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2019-11-16 Trending Daily

All Languages

Repo star language fork intro
OpenDiablo2 2,419 Go 172 An open source re-implementation of Diablo 2
BullshitGenerator 8,659 JavaScript 1,462 Needs to generate some texts to test if my GUI rendering codes good or not. so I made this.
Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book 1,130 Python 303 深度学习开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework.
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning 11,288 Python 1,863 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
nows 480 CSS 143 毒鸡汤
awesome-interview-questions 31,533 4,287 A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
Python-100-Days 68,239 Jupyter Notebook 26,361 Python - 100天从新手到大师
drawio-desktop 3,246 JavaScript 372 Official electron build of
d2-admin 7,374 JavaScript 1,363 🌈 An elegant dashboard
WheelChair 50 JavaScript 111 State of the art, cutting edge Neo man
JavaFamily 230 28 【 互联网 Java 工程师大厂面试+学习指南】,进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务等领域知识,作者风格幽默,后端同学必看,前端同学也可学习。
JavaGuide 60,899 Java 20,549 【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
fabric.js 14,056 JavaScript 2,244 Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
PENTESTING-BIBLE 3,269 572 This repository was created and developed by Ammar Amer @cry__pto Only. Updates to this repository will continue to arrive until the number of links reaches 10000 links & 10000 pdf files .Learn Ethica...
validator 4,108 Go 367 💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving
react-native-gifted-chat 8,309 TypeScript 2,451 💬 The most complete chat UI for React Native
AspNetCore 14,599 C# 3,733 ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
seq2seq-couplet 3,234 Python 632 Play couplet with seq2seq model. 用深度学习对对联。
pytorch-handbook 8,984 Jupyter Notebook 2,629 pytorch handbook是一本开源的书籍,目标是帮助那些希望和使用PyTorch进行深度学习开发和研究的朋友快速入门,其中包含的Pytorch教程全部通过测试保证可以成功运行
gpmall 2,579 Java 945 【咕泡学院实战项目】-基于SpringBoot+Dubbo构建的电商平台-微服务架构、商城、电商、微服务、高并发、kafka、Elasticsearch
protobuf 38,445 C++ 10,427 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
quay 1,036 Python 62 Build, Store, and Distribute your Applications and Containers
easyexcel 11,000 Java 2,865 快速、简单避免OOM的java处理Excel工具
quark-h5 623 JavaScript 162 基于vue2 + koa2的 H5制作工具。让不会写代码的人也能轻松快速上手制作H5页面。类似易企秀、百度H5等H5制作、建站工具
terraform 19,565 Go 5,249 Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst...


Repo star language fork intro
TBase 599 C 98 TBase is an enterprise-level distributed HTAP database. Through a single database cluster to provide users with highly consistent distributed database services and high-performance data warehouse serv...
ZombieLoad 720 C 118 Proof-of-concept for the ZombieLoad attack
zephyr 2,644 C 1,585 Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.
linux 82,773 C 28,977 Linux kernel source tree
DOOM 4,697 C 887 DOOM Open Source Release
esp-idf 4,084 C 2,426 Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for ESP32.
go-sqlite3 3,608 C 683 sqlite3 driver for go using database/sql
brotli 7,945 C 767 Brotli compression format
openwrt 4,828 C 2,938 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...
wolfssl 737 C 318 wolfSSL (formerly CyaSSL) is a small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud. wolfSSL supports up to TLS 1.3!
mbedtls 2,152 C 1,255 An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible SSL library
TDengine 10,444 C 2,768 An open-source big data platform designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT).
processhacker 2,695 C 526 A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware.
wasm-micro-runtime 1,136 C 79 WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
pygame 1,566 C 512 pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
jsmn 1,775 C 495 Jsmn is a world fastest JSON parser/tokenizer. This is the official repo replacing the old one at Bitbucket
SCShell 183 C 34 Fileless lateral movement tool that relies on ChangeServiceConfigA to run command
postgres 6,019 C 1,985 Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a mirror - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see
ZipArchive 4,299 C 1,019 ZipArchive is a simple utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS, macOS and tvOS.
sm64 2,223 C 256 A Super Mario 64 decompilation, brought to you by a bunch of clever folks.
varnish-cache 1,950 C 242 Varnish Cache source code repository
yugabyte-db 3,195 C 276 The high-performance distributed SQL database for global, internet-scale apps.
retro 1,851 C 255 Retro Games in Gym
darknet 15,379 C 9,592 Convolutional Neural Networks
TencentOS-tiny 3,405 C 791 腾讯物联网终端操作系统


Repo star language fork intro
protobuf 38,445 C++ 10,427 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
pika 3,150 C++ 618 Pika is a nosql compatible with redis, it is developed by Qihoo's DBA and infrastructure team
plato 508 C++ 78 腾讯高性能图计算框架Plato
flatbuffers 13,328 C++ 2,110 FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
googletest 13,644 C++ 5,423 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
Catch2 10,379 C++ 1,709 A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++11, C++14, C++17 and later (or C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
trojan 2,711 C++ 587 An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
spdlog 7,184 C++ 1,575 Fast C++ logging library.
mlir 1,507 C++ 219 "Multi-Level Intermediate Representation" Compiler Infrastructure
incubator-brpc 9,361 C++ 2,251 Industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services, called "baidu-rpc" inside Baidu.
pytorch 33,683 C++ 8,372 Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
xbmc 9,822 C++ 5,227 Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for ...
cereal 2,119 C++ 421 A C++11 library for serialization
ceph 6,950 C++ 3,469 Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
onnxruntime 1,374 C++ 319 ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for ML models
rapidjson 8,522 C++ 2,323 A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
yuzu-mainline 36 C++ 7
mkl-dnn 1,691 C++ 412 Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL)
ClickHouse 8,761 C++ 1,562 ClickHouse is a free analytics DBMS for big data
RdpThief 207 C++ 25 Extracting Clear Text Passwords from mstsc.exe using API Hooking.
ardupilot 4,494 C++ 8,490 ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover source
tensorrt-inference-server 845 C++ 169 The TensorRT Inference Server provides a cloud inferencing solution optimized for NVIDIA GPUs.
horovod 7,911 C++ 1,235 Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
CenterFace 385 C++ 104 face detection
opencv_contrib 4,809 C++ 3,867 Repository for OpenCV's extra modules


Repo star language fork intro
laravel-notify 180 CSS 12 Flexible Flash notifications for Laravel
Mojave-gtk-theme 473 CSS 118 Mojave is a macos Mojave like theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell
animate.css 63,160 CSS 13,419 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
jupyter-themes 6,481 CSS 718 Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
minimal-mistakes 5,847 CSS 9,765 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
nows 480 CSS 143 毒鸡汤
hugo-theme-learn 772 CSS 744 Porting Grav Learn theme to Hugo
uikit 15,120 CSS 2,144 A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
Layan-gtk-theme 77 CSS 10 Layan-gtk-theme
eks-workshop 283 CSS 374 AWS Workshop for Learning EKS
WeChat-Shelter 489 CSS 75 chrome插件,可把网页微信伪装成云笔记,让你神不知鬼不觉地上微信~(仅供娱乐!)
HELK 1,885 CSS 356 The Hunting ELK
document-library 1,816 CSS 269 jsliang 的文档库. 里面包含了个人撰写的所有前端文章,例如 Vue、React,、ECharts、微信小程序等……
source-code-pro 15,447 CSS 1,309 Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
hangzhou_house_knowledge 22,779 CSS 4,883 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I ...
SocialFish 1,307 CSS 482 Educational Phishing Tool & Information Collector
jekyll-now 6,335 CSS 25,998 Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
tailwindcss 16,732 CSS 732 A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
pace 14,680 CSS 1,911 Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
whatsapp-desktop-dark 224 CSS 27 Dark mode for WhatsApp desktop official version (Windows & macOS)
normalize.css 36,862 CSS 7,597 A modern alternative to CSS resets
Pathfinding-Visualizer 274 CSS 90 A visualization tool for various pathfinding algorithms.
nuxt-ssr-demo 617 CSS 156 ✨ 高仿掘金,整合 vue + nuxt + axios + vuex + vue-router (nuxt 自带 vuex 和 vue-router),一个基于 Nuxt 的服务器端渲染 Demo
simplefolio 428 CSS 140 A clean, beautiful and responsive portfolio template for Developers!
shadowrocket 154 CSS 34 Shadowrocket 小火箭在线安装, 共享Shadowrocket 小火箭账号,苹果手机ss、ssr V2ray 客户端,谢谢!


Repo star language fork intro 9,982 HTML 2,205 《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning
cypress-example-kitchensink 403 HTML 498 This is an example app used to showcase testing.
purecss-lace 410 HTML 26 HTML/CSS drawing inspired by Flemish baroque oil portraits. Hand-coded entirely in HTML & CSS.
glTF 3,508 HTML 638 glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
html 2,931 HTML 1,033 HTML Standard
boost 3,109 HTML 925 Super-project for modularized Boost
500LineorLess_CN 2,827 HTML 659 500 line or less 中文翻译计划。
free-for-dev 27,438 HTML 2,941 A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
Java-Interview-Advanced 853 HTML 384 中华石杉--互联网Java进阶面试训练营
responsive-html-email-template 8,292 HTML 2,536 A free simple responsive HTML email template
Coursera-ML-AndrewNg-Notes 13,613 HTML 5,279 吴恩达老师的机器学习课程个人笔记
aws-well-architected-labs 561 HTML 214 Hands on labs and code to help you learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices.
SVG-Loaders 4,177 HTML 805 Loading icons and small animations built with pure SVG.
COMP9021_19T3 64 HTML 58
fastclick 17,810 HTML 3,188 Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
turndown 4,274 HTML 584 🛏 An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
fastText 20,093 HTML 3,820 Library for fast text representation and classification.
nce-live 84 HTML 36
foundation-sites 28,362 HTML 5,776 The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
wysiwyg-editor 3,793 HTML 472 The next generation Javascript WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
sql-formatter 3,222 HTML 152 A lightweight php class for formatting sql statements. Handles automatic indentation and syntax highlighting.
docs 315 HTML 246 TiDB/TiKV/PD documents.
django-DefectDojo 1,022 HTML 447 DefectDojo is an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool.
mxgraph 4,390 HTML 1,172 mxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library 575 HTML 191 Tianocore website


