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2019-12-14 Trending Daily

All Languages

Repo star language fork intro
stylegan2 803 Python 66 StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation
huginn 25,578 Ruby 2,527 Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
nginx 10,453 C 4,025 An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to ngi...
sqlc 537 Go 20 Generate type safe Go from SQL
12306 18,539 Python 5,839 12306智能刷票,订票
flutter_vignettes 889 155 A collection of fun Flutter experiments, created by gskinner, in partnership with Google.
dlaicourse 1,828 Jupyter Notebook 1,591 Notebooks for learning deep learning
py12306 7,706 Python 1,953 🚂 12306 购票助手,支持集群,多账号,多任务购票以及 Web 页面管理
javascript-algorithms 58,280 JavaScript 9,312 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
nebula 3,009 Go 136 A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
httpserver.h 834 C 31 Single header library for writing non-blocking HTTP servers in C
kkndme_tianya 145 26 天涯 kkndme 神贴聊房价
poetry 7,794 Python 526 Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
cypress 16,792 JavaScript 965 Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
killersheep 103 Vim script 1 Silly game for Vim 8.2
codelift 277 TypeScript 9 A "No Code" GUI for your existing React code.
ChineseBQB 5,913 CSS 603 🇨🇳Chinese sticker pack,More joy / 表情包的博物馆, Github最有毒的仓库, 中国表情包大集合, 聚欢乐~
cube.js 6,307 JavaScript 383 📊 Cube.js - Open Source Analytics Framework
samples 5,247 Dart 1,456 A collection of Flutter examples and demos.
XcodeGen 2,938 Swift 282 A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF 5,116 Python 1,481 Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and ...
flutter 81,577 Dart 10,486 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
seata 13,085 Java 3,341 🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
crater 1,404 PHP 227 Free & Open Source Invoice App for Freelancers & Small Businesses
openwifi 164 C 20 open-source Wi-Fi baseband chip/FPGA design


Repo star language fork intro
nginx 10,453 C 4,025 An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to ngi...
httpserver.h 834 C 31 Single header library for writing non-blocking HTTP servers in C
openwifi 164 C 20 open-source Wi-Fi baseband chip/FPGA design
libgit2 7,234 C 1,853 A cross-platform, linkable library implementation of Git that you can use in your application.
fluent-bit 1,612 C 438 Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder for Linux, BSD and OSX
openwrt 5,001 C 3,111 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...
lede 5,741 C 4,460 Lean's OpenWrt source
h2o 8,840 C 664 H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 server
vlc 5,536 C 2,065 VLC media player - All pull requests are ignored, please follow
lua-nginx-module 7,984 C 1,665 Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers
libwebsockets 2,375 C 940 canonical websocket library
zephyr 2,775 C 1,654 Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.
lvgl 2,795 C 629 Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash).
oss-fuzz 4,791 C 854 OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing of open source software.
arduino-esp32 4,150 C 2,376 Arduino core for the ESP32
mimalloc 3,610 C 174 mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
AFL 674 C 79 american fuzzy lop - a security-oriented fuzzer
jq 15,858 C 923 Command-line JSON processor
stlink 2,217 C 789 stm32 discovery line linux programmer
UkrLang 22 C 0
scrcpy 22,824 C 2,086 Display and control your Android device
amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk-c 32 C 7 Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK is for developers to install and customize realtime communication between devices and enable secure streaming of video, audio to Kinesis Video Streams.
darwin-xnu 7,536 C 1,200 The Darwin Kernel (mirror)
pg_query_go 167 C 20 Go library to parse and normalize SQL queries using the PostgreSQL query parser
ldd3 848 C 502 Linux Device Drivers 3 examples updated to work in recent kernels


Repo star language fork intro
Catch2 10,517 C++ 1,727 A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++11, C++14, C++17 and later (or C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
pybind11 6,364 C++ 873 Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
horovod 8,134 C++ 1,271 Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
arangodb 8,939 C++ 599 🥑 ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScri...
ponyc 4,001 C++ 346 🐴 Pony is an open-source, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language
faiss 8,408 C++ 1,540 A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
electron 79,314 C++ 10,556 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
beast 2,373 C++ 402 HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
nix 2,862 C++ 500 Nix, the purely functional package manager
cocos-mainnet 246 C++ 11 Cocos-BCX Blockchain implementation and smart contract platform
WhateverGreen 1,372 C++ 219 Various patches necessary for certain ATI/AMD/Intel/Nvidia GPUs
WLED 1,030 C++ 178 Control WS2812B RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 over WiFi!
ceph 7,146 C++ 3,533 Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
MNN 3,197 C++ 654 MNN is a lightweight deep neural network inference engine.
pbrt-v3 2,671 C++ 722 Source code for pbrt, the renderer described in the third edition of "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation", by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys.
sysdig 5,927 C++ 550 Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers
grpc 24,276 C++ 5,873 The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
googletest 13,954 C++ 5,531 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
scylla 5,576 C++ 658 NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
date 1,598 C++ 354 A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header
ceres-solver 1,347 C++ 529 A large scale non-linear optimization library
ClickHouse 8,989 C++ 1,617 ClickHouse is a free analytics DBMS for big data
TensorRT 1,699 C++ 328 TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators.
envoy 11,774 C++ 1,935 Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy
GildedRose-Refactoring-Kata 995 C++ 1,592 Starting code for the GildedRose Refactoring Kata in many programming languages.


Repo star language fork intro
ChineseBQB 5,913 CSS 603 🇨🇳Chinese sticker pack,More joy / 表情包的博物馆, Github最有毒的仓库, 中国表情包大集合, 聚欢乐~
website 1,027 CSS 1,264 Flutter web site
public-pentesting-reports 3,117 CSS 875 Curated list of public penetration test reports released by several consulting firms and academic security groups
bulma 37,744 CSS 3,129 Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
thesixsectorTeam 169 CSS 48
synthwave-vscode 3,743 CSS 925 Synthwave inspired colour theme for VS Code 🌅🕶
hacker101 10,922 CSS 1,410 Hacker101
react-design-editor 301 CSS 92 React Design Editor has started to developed direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs,, fabricjs
animate.css 63,721 CSS 13,517 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
hangzhou_house_knowledge 23,214 CSS 4,967 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I ...
twentytwenty 285 CSS 136 Twenty Twenty is included in Core as of WordPress 5.3 🎉 To report any issues, please go here:
minimal-mistakes 5,927 CSS 9,955 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
liebling 224 CSS 99 Beautiful and clean Ghost theme that is easy and comfortable to use. To get the latest version please head over the releases page and download the file of the latest release.
luci-theme-argon 162 CSS 58 A new Luci theme for LEDE/OpenWRT
ServerStatus-Hotaru 186 CSS 94 云探针、多服务器探针、云监控、多服务器云监控
webxr 1,590 CSS 232 Repository for the WebXR Device API Specification.
card 10,758 CSS 1,302 💳 make your credit card form better in one line of code
progit2 3,573 CSS 1,478 Pro Git 2nd Edition
material-dashboard-angular2 651 CSS 439 Material Dashboard Angular
django-suit 1,874 CSS 554 Modern theme for Django admin interface
course-collaboration-travel-plans 880 CSS 12,951
learnstorybook-code 126 CSS 546 Code for Learn Storybook
TileBoard 625 CSS 136 A simple yet highly configurable Dashboard for HomeAssistant
css 8,774 CSS 677 The CSS design system that powers GitHub
SpinKit 16,471 CSS 1,569 A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS


Repo star language fork intro
fastText 20,311 HTML 3,857 Library for fast text representation and classification.
owasp-mstg 5,062 HTML 997 The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security development, testing and reverse engineering.
web-profiler-bundle 1,489 HTML 38 The WebProfilerBundle provides detailed technical information about each request execution and displays it in both the web debug toolbar and the profiler.
keycloak-documentation 114 HTML 360
personal-website 5,608 HTML 4,484 Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
devdocs 439 HTML 1,279 Magento Developer Documentation
docsy 536 HTML 80 A set of Hugo doc templates for launching open source content.
ng-alain 3,427 HTML 923 NG-ZORRO admin panel front-end framework (netlify mirror
NodeGoat 1,034 HTML 546 The OWASP NodeGoat project provides an environment to learn how OWASP Top 10 security risks apply to web applications developed using Node.js and how to effectively address them.
zfaka 1,493 HTML 547 免费、安全、稳定、高效的发卡系统,值得拥有!
webdevbootcamp 962 HTML 646 All source code for back-end projects from the Web Developer Bootcamp
AR.js 14,303 HTML 1,948 Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web - 60fps on mobile!
stisla 1,280 HTML 335 Free Bootstrap Admin Template
ctf-wiki 2,860 HTML 689 CTF Wiki Online. Come and join us, we need you!
subspace 989 HTML 107 A simple WireGuard VPN server GUI
compat-table 3,457 HTML 790 ECMAScript 5/6/7 compatibility tables
professional-services 801 HTML 420 Common solutions and tools developed by Google Cloud's Professional Services team
Django-CRM 585 HTML 278 Open Source Python CRM based on Django aimed to salesforce compatible for migrating to
portainer 13,473 HTML 1,269 Making Docker management easy.
MatBlazor 906 HTML 92 Material Design components for Blazor and Razor Components
docs 326 HTML 251 TiDB/TiKV/PD documents.
WebFundamentals 10,980 HTML 2,276 Best practices for modern web development
JavaScript30 11,658 HTML 13,267 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
schemaspy 1,124 HTML 152 SchemaSpy code home
boost 3,179 HTML 942 Super-project for modularized Boost


