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285 lines (204 loc) · 9.15 KB

File metadata and controls

285 lines (204 loc) · 9.15 KB



  1. Install tools:
   apt-get install gawk wget diffstat texinfo chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev \
                    python3-cryptography repo checkpolicy \
                    bzr pigz m4 lftp openjdk-8-jdk git-core \
                    gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev \
                    gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev \
                    x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev \
                    libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip gcc-5 g++-5 ostree \

   pip3 install configparser pygithub  gitpython
  1. Checked with Python3 v 3.8.5, but other should also work


prod-aos product is based on Renesas BSP, AGL, Xen hypervisor and AOS.

There are three domains which are running on top of Xen:

  1. Generic machine independent control domain named "Domain-0". This initramfs based domain is responsible for managing VMs only (create/destroy/reboot guest domains). There is no HW assigned to this domain.
  2. Machine dependent driver domain named "DomD". This domain is based on agl-image-minimal and contains AOS VIS, AOS update manager(UM), AOS access and identity manager(IAM) and AOS telemetry emulator.
  3. AOS domain named "DomF". This domain is based on core-image-minimal and contains AOS update manager(UM), AOS Service Manager, drives AOS services etc.


Our build system uses set of additional meta layers and tools.

  1. Please, clone the following build scripts, master branch:

    git clone
    cd build-scripts
  2. In the build-scripts directory you will find a sample configuration file xt-build-server.cfg:

    cp xt-build-server.cfg xt-prod-aos.cfg
  3. Edit it to fit your environment:

    • workspace_base_dir: change it to point to the place where the build will happen
    • workspace_storage_base_dir: change it to where downloads and other files will be put
    • XT_GUESTS_INSTALL = "domf"
    • XT_GUESTS_BUILD = "domf"
    • BBMASK = "../meta-aos/recipes-aos": add this line if not exist
    • set OTA updates variables in case generating the update bundle is required (see

    For example:

    workspace_base_dir = /home/workspace_base
    workspace_storage_base_dir = /home/workspace_storage_base
    # correct path to the eva archives set
    # XT_RCAR_EVAPROPRIETARY_DIR = "/path/to/eva/archives"
    # guests domains which to be built and installed
    XT_GUESTS_INSTALL = "domf"
    XT_GUESTS_BUILD = "domf"
  4. Run the build script for current stable release:

    python ./ --build-type dailybuild --machine MACHINE_NAME --product aos \
       --with-local-conf --config xt-prod-aos.cfg

    The supported MACHINE_NAMEs are:

    • h3ulcb Starter Kit with H3 ES2 4GB
    • h3ulcb-cb Starter Kit with H3 ES2 4GB inside Cetibox
  5. After that you will have all the build environment setup at workspace_base_dir directory.

  6. Now, to build the images you can run the same command as in 4) but with additional argument --continue-build:

    python ./ --build-type dailybuild --machine MACHINE_NAME --product aos \
       --with-local-conf --config xt-prod-aos.cfg --continue-build
  7. You are done. The artifacts of the build are located at workspace_base directory:

    ├── dom0-image-thin-initramfs
    │   └── images
    │       └── generic-armv8-xt
    ├── domd-agl-image-minimal
    │   └── images
    │       └── MACHINE_NAME-xt
    └── domu-image-fusion
         └── images
            └── generic-armv8-xt

Images are located at:

Domain-0: workspace_base/build/build/deploy/dom0-image-thin-initramfs/images/generic-armv8-xt. Here we get a part of boot images:

  • uInitramfs - thin-initramfs for Domain-0
  • Image - Kernel image for Domain-0

DomD: workspace_base/build/build/deploy/domd-agl-image-minimal/images/MACHINE-NAME-xt.

Here we get a part of boot images, all bootloader images and rootfs image for DomD:

  • xen-uImage - Xen main image
  • xenpolicy - special image for Xen usage
  • dom0.dtb - device-tree image for Domain-0
  • bootloader images in both binary and srec formats
  • agl-image-minimal-MACHINE_NAME-xt.tar.bz2 - rootfs image for DomD

DomF: workspace_base/build/build/deploy/domu-image-fusion/images/generic-armv8-xt.

