Mirror of Apache livy (Incubating)
cats-effect 1,047 Scala 284 The purely functional runtime system for Scala


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nvim-treesitter 663 Scheme 87 Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer
racket 3,726 Scheme 546 The Racket repository


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just-the-docs 2,297 SCSS 1,370 A modern, high customizable, responsive Jekyll theme for documention with built-in search.
TypeScript-Node-Starter 8,718 SCSS 2,078 A reference example for TypeScript and Node with a detailed README describing how to use the two together.
jekyll-theme-chirpy 530 SCSS 1,014 A minimal, sidebar, responsive web design Jekyll theme that focuses on text presentation.
include-media 2,055 SCSS 155 📐 Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries in Sass
cheatsheets 9,644 SCSS 2,552 My cheatsheets
hugo-theme-even 1,266 SCSS 520 🚀 A super concise theme for Hugo
eleventastic 294 SCSS 18 An Eleventy Starter Kit
multiyoutube 2 SCSS 4 It is an app that allows you to display multiple YouTube videos and streams in one window.
planet4-styleguide 1 SCSS 1 Greenpeace Planet 4 Styleguide
hugo-theme-zzo 351 SCSS 150 Make a blog with hugo zzo theme!
jekyll-theme-console 278 SCSS 258 A jekyll theme inspired by linux consoles for hackers, developers and script kiddies.
Metro-for-Discord 79 SCSS 29 Make your Discord client look like a UWP app.
website 1,453 SCSS 2,066 Flutter web site
switch 208 SCSS 67


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InputSystem_Warriors 153 ShaderLab 23 Example Project for the new Unity Input System
Unity_Shaders_Book 2,754 ShaderLab 1,031 📖 书籍《Unity Shader入门精要》源代码


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docker-pi-hole 3,076 Shell 610 Pi-hole in a docker container
pi-hole 26,736 Shell 1,812 A black hole for Internet advertisements
termux-packages 4,168 Shell 1,579 Android terminal and Linux environment - packages repository.
v2ray-agent 495 Shell 209 (VLESS+TCP+TLS/VLESS+TCP+XTLS/VLESS+WS+TLS/VMess+TCP+TLS/VMess+WS+TLS/Trojan/Trojan-Go WS)+伪装博客、七合一共存脚本,支持多内核安装
docker-transmission-openvpn 2,114 Shell 817 Docker container running Transmission torrent client with WebUI over an OpenVPN tunnel
ohmyzsh 119,951 Shell 21,062 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1700+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc)...
certified-kubernetes-administrator-course 1,256 Shell 619 Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course
axiom 1,350 Shell 222 The dynamic infrastructure framework for anybody!
V2Ray_ws-tls_bash_onekey 5,734 Shell 2,828 V2Ray Nginx+vmess+ws+tls/ http2 over tls 一键安装脚本
rpi-eeprom 655 Shell 130 Installation scripts and binaries for the closed sourced Raspberry Pi 4 EEPROMs
Actions-OpenWrt 2,581 Shell 3,327 Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions
Hackintosh 5,620 Shell 741 Hackintosh long-term maintenance model EFI and installation tutorial
nexphisher 507 Shell 157 Advanced Phishing tool for Linux & Termux
IOTstack 1,246 Shell 342 docker stack for getting started on IOT on the Raspberry PI
programmer-job-blacklist 25,953 Shell 1,704 🙈程序员找工作黑名单,换工作和当技术合伙人需谨慎啊 更新有赞
big-sur-micropatcher 605 Shell 69 A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs
pi-apps 86 Shell 18 Raspberry Pi App Store for Open Source Projects
wireguard-install 1,248 Shell 296 WireGuard VPN installer for Linux servers
archfi 1,441 Shell 268 Arch Linux Fast Installer : tutorial installer
kubernetes 551 Shell 1,047 Kubernetes playground
grub2-themes 943 Shell 94 Modern Design theme for Grub2
RetroPie-Setup 8,881 Shell 1,271 Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
homebridge-raspbian-image 382 Shell 23 Official Homebridge Raspberry Pi Image based on Raspbian Lite.
void-packages 1,132 Shell 1,093 The Void source packages collection
Paper 2,702 Shell 788 High performance Spigot fork that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies


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AhMyth-Android-RAT 2,430 Smali 1,148 Android Remote Administration Tool
treble_experimentations 1,504 Smali 411 Notes about tinkering with Android Project Treble


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petitparser2 29 Smalltalk 11 A high-performance top-down parser
FFICHeaderExtractor 2 Smalltalk 1 Program to extract constants from C headers and integrate that as FFI SharedPools
OSSubprocess 26 Smalltalk 17 Forking Operating System Processes from within Pharo Language
zodiac 8 Smalltalk 8 Zodiac is an open-source Smalltalk framework implementing TLS/SSL secure as well as regular socket streams.