Repo star language fork intro
stylegan2 803 Python 66 StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation
12306 18,539 Python 5,839 12306智能刷票,订票
py12306 7,706 Python 1,953 🚂 12306 购票助手,支持集群,多账号,多任务购票以及 Web 页面管理
poetry 7,795 Python 526 Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF 5,116 Python 1,481 Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and ...
faceswap 27,965 Python 8,970 Deepfakes Software For All
pipenv 19,102 Python 1,436 Python Development Workflow for Humans.
streamlit 5,752 Python 483 Streamlit — The fastest way to build custom ML tools
geo-heatmap 1,258 Python 108 🗺 Generate an interactive geo heatmap from your Google location data
zulip 10,805 Python 3,381 Zulip server - powerful open source team chat
Douyin-Bot 6,315 Python 1,292 😍 Python 抖音机器人,论如何在抖音上找到漂亮小姐姐?
devs-against-the-machine 178 Python 34 I онлайн-хакатон в поддержку политических заключенных
batea 115 Python 10 AI-based, context-driven network device ranking
ChromeAppHeroes 11,533 Python 1,048 🌈谷粒-Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chrome插件英雄们造福人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~
localstack 21,990 Python 1,563 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline!
stylegan 8,432 Python 1,764 StyleGAN - Official TensorFlow Implementation
NeMo 922 Python 95 Neural Modules: a toolkit for conversational AI
mtprotoproxy 690 Python 145 Async MTProto proxy for Telegram
detectron2 6,507 Python 1,014 Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation research platform for object detection and segmentation.
RDSNet 120 Python 21 implement for paper: "RDSNet: A New Deep Architecture for Reciprocal Object Detection and Instance Segmentation"
ansible-for-devops 2,327 Python 928 Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
incubator-tvm 4,785 Python 1,265 Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
simpletransformers 253 Python 56 Transformers made simple with training, evaluation, and prediction possible with one line each. Currently supports Sequence Classification (binary, multiclass, multilabel), Token Classification (NER),...
system-design-primer 77,993 Python 12,893 Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
30-Days-Of-Python 284 Python 57 A 30 days of python programming challenge


Repo star language fork intro
codelift 277 TypeScript 9 A "No Code" GUI for your existing React code.
n8n 5,281 TypeScript 292 Free node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
bulletproof-nodejs 1,089 TypeScript 239 Implementation of a bulletproof node.js API 🛡️
vscode 88,447 TypeScript 13,267 Visual Studio Code
csslayout 256 TypeScript 15 A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS
falco 341 TypeScript 12 Falco helps you monitor, analyze, and optimize your websites.
TypeScript 56,448 TypeScript 7,674 TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
angular-realworld-example-app 3,426 TypeScript 1,479 Exemplary real world application built with Angular
material-ui-pickers 1,378 TypeScript 438 Date & Time pickers, built with ❤️ for @material-ui/core
desktop 8,499 TypeScript 4,139 Simple collaboration from your desktop
type-graphql 3,360 TypeScript 264 Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
class-transformer 1,847 TypeScript 206 Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors
azure-pipelines-tasks 1,811 TypeScript 1,401 Tasks for Azure Pipelines
grafana 32,500 TypeScript 6,358 The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
angular 55,345 TypeScript 15,272 One framework. Mobile & desktop.
cli 960 TypeScript 370 React Native command line tools
reakit 3,718 TypeScript 206 Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React
ng-zorro-antd 5,858 TypeScript 1,949 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
nx 2,497 TypeScript 326 Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos
blueprint 15,305 TypeScript 1,459 A React-based UI toolkit for the web
nest 22,237 TypeScript 1,706 A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀
verdaccio 8,485 TypeScript 765 📦🔐A lightweight private npm proxy registry
vscode-extension-samples 2,038 TypeScript 883 Sample code illustrating the VS Code extension API.
vscode-gitlens 4,133 TypeScript 294 Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain v...
voice-web 2,262 TypeScript 518 Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak.


Repo star language fork intro
flutter_vignettes 889 155 A collection of fun Flutter experiments, created by gskinner, in partnership with Google.
kkndme_tianya 145 26 天涯 kkndme 神贴聊房价
awesome-reverse-engineering 608 56 Reverse Engineering Resources About All Platforms(Windows/Linux/macOS/Android/iOS/IoT) And Every Aspect!
api-guidelines 13,258 1,546 Microsoft REST API Guidelines
awesome-dynamodb 189 6 List of resources for learning about modeling, operating, and using Amazon DynamoDB
dxcriteria 133 1 the Criteria for Two DXs (Digital Transformation and Developer eXperience)
awesome-ddd 5,034 617 A curated list of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing, and Event Storming resources
awesome-pentest 10,862 2,882 A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
Flutter-Course-Resources 1,205 377 Learn to Code While Building Apps - The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp
AMD_Vanilla 906 209 Native AMD macOS via Clover & OpenCore
bugcrowd_university 949 218 Open source education content for the researcher community
aws-modern-application-workshop 700 411 A tutorial for developers that want to learn about how to build modern applications on top of AWS. You will build a sample website that leverages infrastructure as code, containers, serverless code fu...
awesome-monte-carlo-tree-search-papers 144 21 A curated list of Monte Carlo tree search papers with implementations.
wildcat-vip-account 912 115 野猫VIP - 每天分享最新的百度网盘SVIP、迅雷超级会员、优酷VIP会员、哔哩哔哩大会员、百度文库VIP、苹果ID、天眼查VIP等等各类VIP帐号,随取随用,完全免费,绝无套路,同时提供:百度文库VIP下载、图库素材VIP下载、学术论文VIP下载、全网视频VIP解析、全网音乐MP3免费听及下载 ,欢迎推荐分享给好友!
golang-developer-roadmap 6,688 683 Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2019
clash_for_windows_pkg 3,631 555 A Windows GUI based on Clash
awesome-scalability 22,823 2,500 The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems
awesome-sre 4,408 549 A curated list of Site Reliability and Production Engineering resources.
You-Dont-Know-JS 113,223 22,642 A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
0 174 31
uber_go_guide_cn 1,130 167 Uber Go 语言编码规范中文版. The Uber Go Style Guide .
modern-cpp-features 8,065 815 A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.
JavaFamily 3,529 537 【互联网一线大厂面试+学习指南】进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务等领域知识,作者风格幽默,看起来津津有味,把学习当做一种乐趣,何乐而不为,后端同学必看,前端同学我保证你也看得懂,看不懂你加我微信骂我渣男就好了。
learn-regex 32,270 4,350 Learn regex the easy way
awesome-project-ideas 3,206 779 Curated list of Machine Learning, NLP, Vision, Recommender Systems Project Ideas


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rogsoft 546 ASP 186 software center for hndrouters


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Apollo-11 45,027 Assembly 6,193 Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
mcl 170 Assembly 52 a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library


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POE-Trades-Companion 251 AutoHotkey 32 Enhance your trading experience in Path of Exile. Highly customizable.
LevelingGuide 39 AutoHotkey 5 Autohotkey overlay macro for leveling in Path of Exile


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lpeworkshop 108 Batchfile 31 Windows / Linux Local Privilege Escalation Workshop
Enigmatica4 7 Batchfile 8 The official repository and issue-tracker for Enigmatica 4
python-guide 19,805 Batchfile 5,186 Python best practices guidebook, written for humans.


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Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro
nginx 10,453 C 4,025 An official read-only mirror of which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to ngi...
httpserver.h 834 C 31 Single header library for writing non-blocking HTTP servers in C
openwifi 165 C 20 open-source Wi-Fi baseband chip/FPGA design
libgit2 7,234 C 1,853 A cross-platform, linkable library implementation of Git that you can use in your application.
fluent-bit 1,612 C 438 Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder for Linux, BSD and OSX
openwrt 5,001 C 3,111 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...
lede 5,742 C 4,460 Lean's OpenWrt source
h2o 8,840 C 664 H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 server
vlc 5,536 C 2,065 VLC media player - All pull requests are ignored, please follow
lua-nginx-module 7,984 C 1,665 Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers
libwebsockets 2,375 C 940 canonical websocket library
zephyr 2,775 C 1,654 Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.
lvgl 2,795 C 629 Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash).
oss-fuzz 4,791 C 854 OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing of open source software.
arduino-esp32 4,150 C 2,376 Arduino core for the ESP32
mimalloc 3,610 C 174 mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
AFL 674 C 79 american fuzzy lop - a security-oriented fuzzer
jq 15,858 C 923 Command-line JSON processor
stlink 2,217 C 789 stm32 discovery line linux programmer
UkrLang 22 C 0
scrcpy 22,824 C 2,086 Display and control your Android device
amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk-c 32 C 7 Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK is for developers to install and customize realtime communication between devices and enable secure streaming of video, audio to Kinesis Video Streams.
darwin-xnu 7,536 C 1,200 The Darwin Kernel (mirror)
pg_query_go 167 C 20 Go library to parse and normalize SQL queries using the PostgreSQL query parser
ldd3 848 C 502 Linux Device Drivers 3 examples updated to work in recent kernels


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osu 3,940 C# 837 rhythm is just a click away!
MixedRealityToolkit-Unity 3,117 C# 1,470 Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) provides a set of components and features to accelerate cross-platform MR app development in Unity.
AspNetCore 15,073 C# 3,899 ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
shadowsocks-windows 45,644 C# 14,779 If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.
uno 1,728 C# 257 Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. Today. Open source and professionally supported.
SharpSCADA 1,338 C# 736 C# SCADA
Dapper 11,719 C# 3,010 Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net
confluent-kafka-dotnet 1,321 C# 410 Confluent's Apache Kafka .NET client
WeiXinMPSDK 5,736 C# 3,696 微信公众平台SDK Senparc.Weixin for C#,支持.NET Framework及.NET Core。已支持微信公众号、小程序、小游戏、企业号、企业微信、开放平台、微信支付、JSSDK、微信周边等全平台。 WeChat SDK for C#.
cognitive-services-speech-sdk 321 C# 378 Sample code for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK
xms 212 C# 68 xms, based on .net core 3.0, extensible easily
easy-service 170 C# 20
azure-powershell 1,701 C# 1,812 Microsoft Azure PowerShell
MailKit 2,992 C# 475 A cross-platform .NET library for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 2,816 C# 677 Swagger tools for documenting API's built on ASP.NET Core
WebApi 660 C# 426 OData Web API: A server library built upon ODataLib and WebApi
Templates 1,892 C# 359 .NET project templates with batteries included, providing the minimum amount of code required to get you going faster.
Xamarin.Forms 3,994 C# 1,589 Xamarin.Forms Official Home
prometheus-net 478 C# 120 .NET Standard library to instrument apps for the Prometheus metrics and monitoring system
MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit 7,898 C# 1,925 Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net.
sdk 475 C# 204 Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects, that is shared between Visual Studio and CLI
MediatR 4,112 C# 574 Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
CodeHub 22,329 C# 594 CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin
ProjectTinySamples 15 C# 1 Samples for Project Tiny
clean-architecture-manga 837 C# 181 🌀 Clean Architecture with .NET Core 3.1 and C# 8. Use cases as central organizing structure, completely testable, decoupled from frameworks