Here we get a rootfs image for DomF:

  • Image -> vmlinux - Kernel image for DomF
  • core-image-minimal-generic-armv8-xt.tar.bz2 - rootfs image for DomF

Build logs are located at:

  • Domain-0: workspace_base/build/build/log/dom0-image-thin-initramfs/cooker/generic-armv8-xt
  • DomD: workspace_base/build/tmp/log/domd-agl-image-minimal/cooker/MACHINE-NAME-xt
  • DomF: workspace_base/build/build/log/domu-image-fusion/cooker/generic-armv8-xt

If one wants to build any domain's images by hand, at the time of development for instance, it is possible by going into desired directory and using poky to build:

For building Domain-0:

cd workspace_base/build/build/tmp/work/x86_64-xt-linux/dom0-image-thin-initramfs/1.0-r0/repo/

For building DomD:

cd workspace_base/build/build/tmp/work/x86_64-xt-linux/domd-agl-image-minimal/1.0-r0/repo/

For building DomF:

cd workspace_base/build/build/tmp/work/x86_64-xt-linux/domu-image-fusion/1.0-r0/repo/


source poky/oe-init-build-env

For building Domain-0:

bitbake core-image-thin-initramfs

For building DomD:

bitbake agl-image-minimal

For building DomF:

bitbake core-image-minimal


Different helpers scripts and docs are located at: build-workspace/build/meta-xt-prod-aos/doc

Let's consider available boot options in details.

Using a storage device. In order to boot system using a storage device, required storage device should be prepared and flashed beforehand. The script is intended to help with that:

sudo ./ -p /IMAGE_FOLDER -d /IMAGE_FILE -c aos

Where, IMAGE_FOLDER is a path to a folder where artifacts live (in the context of this document it is a deploy directory) and IMAGE_FILE is an output image file or physical device how it is appears in the filesystem (/dev/sdx). As far as script intended to support different products, we need to specify -c aos for this product.

In case of SDx card booting we just have to insert SD card to a Host machine and run a script, the latter will do all required actions automatically. All what we need to care about is to write proper environment variables from U-Boot command line (boot_dev/bootcmd) according to the chosen SDx. See u-boot-env.txt for details.

In case of eMMC booting, we have to have an access to it in order to flash images. It is going to be not quite easy as for removable SD card, but the one of the possible ways is to prepare the image blob using the same script, copy resulting blob to NFS root directory, set system to boot via NFS, go to a DomD on target (where eMMC device is available) and using "dd" command just copy blob to eMMC.

For example, prepare an image blob:

sudo ./ -p /IMAGE_FOLDER -d /home/emmc.img -c aos

and then run on target:

dd if=/home/emmc.img of=/dev/mmcblk0

After getting eMMC flashed we have to choose it to be an boot device in a similar way as it is done for SD card. See u-boot-env.txt for details.

So, as you can see, varying U-Boot's boot_dev and bootcmd environment variables and domain config's extra and disk options it is possible to choose different boot device for each system component.

When you create image (or flash product to SD-card) using it will have partitions Dom0, DomD, DomF.

You can inspect partitions inside image using losetup and lsblk. See example below for Ubuntu 18, assuming that the image was named 'prod-aos.img'. Pay attention that text after ## is a comment to console output. Sizes of partitions may vary.

 sudo losetup --find --partscan --show ./prod-aos.img

$ lsblk /dev/loop23
loop23       7:23   0    7G  0 loop
├─loop23p1 259:0    0  256M  0 loop                 ## Dom0, also is used by U-Boot to load xen
├─loop23p2 259:1    0  3.9G  0 loop                 ## DomD
└─loop23p3 259:2    0  3.9G  0 loop                 ## DomF

$ sudo losetup -d /dev/loop23

Additional script available in the product:

This script is intended to pack/unpack uInitramfs for Domain-0. It might be helpful since uInitramfs contains a lot of things which may changed during testing. The "xt" directory ships all guest domain configs, device-tree and Kernel images, etc.

For example, unpack uInitramfs:

cd /srv
sudo mkdir initramfs
sudo ./ unpack uInitramfs initramfs

Modify it's components if needed. For example, domain config files located at: /srv/initramfs/xt/dom.cfg/

pack it back:

sudo ./ pack uInitramfs initramfs