Repo star language fork intro
Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book 1,130 Python 303 深度学习开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework.
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning 11,288 Python 1,863 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
seq2seq-couplet 3,234 Python 632 Play couplet with seq2seq model. 用深度学习对对联。
quay 1,036 Python 62 Build, Store, and Distribute your Applications and Containers
azure-cli 1,597 Python 1,039 Command-line tools for Azure.
Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB 3,728 Python 724 💎1MB lightweight face detection model (1MB轻量级人脸检测模型)
localstack 20,949 Python 1,485 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline!
c9-python-getting-started 5,084 Python 1,264 Sample code for Channel 9 Python for Beginners course
qiling 150 Python 16 Qiling Advanced Binary Emulation framework
TGBullshitGeneratorBot 86 Python 19 "狗屁不通文章生成器" ( 的 Telegram Bot 移植版
face_recognition 29,778 Python 8,183 The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Bullshit-WebUI 28 Python 10 自动狗屁不通文章生成器网页版
TensorFlow-Lite-Object-Detection-on-Android-and-Raspberry-Pi 55 Python 17 A tutorial showing how to train, convert, and run TensorFlow Lite object detection models on Android devices, the Raspberry Pi, and more!
WebHubBot 5,187 Python 1,409 Python + Scrapy + MongoDB . 5 million data per day !!!💥 The world's largest website.
DeepFaceLab 10,948 Python 2,509 DeepFaceLab is a tool that utilizes machine learning to replace faces in videos. Includes prebuilt ready to work standalone Windows 7,8,10 binary (look
poetry 6,921 Python 487 Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
Python-100-Days 1,824 Python 693 出处:
OpenNRE 1,945 Python 651 An Open-Source Package for Neural Relation Extraction (NRE)
models 59,374 Python 37,580 Models and examples built with TensorFlow
bert 19,611 Python 5,254 TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
boto3 4,980 Python 1,067 AWS SDK for Python
qrcode 6,599 Python 1,053 artistic QR Code in Python (Animated GIF qr code)- Python 艺术二维码生成器 (GIF动态二维码、图片二维码)
python 2,144 Python 1,306 Official Python client library for kubernetes
SlowFast 667 Python 84 PySlowFast: video understanding codebase from FAIR for reproducing state-of-the-art video models.
vmaf 1,352 Python 304 Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion.


Repo star language fork intro
angular 54,168 TypeScript 14,983 One framework. Mobile & desktop.
botpress 7,911 TypeScript 895 🤖 The open-source Conversational Platform with built-in language understanding (NLU), beautiful graphical interface and Dialog Manager (DM). Easily create chatbots and AI-based virtual assistants.
ng-select 1,893 TypeScript 471 ⭐️ Native angular 6+ select component
react-hook-form 4,428 TypeScript 162 📋 React hooks for forms validation without the hassle.
desktop 8,354 TypeScript 4,031 Simple collaboration from your desktop
can-it-be-done-in-react-native 884 TypeScript 171 ⚛️📺Projects from the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series
react-native-gifted-chat 8,309 TypeScript 2,451 💬 The most complete chat UI for React Native
material-components-web-components 1,366 TypeScript 218 Material Web Components - Material Design implemented as Web Components
graphql-zeus 602 TypeScript 14 GraphQL client and GraphQL code generator with library generation for browser,nodejs and react native ⚡⚡⚡
toolkit 871 TypeScript 253 The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions.
fiora 2,364 TypeScript 521 An interesting chat application power by, koa, mongodb and react
ng-bootstrap 7,206 TypeScript 1,265 Angular powered Bootstrap
react-intl 10,934 TypeScript 972 Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
moveable 3,146 TypeScript 97 Moveable! Draggable! Resizable! Scalable! Rotatable! Warpable! Pinchable! Groupable! Snappable!
electron-builder 8,067 TypeScript 930 A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
theia 6,269 TypeScript 783 Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
cache 457 TypeScript 44 Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions
vscode-gitlens 4,072 TypeScript 286 Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain v...
coc.nvim 7,186 TypeScript 262 Intellisense engine for vim8 & neovim, full language server protocol support as VSCode
deno 39,481 TypeScript 1,834 A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime
chapter 1,455 TypeScript 224 A self-hosted event management tool for nonprofits
polaris-react 2,909 TypeScript 507 Shopify’s product component library
react-navigation 16,863 TypeScript 3,461 Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
storybook 43,244 TypeScript 3,804 📓 UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more!
office-ui-fabric-react 6,165 TypeScript 1,290 React components for building Microsoft web experiences.


Repo star language fork intro
starter-workflows 1,161 417 Accelerating new GitHub Actions workflows
JavaFamily 230 28 【 互联网 Java 工程师大厂面试+学习指南】,进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务等领域知识,作者风格幽默,后端同学必看,前端同学也可学习。
statrethinking_winter2019 1,101 173 Statistical Rethinking course at MPI-EVA from Dec 2018 through Feb 2019
rfcs 1,726 154 RFCs for substantial changes / feature additions to Vue core
awsome-domain-adaptation 1,303 246 A collection of AWESOME things about domian adaptation
Beginner-Network-Pentesting 1,622 405 Notes for Beginner Network Pentesting Course
awesome-interview-questions 31,533 4,287 A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
awesome-actions 6,281 333 A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
app-ideas 7,689 806 A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
StabilityGuide 1,141 187 【稳定大于一切】打造国内稳定性领域知识库,让无法解决的问题少一点点,让世界的确定性多一点点。
You-Dont-Know-JS 111,416 22,305 A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
1 322 67 这里是直播平台永久回家页,有最新app下载地址。
sequelize-docs-Zh-CN 1,793 339 Sequelize 文档的中文版本 , 更新至 v5.21.1 版本.
General 108 88 The official registry of general Julia packages
Blog 14,441 2,430 冴羽写博客的地方,预计写四个系列:JavaScript深入系列、JavaScript专题系列、ES6系列、React系列。
reverse-interview 11,270 706 Questions to ask the company during your interview
git-flight-rules 32,698 2,366 Flight rules for git
TaiChi 2,397 173 A framework to use Xposed module with or without Root/Unlock bootloader, supportting Android 5.0 ~ 10.0
sysmon-config 1,973 646 Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing
weekly 9,511 677 科技爱好者周刊,每周五发布
javascript-questions 12,601 1,494 A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
kubernetes-production-best-practices 119 13 A checklist of Kubernetes best practices to help you release to production
cs-video-courses 13,939 1,838 List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
kubernetes-the-hard-way 18,493 4,106 Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
gov-takedowns 1,587 115 Text of government takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices.


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Mastering-OpenCV-4-Third-Edition 101 Assembly 26 Mastering OpenCV 4, Third Edition, published by Packt publishing
Apollo-11 44,847 Assembly 6,166 Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
Sprint-Challenge--Computer-Architecture 5 Assembly 660
go-metro 69 Assembly 7 Go translation of MetroHash


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Repo star language fork intro
UniExtract2 794 AutoIt 102 Universal Extractor 2 is an unofficial updated and extended version of the original UniExtract by Jared Breland. It brings several hundred changes including community-wanted ones such as a batch mode,...


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BurpSuite-collections 770 Batchfile 235 BurpSuite收集:包括不限于 Burp 文章、破解版、插件(非BApp Store)、汉化等相关教程,欢迎添砖加瓦
python-guide 19,528 Batchfile 5,153 Python best practices guidebook, written for humans.
java-interview 370 Batchfile 143 Вопросы и ответы к интервью Java разработчика


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IntruderPayloads 1,925 BitBake 752 A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz lists, malicious file uploads and web pentesting methodologies and checklists.
meta-openembedded 153 BitBake 307


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goodnews 2 Brainfuck 0


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Repo star language fork intro
TBase 599 C 98 TBase is an enterprise-level distributed HTAP database. Through a single database cluster to provide users with highly consistent distributed database services and high-performance data warehouse serv...
ZombieLoad 720 C 118 Proof-of-concept for the ZombieLoad attack
zephyr 2,644 C 1,585 Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.
linux 82,773 C 28,977 Linux kernel source tree
DOOM 4,697 C 887 DOOM Open Source Release
esp-idf 4,084 C 2,426 Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for ESP32.
go-sqlite3 3,608 C 683 sqlite3 driver for go using database/sql
brotli 7,945 C 767 Brotli compression format
openwrt 4,828 C 2,938 This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he...
wolfssl 737 C 318 wolfSSL (formerly CyaSSL) is a small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud. wolfSSL supports up to TLS 1.3!
mbedtls 2,152 C 1,255 An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible SSL library
TDengine 10,444 C 2,768 An open-source big data platform designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT).
processhacker 2,695 C 526 A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware.
wasm-micro-runtime 1,136 C 79 WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
pygame 1,566 C 512 pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
jsmn 1,775 C 495 Jsmn is a world fastest JSON parser/tokenizer. This is the official repo replacing the old one at Bitbucket
SCShell 183 C 34 Fileless lateral movement tool that relies on ChangeServiceConfigA to run command
postgres 6,019 C 1,985 Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a mirror - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see
ZipArchive 4,299 C 1,019 ZipArchive is a simple utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS, macOS and tvOS.
sm64 2,223 C 256 A Super Mario 64 decompilation, brought to you by a bunch of clever folks.
varnish-cache 1,950 C 242 Varnish Cache source code repository
yugabyte-db 3,195 C 276 The high-performance distributed SQL database for global, internet-scale apps.
retro 1,851 C 255 Retro Games in Gym
darknet 15,379 C 9,592 Convolutional Neural Networks
TencentOS-tiny 3,405 C 791 腾讯物联网终端操作系统