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Catch2 10,517 C++ 1,727 A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++11, C++14, C++17 and later (or C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
pybind11 6,364 C++ 873 Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
horovod 8,134 C++ 1,271 Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
arangodb 8,939 C++ 599 🥑 ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScri...
ponyc 4,001 C++ 346 🐴 Pony is an open-source, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language
faiss 8,408 C++ 1,540 A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
electron 79,314 C++ 10,556 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
beast 2,373 C++ 402 HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
nix 2,862 C++ 500 Nix, the purely functional package manager
cocos-mainnet 246 C++ 11 Cocos-BCX Blockchain implementation and smart contract platform
WhateverGreen 1,372 C++ 219 Various patches necessary for certain ATI/AMD/Intel/Nvidia GPUs
WLED 1,030 C++ 178 Control WS2812B RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 over WiFi!
ceph 7,146 C++ 3,533 Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
MNN 3,197 C++ 654 MNN is a lightweight deep neural network inference engine.
pbrt-v3 2,671 C++ 722 Source code for pbrt, the renderer described in the third edition of "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation", by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys.
sysdig 5,927 C++ 550 Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers
grpc 24,276 C++ 5,873 The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
googletest 13,954 C++ 5,531 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
scylla 5,576 C++ 658 NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
date 1,598 C++ 354 A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header
ceres-solver 1,347 C++ 529 A large scale non-linear optimization library
ClickHouse 8,989 C++ 1,617 ClickHouse is a free analytics DBMS for big data
TensorRT 1,699 C++ 328 TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators.
envoy 11,774 C++ 1,935 Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy
GildedRose-Refactoring-Kata 995 C++ 1,592 Starting code for the GildedRose Refactoring Kata in many programming languages.


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FiraCode 42,421 Clojure 1,478 Monospaced font with programming ligatures
clj-kondo 595 Clojure 57 A linter for Clojure code that sparks joy.
clojure-webshop-app 16 Clojure 0 Small demo application for an static webshop in Clojure
cdk-clj 113 Clojure 9 A Clojure wrapper for the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
swarmpit 1,214 Clojure 122 Lightweight mobile-friendly Docker Swarm management UI
re-frame 4,078 Clojure 536 A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript.
metabase 18,096 Clojure 2,443 The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋
om 2 Clojure 0
LightTable 10,903 Clojure 927 The Light Table IDE ⛺
spork 37 Clojure 4 Spoon's Operations Research Kit


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lab-04-boost-filesystem 1 CMake 17 Работа с файловой системой
ios-cmake 500 CMake 120 A CMake toolchain file for iOS, watchOS and tvOS C/C++/Obj-C++ development
lab-03-shared-ptr 21 CMake 0 Подсчет ссылок для управления ресурсами
ojdkbuild 1,568 CMake 137 Community builds using source code from OpenJDK project


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trix 14,389 CoffeeScript 710 A rich text editor for everyday writing
zxcvbn 10,791 CoffeeScript 713 Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation


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roswell 1,098 Common Lisp 99 intended to be a launcher for a major lisp environment that just works.


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coq-scripts 3 Coq 3 Various useful scripts for dealing with Coq files
fiat-crypto 196 Coq 53 Cryptographic Primitive Code Generation by Fiat


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crystal 14,163 Crystal 1,097 The Crystal Programming Language


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ChineseBQB 5,913 CSS 603 🇨🇳Chinese sticker pack,More joy / 表情包的博物馆, Github最有毒的仓库, 中国表情包大集合, 聚欢乐~
website 1,027 CSS 1,264 Flutter web site
public-pentesting-reports 3,117 CSS 875 Curated list of public penetration test reports released by several consulting firms and academic security groups
bulma 37,744 CSS 3,129 Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
thesixsectorTeam 169 CSS 48
synthwave-vscode 3,743 CSS 925 Synthwave inspired colour theme for VS Code 🌅🕶
hacker101 10,922 CSS 1,410 Hacker101
react-design-editor 301 CSS 92 React Design Editor has started to developed direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs,, fabricjs
animate.css 63,721 CSS 13,517 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
hangzhou_house_knowledge 23,214 CSS 4,967 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I ...
twentytwenty 285 CSS 136 Twenty Twenty is included in Core as of WordPress 5.3 🎉 To report any issues, please go here:
minimal-mistakes 5,927 CSS 9,955 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
liebling 224 CSS 99 Beautiful and clean Ghost theme that is easy and comfortable to use. To get the latest version please head over the releases page and download the file of the latest release.
luci-theme-argon 162 CSS 58 A new Luci theme for LEDE/OpenWRT
ServerStatus-Hotaru 186 CSS 94 云探针、多服务器探针、云监控、多服务器云监控
webxr 1,590 CSS 232 Repository for the WebXR Device API Specification.
card 10,758 CSS 1,302 💳 make your credit card form better in one line of code
progit2 3,573 CSS 1,478 Pro Git 2nd Edition
material-dashboard-angular2 651 CSS 439 Material Dashboard Angular
django-suit 1,874 CSS 554 Modern theme for Django admin interface
course-collaboration-travel-plans 880 CSS 12,951
learnstorybook-code 126 CSS 546 Code for Learn Storybook
TileBoard 625 CSS 136 A simple yet highly configurable Dashboard for HomeAssistant
css 8,774 CSS 677 The CSS design system that powers GitHub
SpinKit 16,471 CSS 1,569 A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS


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mmskeleton 1,521 Cuda 481 A OpenMMLAB toolbox for human pose estimation, skeleton-based action recognition, and action synthesis.
cub 622 Cuda 201 CUB is a flexible library of cooperative threadblock primitives and other utilities for CUDA kernel programming.


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onedrive 3,174 D 470 Free Client for OneDrive on Linux
RABCDAsm 346 D 83 Robust ABC (ActionScript Bytecode) [Dis-]Assembler


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samples 5,247 Dart 1,456 A collection of Flutter examples and demos.
flutter 81,578 Dart 10,486 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
flutterfire 827 Dart 342 🔥 Firebase plugins for Flutter apps
awesome-flutter 24,098 Dart 3,305 An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
plugins 9,103 Dart 3,908 Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
rxdart 2,096 Dart 159 The Reactive Extensions for Dart
gsy_github_app_flutter 9,592 Dart 1,634 Flutter 超完整的开源项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好更方便...
flutter-d-art 161 Dart 18 Generative d.Art with Flutter
HistoryOfEverything 4,285 Dart 600 Flutter Launch Timeline Demo
dart-pad 410 Dart 120 The UI client for a web based interactive Dart service
Flutter-UI-Kit 4,000 Dart 733 Flutter app for collection of UI in a UIKit
flutter_map 961 Dart 275 A Flutter map widget inspired by Leaflet
complete_flutter_ecommerce 250 Dart 149 This repo will contain the backend code and the Ui of the flutter ecommerce app
sdk 4,691 Dart 636 The Dart SDK, including the VM, dart2js, core libraries, and more.
flutter_device_preview 425 Dart 31 Approximate how your app looks and performs on another device.
flutter_blue 1,001 Dart 396 Bluetooth plugin for Flutter
linter 203 Dart 69 Linter for Dart.
flutter_wanandroid 3,554 Dart 777 🔥🔥🔥 基于Google Flutter的WanAndroid客户端,支持Android和iOS。包括BLoC、RxDart 、国际化、主题色、启动页、引导页,拥有较好的项目结构&比较规范的代码!
Flare-Flutter 1,652 Dart 245 Load and get full control of your Flare files in a Flutter project using this library.
extended_image 469 Dart 71 A powerful official extension library of image, which support placeholder(loading)/ failed state, cache network, zoom pan image, photo view, slide out page, editor(crop,rotate,flip), paint custom etc.
Best-Flutter-UI-Templates 4,653 Dart 904 completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart.
bloc 3,321 Dart 644 A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern
flutter_sound 240 Dart 111 Flutter plugin for sound. Audio recorder and player.
flutter_cached_network_image 921 Dart 253 Download, cache and show images in a flutter app
photo_view 743 Dart 166 📸 Easy to use yet very customizable zoomable image widget for Flutter, Photo View provides a gesture sensitive zoomable widget. Photo View is largely used to show interacive images and other stuff su...


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tgstation 916 DM 2,480 the /tg/station branch of SS13


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docker-selenium 3,688 Dockerfile 1,263 Docker images for Selenium Grid Server (Standalone, Hub, and Nodes).
docker-letsencrypt 426 Dockerfile 122
Simple-DevOps-Project 25 Dockerfile 842
vscode-dev-containers 356 Dockerfile 105 A repository of development container definitions for the VS Code Remote - Containers extension and Visual Studio Online
nocode 34,077 Dockerfile 3,039 The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
dotnet-docker 1,992 Dockerfile 839 Docker images for .NET Core and the .NET Core Tools.
v2rayDocker 275 Dockerfile 125 一键v2ray ws + tls 方便就完事了
mssql-docker 881 Dockerfile 412 Official Microsoft repository for SQL Server in Docker resources
cflinuxfs3 7 Dockerfile 9
dotnet-framework-docker 270 Dockerfile 161 The repo for the official docker images for .NET Framework on Windows Server Core.