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SSPanel-Uim 5,126 Smarty 2,681 SSPanel V3 魔改再次修改版


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sushiswap 567 Solidity 427 Sushiswap smart contracts 🍣 📝 253 Solidity 76 An incentivized keeper network for anonymous keeper and job registration
compound-protocol 415 Solidity 287 The Compound On-Chain Protocol
yearn-protocol 189 Solidity 97 Yearn smart contracts


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KP-Liberation 187 SQF 175 The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...


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hexo-theme-next 649 Stylus 137 🎉 Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo.
hexo-theme-butterfly 1,712 Stylus 422 🦋 A Hexo Theme: Butterfly


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quickstart-ios 2,056 Swift 1,312 Firebase Quickstart Samples for iOS
AltStore 4,281 Swift 324 AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
Patched-Sur 206 Swift 23 A simple but detailed patcher for macOS Big Sur.
TelegramSwift 2,955 Swift 494 Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0
SwiftUI-Introspect 1,152 Swift 59 Introspect underlying UIKit components from SwiftUI
MonitorControl 6,010 Swift 205 🖥 Control your external monitor brightness & volume on your Mac
iOS-Developer-Roadmap 4,793 Swift 1,080 Roadmap to becoming an iOS developer in 2018.
SwiftLint 14,109 Swift 1,658 A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
AlDente 522 Swift 27 MacOS tool to limit maximum charging percentage
Delta 502 Swift 60
Publish 2,979 Swift 183 A static site generator for Swift developers
Clean-Me 1,111 Swift 56 A macOS system analyser and cleaner
Brooklyn 4,348 Swift 212 🍎 Screensaver inspired by Apple's Event on October 30, 2018
OC-Gen-X 629 Swift 90 OpenCore Config Generator
CHIPageControl 2,601 Swift 195 A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl. Mady by @ChiliLabs -
CryptoSwift 8,143 Swift 937 CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
awesome-swift 20,023 Swift 2,763 A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
Clipy 4,416 Swift 357 Clipboard extension app for macOS.
open-source-mac-os-apps 23,974 Swift 1,595 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS.
awesome-ios 36,099 Swift 6,028 A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
ios 889 Swift 496 📱 Nextcloud iOS app
blokada 1,807 Swift 129 The official repo for Blokada for Android and iOS.
Xylophone-iOS13 41 Swift 155 Learn to Code While Building Apps - The Complete iOS Development Bootcamp
lottie-ios 20,729 Swift 2,966 An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
SideMenu 4,883 Swift 625 Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less.


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resume 1,954 TeX 773 Software developer resume in Latex
Awesome-CV 12,171 TeX 3,039 📄 Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application
awesome-deep-learning-papers 22,288 TeX 4,332 The most cited deep learning papers
Deedy-Resume 3,490 TeX 931 A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student
SJTUThesis 1,864 TeX 583 上海交通大学 XeLaTeX 学位论文及课程论文模板 Shanghai Jiao Tong University XeLaTeX Thesis Template
libpku 23,089 TeX 7,174 贵校课程资料民间整理
thuthesis 2,732 TeX 822 LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University
hithesis 609 TeX 175 嗨!thesis!哈尔滨工业大学毕业论文LaTeX模板
evidential-deep-learning 13 TeX 1 Learn fast, scalable, and calibrated measures of uncertainty using neural networks!
cphb 1,207 TeX 177 Competitive Programmer's Handbook


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test_db 2,288 TSQL 1,549 A sample MySQL database with an integrated test suite, used to test your applications and database servers
esx_vehicleshop 24 TSQL 126 FXServer ESX Vehicle Shop


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CrewLink 373 TypeScript 28 Free, open, Among Us Proximity Chat
react-icons 5,449 TypeScript 355 svg react icons of popular icon packs
CrewLink-server 41 TypeScript 16 Voice Relay server for CrewLink.
streetmerchant 1,588 TypeScript 500 🤖 Autonomous robot for all your electronic needs
frontend 1,180 TypeScript 1,069 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant
lireddit 762 TypeScript 182
kutt 4,402 TypeScript 451 Free Modern URL Shortener.
angular 68,324 TypeScript 18,070 One framework. Mobile & desktop.
super-productivity 2,609 TypeScript 244 To-do list & time tracker for programmers and other digital workers with Jira, Github, and Gitlab integration
tinyhttp 726 TypeScript 39 ⚡ 0-legacy, tiny & fast web framework as a replacement of Express
apollo-server 10,632 TypeScript 1,563 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
pokemon-showdown 2,888 TypeScript 1,826 Pokémon battle simulator.
urql 5,259 TypeScript 219 The highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client with which you add on features like normalized caching as you grow.
webamp 7,550 TypeScript 523 Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser
components 20,672 TypeScript 5,536 Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
tiktok-scraper 894 TypeScript 198 TikTok Scraper. Download video posts, collect user/trend/hashtag/music feed metadata, sign URL and etc.
foam 7,753 TypeScript 286 A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
Tech-Interview-Cheat-Sheet 1,267 TypeScript 315 Studying for a tech interview sucks. Here's an open source cheat sheet to help
appsmith 1,109 TypeScript 195 A web framework to build admin panels and internal tools.
homebridge 16,160 TypeScript 1,724 HomeKit support for the impatient
homebridge-config-ui-x 1,395 TypeScript 192 The Homebridge UI. Monitor, configure and backup Homebridge from a browser.
headlamp 430 TypeScript 13 An easy-to-use and versatile dashboard for Kubernetes brought to you by Kinvolk.
DefinitelyTyped 31,005 TypeScript 23,321 The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
solid 4,513 TypeScript 125 A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
react-redux-typescript-guide 10,227 TypeScript 716 The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript


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lwotc 202 UnrealScript 64 Port of Long War 2 to XCOM 2's War of the Chosen expansion


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timeshift 2,499 Vala 205 System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be resto...