Repo star language fork intro
AspNetCore 14,599 C# 3,733 ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
eShopOnContainers 11,783 C# 4,853 Easy to get started sample reference microservice and container based application. Cross-platform on Linux and Windows Docker Containers, powered by .NET Core 2.2, Docker engine and optionally Azure, ...
Wexflow 1,597 C# 397 A high-performance, extensible, modular and cross-platform workflow engine. Built for automation and optimized for SaaS integration, Wexflow runs on Windows, Linux, macOS and the cloud.
Xamarin.Forms 3,903 C# 1,568 Xamarin.Forms Official Home
PKHeX 951 C# 266 Pokémon Save File Editor
Dapper 11,599 C# 2,987 Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net
EntityFrameworkCore 8,358 C# 2,158 EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
example-voting-app 1,642 C# 1,973 Example Docker Compose app
BotBuilder-Samples 2,156 C# 3,118 Welcome to the Bot Framework samples repository. Here you will find task-focused samples in C#, JavaScript and TypeScript to help you get started with the Bot Framework SDK!
Blog.Core 1,088 C# 352 ASP.NET Core 2.2/3.0 教程,前后端分离的后端接口,vue教程的姊妹篇
server 4,167 C# 354 The core infrastructure backend (API, database, Docker, etc).
ql 346 C# 123 The libraries and queries that power CodeQL and
grpc-dotnet 1,463 C# 180 gRPC for .NET
ScriptableRenderPipeline 2,324 C# 625 Scriptable Render Pipeline
OrchardCore 3,262 C# 1,143 Orchard Core is an open-source modular and multi-tenant application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that application framework.
xenko 2,059 C# 353 Xenko Game Engine
corefx 17,757 C# 5,483 CoreFX is the foundational class libraries for .NET Core. It includes types for collections, file systems, console, JSON, XML, async and many others.
CefSharp 6,423 C# 2,208 .NET (WPF and Windows Forms) bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework
winsw 3,280 C# 555 A wrapper executable that can be used to host any executable as an Windows service, in a liberal license
elasticsearch-net 2,539 C# 947 Elasticsearch.Net & NEST
Titanium-Web-Proxy 759 C# 267 A cross-platform asynchronous HTTP(S) proxy server in C#.
Essentials 1,017 C# 269 Essential cross platform APIs for your mobile apps.
EFCore.BulkExtensions 953 C# 155 Entity Framework Core Bulk Batch Extensions for Insert Update Delete and Read (CRUD) operations on SQL Server and SQLite
workflow-core 1,666 C# 402 Lightweight workflow engine for .NET Standard
confluent-kafka-dotnet 1,273 C# 396 Confluent's Apache Kafka .NET client


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protobuf 38,445 C++ 10,427 Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
pika 3,150 C++ 618 Pika is a nosql compatible with redis, it is developed by Qihoo's DBA and infrastructure team
plato 508 C++ 78 腾讯高性能图计算框架Plato
flatbuffers 13,328 C++ 2,110 FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
googletest 13,644 C++ 5,423 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
Catch2 10,379 C++ 1,709 A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++11, C++14, C++17 and later (or C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
trojan 2,711 C++ 587 An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
spdlog 7,184 C++ 1,575 Fast C++ logging library.
mlir 1,507 C++ 219 "Multi-Level Intermediate Representation" Compiler Infrastructure
incubator-brpc 9,361 C++ 2,251 Industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services, called "baidu-rpc" inside Baidu.
pytorch 33,683 C++ 8,372 Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
xbmc 9,822 C++ 5,227 Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for ...
cereal 2,119 C++ 421 A C++11 library for serialization
ceph 6,950 C++ 3,469 Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
onnxruntime 1,374 C++ 319 ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for ML models
rapidjson 8,522 C++ 2,323 A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
yuzu-mainline 36 C++ 7
mkl-dnn 1,691 C++ 412 Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL)
ClickHouse 8,761 C++ 1,562 ClickHouse is a free analytics DBMS for big data
RdpThief 207 C++ 25 Extracting Clear Text Passwords from mstsc.exe using API Hooking.
ardupilot 4,494 C++ 8,490 ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover source
tensorrt-inference-server 845 C++ 169 The TensorRT Inference Server provides a cloud inferencing solution optimized for NVIDIA GPUs.
horovod 7,911 C++ 1,235 Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
CenterFace 385 C++ 104 face detection
opencv_contrib 4,809 C++ 3,867 Repository for OpenCV's extra modules


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clojurescript 8,229 Clojure 732 Clojure to JS compiler
reagent 3,610 Clojure 303 A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
shadow-cljs 1,094 Clojure 66 ClojureScript compilation made easy
create-cljs-app 92 Clojure 2 Set up a modern CLJS web app by running one command.
leiningen 6,569 Clojure 1,518 Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire.


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kicad-footprints 317 CMake 520 Official KiCad Footprint Libraries for Kicad version 5
kicad-symbols 354 CMake 571 Official KiCad schematic symbol libraries for Kicad 5
cotire 1,133 CMake 129 CMake module to speed up builds.
mavlink 811 CMake 1,146 Marshalling / communication library for drones.


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cypress 15,904 CoffeeScript 897 Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
zxcvbn 10,699 CoffeeScript 706 Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
trix 14,199 CoffeeScript 692 A rich text editor for everyday writing


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invidious 1,834 Crystal 124 Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
kemal 2,723 Crystal 144 Fast, Effective, Simple Web Framework
crystal 14,080 Crystal 1,089 The Crystal Programming Language


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laravel-notify 180 CSS 12 Flexible Flash notifications for Laravel
Mojave-gtk-theme 473 CSS 118 Mojave is a macos Mojave like theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell
animate.css 63,160 CSS 13,419 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
jupyter-themes 6,481 CSS 718 Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
minimal-mistakes 5,847 CSS 9,765 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
nows 480 CSS 143 毒鸡汤
hugo-theme-learn 772 CSS 744 Porting Grav Learn theme to Hugo
uikit 15,120 CSS 2,144 A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
Layan-gtk-theme 77 CSS 10 Layan-gtk-theme
eks-workshop 283 CSS 374 AWS Workshop for Learning EKS
WeChat-Shelter 489 CSS 75 chrome插件,可把网页微信伪装成云笔记,让你神不知鬼不觉地上微信~(仅供娱乐!)
HELK 1,885 CSS 356 The Hunting ELK
document-library 1,816 CSS 269 jsliang 的文档库. 里面包含了个人撰写的所有前端文章,例如 Vue、React,、ECharts、微信小程序等……
source-code-pro 15,447 CSS 1,309 Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
hangzhou_house_knowledge 22,779 CSS 4,883 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I ...
SocialFish 1,307 CSS 482 Educational Phishing Tool & Information Collector
jekyll-now 6,335 CSS 25,998 Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
tailwindcss 16,733 CSS 732 A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
pace 14,680 CSS 1,911 Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
whatsapp-desktop-dark 224 CSS 27 Dark mode for WhatsApp desktop official version (Windows & macOS)
normalize.css 36,862 CSS 7,597 A modern alternative to CSS resets
Pathfinding-Visualizer 274 CSS 90 A visualization tool for various pathfinding algorithms.
nuxt-ssr-demo 617 CSS 156 ✨ 高仿掘金,整合 vue + nuxt + axios + vuex + vue-router (nuxt 自带 vuex 和 vue-router),一个基于 Nuxt 的服务器端渲染 Demo
simplefolio 428 CSS 140 A clean, beautiful and responsive portfolio template for Developers!
shadowrocket 154 CSS 34 Shadowrocket 小火箭在线安装, 共享Shadowrocket 小火箭账号,苹果手机ss、ssr V2ray 客户端,谢谢!


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cudf 2,191 Cuda 309 cuDF - GPU DataFrame Library
deep-high-resolution-net.pytorch 1,974 Cuda 416 The project is an official implementation of our CVPR2019 paper "Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation"


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protobuf-d 22 D 8 Protocol Buffers Compiler Plugin and Support Library for D
taggedalgebraic 19 D 8 A generic "tagged union" implementation with transparent operator forwarding.
openssl 38 D 36 D version of the C headers for openssl
mir-linux-kernel 8 D 3 Linux kernel headers
bitblob 1 D 0 A small value type to represent hashes
vibe-core 51 D 27 Repository for the next generation of vibe.d's core package.
memutils 33 D 12 Overhead allocators, allocator-aware containers and lifetime management for D objects
localrest 1 D 2 A library to allow integration testing of based code
eventcore 43 D 22 High performance proactor event loop abstraction library
diet-ng 27 D 19 Compile-time indentation based, XML structured template system
D-YAML 90 D 29 YAML parser and emitter for the D programming language
tinyendian 6 D 4 Lightweight endianness library for D
libsodiumd 1 D 1 Simple D bindings for libsodium


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flutter_blue 957 Dart 360 Bluetooth plugin for Flutter
flutter 79,297 Dart 10,066 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
Flutter-Notebook 4,686 Dart 721 日更的FlutterDemo合集,今天你fu了吗
slidy 245 Dart 32 CLI package manager and template for Flutter
plugins 8,761 Dart 3,726 Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
flutter_screenutil 1,232 Dart 131 Flutter screen adaptation, font adaptation, get screen information
flutter-tutorials 1,144 Dart 384 The repo contains the source code for all the tutorials on the FilledStacks Youtube channel.
flutter_wanandroid 3,434 Dart 742 🔥🔥🔥 基于Google Flutter的WanAndroid客户端,支持Android和iOS。包括BLoC、RxDart 、国际化、主题色、启动页、引导页,拥有较好的项目结构&比较规范的代码!
flutter_app 969 Dart 190 🔥🔥🔥本项目包括各种基本控件使用(Text、TextField、Icon、Image、Listview、Gridview、Picker、Stepper、Dialog、Slider、Row、Appbar、Sizebox、BottomSheet、Chip、Dismissible、FlutterLogo、Check、Switch、TabBar、BottomNavigationBar、Sliver等...
dio 6,075 Dart 577 A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, FormData, Request Cancellation, File Downloading, Timeout etc.
flutter-go 18,225 Dart 2,583 flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档
flutter_swiper 1,838 Dart 223 The best swiper for flutter , with multiple layouts, infinite loop. Compatible with Android & iOS.
fluwx 1,382 Dart 205 Flutter版微信SDK.WeChat SDK for flutter.
gsy_github_app_flutter 9,294 Dart 1,571 超完整的Flutter项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好更方便的驾车...
flutter_mall 561 Dart 133 Flutter_Mall是一款Flutter开源在线商城应用程序,是基于litemall基础上进行开发,litemall包含了Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端 + Vue用户移动端感兴趣的同学可以自行研究部署,Flutter_Mall基本上包含了litemall中小程序的功能。
flutter_sound 225 Dart 103 Flutter plugin for sound. Audio recorder and player.
fish-redux 5,579 Dart 592 An assembled flutter application framework.
sqflite 1,267 Dart 163 SQLite flutter plugin
FlutterTianYue 485 Dart 125 🔥🔥🔥 基于Flutter的超完整仿腾讯动漫,小说阅读,抖音视频项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用,拥有较好的项目结构&比较规范的代码!Flutter入门,看这个就够了~Flutter project which provide richer functionality, if you want to learn flutter, this project is a good choice
zefyr 899 Dart 173 Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications.
provider 1,511 Dart 101 A mixture between dependency injection (DI) and state management, built with widgets for widgets.
flutter-permission-handler 491 Dart 177 Permission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions.
flutter_web 4,508 Dart 327 Bring your Flutter code to web browsers
FlutterExampleApps 7,405 Dart 1,400 [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs.
flutter_translate 70 Dart 6 Flutter Translate is a fully featured localization / internationalization (i18n) library for Flutter.