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phoenix_live_view 2,480 Elixir 228 Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
elixir 16,236 Elixir 2,334 Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
teslamate 280 Elixir 37 A self-hosted data logger for your Tesla 🚘
ecto 4,443 Elixir 1,050 A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query
health_checks 2 Elixir 0 Generic health checks for Elixir applications


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spacemacs 19,011 Emacs Lisp 4,659 A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim!
use-package 2,886 Emacs Lisp 185 A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs
remacs 3,778 Emacs Lisp 323 Rust ❤️ Emacs
cider 2,813 Emacs Lisp 547 The Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs
doom-emacs 4,332 Emacs Lisp 680 An Emacs configuration for the stubborn martian vimmer


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ejabberd 4,339 Erlang 1,293 Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server)
emqx 5,395 Erlang 1,016 EMQ X Broker - Scalable Distributed MQTT Message Broker for IoT in 5G Era
cowboy 5,766 Erlang 1,032 Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
erlcron 222 Erlang 130 Erlang cronish system
ox-thrift 6 Erlang 2 Erlang Thrift encoder/decoder library optimized for efficiency
blockchain-follower 0 Erlang 0 basic app skeleton for an erlang application release that would follow the helium blockchain
lager 1,014 Erlang 440 A logging framework for Erlang/OTP
meck 653 Erlang 206 A mocking library for Erlang
ibrowse 507 Erlang 181 Erlang HTTP client
erlcloud 590 Erlang 370 AWS APIs library for Erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, DDB, ELB and etc)
z_stdlib 16 Erlang 9 Zotonic standard function library
erlang_uac 0 Erlang 0
couchdb-ioq 4 Erlang 9 Mirror of Apache CouchDB
couchdb-triq 1 Erlang 0 Apache couchdb mirror of triq dependency
couchdb-mochiweb 4 Erlang 8 Mirror of Apache CouchDB
dj 2 Erlang 0 An OTP library for decoding JSON, that doesn't stop at decoding JSON
couchdb-bear 1 Erlang 4 Mirror of Apache CouchDB
couchdb-config 10 Erlang 15 Mirror of Apache CouchDB
couchdb-ibrowse 4 Erlang 9 Mirror of Apache CouchDB
erlang-uuid 64 Erlang 51 Erlang UUID Module
couchdb-ets-lru 4 Erlang 8 Mirror of Apache CouchDB
mnesia_rocksdb 62 Erlang 11 A RocksDB backend plugin for mnesia, based on mnesia_eleveldb
couchdb-meck 1 Erlang 5 Mirror of Apache CouchDB
jesse 81 Erlang 43 jesse (JSon Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a JSON Schema validator for Erlang.
couchdb-folsom 1 Erlang 6 Mirror of Apache CouchDB


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blurts-server 266 FreeMarker 76 Firefox Monitor arms you with tools to keep your personal information safe. Find out what hackers already know about you and learn how to stay a step ahead of them.


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SPIRV-Cross 830 GLSL 195 SPIRV-Cross is a practical tool and library for performing reflection on SPIR-V and disassembling SPIR-V back to high level languages.


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sqlc 538 Go 20 Generate type safe Go from SQL
nebula 3,010 Go 136 A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
ants 2,691 Go 348 🐜🐜🐜 ants is a high-performance and low-cost goroutine pool in Go, inspired by fasthttp./ ants 是一个高性能且低损耗的 goroutine 池。
helm 15,400 Go 4,828 The Kubernetes Package Manager
elastic 4,592 Go 853 Elasticsearch client for Go.
gin 33,869 Go 3,892 Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
uni 343 Go 4 Query the Unicode database from the commandline, with good support for emojis
mongo-go-driver 3,751 Go 419 The Go driver for MongoDB
gotraining 6,588 Go 1,336 Go Training Class Material :
telegraf 7,814 Go 3,010 The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.
viper 10,623 Go 1,000 Go configuration with fangs
terraform-provider-azurerm 1,270 Go 1,251 Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
docker-slim 6,378 Go 210 DockerSlim (docker-slim): Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
helmfile 1,676 Go 253 Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts
wire 2,791 Go 124 Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go
golang-design-pattern 1,992 Go 515 设计模式 Golang实现-《研磨设计模式》读书笔记
dive 17,902 Go 640 A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
OpenDiablo2 4,283 Go 291 An open source re-implementation of Diablo 2
fyne 7,188 Go 301 Cross platform GUI in Go based on Material Design
aws-sdk-go 5,395 Go 1,361 AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
caddy 25,442 Go 2,101 Fast, cross-platform HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS
terraform 20,012 Go 5,319 Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst...
jaeger 9,782 Go 1,044 CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform
micro 11,944 Go 550 A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
cosmos-sdk 1,525 Go 658 ⛓ A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains ✨


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rundeck 3,500 Groovy 696 Enable Self-Service Operations: Give specific users access to your existing tools, services, and scripts
gradle 9,945 Groovy 2,920 Adaptable, fast automation for all
SmartThingsPublic 1,444 Groovy 62,955 SmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
triggear_pipeline 1 Groovy 2
pipeline-examples 3,143 Groovy 2,003 A collection of examples, tips and tricks and snippets of scripting for the Jenkins Pipeline plugin


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shellcheck 17,396 Haskell 876 ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
hadolint 2,924 Haskell 122 Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell
cardano-wallet 51 Haskell 25 Official Wallet Backend & API for Cardano decentralized
semantic 6,867 Haskell 292 Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
reanimate 218 Haskell 7 Haskell framework for animating SVG graphics.
crucible 191 Haskell 18 Crucible is a library for symbolic simulation of imperative programs
niv 244 Haskell 19 Easy dependency management for Nix projects
axel 21 Haskell 0 Haskell + Lisp
redcard 4 Haskell 1 Yet another applicative validator for haskell


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kubespray 7,730 HCL 3,188 Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster
terraform-guides 536 HCL 344 Example usage of HashiCorp Terraform
terraform-aws-eks 868 HCL 638 A Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS.
terraform-aws-rds 238 HCL 324 Terraform module which creates RDS resources on AWS
terraform-aws-alb 119 HCL 190 A Terraform module to create an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) and associated resources.
terraform-aws-vpc 920 HCL 907 Terraform module which creates VPC resources on AWS
terraform-google-project-factory 227 HCL 154 Opinionated Google Cloud Platform project creation and configuration with Shared VPC, IAM, APIs, etc.
terraform-up-and-running-code 911 HCL 539 Code samples for the book "Terraform: Up & Running" by Yevgeniy Brikman
terraform-aws-lambda 116 HCL 81 Terraform module for AWS Lambda functions
terraforming-azure 30 HCL 64 use terraform, deploy yourself a pcf
terraform-ecs 8 HCL 3 Terraform ECS module


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source-han-sans 7,341 HolyC 747 Source Han Sans


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fastText 20,311 HTML 3,857 Library for fast text representation and classification.
owasp-mstg 5,062 HTML 997 The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security development, testing and reverse engineering.
web-profiler-bundle 1,489 HTML 38 The WebProfilerBundle provides detailed technical information about each request execution and displays it in both the web debug toolbar and the profiler.
keycloak-documentation 114 HTML 360
personal-website 5,608 HTML 4,484 Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
devdocs 439 HTML 1,279 Magento Developer Documentation
docsy 536 HTML 80 A set of Hugo doc templates for launching open source content.
ng-alain 3,427 HTML 923 NG-ZORRO admin panel front-end framework (netlify mirror
NodeGoat 1,034 HTML 546 The OWASP NodeGoat project provides an environment to learn how OWASP Top 10 security risks apply to web applications developed using Node.js and how to effectively address them.
zfaka 1,493 HTML 547 免费、安全、稳定、高效的发卡系统,值得拥有!
webdevbootcamp 962 HTML 646 All source code for back-end projects from the Web Developer Bootcamp
AR.js 14,303 HTML 1,948 Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web - 60fps on mobile!
stisla 1,280 HTML 335 Free Bootstrap Admin Template
ctf-wiki 2,860 HTML 689 CTF Wiki Online. Come and join us, we need you!
subspace 989 HTML 107 A simple WireGuard VPN server GUI
compat-table 3,457 HTML 790 ECMAScript 5/6/7 compatibility tables
professional-services 801 HTML 420 Common solutions and tools developed by Google Cloud's Professional Services team
Django-CRM 585 HTML 278 Open Source Python CRM based on Django aimed to salesforce compatible for migrating to
portainer 13,473 HTML 1,269 Making Docker management easy.
MatBlazor 906 HTML 92 Material Design components for Blazor and Razor Components
docs 326 HTML 251 TiDB/TiKV/PD documents.
WebFundamentals 10,980 HTML 2,276 Best practices for modern web development
JavaScript30 11,658 HTML 13,267 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
schemaspy 1,124 HTML 152 SchemaSpy code home
boost 3,179 HTML 942 Super-project for modularized Boost


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toolbox 2,355 Inno Setup 805 The Docker Toolbox