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picorv32 1,460 Verilog 375 PicoRV32 - A Size-Optimized RISC-V CPU
caravel 21 Verilog 43


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ghdl 1,173 VHDL 201 VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator


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neovim 39,863 Vim script 3,009 Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
nvim 1,228 Vim script 289 Truly the Ultimate Neovim Config NVCode
jedi-vim 4,607 Vim script 370 Using the jedi autocompletion library for VIM.
vim 22,034 Vim script 3,217 The official Vim repository
vim-lsp 1,792 Vim script 198 async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim
vim-plug 21,399 Vim script 1,227 🌺 Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
vim-easymotion 5,499 Vim script 291 Vim motions on speed!
gruvbox 8,321 Vim script 806 Retro groove color scheme for Vim
fzf.vim 5,950 Vim script 409 fzf ❤️ vim
ale 10,242 Vim script 1,163 Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
lightline.vim 5,105 Vim script 252 A light and configurable statusline/tabline plugin for Vim
nerdcommenter 4,014 Vim script 396 Vim plugin for intensely nerdy commenting powers
vim-gutentags 1,751 Vim script 130 A Vim plugin that manages your tag files
vim-commentary 3,513 Vim script 161 commentary.vim: comment stuff out
vim-go 12,880 Vim script 1,276 Go development plugin for Vim
undotree 1,622 Vim script 65 The undo history visualizer for VIM
ayu-vim 989 Vim script 112 Modern theme for modern VIMs
vim-surround 8,733 Vim script 345 surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple
vim-galore-zh_cn 7,272 Vim script 1,142 Vim 从入门到精通
vim-test 1,889 Vim script 251 Run your tests at the speed of thought
vim-startify 3,732 Vim script 139 🔗 The fancy start screen for Vim.
vim-unimpaired 2,415 Vim script 174 unimpaired.vim: Pairs of handy bracket mappings
vim-markdown 3,570 Vim script 444 Markdown Vim Mode
configs 206 Vim script 55 My neovim configuration
2021-s1 34 Vim script 26


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ZY-Player 6,411 Vue 1,050 ▶️ 跨平台桌面端视频资源播放器.简洁无广告.免费高颜值. 🎞
docs-next-zh-cn 403 Vue 155 🇨🇳 Chinese translation for
awesome-github-profile-readme 4,295 Vue 609 😎 A curated list of awesome Github Profile READMEs 📝
vue-dock-menu 90 Vue 1 Dockable Menu bar for Vue
Yacht 432 Vue 29 A web interface for managing docker containers with an emphasis on templating to provide 1 click deployments. Think of it like a decentralized app store for servers that anyone can make packages for.
wiki 11,651 Vue 1,291 Wiki.js
workflow-bpmn-modeler 163 Vue 45 🔥 本项目基于 vue 和 [email protected] ,实现 flowable 的 modeler 模型设计器
beekeeper-studio 4,177 Vue 179 Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
Workflow 242 Vue 60 仿钉钉审批流程设置
buefy 8,235 Vue 917 Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma
hoppscotch 25,696 Vue 1,698 👽 A free, fast and beautiful API request builder used by 100k+ developers.
NuxtBnB 40 Vue 10
vue-dat-gui 36 Vue 3 A vue.js port of the popular dat.GUI library
SatisfactoryModManager 101 Vue 33 A mod manager for easy installation of mods and modloader
openhab-webui 87 Vue 69 Web UIs of openHAB
pixivic-mobile 95 Vue 14 new power by vue
homer 1,048 Vue 126 A very simple static homepage for your server.
vitesse 267 Vue 19 🏕 Opinionated Vite Starter Template
column 146 Vue 25 使用Vue3模仿知乎专栏做的专栏


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SevTech-Ages 193 ZenScript 73 SevTech: Ages is a massive Minecraft modpack packed with content and progression.
SkyFactory-4 65 ZenScript 35 SkyFactory 4 offers a brand-new experience never before seen in the series. Full automation, tech, magic, and bacon resources! This iteration offers over 30+ world types so you can play the pack like ...
Enigmatica2Expert 89 ZenScript 48 The official repository and issue-tracker for the modpack Enigmatica 2: Expert for Minecraft 1.12.2
GT-New-Horizons-Modpack 218 ZenScript 112 New Modpack with Gregtech and Thaumcraft


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zig 7,317 Zig 614 General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.


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