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dhall-lang 2,117 Dhall 83 Maintainable configuration files


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tgstation 900 DM 2,448 the /tg/station branch of SS13
Paradise 202 DM 575 Paradise Station's GitHub main repository.


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docker-selenium 3,636 Dockerfile 1,250 Docker images for Selenium Grid Server (Standalone, Hub, and Nodes).
docker-nginx 1,648 Dockerfile 924 Official NGINX Dockerfiles
docker 409 Dockerfile 656
fluentd-docker-image 329 Dockerfile 239 Docker image for Fluentd
laradock 8,536 Dockerfile 2,906 The most popular full PHP development environment on Docker.
take-home-project-infra 0 Dockerfile 0 Take-home project for candidates going for our infrastructure engineering roles.
docker-php-nginx 255 Dockerfile 184 Docker image with Nginx 1.16 & PHP-FPM 7.3 on Alpine Linux
kubernetes-learning 518 Dockerfile 193 《从Docker到Kubernetes进阶课程》在线文档
Free-VPN-for-Coursera 1,644 Dockerfile 560 🔑 🔓免费开源的科学上网工具


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phoenix_live_view 2,418 Elixir 221 Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
phoenix 14,439 Elixir 1,839 Productive. Reliable. Fast.
statix 195 Elixir 49 Fast and reliable Elixir client for StatsD-compatible servers
elixir_common 7 Elixir 0
ecto 4,411 Elixir 1,038 A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query


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elm-spa-example 2,626 Elm 412 A Single Page Application written in Elm


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evil 1,250 Emacs Lisp 119 The extensible vi layer for Emacs.
spacemacs 18,818 Emacs Lisp 4,615 A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim!
swiper 1,366 Emacs Lisp 265 Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man!


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Packages 2,760 Erlang 467
swirl 39 Erlang 6 High-Performance Erlang Stream Processor
fast_disk_log 12 Erlang 2 Pool-based asynchronous Erlang disk logger
meck 652 Erlang 206 A mocking library for Erlang
jesse 81 Erlang 43 jesse (JSon Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a JSON Schema validator for Erlang.
mnesia_rocksdb 61 Erlang 11 A RocksDB backend plugin for mnesia, based on mnesia_eleveldb
rebar3_build_rpm 0 Erlang 0 Rebar 3 template for building an RPM of a release.
recon 1,022 Erlang 212 Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production.
ox-thrift 6 Erlang 2 Erlang Thrift encoder/decoder library optimized for efficiency
blockchain-core 5 Erlang 0
shackle 150 Erlang 30 High-Performance Erlang Network Client Framework
cowboy 5,736 Erlang 1,028 Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
ejabberd 4,301 Erlang 1,281 Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server)


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OpenBLAS 3,002 Fortran 826 OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.


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jubilee 107 GAP 10 jubilee source, documentation, configuration


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godot-demo-projects 921 GDScript 509 Demonstration and Template Projects


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OpenDiablo2 2,419 Go 172 An open source re-implementation of Diablo 2
validator 4,108 Go 367 💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving
terraform 19,565 Go 5,249 Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst...
kubeedge 1,848 Go 450 Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework (project under CNCF)
grpc-go 10,012 Go 2,025 The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
operator-lifecycle-manager 498 Go 212 A management framework for extending Kubernetes with Operators
kubernetes 60,070 Go 21,119 Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
moby 55,519 Go 16,002 Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
jwt-go 6,542 Go 623 Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
mattermost-server 16,754 Go 3,634 Open source Slack-alternative in Golang and React - Mattermost
redigo 6,691 Go 984 Go client for Redis
the-way-to-go_ZH_CN 19,038 Go 5,202 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
xlsx 3,671 Go 603 Google Go (golang) library for reading and writing XLSX files.
kind 3,675 Go 403 Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
tfsec 655 Go 25 🔒🌍 Static analysis powered security scanner for your terraform code
vault 14,407 Go 2,170 A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
cadence 3,060 Go 246 Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
gin 32,894 Go 3,812 Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
k3s 9,685 Go 671 Lightweight Kubernetes. 5 less than k8s.
mock 3,272 Go 299 GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language.
loki 7,726 Go 584 Like Prometheus, but for logs.
origin 6,958 Go 3,994 The self-managing, auto-upgrading, Kubernetes distribution for everyone
prometheus-operator 3,595 Go 1,670 Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes
testify 8,895 Go 792 A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library
etcd 28,197 Go 5,801 Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system


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nextflow 926 Groovy 218 A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
jenkins-library 295 Groovy 175 Jenkins shared library for Continuous Delivery pipelines.
artifactory-user-plugins 215 Groovy 270 Sample Artifactory User Plugins
gradle 9,845 Groovy 2,890 Adaptable, fast automation for all
clouddriver 219 Groovy 668 read and write operations across cloud providers
triggear_pipeline 1 Groovy 2
metastats-object-model 0 Groovy 0 Describes the properties of a QBiC MetaStats object model
pipeline-model-definition-plugin 429 Groovy 162
MarfeelCodingStandards 3 Groovy 0


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semantic 6,655 Haskell 267 Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
compiler 5,569 Haskell 452 Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
Idris-dev 3,039 Haskell 651 A Dependently Typed Functional Programming Language
shellcheck 17,084 Haskell 862 ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
purescript 6,101 Haskell 448 A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript
unison 2,663 Haskell 120 A friendly programming language from the future
ghcide 211 Haskell 26 A library for building Haskell IDE tooling
fregot 20 Haskell 0 Fugue Rego Toolkit
postgrest 13,490 Haskell 628 REST API for any Postgres database
ThreepennyElectron 14 Haskell 0 Demo for using Threepenny GUI together with Electron to create a portable Desktop GUI Application in Haskell
haskell-ide-engine 2,012 Haskell 202 The engine for haskell ide-integration. Not an IDE


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terraform-aws-vpc 870 HCL 854 Terraform module which creates VPC resources on AWS
terraform-best-practices 525 HCL 68 Terraform Best Practices for AWS users
terraform-google-project-factory 219 HCL 147 Opinionated Google Cloud Platform project creation and configuration with Shared VPC, IAM, APIs, etc.
kubespray 7,545 HCL 3,101 Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster
terraform-aws-gitlab-runner 175 HCL 85 Terraform module for AWS GitLab Runners on Spot Instances
terraform-google-sql-db 55 HCL 67 Modular Cloud SQL database instance for Terraform.
terraform-aws-eks 798 HCL 585 A Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS.
terraform-aws-alb 112 HCL 183 A Terraform module to create an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) and associated resources.
terraform-course 547 HCL 1,172 Course files for my Udemy course about Terraform
terraform-google-kubernetes-engine 187 HCL 157 A Terraform module for configuring GKE clusters.
package-terraform-utilities 28 HCL 3 A collection of useful Terraform utilities
hashicat-azure 1 HCL 265 Sample app for Terraform workshops
terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3-cdn 98 HCL 78 Terraform module to easily provision CloudFront CDN backed by an S3 origin
terraform-aws-rds 228 HCL 304 Terraform module which creates RDS resources on AWS


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esbe-2g 6 HLSL 0 A shader for Minecraft Bedrock


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cypress-example-kitchensink 403 HTML 498 This is an example app used to showcase testing.
purecss-lace 410 HTML 26 HTML/CSS drawing inspired by Flemish baroque oil portraits. Hand-coded entirely in HTML & CSS.
glTF 3,508 HTML 638 glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
html 2,931 HTML 1,033 HTML Standard
boost 3,109 HTML 925 Super-project for modularized Boost
500LineorLess_CN 2,827 HTML 659 500 line or less 中文翻译计划。
free-for-dev 27,438 HTML 2,942 A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
Java-Interview-Advanced 853 HTML 384 中华石杉--互联网Java进阶面试训练营
responsive-html-email-template 8,292 HTML 2,536 A free simple responsive HTML email template
Coursera-ML-AndrewNg-Notes 13,613 HTML 5,279 吴恩达老师的机器学习课程个人笔记
aws-well-architected-labs 561 HTML 214 Hands on labs and code to help you learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices.
SVG-Loaders 4,177 HTML 805 Loading icons and small animations built with pure SVG.
COMP9021_19T3 64 HTML 58
fastclick 17,810 HTML 3,188 Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
turndown 4,274 HTML 584 🛏 An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
fastText 20,093 HTML 3,820 Library for fast text representation and classification.
nce-live 84 HTML 36
foundation-sites 28,362 HTML 5,776 The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
wysiwyg-editor 3,793 HTML 472 The next generation Javascript WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
sql-formatter 3,222 HTML 152 A lightweight php class for formatting sql statements. Handles automatic indentation and syntax highlighting.
docs 315 HTML 246 TiDB/TiKV/PD documents.
django-DefectDojo 1,022 HTML 447 DefectDojo is an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool.
mxgraph 4,390 HTML 1,172 mxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library 575 HTML 191 Tianocore website