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seata 13,086 Java 3,341 🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
miaosha 11,676 Java 2,670 ⭐⭐⭐⭐秒杀系统设计与实现.互联网工程师进阶与分析🙋🐓
micrometer 2,033 Java 447 An application metrics facade for the most popular monitoring tools. Think SLF4J, but for metrics.
SpringAll 11,660 Java 3,223 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Cloud、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码
druid 19,660 Java 6,700 阿里巴巴数据库事业部出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池
otter 5,384 Java 1,963 阿里巴巴分布式数据库同步系统(解决中美异地机房)
shopping-management-system 2,954 Java 1,930 该项目为多个小项目的集合(持续更新中...)。内容类似淘宝、京东等网购管理系统以及图书管理、超市管理等系统。目的在于便于Java初级爱好者在学习完某一部分Java知识后有一个合适的项目锻炼、运用所学知识,完善知识体系。适用人群:Java基础到入门的爱好者。
micronaut-core 3,196 Java 523 Micronaut Application Framework
rest-assured 4,383 Java 1,209 Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
pulsar 4,605 Java 1,131 Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system
HikariCP 11,744 Java 1,798 光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last.
maven 1,955 Java 1,488 Apache Maven core
mockito 9,839 Java 1,754 Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
interviews 40,970 Java 8,583 Everything you need to know to get the job.
tutorials 18,547 Java 28,437 Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth":
kafka 14,424 Java 7,641 Mirror of Apache Kafka
presto 777 Java 338 Official home of the community managed version of Presto, the distributed SQL query engine for big data, under the auspices of the Presto Software Foundation.
views-widgets-samples 732 Java 230 Multiple samples showing the best practices in views-widgets on Android.
janusgraph 2,945 Java 747 JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database
lucene-solr 3,128 Java 2,194 Apache Lucene and Solr open-source search software
guice 8,806 Java 1,292 Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above, brought to you by Google.
solo 113 Java 24 🎸 一款小而美的博客系统,专为程序员设计。
kubernetes-client 1,160 Java 607 Java client for Kubernetes & OpenShift
camel 3,002 Java 3,833 Apache Camel
lottie-react-native 12,380 Java 1,291 Lottie wrapper for React Native.


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javascript-algorithms 58,281 JavaScript 9,312 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
cypress 16,794 JavaScript 965 Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
cube.js 6,307 JavaScript 383 📊 Cube.js - Open Source Analytics Framework
Rocket.Chat 24,860 JavaScript 5,394 The ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications.
awx 6,996 JavaScript 1,695 AWX Project
preact 24,787 JavaScript 1,311 ⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.
fx 8,752 JavaScript 281 Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer 🔥
realworld 34,035 JavaScript 2,535 "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅
drawio 14,520 JavaScript 3,112 Source to
incubator-echarts 38,421 JavaScript 12,402 A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser
lite-youtube-embed 1,417 JavaScript 42 A faster youtube embed.
create-react-app 74,338 JavaScript 17,492 Set up a modern web app by running one command.
baidupankey 829 JavaScript 182 查询百度网盘&蓝奏盘提取码
curso-javascript-ninja 1,502 JavaScript 2,265 Curso Javascript Ninja
AutoPiano 3,744 JavaScript 590 自由钢琴 🎹 AutoPiano ( ) Simple & Elegant Piano Online
cypress-documentation 184 JavaScript 407 Cypress Documentation including Guides, API, Plugins, Examples, & FAQ.
Blog 3,983 JavaScript 593 关注基础知识,打造优质前端博客,公众号[前端工匠]的作者
slick 24,875 JavaScript 5,081 the last carousel you'll ever need
strapi 20,188 JavaScript 2,358 🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs
graphql-engine 13,505 JavaScript 1,100 Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on Postgres with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
vue 153,981 JavaScript 23,038 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
fingerprintjs2 9,328 JavaScript 1,277 Modern & flexible browser fingerprinting library
react-table 8,727 JavaScript 1,115 ⚛️ Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React
next.js 43,206 JavaScript 5,850 The React Framework
knex 11,051 JavaScript 1,337 A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.


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katib 585 Jsonnet 155 Repository for hyperparameter tuning
deepops 260 Jsonnet 76 Tools for building GPU clusters
kubernetes-mixin 574 Jsonnet 178 A set of Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes.
kube-prometheus 1,040 Jsonnet 290 Use Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes and applications running on Kubernetes
kfserving 256 Jsonnet 88 Serverless Inferencing on Kubernetes
jsonnet 3,603 Jsonnet 285 Jsonnet - The data templating language


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General 113 Julia 96 The official registry of general Julia packages
Zygote.jl 565 Julia 76 Intimate Affection Auditor
MLJ.jl 538 Julia 74 A Julia machine learning framework


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dlaicourse 1,828 Jupyter Notebook 1,591 Notebooks for learning deep learning
Dive-into-DL-TensorFlow2.0 999 Jupyter Notebook 156 本项目将《动手学深度学习》(Dive into Deep Learning)原书中的MXNet实现改为TensorFlow 2.0实现,项目已得到李沐老师的同意
homemade-machine-learning 13,336 Jupyter Notebook 2,601 🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained
Azure-Sentinel 381 Jupyter Notebook 141 Cloud-native SIEM for intelligent security analytics for your entire enterprise.
Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp 6,989 Jupyter Notebook 24,963 Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
deep-text-recognition-benchmark 868 Jupyter Notebook 275 Text recognition (optical character recognition) with deep learning methods.
PythonRobotics 7,666 Jupyter Notebook 2,365 Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
ML-NLP 3,057 Jupyter Notebook 908 此项目是机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、NLP面试中常考到的知识点和代码实现,也是作为一个算法工程师必会的理论基础知识。
PythonDataScienceHandbook 21,176 Jupyter Notebook 8,820 Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
fastMRI 336 Jupyter Notebook 96 A large-scale dataset of both raw MRI measurements and clinical MRI images
dsc-creating-functions-lab-online-ds-ft-120919 7 Jupyter Notebook 0
examples 2,092 Jupyter Notebook 2,000 TensorFlow examples
scikit-learn-videos 2,684 Jupyter Notebook 1,880 Jupyter notebooks from the scikit-learn video series
fastai 16,641 Jupyter Notebook 5,879 The fastai deep learning library, plus lessons and tutorials
dsc-learn-lessons-lab-online-ds-pt-120919 8 Jupyter Notebook 0
data 12,884 Jupyter Notebook 7,009 Data and code behind the articles and graphics at FiveThirtyEight
Stock-Prediction-Models 1,197 Jupyter Notebook 565 Gathers machine learning and deep learning models for Stock forecasting including trading bots and simulations
makeyourownneuralnetwork 1,412 Jupyter Notebook 975 Code for the Make Your Own Neural Network book
jupyter-book 591 Jupyter Notebook 133 Create an online book with Jupyter Notebooks and Jekyll
pytorch-3dunet 326 Jupyter Notebook 109 3D U-Net model for volumetric semantic segmentation written in pytorch
Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python 7,194 Jupyter Notebook 2,012 Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filters,...
textClassifier 653 Jupyter Notebook 362 tensorflow implementation
deepmind-research 443 Jupyter Notebook 60 This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications
Python-100-Days 72,818 Jupyter Notebook 28,302 Python - 100天从新手到大师
python-machine-learning-book-3rd-edition 427 Jupyter Notebook 108 The "Python Machine Learning (3rd edition)" book code repository


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susi_android 1,738 Kotlin 930 SUSI.AI Android App
iosched 19,431 Kotlin 6,024 The Google I/O 2019 Android App
kotlin 30,011 Kotlin 3,570 The Kotlin Programming Language
flexbox-layout 14,934 Kotlin 1,569 Flexbox for Android
shadowsocks-android 27,889 Kotlin 10,612 A shadowsocks client for Android
kotlin-examples 2,651 Kotlin 890 Various examples for Kotlin
camera-samples 962 Kotlin 464 Multiple samples showing the best practices in camera APIs on Android.
tivi 2,539 Kotlin 333 Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy deve...
mockk 2,560 Kotlin 104 mocking library for Kotlin
plaid 14,743 Kotlin 2,995 An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
vlc-android 524 Kotlin 181 VLC for Android, Android TV and ChromeOS
android-kotlin-fundamentals-starter-apps 171 Kotlin 415 android-kotlin-fundamentals-starter-apps
badge-magic-android 1,200 Kotlin 107 Badge Magic with LEDs - Android App
open-event-attendee-android 1,291 Kotlin 332 Open Event Attendee Android General App
home-assistant-android 255 Kotlin 41 📱 Home Assistant Companion for Android
Unciv 304 Kotlin 128 Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
kotlinx.serialization 1,657 Kotlin 135 Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
ktor 6,018 Kotlin 455 Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
architecture-components-samples 15,492 Kotlin 4,988 Samples for Android Architecture Components.
p3c 19,564 Kotlin 4,772 Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin
fenix 2,782 Kotlin 356 Firefox Preview
corda 3,136 Kotlin 861 Corda is an open source blockchain project, designed for business from the start. Only Corda allows you to build interoperable blockchain networks that transact in strict privacy. Corda's smart contra...
ideavim 4,435 Kotlin 472 Vim emulation plug-in for IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform.
timber 7,608 Kotlin 751 A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
KotlinMvp 2,938 Kotlin 729 🔥 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现短视频类小项目,简约风格及详细注释,欢迎 star or fork!


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dash-sample-apps 368 Lasso 541 Apps hosted in the Dash Gallery


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PathOfBuilding 1,750 Lua 743 Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
redem_roleplay 21 Lua 3 RedEM Roleplay Framework
redem 15 Lua 5 EssentialMode: RedM Edition
HonorSpy 32 Lua 19 World of Warcraft: Classic 1.13.2 HonorSpy addon
tarantool 2,287 Lua 219 Get your data in RAM. Get compute close to data. Enjoy the performance.
TotemTimers 8 Lua 1 Modified TotemTimers to not use GetTotemInfo()
es_extended 89 Lua 215 ES Extended Core
FS19_AutoDrive 123 Lua 108 FS19 version of AutoDrive - Developer Version
kong 24,295 Lua 3,072 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
FrackinUniverse 278 Lua 219 1.4.4 SB release version of FrackinUniverse
art-DCGAN 1,498 Lua 259 Modified implementation of DCGAN focused on generative art. Includes pre-trained models for landscapes, nude-portraits, and others.
ShestakUI_Classic 113 Lua 29 ShestakUI for WoW Classic (1.13.2)
lsyncd 3,826 Lua 371 Lsyncd (Live Syncing Daemon) synchronizes local directories with remote targets
Bagnon 99 Lua 42 Single window displays for you items
gta-resources 51 Lua 112 All the DiscworldZA GTA Resources


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awesome-kubernetes 7,623 Makefile 1,199 A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources 🚢🎉
api 189 Makefile 256 API definitions for the Istio project
theos 2,748 Makefile 786 A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms.
buildroot 908 Makefile 955 Buildroot, making embedded Linux easy. Note that this is not the official repository, but only a mirror. The official Git repository is at Do not open issues or fi...
nvidia-docker 9,842 Makefile 1,318 Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs
project-layout 11,935 Makefile 1,198 Standard Go Project Layout
client_model 31 Makefile 29 Data model artifacts for Prometheus.
svg-explorer-extension 757 Makefile 46 Extension module for Windows Explorer to render SVG thumbnails, so that you can have an overview of your SVG files
dappsys-monolithic 18 Makefile 8 Dappsys for all
awesome-python-cn 17,448 Makefile 5,919 Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由伯乐在线持续更新。
interfaces 5 Makefile 1 A collection of public AirMap gRPC definitions
awesome-cl 1,138 Makefile 95 A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
packages 2,147 Makefile 1,860 Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in
machine-spec 1 Makefile 1 Defines gRPC machine-interface for machine-controller-manager


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deep-photo-styletransfer 9,410 MATLAB 1,376 Code and data for paper "Deep Photo Style Transfer":
DnCNN 660 MATLAB 351 Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising (TIP, 2017)


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Nim 8,468 Nim 935 Nim is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language with a design that focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).


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nixpkgs 4,460 Nix 4,290 Nix Packages collection


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WeChatExtension-ForMac 2,979 Objective-C 494 Mac版微信的功能拓展
GCDWebServer 5,161 Objective-C 840 The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
ios-snapshot-test-case 1,068 Objective-C 113 Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
SDWebImage 22,208 Objective-C 5,517 Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
ios 577 Objective-C 354 📱 Nextcloud iOS app
ios-library 438 Objective-C 245 Urban Airship iOS SDK
react-native-permissions 1,798 Objective-C 551 An unified permissions API for React Native on iOS and Android
MacInfoPkg 102 Objective-C 39 Mac Platform Information
react-native-wechat 2,587 Objective-C 609 🚀 WeChat login, share, favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms (QQ: 336021910)
react-native-maps 10,414 Objective-C 3,445 React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
WeChatPlugin-MacOS 13,340 Objective-C 2,373
react-native-iap 1,132 Objective-C 240 react-native native module for In App Purchase.
CYLTabBarController 5,932 Objective-C 1,293 [EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie, and adding a bigger center UITabBar Item. [CN]【中国特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式,自带...
SVGKit 3,670 Objective-C 760 Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)
WebDriverAgent 3,568 Objective-C 877 A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.
expo 8,201 Objective-C 1,151 An open-source platform for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
react-native-webrtc 2,393 Objective-C 588 The WebRTC module for React Native
WebViewJavascriptBridge 12,896 Objective-C 2,681 An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
appcenter-sdk-apple 236 Objective-C 116 Development repository for the App Center SDK for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
ios-chat 610 Objective-C 274 开源的即时通讯(野火IM)系统 高仿微信
flutter-webrtc 838 Objective-C 181 WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web
fmdb 13,218 Objective-C 2,775 A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
shadowsocks-iOS 7,953 Objective-C 3,635 Removed according to regulations.
KIF 5,751 Objective-C 884 Keep It Functional - An iOS Functional Testing Framework
TTTAttributedLabel 8,543 Objective-C 1,587 A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more


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Texture 6,060 Objective-C++ 897 Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
mapbox-gl-native-ios 10 Objective-C++ 9


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bucklescript 4,509 OCaml 333 A backend for the OCaml compiler which emits JavaScript.
reason 8,277 OCaml 398 Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems


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fosscad-repo 712 OpenSCAD 566 Official FOSSCAD Library Repository


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HeidiSQL 1,607 Pascal 175 A lightweight client for managing MariaDB, MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL, written in Delphi
rdpwrap 6,104 Pascal 1,167 RDP Wrapper Library


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nikto 3,454 Perl 582 Nikto web server scanner
FlameGraph 8,894 Perl 1,039 Stack trace visualizer
pgbadger 1,792 Perl 218 A fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer
ALAppExtensions 214 Perl 100 Repository for collaboration on Microsoft AL application add-on and localization extensions for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
perl5 684 Perl 191 🐫The Perl 5 language interpreter.


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crater 1,404 PHP 227 Free & Open Source Invoice App for Freelancers & Small Businesses
PocketMine-MP 1,644 PHP 1,036 A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP
cphalcon 9,990 PHP 1,812 High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension.
uuid 9,799 PHP 341 A PHP library for generating RFC 4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 universally unique identifiers (UUID).
flex 2,862 PHP 120 Composer plugin for Symfony
symfony 22,395 PHP 7,324 The Symfony PHP framework
dbal 6,336 PHP 1,021 Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer
mockery 8,811 PHP 388 Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succin...
PhpSpreadsheet 7,517 PHP 1,437 A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
flysystem-aws-s3-v3 950 PHP 111 Flysystem Adapter for AWS SDK V3
orm 7,165 PHP 2,158 Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM)
rector 2,273 PHP 160 Instant Upgrades and Instant Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code
SensioFrameworkExtraBundle 2,372 PHP 239 An extension to Symfony FrameworkBundle that adds annotation configuration for Controller classes
common 4,153 PHP 280 Doctrine Common
maker-bundle 2,181 PHP 183 Symfony Maker Bundle
laravel-boilerplate 3,795 PHP 1,244 A Laravel Boilerplate Project -
DoctrineBundle 2,929 PHP 335 Symfony Bundle for Doctrine ORM and DBAL
Faker 22,726 PHP 2,600 Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
magento2 8,174 PHP 7,140 All Submissions you make to Magento Inc. ("Magento") through GitHub are subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) You grant Magento a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no charge, royalty f...
swoft 4,427 PHP 679 🚀 PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework
jwt 5,014 PHP 406 A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature
framework 19,690 PHP 6,971
wp-graphql 1,949 PHP 203 🚀 GraphQL API for WordPress
laravel-ide-helper 9,190 PHP 852 Laravel IDE Helper
elasticsearch-php 3,788 PHP 749 Official PHP low-level client for Elasticsearch.


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node-sqlite3 4,023 PLpgSQL 545 Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js
openmaptiles 790 PLpgSQL 244 OpenMapTiles Vector Tile Schema Implementation
sql-server-maintenance-solution 1,263 PLpgSQL 319 SQL Server Maintenance Solution


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ponycheck 52 Pony 3 Property Based Testing for Ponylang 🐴 ✔️
net_ssl 1 Pony 0 SSL library for Pony
http 23 Pony 15 ponylang HTTP library 🐴 🕸


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ignite-learning-paths-training-aiml 52 PowerShell 50 Microsoft Ignite Learning Path, Train the Trainer materials: Developers Guide to AI
azure-docs 3,333 PowerShell 8,754 Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure
machinelearning-samples 2,284 PowerShell 1,237 Samples for ML.NET, an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
K8tools 2,270 PowerShell 1,046 K8工具合集(内网渗透/提权工具/远程溢出/漏洞利用/扫描工具/密码破解/免杀工具/Exploit/APT/0day/Shellcode/Payload/priviledge/BypassUAC/OverFlow/WebShell/PenTest) Web GetShell Exploit(Struts2/Zimbra/Weblogic/Tomcat/Apache/Jboss/DotNetNuke...
Windows10Debloater 3,382 PowerShell 435 Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
virtual-environments 85 PowerShell 33 GitHub Actions virtual environments
Win10-Initial-Setup-Script 2,877 PowerShell 684 PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
azure-docs-powershell 61 PowerShell 247 Repository used to store Azure PowerShell cmdlet content published on reference site.
Pester 2,040 PowerShell 385 Pester is the ubiquitous test and mock framework for PowerShell.
Quantum 2,629 PowerShell 505 Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Samples
DeepBlueCLI 462 PowerShell 79
azure-docs-powershell-azuread 48 PowerShell 146 Cmdlets reference help docs for Powershell Azure AD
EVTX-ATTACK-SAMPLES 560 PowerShell 96 Windows Events Samples
LISAv2 15 PowerShell 28 Microsoft Linux Test Automation Framework on multi-platforms
IntuneDocs 119 PowerShell 505 Public repo for Intune content in OPS
devops-learn-pr 6 PowerShell 5
azure-docs-cli 56 PowerShell 214 Repository used to store content for the content for the Azure CLI
Sample-Yaml-Pipelines 1 PowerShell 6


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sumologic-collector-puppet-module 10 Puppet 26 Puppet module for installing Sumo Logic's collector.
puppet-sysctl 35 Puppet 74 Puppet module to manage sysctl parameters


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onnx 7,574 PureBasic 1,220 Open Neural Network Exchange
x-deeplearning 3,100 PureBasic 784 An industrial deep learning framework for high-dimension sparse data