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JavaGuide 60,899 Java 20,549 【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
gpmall 2,579 Java 945 【咕泡学院实战项目】-基于SpringBoot+Dubbo构建的电商平台-微服务架构、商城、电商、微服务、高并发、kafka、Elasticsearch
easyexcel 11,001 Java 2,865 快速、简单避免OOM的java处理Excel工具
Sentinel 9,696 Java 2,886 A lightweight powerful flow control component enabling reliability and monitoring for microservices. (轻量级的流量控制、熔断降级 Java 库)
DataX 4,128 Java 1,602
nacos 9,228 Java 2,470 an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
ksql 2,677 Java 541 KSQL - the Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka
toBeTopJavaer 9,468 Java 2,174 To Be Top Javaer - Java工程师成神之路
redis-manager 1,008 Java 318 Redis 一站式管理平台,支持集群创建、管理、监控、报警
flink 11,040 Java 5,909 Apache Flink
flink-learning 2,747 Java 766 flink learning blog.
AndroidUtilCode 25,347 Java 8,356 🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating).
antlr4 6,703 Java 1,705 ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
eladmin 5,173 Java 1,833 项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Jpa、 Spring Security、redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由
jdk 881 Java 229 Read-only mirror of
skywalking 11,180 Java 3,251 APM, Application Performance Monitoring System
FEBS-Shiro 3,702 Java 1,486 Spring Boot 2.1.8,Shiro1.4.0 & Layui 2.5.5 权限管理系统。预览地址:
nifi 1,773 Java 1,512 Mirror of Apache NiFi
graal 10,917 Java 706 GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🚀
aeron 4,670 Java 533 Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport
arthas 17,770 Java 3,760 Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas
advanced-java 33,874 Java 9,154 😮 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务等领域知识,后端同学必看,前端同学也可学习
Discovery 1,970 Java 597 🐳 Nepxion Discovery is an enhancement for Spring Cloud Discovery with gray release, router, weight, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, monitor, tracing 灰度发布、路由、权重、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、监控、追踪
grpc-java 6,832 Java 2,223 The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC
spring-boot 43,358 Java 27,678 Spring Boot


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quark-h5 623 JavaScript 162 基于vue2 + koa2的 H5制作工具。让不会写代码的人也能轻松快速上手制作H5页面。类似易企秀、百度H5等H5制作、建站工具
BullshitGenerator 8,659 JavaScript 1,462 Needs to generate some texts to test if my GUI rendering codes good or not. so I made this.
brave-browser 4,422 JavaScript 443 Next generation Brave browser for macOS, Windows, Linux, and eventually Android
30-seconds-of-code 51,593 JavaScript 5,851 A curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
parcel 33,754 JavaScript 1,595 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
react-table 7,529 JavaScript 1,013 ⚛️ Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React
nodebestpractices 35,900 JavaScript 3,059 ✅ The largest Node.js best practices list (November 2019)
faker.js 21,335 JavaScript 1,724 generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser
WheelChair 50 JavaScript 111 State of the art, cutting edge Neo man
code-surfer 3,858 JavaScript 117 Rad code slides <🏄/>
gatsby 40,053 JavaScript 6,649 Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
fe-interview 8,174 JavaScript 972 前端面试每日 3+1,以面试题来驱动学习,提倡每日学习与思考,每天进步一点!每天早上5点纯手工发布面试题(死磕自己,愉悦大家)
didact 1,838 JavaScript 102 A DIY guide to build your own React
next.js 42,450 JavaScript 5,654 The React Framework
react-native 82,644 JavaScript 18,493 A framework for building native apps with React.
cube.js 5,687 JavaScript 339 📊 Cube.js - Open Source Analytics Framework
Rocket.Chat 24,540 JavaScript 5,332 The ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications.
NoahV 322 JavaScript 76 An efficient front-end application framework based on vue.js
fabric.js 14,056 JavaScript 2,244 Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
curso-javascript-ninja 1,466 JavaScript 2,205 Curso Javascript Ninja
javascript-algorithms 56,229 JavaScript 8,906 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
mattermost-webapp 628 JavaScript 1,200 Webapp of Mattermost server:
How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way 8,607 JavaScript 2,438 本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
reach-ui 2,710 JavaScript 260 The Accessible Foundation for React Apps and Design Systems
quasar 12,681 JavaScript 1,306 Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time


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kubeflow 7,847 Jsonnet 1,216 Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes
kfserving 226 Jsonnet 75 Serverless Inferencing on Kubernetes


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julia 24,329 Julia 3,628 The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing.
Zygote.jl 546 Julia 66 Intimate Affection Auditor
Flux.jl 1,774 Julia 284 Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor
Distributions.jl 471 Julia 240 A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions.
CLIMA 88 Julia 25 Climate Machine
Gen 1,284 Julia 111 A general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference


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Python-100-Days 68,240 Jupyter Notebook 26,361 Python - 100天从新手到大师
TensorFlow-2.x-Tutorials 2,436 Jupyter Notebook 785 TensorFlow 2.x version's Tutorials and Examples, including CNN, RNN, GAN, Auto-Encoders, FasterRCNN, GPT, BERT examples, etc. TF 2.0版入门实例代码,实战教程。
deep_transfer_learning_nlp_dhs2019 40 Jupyter Notebook 25 Contains the code and deck for the presentation on Applying Deep Transfer Learning for NLP in Analytics Vidhya's DataHack Summit 2019 5,733 Jupyter Notebook 833 is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets.
shap 7,058 Jupyter Notebook 974 A unified approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
pytorch-handbook 8,984 Jupyter Notebook 2,629 pytorch handbook是一本开源的书籍,目标是帮助那些希望和使用PyTorch进行深度学习开发和研究的朋友快速入门,其中包含的Pytorch教程全部通过测试保证可以成功运行
learnopencv 8,547 Jupyter Notebook 5,580 Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples
nlp_course 5,038 Jupyter Notebook 1,371 YSDA course in Natural Language Processing
models 1,630 Jupyter Notebook 350 A collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models in the ONNX format
PythonRobotics 7,290 Jupyter Notebook 2,228 Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
ComputerVision 164 Jupyter Notebook 33 Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision.
Text_Detector 107 Jupyter Notebook 38 Text detection model that combines Retinanet with textboxes++ for OCR
pilot 179 Jupyter Notebook 281 进入编程世界的第一课
dopamine 8,497 Jupyter Notebook 1,109 Dopamine is a research framework for fast prototyping of reinforcement learning algorithms.
jetbot 1,267 Jupyter Notebook 385 An educational AI robot based on NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
Grokking-Deep-Learning 3,759 Jupyter Notebook 819 this repository accompanies the book "Grokking Deep Learning"
essentia 1,298 Jupyter Notebook 331 C++ library for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis, including Python bindings
scikit-learn-videos 2,627 Jupyter Notebook 1,850 Jupyter notebooks from the scikit-learn video series
bayesian-machine-learning 590 Jupyter Notebook 167 Notebooks related to Bayesian methods for machine learning
pandas-cookbook 4,150 Jupyter Notebook 1,702 Recipes for using Python's pandas library
mit-deep-learning 5,940 Jupyter Notebook 1,329 Tutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses.
digital_video_introduction 6,751 Jupyter Notebook 541 A hands-on introduction to video technology: image, video, codec (av1, vp9, h265) and more (ffmpeg encoding).
super-resolution 431 Jupyter Notebook 91 Tensorflow 2.0 based implementation of EDSR, WDSR and SRGAN for single image super-resolution
pytorch-unet 192 Jupyter Notebook 60 Simple PyTorch implementations of U-Net/FullyConvNet (FCN) for image segmentation
tensorflow-handbook 1,601 Jupyter Notebook 357 简单粗暴 TensorFlow 2.0


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architecture-samples 34,793 Kotlin 9,699 A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
compose-samples 526 Kotlin 65
camera-samples 851 Kotlin 393 Multiple samples showing the best practices in camera APIs on Android.
tivi 2,478 Kotlin 320 Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy deve...
plaid 14,606 Kotlin 2,960 An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
v2rayNG 2,127 Kotlin 482
kotlin-native 6,263 Kotlin 518 Kotlin/Native infrastructure
kotlin-dsl-samples 2,787 Kotlin 329 Samples builds using the Gradle Kotlin DSL
kotlin 29,693 Kotlin 3,524 The Kotlin Programming Language
SdkSearch 1,726 Kotlin 151 An Android app and Chrome extension for searching the Android SDK documentation.
kotlinx.serialization 1,593 Kotlin 130 Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
kotlinx.coroutines 6,262 Kotlin 819 Library support for Kotlin coroutines
ktor 5,893 Kotlin 441 Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
Scarlet 1,835 Kotlin 107 A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android
RxKotlin 6,005 Kotlin 402 RxJava bindings for Kotlin
Android-Iconics 4,433 Kotlin 553 Android-Iconics - Use any icon font, or vector (.svg) as drawable in your application.
Android-CleanArchitecture-Kotlin 2,098 Kotlin 411 This is a movies sample app in Kotlin, which is part of a serie of blog posts I have written about architecting android application using different approaches.
okio 6,662 Kotlin 959 A modern I/O library for Android, Kotlin, and Java.
fenix 2,607 Kotlin 326 Firefox Preview
andfun-kotlin-android-trivia 59 Kotlin 102
gradle-play-publisher 2,881 Kotlin 240 GPP is Android's unofficial release automation Gradle Plugin. It can do anything from building, uploading, and then promoting your App Bundle or APK to publishing app listings and other metadata.
home-assistant-android 123 Kotlin 17 📱 Home Assistant Companion for Android
diffuse 669 Kotlin 35 Diffuse is a tool for diffing APKs, AABs, AARs, and JARs
TimetableLayout 623 Kotlin 29 TimetableLayout is a RecyclerView.LayoutManager to display the timetable for Android.
ArtifactFinder 88 Kotlin 0 An Android Studio Plugin to find Maven Artifacts by class name


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llvm 4,198 LLVM 1,949 Mirror of official llvm git repository located at Updated every five minutes.


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OTServBR-Global 130 Lua 119 OTServBR-Global 12x for OpenTibia community.
Codes-for-Lane-Detection 478 Lua 161 Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Attention Distillation (ICCV 2019)
kong 23,999 Lua 3,020 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
ntopng 2,957 Lua 366 Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
luarocks 1,653 Lua 290 LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language.
gta-resources 42 Lua 88 All the DiscworldZA GTA Resources
DenseNet 3,763 Lua 909 Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award).
nvim-lsp 167 Lua 10 Common configurations for Neovim Language Servers
Nixware-API 4 Lua 12
luci-app-v2ray 140 Lua 38 LuCI support for V2Ray


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frida 4,330 Makefile 479 Clone this repo to build Frida
api 185 Makefile 242 API definitions for the Istio project
aws 322 Makefile 106 GitHub Actions for interacting with AWS
nvidia-docker 9,616 Makefile 1,285 Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs 523 Makefile 223 A build tool for Erlang that just works.
mbed-client-randlib 2 Makefile 5 Pseudo random library from nanomesh.
redox 11,701 Makefile 772 Mirror of
proprietary_vendor_samsung 310 Makefile 1,030
badges 680 Makefile 124 📝 Markdown code for lots of small badges 🎀 📌 (, etc) 😎. Contributions are welcome! Please add yourse!


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swift-evolution 10,564 Markdown 1,700 This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.


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OpenFace 4,014 MATLAB 1,358 OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
MTCNN_face_detection_alignment 2,183 MATLAB 885 Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks


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Nim 8,340 Nim 922 Nim is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language with a design that focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).


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nixpkgs 4,385 Nix 4,221 Nix Packages collection


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gow 5,857 NSIS 310 Unix command line utilities installer for Windows.


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realm-cocoa 13,590 Objective-C 1,783 Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
firebase-ios-sdk 1,463 Objective-C 357 Firebase iOS SDK
SVGKit 3,640 Objective-C 761 Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)
CocoaLumberjack 11,642 Objective-C 2,011 A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
TZImagePickerController 6,781 Objective-C 1,527 一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+
react-native-viewpager 282 Objective-C 60 React Native wrapper for the Android ViewPager and iOS UIPageViewController.
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 877 Objective-C 1,562 Apache Cordova Plugin inappbrowser
IQKeyboardManager 13,684 Objective-C 2,127 Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
CocoaAsyncSocket 11,287 Objective-C 2,758 Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
react-native-template-typescript 565 Objective-C 74 👾 Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
facebook-ios-sdk 6,155 Objective-C 2,516 Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
react-native-maps 10,299 Objective-C 3,402 React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
FSCalendar 8,444 Objective-C 1,495 A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
FLEX 10,862 Objective-C 1,249 An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
Zebra 284 Objective-C 105 A Useful Package Manager for iOS
ios-branch-deep-linking-attribution 550 Objective-C 169 The Branch iOS SDK for deep linking and attribution. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content shari...
MobileIMSDK 2,536 Objective-C 715 一个专为移动端开发的开源原创即时通讯框架,超轻量级、高度提炼,完全基于UDP协议,支持iOS、Android、标准Java平台,服务端基于Mina和Netty编写。
appcenter-sdk-apple 228 Objective-C 112 Development repository for the App Center SDK for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
QMUI_iOS 5,108 Objective-C 918 QMUI iOS——致力于提高项目 UI 开发效率的解决方案
blink 3,113 Objective-C 345 Blink Mobile Shell for iOS (Mosh based)
IGListKit 10,683 Objective-C 1,205 A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
KLGenerateSpamCode 1,362 Objective-C 373 iOS 马甲应用工具
microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc 67 Objective-C 47 Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS and macOS
azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc 153 Objective-C 103 The ADAL SDK for Objective C gives you the ability to add support for Work Accounts to your iOS and macOS applications with just a few lines of additional code. This SDK gives your application the ful...
YBImageBrowser 1,594 Objective-C 273 iOS image browser / iOS 图片浏览器 (支持视频)


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Texture 5,996 Objective-C++ 879 Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.


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flow 20,206 OCaml 1,717 Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.
coq 2,422 OCaml 384 Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive developme...
comby 363 OCaml 7 A tool for changing code across many languages.
cmsc330fall19public 18 OCaml 51
unison 1,339 OCaml 105 Unison file synchronizer


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cheat-engine 3,438 Pascal 705 Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding


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owasp-modsecurity-crs 1,927 Perl 597 OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project (Official Repository)
FlameGraph 8,704 Perl 1,024 Stack trace visualizer
cloc 8,321 Perl 514 cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
cloc 145 Perl 10 An npm module for distributing cloc by Al Danial
Th3inspector 720 Perl 262 Th3Inspector 🕵️ Best Tool For Information Gathering 🔎
my-perl-libray 1 Perl 0


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magento2 8,066 PHP 7,045 All Submissions you make to Magento Inc. ("Magento") through GitHub are subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) You grant Magento a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no charge, royalty f...
PHPMailer 14,035 PHP 7,641 The classic email sending library for PHP
mediawiki 1,734 PHP 793 🌻 The collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia. This is a mirror from See for contributing.
predis 6,060 PHP 825 Flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP and HHVM
bagisto 1,667 PHP 490 A Free and Opensource laravel eCommerce framework built for all to build and scale your business.
Faker 22,446 PHP 2,579 Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
glpi 1,465 PHP 583 GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package,ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing.
hyperf 1,674 PHP 275 🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility, specifically used for build microservices or middlewares.
laravel-admin 7,541 PHP 2,003 Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes
Behat 3,173 PHP 532 BDD in PHP
migrations 2,848 PHP 310 Doctrine Database Migrations Library
PrestaShop 4,125 PHP 3,404 PrestaShop offers a fully scalable open source ecommerce solution.
Twig 6,470 PHP 1,069 Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
october 9,222 PHP 2,040 Free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
laravel 56,166 PHP 17,309 A PHP framework for web artisans
PHP_CodeSniffer 7,050 PHP 1,152 PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
BookStack 3,626 PHP 586 A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
prophecy 7,134 PHP 199 Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+
orm 7,002 PHP 2,152 Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM)
aimeos-laravel 2,118 PHP 580 Laravel e-commerce package for professional, ultra fast online shops, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
Goutte 7,591 PHP 914 Goutte, a simple PHP Web Scraper
laravel-welcome-notification 76 PHP 1 Send a welcome notification to new users
community-skeleton 190 PHP 57 Opensource UVDesk Community Helpdesk Project Skeleton built for all to make a full Ticket support system.
drush 2,032 PHP 991 Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
PHP-CS-Fixer 8,275 PHP 1,060 A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues


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CommonDataModel 365 PLpgSQL 223 Definition and DDLs for the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM)
blog 4,335 PLpgSQL 1,010 Everything about database,bussiness.(Most for PostgreSQL).


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PSBits 48 PowerShell 8 Simple (mainly PowerShell) solutions allowing you to dig a bit deeper than usual.
azure-quickstart-templates 6,067 PowerShell 8,750 Azure Quickstart Templates
BloodHound 3,543 PowerShell 662 Six Degrees of Domain Admin
machinelearning-samples 2,212 PowerShell 1,159 Samples for ML.NET, an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
sp-dev-docs 828 PowerShell 618 SharePoint Developer Documentation
azure-docs 3,256 PowerShell 8,543 Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure
azure-docs-powershell-azuread 46 PowerShell 144 Cmdlets reference help docs for Powershell Azure AD
atomic-red-team 2,604 PowerShell 857 Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
PowerShell 873 PowerShell 321 PowerShell functions and scripts (SCCM, SCSM, AD, Exchange, O365, ...)
PowerSploit 6,063 PowerShell 2,247 PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework
virtual-environments 60 PowerShell 11 GitHub Actions virtual environments
DRFiles 155 PowerShell 148 Sample files for the Deployment Research Blog
Blazor 8,575 PowerShell 674 Blazor is a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.
scoop-extras 612 PowerShell 451 "Extras" bucket for Scoop
ConfigMgr 345 PowerShell 193 System Center Configuration Manager scripts
PoshC2 250 PowerShell 74 Python Server for PoshC2
win32 48 PowerShell 134 Public mirror for win32-pr
Azure-Lighthouse-samples 45 PowerShell 39 Provide samples for understanding managed service solutions
snek 54 PowerShell 5 PowerShell wrapper around Python for .NET to invoke Python from PowerShell
customer-scripts 7 PowerShell 7 Repository of scripts provided frequently to our customers
EntityFramework.Docs 575 PowerShell 997 Documentation for Entity Framework Core and Entity Framework 6
LISAv2 13 PowerShell 26 Microsoft Linux Test Automation Framework on multi-platforms
RDS-Templates 83 PowerShell 127 ARM Templates for Remote Desktop Services deployments
cpp-docs 435 PowerShell 377 C++ Documentation 1,819 PowerShell 232 if you are Thanos(root), this command could delete half your files randomly


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Enigma-Simulator 214 Processing 70


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onnx 7,413 PureBasic 1,193 Open Neural Network Exchange


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Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book 1,131 Python 304 深度学习开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework.
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning 11,288 Python 1,863 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
seq2seq-couplet 3,235 Python 632 Play couplet with seq2seq model. 用深度学习对对联。
quay 1,036 Python 62 Build, Store, and Distribute your Applications and Containers
azure-cli 1,597 Python 1,039 Command-line tools for Azure.
Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB 3,728 Python 724 💎1MB lightweight face detection model (1MB轻量级人脸检测模型)
localstack 20,950 Python 1,485 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline!
c9-python-getting-started 5,084 Python 1,264 Sample code for Channel 9 Python for Beginners course
qiling 150 Python 16 Qiling Advanced Binary Emulation framework
TGBullshitGeneratorBot 86 Python 19 "狗屁不通文章生成器" ( 的 Telegram Bot 移植版
face_recognition 29,778 Python 8,183 The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Bullshit-WebUI 28 Python 10 自动狗屁不通文章生成器网页版
TensorFlow-Lite-Object-Detection-on-Android-and-Raspberry-Pi 55 Python 17 A tutorial showing how to train, convert, and run TensorFlow Lite object detection models on Android devices, the Raspberry Pi, and more!
WebHubBot 5,187 Python 1,409 Python + Scrapy + MongoDB . 5 million data per day !!!💥 The world's largest website.
DeepFaceLab 10,948 Python 2,509 DeepFaceLab is a tool that utilizes machine learning to replace faces in videos. Includes prebuilt ready to work standalone Windows 7,8,10 binary (look
poetry 6,921 Python 487 Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
Python-100-Days 1,825 Python 693 出处:
OpenNRE 1,946 Python 651 An Open-Source Package for Neural Relation Extraction (NRE)
models 59,374 Python 37,581 Models and examples built with TensorFlow
bert 19,611 Python 5,254 TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
boto3 4,980 Python 1,067 AWS SDK for Python
qrcode 6,599 Python 1,053 artistic QR Code in Python (Animated GIF qr code)- Python 艺术二维码生成器 (GIF动态二维码、图片二维码)
python 2,144 Python 1,306 Official Python client library for kubernetes
SlowFast 667 Python 84 PySlowFast: video understanding codebase from FAIR for reproducing state-of-the-art video models.
vmaf 1,352 Python 304 Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion.