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stylegan2 805 Python 66 StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation
12306 18,539 Python 5,839 12306智能刷票,订票
py12306 7,706 Python 1,953 🚂 12306 购票助手,支持集群,多账号,多任务购票以及 Web 页面管理
poetry 7,795 Python 526 Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF 5,116 Python 1,481 Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and ...
faceswap 27,965 Python 8,970 Deepfakes Software For All
pipenv 19,102 Python 1,436 Python Development Workflow for Humans.
streamlit 5,752 Python 483 Streamlit — The fastest way to build custom ML tools
geo-heatmap 1,258 Python 108 🗺 Generate an interactive geo heatmap from your Google location data
zulip 10,805 Python 3,381 Zulip server - powerful open source team chat
Douyin-Bot 6,315 Python 1,292 😍 Python 抖音机器人,论如何在抖音上找到漂亮小姐姐?
devs-against-the-machine 178 Python 34 I онлайн-хакатон в поддержку политических заключенных
batea 115 Python 10 AI-based, context-driven network device ranking
ChromeAppHeroes 11,533 Python 1,048 🌈谷粒-Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chrome插件英雄们造福人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~
localstack 21,990 Python 1,563 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline!
stylegan 8,432 Python 1,764 StyleGAN - Official TensorFlow Implementation
NeMo 922 Python 95 Neural Modules: a toolkit for conversational AI
mtprotoproxy 690 Python 145 Async MTProto proxy for Telegram
detectron2 6,507 Python 1,014 Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation research platform for object detection and segmentation.
RDSNet 120 Python 21 implement for paper: "RDSNet: A New Deep Architecture for Reciprocal Object Detection and Instance Segmentation"
ansible-for-devops 2,327 Python 928 Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps.
incubator-tvm 4,785 Python 1,265 Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
simpletransformers 253 Python 56 Transformers made simple with training, evaluation, and prediction possible with one line each. Currently supports Sequence Classification (binary, multiclass, multilabel), Token Classification (NER),...
system-design-primer 77,993 Python 12,893 Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
30-Days-Of-Python 284 Python 57 A 30 days of python programming challenge


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cool-retro-term 11,745 QML 516 A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...


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awesome-R 3,773 R 1,260 A curated list of awesome R packages, frameworks and software.
rmarkdown 1,673 R 714 Dynamic Documents for R
reticulate 1,012 R 192 R Interface to Python
seurat 634 R 373 R toolkit for single cell genomics
r-source 662 R 211 Read-only mirror of R source code from, updated hourly. See the build instructions on the wiki page.
blastula 257 R 36 Easily send great-looking HTML email messages from R
mixed-models-snippets 14 R 2 This repository collects various small code snippets or short instructions on how to use or define specific mixed models, mostly with packages lme4 and glmmTMB.


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racket 3,321 Racket 502 The Racket repository
TS-ME-Languages 0 Racket 0
fp-test 1 Racket 2 Final project tests


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oni2 2,852 Reason 102 Native, lightweight modal code editor


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renpy 1,705 Ren'Py 299 The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine


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chromego 1,370 Rich Text Format 566 ChromeGo 翻墙工具包
github 5,304 Rich Text Format 1,286 GitHub 漫游指南- a Chinese ebook on how to build a good project on Github. Explore the users' behavior. Find some thing interest.
book 932 Rich Text Format 359 个人认为对技术提升很不错的书


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freess 5,603 Roff 789 免费ss账号 免费shadowsocks账号 免费v2ray账号 (长期更新)


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huginn 25,577 Ruby 2,527 Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
solidus 2,823 Ruby 843 🛒Solidus, Rails eCommerce System
factory_bot 6,685 Ruby 1,972 A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
shrine 2,489 Ruby 177 File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications
chef 6,058 Ruby 2,390 Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale
fastlane 27,678 Ruby 4,295 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
sprockets 707 Ruby 724 Rack-based asset packaging system
rack 3,720 Ruby 1,370 a modular Ruby webserver interface
github-changelog-generator 5,685 Ruby 633 Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
sidekiq 10,006 Ruby 1,749 Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
chartkick 5,382 Ruby 509 Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
rswag 572 Ruby 152 Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Rails-based API's
globalize 1,936 Ruby 464 Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.
sinatra 10,784 Ruby 1,950 Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)
active_workflow 186 Ruby 13 An intelligent process and workflow automation platform based on software agents.
logstash 10,883 Ruby 2,897 Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
pundit 6,730 Ruby 506 Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
logstash-patterns-core 1,505 Ruby 732
ransack 4,435 Ruby 678 Object-based searching.
audited 2,581 Ruby 520 Audited (formerly acts_as_audited) is an ORM extension that logs all changes to your Rails models.
flipper 2,072 Ruby 231 🐬 feature flipping for ruby (performant and simple)
friendly_id 5,364 Ruby 557 FriendlyId is the “Swiss Army bulldozer” of slugging and permalink plugins for ActiveRecord. It allows you to create pretty URL’s and work with human-friendly strings as if they were numeric ids for A...
ruby 16,401 Ruby 4,405 The Ruby Programming Language [mirror]
dependabot-core 892 Ruby 214 🤖The core logic behind Dependabot's update PR creation
omniauth 6,993 Ruby 890 OmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.


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libra 13,497 Rust 2,000 Libra’s mission is to enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people.
996.ICU 248,411 Rust 21,213 Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
lemmy 1,931 Rust 92 Building a federated alternative to reddit in rust
vector 3,124 Rust 150 A High-Performance, Logs, Metrics, & Events Router
jormungandr 188 Rust 72 aspiring blockchain node
async-std 1,738 Rust 158 Async version of the Rust standard library
tonic 1,255 Rust 74 A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support.
nushell 5,959 Rust 215 A modern shell written in Rust
mullvadvpn-app 611 Rust 43 The Mullvad VPN client app for desktop and mobile
warp 1,299 Rust 122 A super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds.
tower 820 Rust 67 async fn(Request) -> Result<Response, Error>
yew 9,640 Rust 361 Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps
sled 2,404 Rust 106 the champagne of beta embedded databases
starship 4,920 Rust 190 ☄🌌️ The cross-shell prompt for astronauts
actix-web 5,951 Rust 432 Actix web is a small, pragmatic, and extremely fast rust web framework.
book 4,677 Rust 1,275 The Rust Programming Language
LanguageClient-neovim 2,575 Rust 219 Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for vim and neovim.
bitwarden_rs 2,310 Rust 156 Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
quiche 2,689 Rust 123 🥧 Savoury implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3
mdBook 2,814 Rust 379 Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust
mio 3,384 Rust 406 Metal IO library for Rust
amethyst 4,610 Rust 515 Data-oriented and data-driven game engine written in Rust
rust 41,194 Rust 6,344 Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
talent-plan 3,499 Rust 458 PingCAP training courses
polkadot 694 Rust 161 Polkadot Node Implementation


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deequ 583 Scala 88 Deequ is a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets.
delta 1,970 Scala 388 An open-source storage layer that brings scalable, ACID transactions to Apache Spark™ and big data workloads.
polynote 3,346 Scala 258 A better notebook for Scala (and more)
prisma 16,288 Scala 924 💾 Database Tools incl. ORM, Migrations and Admin UI (Postgres, MySQL & MongoDB)
zio 1,851 Scala 479 ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala
spark 24,539 Scala 20,764 Apache Spark
playframework 11,442 Scala 3,830 Play Framework
sbt 4,025 Scala 775 sbt, the interactive build tool
lagom 2,323 Scala 555 Reactive Microservices for the JVM
dotty 3,694 Scala 565 Research compiler that will become Scala 3
metals 1,028 Scala 121 Scala language server with rich IDE features 🚀
chisel3 1,115 Scala 238 Chisel 3: A Modern Hardware Design Language
openwhisk 4,453 Scala 853 Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform
cats 3,681 Scala 926 Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
akka 10,536 Scala 3,155 Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
CoolplaySpark 2,865 Scala 1,253 酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等
Linkis 690 Scala 231 Linkis helps easily connect to various back-end computation/storage engines(Spark, Python, TiDB...), exposes various interfaces(REST, JDBC, Java ...), with multi-tenancy, high performance, and resourc...
kafka-manager 8,347 Scala 2,033 A tool for managing Apache Kafka.
rocket-chip 1,303 Scala 548 Rocket Chip Generator
scio 1,725 Scala 322 A Scala API for Apache Beam and Google Cloud Dataflow.
gatling 4,504 Scala 958 Async Scala-Akka-Netty based Load Test Tool
scala 12,338 Scala 2,831 The Scala programming language
caliban 196 Scala 16 Functional GraphQL backend in Scala
sifive-blocks 91 Scala 44 Common RTL blocks used in SiFive's projects
cloudflow 119 Scala 27 Cloudflow enables users to quickly develop, orchestrate, and operate distributed streaming applications on Kubernetes.


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Unity_Shaders_Book 2,021 ShaderLab 825 📖 书籍《Unity Shader入门精要》源代码


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Paper 1,287 Shell 399 High performance Spigot fork that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
core 12,540 Shell 2,852 Home repository for .NET Core
Command-line-text-processing 8,974 Shell 576 ⚡️ From finding text to search and replace, from sorting to beautifying text and more 🎨
vulhub 5,192 Shell 1,783 Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
fabric-samples 1,088 Shell 1,339
Actions-OpenWrt 189 Shell 448 Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions
docker-elk 8,052 Shell 3,456 The ELK stack powered by Docker and Compose.
espnet 1,713 Shell 508 End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit
nsfw_data_scraper 9,747 Shell 2,584 Collection of scripts to aggregate image data for the purposes of training an NSFW Image Classifier
Hackintosh 3,454 Shell 436 Hackintosh long-term maintenance model EFI and installation tutorial
IOTstack 494 Shell 85 docker stack for getting started on IOT on the Raspberry PI
oh-my-fish 5,564 Shell 420 The Fish Shell Framework
linux-vm-tools 397 Shell 69 Hyper-V Linux Guest VM Enhancements
oh-my-wechat 1,114 Shell 179 微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。
docker-images 3,534 Shell 3,272 Official source for Docker configurations, images, and examples of Dockerfiles for Oracle products and projects
ohmyzsh 100,322 Shell 18,278 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with nearly 1,500 contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, pytho...
cheatsheet-kubernetes-A4 568 Shell 316 📖 Kubernetes CheatSheets In A4
keycloak-containers 444 Shell 507 Docker image for Keycloak project
vsts-docs 245 Shell 1,023 This repo is the home of the official Azure DevOps documentation for Microsoft. GitHub Issues filed in this repository should be for problems with the documentation.
prowler 1,908 Shell 337 AWS Security Best Practices Assessment, Auditing, Hardening and Forensics Readiness Tool. It follows guidelines of the CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark and DOZENS of additional checks inc...
kaldi 7,939 Shell 3,551 This is the official location of the Kaldi project.
spectre-meltdown-checker 3,130 Shell 419 Spectre, Meltdown, Foreshadow, Fallout, RIDL, ZombieLoad vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux & BSD
Linux-Tutorial 6,763 Shell 2,286 《Java 程序员眼中的 Linux》
adr-tools 1,763 Shell 225 Command-line tools for working with Architecture Decision Records
community-operators 217 Shell 291 The canonical source for Kubernetes Operators that appear on, OpenShift Container Platform and OKD.