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cool-retro-term 11,597 QML 506 A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...


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patchwork 1,163 R 91 The Composer of ggplots
seurat 609 R 352 R toolkit for single cell genomics
sparklyr 704 R 265 R interface for Apache Spark
rethinking 903 R 288 Statistical Rethinking course and book package
tidyr 815 R 335 Easily tidy data with spread and gather functions.
stat133-fall-2019 14 R 71 Course materials for Stat 133, Fall 2019, at UC Berkeley


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WPF-Samples 2,106 Rich Text Format 1,379 Repository for WPF related samples
Hackintosh-Installer-University 3,305 Rich Text Format 749 Open source tutorial & information collector for hackintosh installation. 💻➕🍎
clover 693 Rich Text Format 315 Share some hackintosh Clover files 分享一些黑苹果clover配置文件
macdown 7,989 Rich Text Format 979 Open source Markdown editor for macOS.


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freess 5,324 Roff 749 免费ss账号 免费shadowsocks账号 免费v2ray账号 (长期更新)


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shopify-app-cli 164 Ruby 28 Shopify App CLI helps you build Shopify apps faster.
spree 10,019 Ruby 4,363 Spree is a complete, modular & API-driven open source ecommerce solution for Ruby on Rails
rswag 547 Ruby 149 Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Rails-based API's
elasticsearch-ruby 1,667 Ruby 481 Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch
ansible-os-hardening 1,362 Ruby 279 This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
logstash 10,823 Ruby 2,874 Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
fastlane 27,381 Ruby 4,238 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
CocoaPods 12,086 Ruby 2,162 The Cocoa Dependency Manager. 1,732 Ruby 662 A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
elasticsearch-rails 2,593 Ruby 674 Elasticsearch integrations for ActiveModel/Record and Ruby on Rails
calico 1,412 Ruby 399 Cloud native connectivity and network policy
Learning-SICP 6,099 Ruby 1,022 MIT视频公开课《计算机程序的构造和解释》中文化项目及课程学习资料搜集。
sidekiq 9,954 Ruby 1,739 Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
active_model_serializers 4,907 Ruby 1,322 ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
capybara 8,959 Ruby 1,317 Acceptance test framework for web applications
carrierwave 8,397 Ruby 1,512 Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
sorbet 1,800 Ruby 122 A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby
omniauth-google-oauth2 1,143 Ruby 332 Oauth2 strategy for Google
cancancan 4,496 Ruby 430 The authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
graphql-ruby 4,000 Ruby 792 Ruby implementation of GraphQL
chartkick 5,354 Ruby 509 Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
active_merchant 4,095 Ruby 2,305 Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to ...
postal 9,320 Ruby 557 📨 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail
restforce 604 Ruby 283 A ruby client for the Salesforce REST api.
activeadmin 8,626 Ruby 3,062 The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.


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bastion 419 Rust 19 Highly-available Distributed Fault-tolerant Runtime
cranelift 2,279 Rust 199 Cranelift code generator
wasmtime 1,831 Rust 138 Standalone JIT-style runtime for WebAssembly, using Cranelift
LanguageClient-neovim 2,520 Rust 213 Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for vim and neovim.
indy-sdk 380 Rust 439 Everything needed to build applications that interact with an Indy distributed identity ledger. 1,298 Rust 308 Source code for
awesome-static-analysis 6,435 Rust 746 Static analysis tools for all programming languages
grin 4,482 Rust 888 Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
starship 4,469 Rust 169 ☄🌌️ The cross-shell prompt for astronauts.
996.ICU 247,795 Rust 21,195 Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
tonic 1,067 Rust 54 A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support.
vector 2,992 Rust 137 A High-Performance, Logs, Metrics, & Events Router
WASI 636 Rust 22 WebAssembly System Interface
rust-libp2p 964 Rust 181 The Rust Implementation of libp2p networking stack.
parity-ethereum 5,705 Rust 1,373 The fast, light, and robust EVM and WASM client.
ckb 606 Rust 107 The Nervos CKB is a public permissionless blockchain, and the layer 1 of Nervos network.
servo 15,150 Rust 2,278 The Servo Browser Engine
futures-rs 2,983 Rust 373 Zero-cost asynchronous programming in Rust
tui-rs 1,971 Rust 98 Build terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust
wasmer 4,914 Rust 174 🚀 The Universal WebAssembly Runtime
yew 9,275 Rust 348 Rust framework for building client web apps
rust-analyzer 1,709 Rust 182 An experimental Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
tokio 6,506 Rust 542 A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
libra 13,306 Rust 1,963 Libra’s mission is to enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people.
actix-web 5,722 Rust 411 Actix web is a small, pragmatic, and extremely fast rust web framework.


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rocket-chip 1,269 Scala 538 Rocket Chip Generator
cats 3,635 Scala 914 Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
zio 1,744 Scala 456 ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala
chisel3 1,069 Scala 229 Chisel 3: A Modern Hardware Design Language
incubator-livy 407 Scala 274 Mirror of Apache livy (Incubating)
kafka-manager 8,222 Scala 1,997 A tool for managing Apache Kafka.
spark 24,245 Scala 20,547 Apache Spark
deequ 536 Scala 81 Deequ is a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets.
doobie 1,555 Scala 254 Functional JDBC layer for Scala.
mmlspark 1,747 Scala 377 Microsoft Machine Learning for Apache Spark
akka 10,460 Scala 3,139 Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
playframework 11,411 Scala 3,813 Play Framework
circe 1,810 Scala 394 Yet another JSON library for Scala
delta 1,879 Scala 367 An open-source storage layer that brings scalable, ACID transactions to Apache Spark™ and big data workloads.
gatling 4,460 Scala 947 Async Scala-Akka-Netty based Load Test Tool
TransmogrifAI 1,722 Scala 308 TransmogrifAI (pronounced trăns-mŏgˈrə-fī) is an AutoML library for building modular, reusable, strongly typed machine learning workflows on Apache Spark with minimal hand-tuning
prisma 16,112 Scala 916 💾 Database Tools incl. ORM, Migrations and Admin UI (Postgres, MySQL & MongoDB)
fpinscala 4,573 Scala 2,556 Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala"
openwhisk 4,385 Scala 844 Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform
snowplow 4,991 Scala 1,044 Cloud-native web, mobile and event analytics, running on AWS and GCP
api-config-chipsalliance 1 Scala 2 A Scala library for Context-Dependent Evironments
riscv-torture 41 Scala 18 RISC-V Torture Test
berkeley-hardfloat 77 Scala 37
kettle-plugins 1 Scala 1 Plugins for Kettle data input not provided in the standard release
scodec-protobuf 2 Scala 0 Protobuf-compatible codecs using scodec


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ChezScheme 5,026 Scheme 804 Chez Scheme


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Addressables-Sample 241 ShaderLab 39 Demo project using Addressables package


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spectre-meltdown-checker 3,094 Shell 414 Spectre, Meltdown, Foreshadow, Fallout, RIDL, ZombieLoad vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux & BSD
useful-scripts 3,036 Shell 1,532 🐌 useful scripts for making developer's everyday life easier and happier, involved java, shell etc.
kubectx 5,669 Shell 378 Switch faster between clusters and namespaces in kubectl
ansible-examples 7,936 Shell 4,607 A few starter examples of ansible playbooks, to show features and how they work together. See for example roles from the Ansible community for deploying many popular applicat...
helm-secrets 765 Shell 116 A helm plugin that help manage secrets with Git workflow and store them anywhere
nvm 38,109 Shell 3,636 Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
spaceship-prompt 10,096 Shell 595 🚀⭐️ A Zsh prompt for Astronauts
nginx-certbot 742 Shell 270 Boilerplate configuration for nginx and certbot with docker-compose
kafka-docker 3,491 Shell 1,790 Dockerfile for Apache Kafka
powerlevel10k 2,493 Shell 126 A fast reimplementation of Powerlevel9k ZSH theme
git-secrets 6,695 Shell 525 Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories
jsproxy 6,864 Shell 1,928
vulhub 5,015 Shell 1,704 Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
docker-airflow 1,889 Shell 1,456 Docker Apache Airflow
asdf 6,140 Shell 278 Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
kube-ps1 1,357 Shell 109 Kubernetes prompt info for bash and zsh
awesome-bash 2,660 Shell 323 A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.
docker-elk 7,863 Shell 3,362 The ELK stack powered by Docker and Compose.
navi 4,691 Shell 214 An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
spec 1,409 Shell 168 CloudEvents Specification
consul-helm 206 Shell 163 Helm chart to install Consul and other associated components.
kafka-stack-docker-compose 762 Shell 339 docker compose files to create a fully working kafka stack
pyenv 17,198 Shell 1,484 Simple Python version management
distributions 5,764 Shell 1,128 NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions
swarmprom 1,134 Shell 379 Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager


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zodiac 7 Smalltalk 7 Zodiac is an open-source Smalltalk framework implementing TLS/SSL secure as well as regular socket streams.
Grease 9 Smalltalk 13 The Grease Portability Library