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Libre2-patched-App 3 Smali 62 Patch instructions for Libre 2 App


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charts 724 Smarty 466 Helm Charts
Golang-100-Days 669 Smarty 188 Golang - 100天从新手到大师
SSPanel-Uim 3,366 Smarty 2,013 SSPanel V3 魔改再次修改版


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raiden-contracts 33 Solidity 35 Raiden Network Smart Contracts


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incentivized-testnet-stakepool-registry 20 Standard ML 242


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XcodeGen 2,938 Swift 282 A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
Hero 17,748 Swift 1,428 Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
Design-Patterns-In-Swift 11,296 Swift 1,272 📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
SQLite.swift 6,543 Swift 1,128 A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
RxDataSources 2,191 Swift 319 UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)
Nuke 4,302 Swift 267 Powerful image loading and caching system
SwiftSoup 1,949 Swift 146 SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
SPPermissions 3,430 Swift 254 Ask permissions on Swift. Available List, Dialog & Native interface. Can check state permission.
FloatingPanel 3,017 Swift 214 A clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS
open-source-ios-apps 21,801 Swift 3,639 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
PanModal 1,982 Swift 148 An elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.
SOPullUpView 52 Swift 11 SOPullUpView library for iOS, with pull up gesture 📱🖐️↕️
awesome-ios 33,681 Swift 5,681 A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
clean-architecture-swiftui 121 Swift 21 A demo project showcasing the production setup of the SwiftUI app with Clean Architecture
Pecker 403 Swift 14 CodePecker is a tool to detect unused Swift code.
Alamofire 32,553 Swift 5,897 Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
react-native-ble-plx 1,504 Swift 243 React Native BLE library
Moya 11,574 Swift 1,426 Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
RxSwift 17,661 Swift 3,082 Reactive Programming in Swift
MessageKit 3,762 Swift 654 A community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController
Siren 3,350 Swift 327 Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
SwiftyStoreKit 4,449 Swift 481 Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
About-SwiftUI 3,801 Swift 322 Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.
lottie-ios 18,712 Swift 2,639 An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
OAuth2 883 Swift 217 OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.


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awesome-deep-learning-papers 20,237 TeX 3,942 The most cited deep learning papers
SJTUThesis 1,422 TeX 504 上海交通大学 XeLaTeX 学位论文及课程论文模板
docs-cn 1,377 TeX 569 TiDB/TiKV/PD documents in Chinese.
language 621 TeX 52 Design of the Dart language
RISCV_ISA_Spec_Tour 14 TeX 1 Tutorial tour of the RISC-V ISA Spec (expressed in SAIL ISA spec language)
LaTeX-examples 728 TeX 275 Examples for the usage of LaTeX
deeplearningbook-chinese 27,338 TeX 7,993 Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation


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jaeger-idl 25 Thrift 25 A set of shared data model definitions used by Jaeger components.


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PROJ 730 TSQL 320 PROJ - Cartographic Projections and Coordinate Transformations Library
SQL-Server-First-Responder-Kit 1,715 TSQL 490 sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, sp_BlitzFirst, sp_BlitzIndex, and other SQL Server scripts for health checks and performance tuning.
apollo-build-scripts 338 TSQL 960 Apollo Build Scripts
DatabaseManagementSystems 81 TSQL 54


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codelift 277 TypeScript 9 A "No Code" GUI for your existing React code.
n8n 5,281 TypeScript 292 Free node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
bulletproof-nodejs 1,089 TypeScript 239 Implementation of a bulletproof node.js API 🛡️
vscode 88,447 TypeScript 13,267 Visual Studio Code
csslayout 256 TypeScript 15 A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS
falco 342 TypeScript 12 Falco helps you monitor, analyze, and optimize your websites.
TypeScript 56,448 TypeScript 7,674 TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
angular-realworld-example-app 3,426 TypeScript 1,479 Exemplary real world application built with Angular
material-ui-pickers 1,378 TypeScript 438 Date & Time pickers, built with ❤️ for @material-ui/core
desktop 8,499 TypeScript 4,139 Simple collaboration from your desktop
type-graphql 3,360 TypeScript 264 Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
class-transformer 1,847 TypeScript 206 Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors
azure-pipelines-tasks 1,811 TypeScript 1,401 Tasks for Azure Pipelines
grafana 32,500 TypeScript 6,358 The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
angular 55,345 TypeScript 15,273 One framework. Mobile & desktop.
cli 960 TypeScript 370 React Native command line tools
reakit 3,718 TypeScript 206 Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React
ng-zorro-antd 5,858 TypeScript 1,949 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
nx 2,497 TypeScript 326 Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos
blueprint 15,305 TypeScript 1,459 A React-based UI toolkit for the web
nest 22,236 TypeScript 1,706 A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀
verdaccio 8,486 TypeScript 765 📦🔐A lightweight private npm proxy registry
vscode-extension-samples 2,038 TypeScript 883 Sample code illustrating the VS Code extension API.
vscode-gitlens 4,133 TypeScript 294 Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain v...
voice-web 2,262 TypeScript 518 Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak.


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peek 5,315 Vala 195 Simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface


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hdl 447 Verilog 759 HDL libraries and projects


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aws-fpga 873 VHDL 312 Official repository of the AWS EC2 FPGA Hardware and Software Development Kit


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killersheep 104 Vim script 1 Silly game for Vim 8.2
vim 18,605 Vim script 2,526 The official Vim repository
spf13-vim 14,156 Vim script 3,687 The ultimate vim distribution
vim-lsp 1,260 Vim script 127 async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim
vimrc 19,994 Vim script 5,591 The ultimate Vim configuration: vimrc
dotfiles 10 Vim script 0
vim-leader-mapper 14 Vim script 0 Vim plugin to create Neovim leader key menu
vim-tmux-navigator 2,759 Vim script 171 Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
vim-fugitive 11,845 Vim script 722 fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
indentLine 2,644 Vim script 164 A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines
vim-go 11,373 Vim script 1,156 Go development plugin for Vim
til 6,178 Vim script 306 📝 Today I Learned
vim-prettier 925 Vim script 61 A Vim plugin for Prettier
ops-toolbelt 1 Vim script 3 Useful tools and operations guide for gardener landscapes


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vue-netease-music 782 Vue 134 🎵基于Vue2、Vue-CLI3的高仿网易云mac客户端播放器(PC) Online Music Player
vuestic-admin 6,722 Vue 1,007 Free and Beautiful Vue.js Admin Template
mall-admin-web 4,434 Vue 2,715 mall-admin-web是一个电商后台管理系统的前端项目,基于Vue+Element实现。 主要包括商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等功能。
laravue 931 Vue 284 A magical administrative interface for Laravel built by VueJS and Element UI
Daily-Question 180 Vue 13 每天至少一个问题,有关前端,后端,devops,微服务以及软技能,促进个人职业成长,欢迎交流。
mavonEditor 3,314 Vue 540 mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
vue-grid-layout 3,176 Vue 581 A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
coco-annotator 530 Vue 124 ✏️ Web-based image segmentation tool for object detection, localization and keypoints
wiki 6,054 Vue 804 Wiki.js
app 325 Vue 175 Directus Admin Application — An Intuitive WebApp for Managing Database Content
vue-element-admin 46,597 Vue 15,904 🎉 A magical vue admin
logoly 4,314 Vue 434 A Pornhub Flavour Logo Generator
vue-crud 315 Vue 93 Vue.js based REST-ful CRUD system
h-player-v2 2,044 Vue 476 资源采集站在线播放
vux 16,610 Vue 3,780 Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
blog-vue-typescript 525 Vue 150 vue + typescript + element-ui 支持 markdown 渲染的博客前台展示
vue-admin-template 226 Vue 75 vue轻量级后台管理系统基础模板
gods-pen 1,535 Vue 276 基于vue的高扩展在线网页制作平台,可自定义组件,可添加脚本,可数据统计。A mobile page builder/editor, similar with amolink.
vuesax 3,741 Vue 416 New Framework Components for Vue.js 2
iview-admin 13,905 Vue 4,280 Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
beauty-vuejs-boilerplate 361 Vue 79 ❤️ Real world base Vue.js app. Access/refresh tokens auth, api services, http client, vuex modules
element 42,912 Vue 9,539 A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
ant-design-pro-vue 3,953 Vue 1,159 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro!
qrcode-chrome-plug-in 28 Vue 1 chrome二维码插件
asp-net-core-vue-starter 185 Vue 34 ASP.NET Core + Vue.js starter project


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assemblyscript 7,688 WebAssembly 320 Definitely not a TypeScript to WebAssembly compiler 🚀


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APT_CyberCriminal_Campagin_Collections 1,502 YARA 425 APT & CyberCriminal Campaign Collection
APKiD 705 YARA 146 Android Application Identifier for Packers, Protectors, Obfuscators and Oddities - PEiD for Android


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NewHorizons 150 ZenScript 83 New Modpack with Gregtech and Thaumcraft


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