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SSPanel-Uim 3,189 Smarty 1,928 SSPanel V3 魔改再次修改版
helm-charts 72 Smarty 95 Kiwigrid Helm charts for Kubernetes
helm-charts 93 Smarty 78 A curated set of Helm charts brought to you by codecentric
helm-operator-get-started 240 Smarty 256 Managing Helm releases with Flux Helm Operator
cp-helm-charts 343 Smarty 305 The Confluent Platform Helm charts enable you to deploy Confluent Platform services on Kubernetes for development, test, and proof of concept environments.
charts 192 Smarty 285 The IBM/charts repository provides helm charts for IBM and Third Party middleware.
traefik-helm-chart 28 Smarty 17 This is the incubator for the Traefik v2 helm chart


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sql-server-samples 4,094 SQLPL 3,916 Official Microsoft GitHub Repository containing code samples for SQL Server


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Alamofire 32,355 Swift 5,846 Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
Quick 8,472 Swift 797 The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
OpenSwiftUI 501 Swift 5 WIP — OpenSwiftUI is an OpenSource implementation of Apple's SwiftUI DSL.
ReactiveCocoa 19,664 Swift 3,535 Reactive extensions to Cocoa frameworks, built on top of ReactiveSwift
SwifterSwift 7,841 Swift 977 A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
GitHawk 2,481 Swift 333 The best iOS app for GitHub.
NVActivityIndicatorView 8,806 Swift 963 A collection of awesome loading animations
PromiseKit 12,134 Swift 1,199 Promises for Swift & ObjC.
Swinject 3,642 Swift 288 Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
RxSwift 17,517 Swift 3,041 Reactive Programming in Swift
SQLite.swift 6,492 Swift 1,117 A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
ObjectMapper 8,280 Swift 919 Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
Nimble 3,507 Swift 403 A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
lottie-ios 18,495 Swift 2,604 An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
Eureka 10,328 Swift 1,181 Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
Rectangle 263 Swift 6 Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
KeychainAccess 5,148 Swift 518 Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
Nuke 4,236 Swift 259 Powerful image loading and caching system
SnapKit 15,778 Swift 1,544 A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
Pock 5,989 Swift 174 Display macOS Dock in Touch Bar
ios-mail 774 Swift 103
SwiftyJSON 19,083 Swift 3,072 The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
keychain-swift 1,516 Swift 188 Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
NotificationBanner 3,274 Swift 369 The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS
Brooklyn 3,252 Swift 160 🍎 Screensaver inspired by Apple's Event on October 30, 2018


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opentitan 395 SystemVerilog 79 OpenTitan: Open source silicon root of trust


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docs-cn 1,350 TeX 560 TiDB/TiKV/PD documents in Chinese.
EfficientDNNs 333 TeX 50 Collection of recent methods on DNN compression and acceleration
Awesome-CV 9,362 TeX 2,342 📄 Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application
leetcode 8,092 TeX 2,959 LeetCode题解,151道题完整版
ucasthesis 1,212 TeX 445 [最新样式] 中国科学院大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
ThinkDataStructures 242 TeX 544 LaTeX source and supporting code for Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java
deeplearningbook-chinese 27,060 TeX 7,910 Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
vimtex 2,218 TeX 210 A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files.
AA203-Notes 30 TeX 7 Course notes for AA203
conv_arithmetic 7,698 TeX 1,515 A technical report on convolution arithmetic in the context of deep learning


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jaeger-idl 25 Thrift 24 A set of shared data model definitions used by Jaeger components.


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examples 368 TSQL 239 Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform examples and demos
sqlserver-kit 737 TSQL 251 Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
APIJSON 7,157 TSQL 911 🏆Gitee Most Valuable Project🚀A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library for automatically providing APIs and Docs
jOOQ 3,480 TSQL 847 jOOQ is the best way to write SQL in Java
metasploitable3 2,389 TSQL 607 Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.
CBoard 2,213 TSQL 962 An easy to use, self-service open BI reporting and BI dashboard platform.


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angular 54,168 TypeScript 14,983 One framework. Mobile & desktop.
botpress 7,911 TypeScript 895 🤖 The open-source Conversational Platform with built-in language understanding (NLU), beautiful graphical interface and Dialog Manager (DM). Easily create chatbots and AI-based virtual assistants.
ng-select 1,893 TypeScript 471 ⭐️ Native angular 6+ select component
react-hook-form 4,429 TypeScript 163 📋 React hooks for forms validation without the hassle.
desktop 8,354 TypeScript 4,031 Simple collaboration from your desktop
can-it-be-done-in-react-native 885 TypeScript 171 ⚛️📺Projects from the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series
react-native-gifted-chat 8,309 TypeScript 2,451 💬 The most complete chat UI for React Native
material-components-web-components 1,366 TypeScript 218 Material Web Components - Material Design implemented as Web Components
graphql-zeus 602 TypeScript 14 GraphQL client and GraphQL code generator with library generation for browser,nodejs and react native ⚡⚡⚡
toolkit 871 TypeScript 253 The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions.
fiora 2,366 TypeScript 521 An interesting chat application power by, koa, mongodb and react
ng-bootstrap 7,206 TypeScript 1,265 Angular powered Bootstrap
react-intl 10,934 TypeScript 972 Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
moveable 3,146 TypeScript 97 Moveable! Draggable! Resizable! Scalable! Rotatable! Warpable! Pinchable! Groupable! Snappable!
electron-builder 8,067 TypeScript 930 A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
theia 6,269 TypeScript 783 Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
cache 457 TypeScript 44 Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions
vscode-gitlens 4,072 TypeScript 286 Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain v...
coc.nvim 7,186 TypeScript 262 Intellisense engine for vim8 & neovim, full language server protocol support as VSCode
deno 39,481 TypeScript 1,834 A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime
chapter 1,455 TypeScript 224 A self-hosted event management tool for nonprofits
polaris-react 2,909 TypeScript 507 Shopify’s product component library
react-navigation 16,863 TypeScript 3,461 Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
storybook 43,244 TypeScript 3,804 📓 UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more!
office-ui-fabric-react 6,165 TypeScript 1,290 React components for building Microsoft web experiences.


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wujian100_open 864 Verilog 279 IC design and development should be faster,simpler and more reliable
hdl 434 Verilog 742 HDL libraries and projects


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vimrc 19,699 Vim script 5,529 The ultimate Vim configuration: vimrc
vim-plug 16,640 Vim script 822 🌺 Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
fzf.vim 4,105 Vim script 290 fzf ❤️ vim
vim-fugitive 11,715 Vim script 713 fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
vim-lsp 1,217 Vim script 119 async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim
supertab 2,704 Vim script 201 Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab
vim-multiple-cursors 7,081 Vim script 239 True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
vim-go 11,258 Vim script 1,139 Go development plugin for Vim
ale 8,602 Vim script 940 Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
neovim 33,984 Vim script 2,505 Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
goyo.vim 2,754 Vim script 77 🌷 Distraction-free writing in Vim
gruvbox 6,355 Vim script 615 Retro groove color scheme for Vim
vim-devicons 2,893 Vim script 172 Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
typescript-vim 1,368 Vim script 118 Typescript syntax files for Vim


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hazedumper 461 Visual Basic 268 up to date csgo offsets and hazedumper config
Mighty-Remote-Control-Client 1 Visual Basic 0


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ddBuy 195 Vue 44 🎉Vue2.x 全家桶+Vant 搭建大型单页面电商项目.
vue-virtual-scroller 3,321 Vue 271 ⚡️ Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data
vue-element-admin 44,967 Vue 15,248 🎉 A magical vue admin
ViewUI 771 Vue 104 A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0
vue2-manage 8,111 Vue 2,924 基于 vue + element-ui 的后台管理系统
baidupcs-web 4,228 Vue 750
vue-cropper 1,910 Vue 402 A simple picture clipping plugin for vue
iview-admin 13,713 Vue 4,195 Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
mall-admin-web 4,086 Vue 2,508 mall-admin-web是一个电商后台管理系统的前端项目,基于Vue+Element实现。 主要包括商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等功能。
vue-material 8,359 Vue 1,028 Material design for Vue.js
vue-cli3.0-vueadmin 610 Vue 179 基于vue-cli3.0+vue+elementUI+vuex+axios+权限管理的后台管理系统
element 42,251 Vue 9,291 A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
FEBS-Vue 1,874 Vue 732 SpringBoot,Shiro,JWT,Vue & Ant Design 前后端分离权限管理系统(精力有限,停止维护)
DataV 677 Vue 144 Vue数据可视化组件库(类似阿里DataV,大屏数据展示),提供SVG的边框及装饰、图表、水位图、飞线图等组件,简单易用,长期更新(React版已发布)
coco-annotator 495 Vue 119 ✏️ Web-based image segmentation tool for object detection, localization and keypoints
eladmin-web 944 Vue 650 eladmin前端源码,项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Spring Boot Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离后台管理系统, 权限控制采用 RBAC,菜单动态路由
vue-upload-component 1,786 Vue 462 Vue.js file upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory, Upload multiple files at the same time, html4 (IE 9), PUT method, Customize the filter
mavonEditor 3,223 Vue 527 mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
vue2-elm 30,754 Vue 10,239 基于 vue2 + vuex 构建一个具有 45 个页面的大型单页面应用
logoly 4,008 Vue 398 A Pornhub Flavour Logo Generator
ant-design-vue 8,615 Vue 1,145 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
v-calendar 1,584 Vue 160 A lightweight, dependency-free plugin for building attributed calendars in Vue.js
vue-grid-layout 3,064 Vue 559 A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
wiki 5,754 Vue 762 Wiki.js
vue-music-player 53 Vue 12 基于vue全家桶实现移动端音乐webApp


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assemblyscript 7,312 WebAssembly 300 Definitely not a TypeScript to WebAssembly compiler 🚀
binaryen 3,602 WebAssembly 368 Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly
spec 1,856 WebAssembly 230 WebAssembly specification, reference interpreter, and test suite.


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Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro
GildedRose-Refactoring-Kata 970 XSLT 1,532 Starting code for the GildedRose Refactoring Kata in many programming languages.


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro
APT_CyberCriminal_Campagin_Collections 1,467 YARA 420 APT & CyberCriminal Campaign Collection


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro


Repo star language fork intro